Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <trg/grl/modules/trggrl/TRGGRLProjectsModule.h>
10#include <trg/ecl/dataobjects/TRGECLCluster.h>
11#include <trg/ecl/dataobjects/TRGECLTrg.h>
12#include <trg/cdc/dataobjects/CDCTriggerTrack.h>
13#include <trg/grl/dataobjects/TRGGRLMATCH.h>
14#include <trg/grl/dataobjects/TRGGRLMATCHKLM.h>
15#include <trg/klm/dataobjects/KLMTrgSummary.h>
16#include <trg/grl/dataobjects/TRGGRLPHOTON.h>
17#include <framework/dataobjects/BinnedEventT0.h>
18#include <trg/ecl/TrgEclMapping.h>
19#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
20#include <ecl/geometry/ECLGeometryPar.h>
21#include <analysis/utility/PCmsLabTransform.h>
22#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
23#include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
24#include <mdst/dbobjects/TRGGDLDBInputBits.h>
26#include <TMath.h>
28#include <iostream>
29#include <fstream>
32using namespace std;
33using namespace Belle2;
34using namespace ECL;
37//..ECL look up tables
38std::vector<int> TCThetaID;
39std::vector<float> TCPhiLab;
40std::vector<float> TCcotThetaLab;
41std::vector<float> TCPhiCOM;
42std::vector<float> TCThetaCOM;
43std::vector<float> TC1GeV;
47double radtodeg;
48//int iEvent(0);
49//int nInAcc=0;
51//..Trigger counters
52//const int ntrig = 18;
53//int trigbit[ntrig];
54//int prescale[ntrig];
55//int RawCount[ntrig];
56//bool passBeforePrescale[ntrig];
57//int pass2[ntrig][ntrig]={};
58//int pass2Acc[ntrig][ntrig]={};
59//std::vector<string> trigName;
61//int nUseful;
62//std::vector<int> itUseful;
65// Register the Module
70// Implementation
75 // Set module properties
77 // string desc = "TRGGRLProjectsModule(" + version() + ")";
78 setDescription("TRGGRLProjectsModule");
81 addParam("DebugLevel", _debugLevel, "TRGGRL debug level", _debugLevel);
82 addParam("ConfigFile",
84 "The filename of CDC trigger config file",
86 addParam("SimulationMode",
88 "TRGGRL simulation switch",
89 1);
90 addParam("FastSimulationMode",
92 "TRGGRL fast simulation mode",
94 addParam("FirmwareSimulationMode",
96 "TRGGRL firmware simulation mode",
98 addParam("2DfinderCollection", m_2DfinderCollectionName,
99 "Name of the StoreArray holding the tracks made by the 2D finder to be used as input.",
100 string("TRGCDC2DFinderTracks"));
101 addParam("3DfitterCollection", m_3DfitterCollectionName,
102 "Name of the StoreArray holding the tracks made by the 3D fitter to be used as input.",
103 string("TRGCDC3DFitterTracks"));
104 addParam("NNCollection", m_NNCollectionName,
105 "Name of the StoreArray holding the tracks made by the neural network (NN).",
106 string("TRGCDCNeuroTracks"));
107 addParam("2DmatchCollection", m_2DmatchCollectionName,
108 "Name of the StoreArray holding the macthed tracks and clusters made by the 2D fitter.",
109 string("TRG2DMatchTracks"));
110 addParam("PhimatchCollection", m_phimatch_tracklist, "the 2d tracklist with associated cluster", std::string("TRGPhiMatchTracks"));
111 addParam("KLMmatchCollection", m_klmmatch_tracklist, "the 2d tracklist with KLM", std::string("TRGKLMMatchTracks"));
112 addParam("KLMTrgSummaryCollection", m_KLMTrgSummaryName, "Name of the StoreObjPtr holding the information of KLM trigger",
113 std::string("KLMTrgSummary"));
114 addParam("3DmatchCollection", m_3DmatchCollectionName,
115 "Name of the StoreArray holding the matched 3D NN tracks and clusters made",
116 string("TRG3DMatchTracks"));
117 addParam("TrgGrlInformation", m_TrgGrlInformationName,
118 "Name of the StoreArray holding the information of tracks and clusters from cdc ecl klm.",
119 string("TRGGRLObjects"));
120 addParam("TRGECLClusters", m_TrgECLClusterName,
121 "Name of the StoreArray holding the information of trigger ecl clusters ",
122 string("TRGECLClusters"));
123 addParam("TRGECLTrgs", m_TrgECLTrgsName,
124 "Name of the StoreArray holding the information of ecl trigger",
125 string("TRGECLTrgs"));
126 addParam("GRLphotonCollection", m_grlphotonlist, "the isolated cluster list", std::string("TRGGRLPhotons"));
127 addParam("ECLClusterTimeWindow", m_eclClusterTimeWindow,
128 "The time window of the signal eclclusters",
129 100.0);
130 addParam("ClusEngThreshold", m_energythreshold, "The energy threshold of clusters", {0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 2.0});
137 radtodeg = 180. / TMath::Pi();
138 //..Trigger ThetaID for each trigger cell. Could be replaced by getMaxThetaId() for newer MC
139 TrgEclMapping* eclMapping = new TrgEclMapping();
140 for (int tc = 1; tc <= 576; tc++) {
141 TCThetaID.push_back(eclMapping->getTCThetaIdFromTCId(tc));
142 }
144 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 //..ECL look up tables
146 PCmsLabTransform boostrotate;
147 for (int tc = 1; tc <= 576; tc++) {
149 //..Four vector of a 1 GeV lab photon at this TC
150 ROOT::Math::XYZVector CellPosition = eclMapping->getTCPosition(tc);
151 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector CellLab;
152 CellLab.SetPx(CellPosition.X() / CellPosition.R());
153 CellLab.SetPy(CellPosition.Y() / CellPosition.R());
154 CellLab.SetPz(CellPosition.Z() / CellPosition.R());
155 CellLab.SetE(1.);
157 //..cotan Theta and phi in lab
158 TCPhiLab.push_back(CellPosition.Phi()*radtodeg);
159 double tantheta = tan(CellPosition.Theta());
160 TCcotThetaLab.push_back(1. / tantheta);
162 //..Corresponding 4 vector in the COM frame
163 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector CellCOM = boostrotate.rotateLabToCms() * CellLab;
164 TCThetaCOM.push_back(CellCOM.Theta()*radtodeg);
165 TCPhiCOM.push_back(CellCOM.Phi()*radtodeg);
167 //..Scale to give 1 GeV in the COM frame
168 TC1GeV.push_back(1. / CellCOM.E());
169 }
171 //m_TRGGRLInfo.registerInDataStore(m_TrgGrlInformationName);
172 delete eclMapping;
178 B2DEBUG(20, "TRGGDLModule ... beginRun called ");
179 m_falsebits.clear();
180 //...GDL config. name...
186 //cout << "TRGGRLProjects event " << iEvent << endl;
187 //iEvent++;
189 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
190 //..Read in the necessary arrays
191 StoreArray<TRGECLTrg> trgArray;
192 //StoreArray<MCParticle> MCParticleArray;
201 StoreObjPtr<BinnedEventT0> m_eventTime;
203 //trgInfo.create();
204 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
205 //..Use only clusters within 100 ns of event timing (from ECL).
206 int ntrgArray = trgArray.getEntries();
207 double EventTiming = -9999.;
208 if (ntrgArray > 0) {EventTiming = trgArray[0]->getEventTiming();}
209 std::vector<int> selTC;
210 std::vector<int> selTheta;
211 std::vector<float> selE;
212 for (int ic = 0; ic < eclTrgClusterArray.getEntries(); ic++) {
213 double tcT = abs(eclTrgClusterArray[ic]->getTimeAve() - EventTiming);
214 if (tcT < 100.) {
215 int TC = eclTrgClusterArray[ic]->getMaxTCId();
216 selTC.push_back(TC);
217 selTheta.push_back(TCThetaID[TC - 1]);
218 selE.push_back(eclTrgClusterArray[ic]->getEnergyDep());
219 }
220 }
222 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
223 //..Trigger objects from CDC alone
224 // nTrk3D nTrkZ10 nTrkZ25
225 int nTrk2D = cdc2DTrkArray.getEntries();
226 int nTrk3D = cdc3DTrkArray.getEntries();
227 int nTrkZ10 = 0;
228 int nTrkZ25 = 0;
229 int nTrkZ35 = 0;
230 for (int itrk = 0; itrk < nTrk3D; itrk++) {
231 double z0 = cdc3DTrkArray[itrk]->getZ0();
232 if (abs(z0) < 10.) {nTrkZ10++;}
233 if (abs(z0) < 25.) {nTrkZ25++;}
234 if (abs(z0) < 35.) {nTrkZ35++;}
235 }
236 int nTrkNN = cdcNNTrkArray.getEntries();
237 int nTrkNNSTT = 0;
238 int nTrkNNSTT6 = 0;
239 int nTrkNNSTT5 = 0;
240 int nTrkNNSTT4 = 0;
241 int nTrkNN20 = 0;
242 int nTrkNN40 = 0;
243 for (int itrk = 0; itrk < nTrkNN; itrk++) {
244 double z0 = cdcNNTrkArray[itrk]->getZ0();
246 double omega = 100 * cdcNNTrkArray[itrk]->getOmega();
247 int omega_bin = omega / 0.044;
248 omega = omega_bin * 0.044;
250 double cottheta = cdcNNTrkArray[itrk]->getCotTheta();
251 double theta = 0;
252 if (cottheta != 0)theta = atan(1. / cottheta);
253 int theta_bin = theta / 0.098125;
254 theta = theta_bin * 0.098125;
255 int p = abs(10 * 0.3 * 1.5 / omega / sin(theta)); //0.1GeV unit
257 double pt = cdcNNTrkArray[itrk]->getPt();
258 double p_abs = cdcNNTrkArray[itrk]->getPt() / sin(theta);
259 B2DEBUG(20, "NN momentum " << omega << " " << theta * 180 / 3.14 << " " << p * 0.1 << " " << p_abs << " " << pt);
261 if (abs(z0) < 15. && p > 7) {nTrkNNSTT++;}
262 if (abs(z0) < 15. && p > 6) {nTrkNNSTT6++;}
263 if (abs(z0) < 15. && p > 5) {nTrkNNSTT5++;}
264 if (abs(z0) < 15. && p > 4) {nTrkNNSTT4++;}
265 if (abs(z0) < 20.) {nTrkNN20++;}
266 if (abs(z0) < 40.) {nTrkNN40++;}
267 }
269 trgInfo->setN3Dfittertrk(nTrk3D);
270 trgInfo->setN3DfittertrkZ10(nTrkZ10);
271 trgInfo->setN3DfittertrkZ25(nTrkZ25);
272 trgInfo->setN3DfittertrkZ35(nTrkZ35);
273 trgInfo->setNNNtrk(nTrkNN);
274 trgInfo->setNNNtrkZ20(nTrkNN20);
275 trgInfo->setNNNtrkZ40(nTrkNN40);
276 trgInfo->setNNNtrkSTT(nTrkNNSTT);
277 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
278 //..Trigger objects using single ECL clusters
279 // nClust n300MeV n2GeV n2GeV414 n2GeV231516 n2GeV117 n1GeV415 n1GeV2316 n1GeV117
280 int nClust = selTC.size();
281 int n300MeV = 0;
282 int n2GeV = 0;
283 int n2GeV414 = 0;
284 int n2GeV231516 = 0;
285 int n2GeV117 = 0;
286 int n1GeV415 = 0;
287 int n1GeV2316 = 0;
288 int n1GeV117 = 0;
289 for (int ic = 0; ic < nClust; ic++) {
290 if (selE[ic] > 0.3) {n300MeV++;}
291 float thresh = TC1GeV[selTC[ic] - 1];
292 if (selE[ic] > (thresh + thresh)) {
293 n2GeV++;
294 if (selTheta[ic] >= 4 && selTheta[ic] <= 14) {n2GeV414++;}
295 if (selTheta[ic] == 2 || selTheta[ic] == 3 || selTheta[ic] == 15 || selTheta[ic] == 16) {n2GeV231516++;}
296 if (selTheta[ic] == 1 || selTheta[ic] == 17) {n2GeV117++;}
297 }
298 if (selE[ic] > thresh) {
299 if (selTheta[ic] >= 4 && selTheta[ic] <= 15) {n1GeV415++;}
300 if (selTheta[ic] == 2 || selTheta[ic] == 3 || selTheta[ic] == 16) {n1GeV2316++;}
301 if (selTheta[ic] == 1 || selTheta[ic] == 17) {n1GeV117++;}
302 }
303 }
304 trgInfo->setNcluster(nClust);
305 trgInfo->setNhigh300cluster(n300MeV);
306 trgInfo->setNhigh1GeVcluster415(n1GeV415);
307 trgInfo->setNhigh1GeVcluster2316(n1GeV2316);
308 trgInfo->setNhigh1GeVcluster117(n1GeV117);
309 trgInfo->setNhigh2GeVcluster(n2GeV);
310 trgInfo->setNhigh2GeVcluster414(n2GeV414);
311 trgInfo->setNhigh2GeVcluster231516(n2GeV231516);
312 trgInfo->setNhigh2GeVcluster117(n2GeV117);
314 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
315 //..Trigger objects using back-to-back ECL clusters, plus Bhabha vetoes
316 // nPhiPairHigh nPhiPairLow n3DPair nECLBhabha nTrkBhabha
317 int nPhiPairHigh = 0;
318 int nPhiPairLow = 0;
319 int n3DPair = 0;
320 int nECLBhabha = 0;
321 int nTrkBhabha = 0;
322 for (int i0 = 0; i0 < nClust - 1; i0++) {
323 for (int i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < nClust; i1++) {
325 //..back to back in phi
326 float dphi = abs(TCPhiCOM[selTC[i1] - 1] - TCPhiCOM[selTC[i0] - 1]);
327 if (dphi > 180.) {dphi = 360 - dphi;}
328 if (dphi > 170. && selE[i0] > 0.25 && selE[i1] > 0.25) {nPhiPairHigh++;}
329 if (dphi > 170. && (selE[i0] < 0.25 || selE[i1] < 0.25)) {nPhiPairLow++;}
331 //..3D
332 float thetaSum = TCThetaCOM[selTC[i0] - 1] + TCThetaCOM[selTC[i1] - 1];
333 if (dphi > 160. && thetaSum > 160. && thetaSum < 200.) {n3DPair++;}
335 //..ecl Bhabha
336 if (dphi > 160. && thetaSum > 165. && thetaSum < 190. && selE[i0] > 3.*TC1GeV[selTC[i0] - 1] && selE[i1] > 3.*TC1GeV[selTC[i1] - 1]
337 && (selE[i0] > 4.5 * TC1GeV[selTC[i0] - 1] || selE[i1] > 4.5 * TC1GeV[selTC[i1] - 1])) {
338 nECLBhabha++;
340 //..Bhabha also using the CDC
341 bool c0matched = false;
342 bool c1matched = false;
343 for (int itrk = 0; itrk < nTrk3D; itrk++) {
344 double phiTrk = cdc3DTrkArray[itrk]->getPhi0() * radtodeg;
345 double ptTrk = cdc3DTrkArray[itrk]->getTransverseMomentum(1.5);
346 float dphi0 = abs(phiTrk - TCPhiLab[selTC[i0] - 1]);
347 if (dphi0 > 180.) {dphi0 = 360. - dphi0;}
348 float dphi1 = abs(phiTrk - TCPhiLab[selTC[i1] - 1]);
349 if (dphi1 > 180.) {dphi1 = 360. - dphi1;}
350 if (ptTrk > 1. && dphi0 < 15.) {c0matched = true;}
351 if (ptTrk > 1. && dphi1 < 15.) {c1matched = true;}
352 }
353 if (c0matched && c1matched) {nTrkBhabha++;}
354 }
355 }
356 }
358 trgInfo->setBhabhaVeto(nTrkBhabha);
359 trgInfo->seteclBhabhaVeto(nECLBhabha);
360 trgInfo->setPairHigh(nPhiPairHigh);
361 trgInfo->setPairLow(nPhiPairLow);
362 trgInfo->set3DPair(n3DPair);
365 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
366 //..Trigger objects using 1 track and at least 1 cluster
367 // nSameHem1Trk nOppHem1Trk
368 int nSameHem1Trk = 0;
369 int nOppHem1Trk = 0;
370 if (nTrk3D == 1) {
371 double phiTrk = cdc3DTrkArray[0]->getPhi0() * radtodeg;
372 double cotTrk = cdc3DTrkArray[0]->getCotTheta();
373 for (int i0 = 0; i0 < nClust; i0++) {
374 float dphi = abs(phiTrk - TCPhiLab[selTC[i0] - 1]);
375 if (dphi > 180.) {dphi = 360. - dphi;}
376 float dCot = cotTrk - TCcotThetaLab[selTC[i0] - 1];
377 if (dphi > 80.) {nOppHem1Trk++;}
378 if (dphi < 80. && (dCot < -0.8 || dCot > 0.6)) {nSameHem1Trk++;}
379 }
380 }
382 trgInfo->setNSameHem1Trk(nSameHem1Trk);
383 trgInfo->setNOppHem1Trk(nOppHem1Trk);
385 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
386 //..Trk b2b
387 int Trk_b2b_1to3 = 0;
388 int Trk_b2b_1to5 = 0;
389 int Trk_b2b_1to7 = 0;
390 int Trk_b2b_1to9 = 0;
391 int Trk_open90 = 0;
392 int Trk_open30 = 0;
393 for (int itrk = 0; itrk < cdc2DTrkArray.getEntries(); itrk++) {
395 int phi_i_itrk = (int)((cdc2DTrkArray[itrk]->getPhi0()) * (180 / M_PI) / 10);
397 for (int jtrk = 0; jtrk < cdc2DTrkArray.getEntries(); jtrk++) {
398 if (itrk <= jtrk) continue;
400 int phi_i_jtrk = (int)((cdc2DTrkArray[jtrk]->getPhi0()) * (180 / M_PI) / 10);
401 if (abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) >= 17 && abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) <= 19) {Trk_b2b_1to3 = 1;}
402 if (abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) >= 16 && abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) <= 20) {Trk_b2b_1to5 = 1;}
403 if (abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) >= 15 && abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) <= 21) {Trk_b2b_1to7 = 1;}
404 if (abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) >= 14 && abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) <= 22) {Trk_b2b_1to9 = 1;}
405 if (abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) >= 9 && abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) <= 27) {Trk_open90 = 1;}
406 if (abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) >= 3 && abs(phi_i_itrk - phi_i_jtrk) <= 33) {Trk_open30 = 1;}
407 }
408 }
409 trgInfo->setTrk_b2b_1to3(Trk_b2b_1to3);
410 trgInfo->setTrk_b2b_1to5(Trk_b2b_1to5);
411 trgInfo->setTrk_b2b_1to7(Trk_b2b_1to7);
412 trgInfo->setTrk_b2b_1to9(Trk_b2b_1to9);
413 trgInfo->setTrk_open90(Trk_open90);
414 trgInfo->setTrk_open30(Trk_open30);
416 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
417 //..cluster b2b
418 int cluster_b2b_1to3 = 0;
419 int cluster_b2b_1to5 = 0;
420 int cluster_b2b_1to7 = 0;
421 int cluster_b2b_1to9 = 0;
422 for (int iclu = 0; iclu < eclTrgClusterArray.getEntries(); iclu++) {
424 double x_iclu = eclTrgClusterArray[iclu]->getPositionX();
425 double y_iclu = eclTrgClusterArray[iclu]->getPositionY();
427 int phi_iclu = 0;
428 if (x_iclu >= 0 && y_iclu >= 0) {phi_iclu = (int)(atan(y_iclu / x_iclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) / 10);}
429 else if (x_iclu < 0 && y_iclu >= 0) {phi_iclu = (int)((atan(y_iclu / x_iclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 180.0) / 10);}
430 else if (x_iclu < 0 && y_iclu < 0) {phi_iclu = (int)((atan(y_iclu / x_iclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 180.0) / 10);}
431 else if (x_iclu >= 0 && y_iclu < 0) {phi_iclu = (int)((atan(y_iclu / x_iclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 360.0) / 10);}
433 for (int jclu = 0; jclu < eclTrgClusterArray.getEntries(); jclu++) {
434 if (iclu <= jclu) continue;
436 double x_jclu = eclTrgClusterArray[jclu]->getPositionX();
437 double y_jclu = eclTrgClusterArray[jclu]->getPositionY();
439 int phi_jclu = 0;
440 if (x_jclu >= 0 && y_jclu >= 0) {phi_jclu = (int)(atan(y_jclu / x_jclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) / 10);}
441 else if (x_jclu < 0 && y_jclu >= 0) {phi_jclu = (int)((atan(y_jclu / x_jclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 180.0) / 10);}
442 else if (x_jclu < 0 && y_jclu < 0) {phi_jclu = (int)((atan(y_jclu / x_jclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 180.0) / 10);}
443 else if (x_jclu >= 0 && y_jclu < 0) {phi_jclu = (int)((atan(y_jclu / x_jclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 360.0) / 10);}
445 if (abs(phi_iclu - phi_jclu) >= 17 && abs(phi_iclu - phi_jclu) <= 19) {cluster_b2b_1to3 = 1;}
446 if (abs(phi_iclu - phi_jclu) >= 16 && abs(phi_iclu - phi_jclu) <= 20) {cluster_b2b_1to5 = 1;}
447 if (abs(phi_iclu - phi_jclu) >= 15 && abs(phi_iclu - phi_jclu) <= 21) {cluster_b2b_1to7 = 1;}
448 if (abs(phi_iclu - phi_jclu) >= 14 && abs(phi_iclu - phi_jclu) <= 22) {cluster_b2b_1to9 = 1;}
449 }
450 }
451 trgInfo->setcluster_b2b_1to3(cluster_b2b_1to3);
452 trgInfo->setcluster_b2b_1to5(cluster_b2b_1to5);
453 trgInfo->setcluster_b2b_1to7(cluster_b2b_1to7);
454 trgInfo->setcluster_b2b_1to9(cluster_b2b_1to9);
457 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
458 //..eed, fed
460 int eed = 0, fed = 0;
461 if (cdc2DTrkArray.getEntries() == 2 && trackphimatch.getEntries() == 2 && cluster_b2b_1to5 == 1) {eed = 1;}
462 if (cdc2DTrkArray.getEntries() == 1 && trackphimatch.getEntries() == 1 && cluster_b2b_1to5 == 1) {fed = 1;}
463 trgInfo->seteed(eed);
464 trgInfo->setfed(fed);
466 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
467 //..Track-cluster b2b
468 int Trkcluster_b2b_1to3 = 0;
469 int Trkcluster_b2b_1to5 = 0;
470 int Trkcluster_b2b_1to7 = 0;
471 int Trkcluster_b2b_1to9 = 0;
472 for (int itrk = 0; itrk < cdc2DTrkArray.getEntries(); itrk++) {
473 double _r = 1.0 / cdc2DTrkArray[itrk]->getOmega() ;
474 double _phi = cdc2DTrkArray[itrk]->getPhi0() ;
475 double phi_p = acos(126.0 / (2 * fabs(_r)));
476 int charge = 0;
477 if (_r > 0) {charge = 1;}
478 else if (_r < 0) {charge = -1;}
479 else {charge = 0;}
481 double phi_CDC = 0.0;
482 if (charge == 1) {
483 phi_CDC = _phi + phi_p - 0.5 * M_PI;
484 } else if (charge == -1) {
485 phi_CDC = _phi - phi_p + 0.5 * M_PI;
486 } else {
487 phi_CDC = _phi;
488 }
490 if (phi_CDC > 2 * M_PI) {phi_CDC = phi_CDC - 2 * M_PI;}
491 else if (phi_CDC < 0) {phi_CDC = phi_CDC + 2 * M_PI;}
492 int phi_itrk = (int)(phi_CDC * (180.0 / M_PI) / 10);
494 for (int jclu = 0; jclu < eclTrgClusterArray.getEntries(); jclu++) {
496 double x_jclu = eclTrgClusterArray[jclu]->getPositionX();
497 double y_jclu = eclTrgClusterArray[jclu]->getPositionY();
499 int phi_jclu = 0;
500 if (x_jclu >= 0 && y_jclu >= 0) {phi_jclu = (int)(atan(y_jclu / x_jclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) / 10);}
501 else if (x_jclu < 0 && y_jclu >= 0) {phi_jclu = (int)((atan(y_jclu / x_jclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 180.0) / 10);}
502 else if (x_jclu < 0 && y_jclu < 0) {phi_jclu = (int)((atan(y_jclu / x_jclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 180.0) / 10);}
503 else if (x_jclu >= 0 && y_jclu < 0) {phi_jclu = (int)((atan(y_jclu / x_jclu) * (180.0 / M_PI) + 360.0) / 10);}
505 if (abs(phi_itrk - phi_jclu) >= 17 && abs(phi_itrk - phi_jclu) <= 19) {Trkcluster_b2b_1to3 = 1;}
506 if (abs(phi_itrk - phi_jclu) >= 16 && abs(phi_itrk - phi_jclu) <= 20) {Trkcluster_b2b_1to5 = 1;}
507 if (abs(phi_itrk - phi_jclu) >= 15 && abs(phi_itrk - phi_jclu) <= 21) {Trkcluster_b2b_1to7 = 1;}
508 if (abs(phi_itrk - phi_jclu) >= 14 && abs(phi_itrk - phi_jclu) <= 22) {Trkcluster_b2b_1to9 = 1;}
509 }
510 }
512 trgInfo->setTrkcluster_b2b_1to3(Trkcluster_b2b_1to3);
513 trgInfo->setTrkcluster_b2b_1to5(Trkcluster_b2b_1to5);
514 trgInfo->setTrkcluster_b2b_1to7(Trkcluster_b2b_1to7);
515 trgInfo->setTrkcluster_b2b_1to9(Trkcluster_b2b_1to9);
517 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
518 //..fp, eeb, fep
520 int fp = 0;
521 if (cdc2DTrkArray.getEntries() == 1 && Trkcluster_b2b_1to5 == 1) {fp = 1;}
522 trgInfo->setfp(fp);
524 int eeb = 0;
525 if (trackphimatch.getEntries() == 2 && Trk_b2b_1to5 == 1) {eeb = 1;}
526 trgInfo->seteeb(eeb);
528 int fep = 0;
529 if (cdc2DTrkArray.getEntries() == 1 && trackphimatch.getEntries() == 1 && Trkcluster_b2b_1to5 == 1) {fep = 1;}
530 trgInfo->setfep(fep);
533 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
534 //..Get input bits from StoreArray<TRGECLTrg> trgArray
535 //..Bit order is hard-coded in trg/ecl/src/
537 int ECLtoGDL[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
538 if (ntrgArray > 0) {
539 ECLtoGDL[0] = trgArray[0]->getECLtoGDL(0);
540 ECLtoGDL[1] = trgArray[0]->getECLtoGDL(1);
541 ECLtoGDL[2] = trgArray[0]->getECLtoGDL(2);
542 ECLtoGDL[3] = trgArray[0]->getECLtoGDL(3);
543 }
545 // elow: 47
546 bool elow = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (47 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
547 // ehigh: 48
548 bool ehigh = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (48 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
549 // elum: 49
550 bool elum = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (49 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
551 // ecl_bha: 19
552 bool ecl_bha = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (19 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
553 // bha_type0: 20
554 bool bha_type0 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (20 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
555 // bha_type1: 21
556 bool bha_type1 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (21 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
557 // bha_type2: 22
558 bool bha_type2 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (22 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
559 // bha_type3: 23
560 bool bha_type3 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (23 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
561 // bha_type4: 24
562 bool bha_type4 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (24 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
563 // bha_type5: 25
564 bool bha_type5 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (25 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
565 // bha_type6: 26
566 bool bha_type6 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (26 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
567 // bha_type7: 27
568 bool bha_type7 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (27 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
569 // bha_type8: 28
570 bool bha_type8 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (28 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
571 // bha_type9: 29
572 bool bha_type9 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (29 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
573 // bha_type10: 30
574 bool bha_type10 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (30 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
575 // bha_type11: 31
576 bool bha_type11 = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1u << (31 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
577 // bha_type12: 32
578 bool bha_type12 = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (32 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
579 // bha_type13: 33
580 bool bha_type13 = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (33 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
582 bool nclst_0 = (eclTrgClusterArray.getEntries() & (1 << 0)) != 0;
583 bool nclst_1 = (eclTrgClusterArray.getEntries() & (1 << 1)) != 0;
584 bool nclst_2 = (eclTrgClusterArray.getEntries() & (1 << 2)) != 0;
585 bool nclst_3 = (eclTrgClusterArray.getEntries() & (1 << 3)) != 0;
587 // ecl_bg_0: 57
588 bool ecl_bg_0 = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (57 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
589 // ecl_bg_1: 58
590 bool ecl_bg_1 = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (58 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
591 // ecl_bg_2: 59
592 bool ecl_bg_2 = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (59 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
594 bool ecl_active = ntrgArray > 0;
596 // ecl_timing_fwd: 15
597 bool ecl_timing_fwd = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (15 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
598 // ecl_timing_brl: 16
599 bool ecl_timing_brl = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (16 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
600 // ecl_timing_bwd: 17
601 bool ecl_timing_bwd = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (17 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
602 // ecl_phys: 18
603 bool ecl_phys = (ECLtoGDL[0] & (1 << (18 - 32 * 0))) != 0;
604 // ecl_oflo: 60
605 bool ecl_oflo = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (60 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
606 // ecl_3dbha: 61
607 bool ecl_3dbha = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (61 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
608 // ecl_lml_0: 62
609 bool ecl_lml_0 = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1 << (62 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
610 // ecl_lml_1: 63
611 bool ecl_lml_1 = (ECLtoGDL[1] & (1u << (63 - 32 * 1))) != 0;
612 // ecl_lml_2: 64
613 bool ecl_lml_2 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (64 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
614 // ecl_lml_3: 65
615 bool ecl_lml_3 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (65 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
616 // ecl_lml_4: 66
617 bool ecl_lml_4 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (66 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
618 // ecl_lml_5: 67
619 bool ecl_lml_5 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (67 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
620 // ecl_lml_6: 68
621 bool ecl_lml_6 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (68 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
622 // ecl_lml_7: 69
623 bool ecl_lml_7 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (69 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
624 // ecl_lml_8: 70
625 bool ecl_lml_8 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (70 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
626 // ecl_lml_9: 71
627 bool ecl_lml_9 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (71 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
628 // ecl_lml_10: 72
629 bool ecl_lml_10 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (72 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
630 // ecl_lml_11: 73
631 bool ecl_lml_11 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (73 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
632 // ecl_lml_11: 78
633 bool ecl_lml_12 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (78 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
634 // ecl_lml_11: 79
635 bool ecl_lml_13 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (79 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
636 // ecl_mumu: 75
637 bool ecl_mumu = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (75 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
638 // ecl_bst: 77
639 bool ecl_bst = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (77 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
640 // ecl_pur: 74
641 bool ecl_bhapur = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (74 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
642 //3D Bhabha Veto Intrk: 86
643 bool bha_intrk = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (86 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
644 //3D Bhabha selection theta flag: 87-88
645 bool bha_theta_0 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (87 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
646 bool bha_theta_1 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (88 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
647 //ecltaub2b
648 bool ecltaub2b = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (89 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
649 bool ecltaub2b2 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (93 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
650 bool ecltaub2b3 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (94 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
651 // ehigh1-3
652 bool ehigh1 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (90 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
653 bool ehigh2 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (91 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
654 bool ehigh3 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1 << (92 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
655 bool ehigh4 = (ECLtoGDL[2] & (1u << (95 - 32 * 2))) != 0;
657 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
658 //..Other input bits
660 bool cdc_active = false;
661 if (m_eventTime->hasBinnedEventT0(Const::CDC)) {
662 if (m_eventTime->getBinnedEventT0(Const::CDC) != 0) { cdc_active = true; }
663 }
665 //KLM alone bits from klmtrg summary----------------------------------
666 int n_klm_barrel = klmtrgsummary->getBKLM_n_trg_sectors();
667 bool klm_hit = n_klm_barrel > 0;
668 bool klm_0 = (n_klm_barrel & (1 << 0)) != 0;
669 bool klm_1 = (n_klm_barrel & (1 << 1)) != 0;
670 bool klm_2 = (n_klm_barrel & (1 << 2)) != 0;
671 int n_eklm_barrel = klmtrgsummary->getEKLM_n_trg_sectors();
672 bool eklm_hit = n_eklm_barrel > 0;
673 bool eklm_0 = (n_eklm_barrel & (1 << 0)) != 0;
674 bool eklm_1 = (n_eklm_barrel & (1 << 1)) != 0;
675 bool eklm_2 = (n_eklm_barrel & (1 << 2)) != 0;
676 int klmb2b = klmtrgsummary->getBKLM_back_to_back_flag();
677 int eklmb2b = klmtrgsummary->getEKLM_back_to_back_flag();
679 //KLM/CDC/ECL matching bits-------------------------------------------
680 bool cdcklm_0 = (trackKLMmatch.getEntries() == 1);
681 bool cdcklm_1 = (trackKLMmatch.getEntries() > 1);
682 bool cdcklm_2 = (trackKLMmatch.getEntries() == 3);
683 bool cdcklm_3 = (trackKLMmatch.getEntries() > 3);
684 int n_seklm = trgInfo->getNsklm();
685 //int n_seklm_fwd = trgInfo->getNsklm_fwd();
686 //int n_seklm_bwd = trgInfo->getNsklm_bwd();
687 int n_ieklm = trgInfo->getNiklm();
688 bool ecleklm = (trgInfo->getNeecleklm() > 0);
690 bool cdcecl_0 = (trackphimatch.getEntries() == 1);
691 bool cdcecl_1 = (trackphimatch.getEntries() == 2);
692 bool cdcecl_2 = (trackphimatch.getEntries() == 3);
693 bool cdcecl_3 = (trackphimatch.getEntries() > 3);
694 bool trkbha1 = ecl_3dbha && (trackphimatch.getEntries() == 1);
695 bool trkbha2 = ecl_3dbha && (trackphimatch.getEntries() == 2);
699 int n_c2gev = 0;
700 for (int i = 0; i < trackphimatch.getEntries(); i++) {
701 if (trackphimatch[i]->get_e() >= 2.0) {n_c2gev++;}
702 }
704 bool c2gev_0 = (n_c2gev == 1);
705 bool c2gev_1 = (n_c2gev == 2);
706 bool c2gev_2 = (n_c2gev == 3);
707 bool c2gev_3 = (n_c2gev > 3);
709 int N_clst1 = 0, N_clst2 = 0;
710 for (int i = 0 ; i < grlphoton.getEntries() ; i++) {
711 if (grlphoton[i]->get_e() > 1.0) { N_clst1++; }
712 if (grlphoton[i]->get_e() > 2.0) { N_clst2++; }
713 }
715 bool nclst1_0 = (N_clst1 == 1);
716 bool nclst1_1 = (N_clst1 == 2);
717 bool nclst1_2 = (N_clst1 == 3);
718 bool nclst1_3 = (N_clst1 > 3);
720 bool nclst2_0 = (N_clst2 == 1);
721 bool nclst2_1 = (N_clst2 == 2);
722 bool nclst2_2 = (N_clst2 == 3);
723 bool nclst2_3 = (N_clst2 > 3);
725 int N_ST = trgInfo->getNshorttrk();
726 int N_ST_fwd = trgInfo->getNshorttrk_fwd();
727 int N_ST_bwd = trgInfo->getNshorttrk_bwd();
728 int s2s3 = trgInfo->gets2s3();
729 int s2s5 = trgInfo->gets2s5();
730 int s2so = trgInfo->gets2so();
731 int s2f3 = trgInfo->gets2f3();
732 int s2f5 = trgInfo->gets2f5();
733 int s2fo = trgInfo->gets2fo();
734 int s2f30 = trgInfo->gets2f30();
735 int s2s30 = trgInfo->gets2s30();
736 int bwdsb = trgInfo->getbwdsb();
737 int bwdnb = trgInfo->getbwdnb();
738 int fwdsb = trgInfo->getfwdsb();
739 int fwdnb = trgInfo->getfwdnb();
740 int brlfb = trgInfo->getbrlfb();
741 int brlnb = trgInfo->getbrlnb();
742 int N_IT = trgInfo->getNinnertrk();
743 int i2fo = trgInfo->geti2fo();
744 int i2io = trgInfo->geti2io();
745 int n_secl = trgInfo->getNsecl();
746 int n_iecl = trgInfo->getNiecl();
748 bool ecltaunn = trgInfo->getTauNN();
750 //std::cout << "klm " << klm_hit << " " << klm_0 << " " << klm_1 << " " << klm_2 << " " << klmb2b << std::endl;
751 //std::cout << "eklm " << eklm_hit << " " << eklm_0 << " " << eklm_1 << " " << eklm_2 << " " << eklmb2b << std::endl;
752 //std::cout << "2dklm " << nTrk2D << " " << cdcklm_0 << " " << cdcklm_1 << std::endl;
753 //std::cout << "sklm " << N_ST << " " << n_seklm << " " << n_seklm_fwd << " " << n_seklm_bwd << std::endl;
754 //std::cout << "tiklm " << N_IT << " " << n_ieklm << " " << trgInfo->getNiecl() << std::endl;
755 //std::cout << "eclklm " << trgInfo->getNeecleklm() << std::endl;
758 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
759 //..Filling InputBits
760 //..Naming is based on trg/gdl/dbobjects/log/
763 if (!m_InputBitsDB)B2INFO("no database of gdl input bits");
765 int N_InputBits = m_InputBitsDB->getninbit();
767 for (int i = 0; i < N_InputBits; i++) {
768 std::string bitname(m_InputBitsDB->getinbitname(i));
770 bool bit = false;
771 if (bitname == "t3_0") {bit = nTrkZ35 == 1;}
772 else if (bitname == "t3_1") {bit = nTrkZ35 == 2;}
773 else if (bitname == "t3_2") {bit = nTrkZ35 == 3;}
774 else if (bitname == "t3_3") {bit = nTrkZ35 > 3;}
775 else if (bitname == "ty_0") {bit = nTrkNN20 == 1;}
776 else if (bitname == "ty_1") {bit = nTrkNN20 == 2;}
777 else if (bitname == "ty_2") {bit = nTrkNN20 == 3;}
778 else if (bitname == "ty_3") {bit = nTrkNN20 > 3;}
779 else if (bitname == "typ") {bit = nTrkNNSTT > 0;}
780 else if (bitname == "typ6") {bit = nTrkNNSTT6 > 0;}
781 else if (bitname == "typ5") {bit = nTrkNNSTT5 > 0;}
782 else if (bitname == "typ4") {bit = nTrkNNSTT4 > 0;}
783 else if (bitname == "t2_0") {bit = nTrk2D == 1;}
784 else if (bitname == "t2_1") {bit = nTrk2D == 2;}
785 else if (bitname == "t2_2") {bit = nTrk2D == 3;}
786 else if (bitname == "t2_3") {bit = nTrk2D > 3;}
787 else if (bitname == "ts_0") {bit = N_ST == 1;}
788 else if (bitname == "ts_1") {bit = N_ST == 2;}
789 else if (bitname == "ts_2") {bit = N_ST == 3;}
790 else if (bitname == "ts_3") {bit = N_ST > 3;}
791 else if (bitname == "fwd_s") {bit = N_ST_fwd > 0;}
792 else if (bitname == "bwd_s") {bit = N_ST_bwd > 0;}
793 else if (bitname == "cdc_open90") {bit = Trk_open90 == 1;}
794 else if (bitname == "f2f30") {bit = Trk_open30 == 1;}
795 else if (bitname == "cdc_active") {bit = cdc_active;}
796 else if (bitname == "cdc_b2b3") {bit = Trk_b2b_1to3;}
797 else if (bitname == "cdc_b2b5") {bit = Trk_b2b_1to5;}
798 else if (bitname == "cdc_b2b7") {bit = Trk_b2b_1to7;}
799 else if (bitname == "cdc_b2b9") {bit = Trk_b2b_1to9;}
800 else if (bitname == "s2s3") {bit = s2s3 > 0;}
801 else if (bitname == "s2s5") {bit = s2s5 > 0;}
802 else if (bitname == "s2so") {bit = s2so > 0;}
803 else if (bitname == "s2f3") {bit = s2f3 > 0;}
804 else if (bitname == "s2f5") {bit = s2f5 > 0;}
805 else if (bitname == "s2fo") {bit = s2fo > 0;}
806 else if (bitname == "s2f30") {bit = s2f30;}
807 else if (bitname == "s2s30") {bit = s2s30;}
808 else if (bitname == "bwdsb") {bit = bwdsb > 0;}
809 else if (bitname == "bwdnb") {bit = bwdnb > 0;}
810 else if (bitname == "fwdsb") {bit = fwdsb > 0;}
811 else if (bitname == "fwdnb") {bit = fwdnb > 0;}
812 else if (bitname == "brlfb1") {bit = brlfb == 1;}
813 else if (bitname == "brlfb2") {bit = brlfb == 2;}
814 else if (bitname == "brlnb1") {bit = brlnb == 1;}
815 else if (bitname == "brlnb2") {bit = brlnb == 2;}
816 else if (bitname == "seklm_0") {bit = n_seklm == 1;}
817 else if (bitname == "seklm_1") {bit = n_seklm > 1;}
818 else if (bitname == "ieklm") {bit = n_ieklm > 0;}
819 else if (bitname == "secl") {bit = n_secl > 0;}
820 else if (bitname == "iecl") {bit = n_iecl > 0;}
821 else if (bitname == "iecl_0") {bit = n_iecl == 1;}
822 else if (bitname == "iecl_1") {bit = n_iecl > 1;}
823 else if (bitname == "ti") {bit = N_IT > 0;}
824 else if (bitname == "i2fo") {bit = i2fo > 0;}
825 else if (bitname == "i2io") {bit = i2io > 0;}
826 else if (bitname == "ehigh") {bit = ehigh;}
827 else if (bitname == "elow") {bit = elow;}
828 else if (bitname == "elum") {bit = elum;}
829 else if (bitname == "ecl_bha") {bit = ecl_bha;}
830 else if (bitname == "bha_type_0") {bit = bha_type0;}
831 else if (bitname == "bha_type_1") {bit = bha_type1;}
832 else if (bitname == "bha_type_2") {bit = bha_type2;}
833 else if (bitname == "bha_type_3") {bit = bha_type3;}
834 else if (bitname == "bha_type_4") {bit = bha_type4;}
835 else if (bitname == "bha_type_5") {bit = bha_type5;}
836 else if (bitname == "bha_type_6") {bit = bha_type6;}
837 else if (bitname == "bha_type_7") {bit = bha_type7;}
838 else if (bitname == "bha_type_8") {bit = bha_type8;}
839 else if (bitname == "bha_type_9") {bit = bha_type9;}
840 else if (bitname == "bha_type_10") {bit = bha_type10;}
841 else if (bitname == "bha_type_11") {bit = bha_type11;}
842 else if (bitname == "bha_type_12") {bit = bha_type12;}
843 else if (bitname == "bha_type_13") {bit = bha_type13;}
844 else if (bitname == "clst_0") {bit = nclst_0;}
845 else if (bitname == "clst_1") {bit = nclst_1;}
846 else if (bitname == "clst_2") {bit = nclst_2;}
847 else if (bitname == "clst_3") {bit = nclst_3;}
848 else if (bitname == "ecl_bg_0") {bit = ecl_bg_0;}
849 else if (bitname == "ecl_bg_1") {bit = ecl_bg_1;}
850 else if (bitname == "ecl_bg_2") {bit = ecl_bg_2;}
851 else if (bitname == "ecl_active") {bit = ecl_active;}
852 else if (bitname == "ecl_timing_fwd") {bit = ecl_timing_fwd;}
853 else if (bitname == "ecl_timing_brl") {bit = ecl_timing_brl;}
854 else if (bitname == "ecl_timing_bwd") {bit = ecl_timing_bwd;}
855 else if (bitname == "ecl_phys") {bit = ecl_phys;}
856 else if (bitname == "ecl_oflo") {bit = ecl_oflo;}
857 else if (bitname == "ecl_3dbha") {bit = ecl_3dbha;}
858 else if (bitname == "bha_veto") {bit = ecl_3dbha;}
859 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_0") {bit = ecl_lml_0;}
860 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_1") {bit = ecl_lml_1;}
861 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_2") {bit = ecl_lml_2;}
862 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_3") {bit = ecl_lml_3;}
863 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_4") {bit = ecl_lml_4;}
864 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_5") {bit = ecl_lml_5;}
865 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_6") {bit = ecl_lml_6;}
866 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_7") {bit = ecl_lml_7;}
867 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_8") {bit = ecl_lml_8;}
868 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_9") {bit = ecl_lml_9;}
869 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_10") {bit = ecl_lml_10;}
870 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_11") {bit = ecl_lml_11;}
871 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_12") {bit = ecl_lml_12;}
872 else if (bitname == "ecl_lml_13") {bit = ecl_lml_13;}
873 else if (bitname == "ecl_mumu") {bit = ecl_mumu;}
874 else if (bitname == "ecl_bst") {bit = ecl_bst;}
875 else if (bitname == "ecl_taub2b") {bit = ecltaub2b;}
876 else if (bitname == "ecl_taub2b2") {bit = ecltaub2b2;}
877 else if (bitname == "ecl_taub2b3") {bit = ecltaub2b3;}
878 else if (bitname == "ehigh1") {bit = ehigh1;}
879 else if (bitname == "ehigh2") {bit = ehigh2;}
880 else if (bitname == "ehigh3") {bit = ehigh3;}
881 else if (bitname == "ehigh4") {bit = ehigh4;}
883 else if (bitname == "klm_hit") {bit = klm_hit;}
884 else if (bitname == "klm_0") {bit = klm_0;}
885 else if (bitname == "klm_1") {bit = klm_1;}
886 else if (bitname == "klm_2") {bit = klm_2;}
887 else if (bitname == "klmb2b") {bit = klmb2b;}
888 else if (bitname == "eklm_hit") {bit = eklm_hit;}
889 else if (bitname == "eklm_0") {bit = eklm_0;}
890 else if (bitname == "eklm_1") {bit = eklm_1;}
891 else if (bitname == "eklm_2") {bit = eklm_2;}
892 else if (bitname == "eklmb2b") {bit = eklmb2b;}
893 else if (bitname == "ecleklm") {bit = ecleklm;}
894 else if (bitname == "revo") {bit = false;}
895 else if (bitname == "her_kick") {bit = false;}
896 else if (bitname == "ler_kick") {bit = false;}
897 else if (bitname == "bha_delay") {bit = false;}
898 else if (bitname == "pseud_rand") {bit = false;}
899 else if (bitname == "plsin") {bit = false;}
900 else if (bitname == "poissonin") {bit = false;}
901 else if (bitname == "periodin") {bit = false;}
902 else if (bitname == "veto") {bit = false;}
903 else if (bitname == "samhem") {bit = nSameHem1Trk > 0;}
904 else if (bitname == "opohem") {bit = nOppHem1Trk > 0;}
905 else if (bitname == "n1gev_0") {bit = nclst1_0;}
906 else if (bitname == "n1gev_1") {bit = nclst1_1;}
907 else if (bitname == "n1gev_2") {bit = nclst1_2;}
908 else if (bitname == "n1gev_3") {bit = nclst1_3;}
909 else if (bitname == "n2gev_0") {bit = nclst2_0;}
910 else if (bitname == "n2gev_1") {bit = nclst2_1;}
911 else if (bitname == "n2gev_2") {bit = nclst2_2;}
912 else if (bitname == "n2gev_3") {bit = nclst2_3;}
913 else if (bitname == "cdcecl_0") {bit = cdcecl_0;}
914 else if (bitname == "cdcecl_1") {bit = cdcecl_1;}
915 else if (bitname == "cdcecl_2") {bit = cdcecl_2;}
916 else if (bitname == "cdcecl_3") {bit = cdcecl_3;}
917 else if (bitname == "c2gev_0") {bit = c2gev_0;}
918 else if (bitname == "c2gev_1") {bit = c2gev_1;}
919 else if (bitname == "c2gev_2") {bit = c2gev_2;}
920 else if (bitname == "c2gev_3") {bit = c2gev_3;}
921 else if (bitname == "cdcklm_0") {bit = cdcklm_0;}
922 else if (bitname == "cdcklm_1") {bit = cdcklm_1;}
923 else if (bitname == "cdcklm_2") {bit = cdcklm_2;}
924 else if (bitname == "cdcklm_3") {bit = cdcklm_3;}
925 else if (bitname == "d3") {bit = cluster_b2b_1to3 > 0;}
926 else if (bitname == "d5") {bit = cluster_b2b_1to5 > 0;}
927 else if (bitname == "d7") {bit = cluster_b2b_1to7 > 0;}
928 else if (bitname == "d9") {bit = cluster_b2b_1to9 > 0;}
929 else if (bitname == "p3") {bit = Trkcluster_b2b_1to3 > 0;}
930 else if (bitname == "p5") {bit = Trkcluster_b2b_1to5 > 0;}
931 else if (bitname == "p7") {bit = Trkcluster_b2b_1to7 > 0;}
932 else if (bitname == "p9") {bit = Trkcluster_b2b_1to9 > 0;}
933 else if (bitname == "trkfit") {bit = false;}
934 else if (bitname == "injv") {bit = false;}
935 else if (bitname == "nimin0") {bit = false;}
936 else if (bitname == "nimin1") {bit = false;}
937 else if (bitname == "track") {bit = nTrk2D > 0;}
938 else if (bitname == "bha_intrk") {bit = bha_intrk;}
939 else if (bitname == "bha_theta_0") {bit = bha_theta_0;}
940 else if (bitname == "bha_theta_1") {bit = bha_theta_1;}
941 else if (bitname == "ecl_bhapur") {bit = ecl_bhapur;}
943 //GRL related bits, not perfect. To do: judge bhabha cluster or not correctly
944 else if (bitname == "trkbha1") {bit = trkbha1;}
945 else if (bitname == "trkbha2") {bit = trkbha2;}
947 //GRL related bits, not ready
948 else if (bitname == "ta_0") {bit = false;}
949 else if (bitname == "ta_1") {bit = false;}
950 else if (bitname == "ta_2") {bit = false;}
951 else if (bitname == "ta_3") {bit = false;}
952 else if (bitname == "trkflt") {bit = false;}
953 else if (bitname == "tsf0b2b") {bit = false;}
954 else if (bitname == "tsf1b2b") {bit = false;}
955 else if (bitname == "tsf2b2b") {bit = false;}
956 else if (bitname == "grlgg1") {bit = false;}
957 else if (bitname == "grlgg2") {bit = false;}
959 //KLM TOP ECL not ready
960 else if (bitname == "ecl_bhauni") {bit = false;}
961 else if (bitname == "cdctop_0") {bit = false;}
962 else if (bitname == "cdctop_1") {bit = false;}
963 else if (bitname == "cdctop_2") {bit = false;}
964 else if (bitname == "cdctop_3") {bit = false;}
965 else if (bitname == "top_0") {bit = false;}
966 else if (bitname == "top_1") {bit = false;}
967 else if (bitname == "top_2") {bit = false;}
968 else if (bitname == "top_bb") {bit = false;}
969 else if (bitname == "top_active") {bit = false;}
971 //other trigger bits
972 else if (bitname == "itsfb2b") {bit = false;}
973 else if (bitname == "inp156") {bit = false;}
974 else if (bitname == "inp157") {bit = false;}
975 else if (bitname == "inp158") {bit = false;}
976 else if (bitname == "inp159") {bit = false;}
978 //new tau bit
979 else if (bitname == "ecl_taunn") {bit = ecltaunn;}
981 //DITTO: please don't change the WARNING message below.
982 //If you change it, please update the test accordingly.
983 //else B2WARNING("Unknown bitname" << LogVar("bitname", bitname));
984 else {
985 bit = false;
986 bool notcontain = std::find(m_falsebits.begin(), m_falsebits.end(), bitname) == m_falsebits.end();
987 if (notcontain) m_falsebits.push_back(bitname);
988 }
990 trgInfo->setInputBits(i, bit);
991 }
998 B2DEBUG(20, "TRGGRLProjectsModule ... endRun called ");
999 if (m_falsebits.size() > 0) {
1000 for (const std::string& bitname : m_falsebits) {
1001 B2WARNING("Unknown bitname" << LogVar("bitname", bitname));
1002 }
1003 }
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
Class to hold Lorentz transformations from/to CMS and boost vector.
const ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation rotateLabToCms() const
Returns Lorentz transformation from Lab to CMS.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
std::string m_configFilename
Config. file name.
std::string m_KLMTrgSummaryName
Name of the collection of KLM TRG.
int m_fastSimulationMode
Switch for the fast simulation.
std::string m_TrgECLTrgsName
Name of the StoreArray holding the ecl trg result.
int m_simulationMode
Mode for TRGGRL simulation.
std::string m_2DmatchCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray holding the matched 2D tracks.
std::string m_3DfitterCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray holding the tracks made by the 3D fitter.
int _debugLevel
returns version of TRGGRLProjectsModule.
int m_firmwareSimulationMode
Switch for the firmware simulation. 0:do nothing, 1:do everything.
virtual void initialize() override
Initilizes TRGGRLProjectsModule.
std::string m_TrgECLClusterName
Name of the StoreArray holding the eclclusters.
std::string m_phimatch_tracklist
the matched 2d track list by phi matching
virtual void event() override
Called event by event.
std::vector< std::string > m_falsebits
convert the unit of angle from rad to degree
virtual void endRun() override
Called when run ended.
virtual void terminate() override
Called when processing ended.
double m_eclClusterTimeWindow
ecl cluster time window to suppress beam induced background
virtual void beginRun() override
Called when new run started.
std::string m_2DfinderCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray holding the tracks made by the 2D finder.
DBObjPtr< TRGGDLDBInputBits > m_InputBitsDB
Data base of GDL input bits.
std::string m_NNCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray holding the tracks made by NN.
std::string m_klmmatch_tracklist
the matched 2d track list by KLM matching
std::string m_TrgGrlInformationName
Name of the StoreArray holding projects information from grl.
std::string m_grlphotonlist
Name of the StoreArray holding projects information from grlphoton.
std::vector< double > m_energythreshold
the collection of energy threshold used in the projects
std::string m_3DmatchCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray holding the matched 3D tracks.
A class of TC Mapping.
Definition: TrgEclMapping.h:26
int getTCThetaIdFromTCId(int)
get [TC Theta ID] from [TC ID]
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getTCPosition(int)
TC position (cm)
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
double atan(double a)
atan for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:34
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.