Belle II Software development
ECLHitRateCounter Class Reference

Class for monitoring beam background hit rates of ECL. More...

#include <ECLHitRateCounter.h>

Inheritance diagram for ECLHitRateCounter:


struct  TreeStruct
 tree structure More...

Public Member Functions

 ECLHitRateCounter ()
virtual void initialize (TTree *tree) override
 Class initializer: set branch addresses and other staf.
virtual void clear () override
 Clear time-stamp buffer to prepare for 'accumulate'.
virtual void accumulate (unsigned timeStamp) override
 Accumulate hits.
virtual void normalize (unsigned timeStamp) override
 Normalize accumulated hits (e.g.

Private Member Functions

void segmentECL ()
 Performs ECL segmentation; Done once per run; Populates a map which connects each ECL crystal with a segment number (0-15); Segments 0-3 are in the forward endcap, 4-7 are in the barrel with z<0, 8-11 are in the barrel with z>0, 12-15 are in the backward endcap; Segment 0 contains crystals with 45deg < phi < 135deg, Segment 1 contains crystals with 135deg < phi < 225deg, Segment 2 contains crystals with 225deg < phi < 315deg, Segment 3 contains crystals with phi < 45deg or phi > 315deg, With the same angular patter continuing for barrel and BWD encap segments.
int findECLSegment (int cellid)
 Find the correcsponding ECL segment based on the cellID.
void findElectronicsNoise ()
 Find the electronics noise correction for each cellID Reads a file with a histogram containing electronics noise level of each crystal.

Private Attributes

TreeStruct m_rates
 tree variables
std::map< unsigned, TreeStructm_buffer
 average rates in time stamps
StoreArray< ECLDigitm_digits
 collection of digits
StoreArray< ECLDspm_dsps
 collection of ECL waveforms
std::vector< float > m_ADCtoEnergy
 vector used to store ECL calibration constants for each crystal
std::vector< float > m_waveformNoise
 vector used to store ECL electronic noise constants foe each crystal
Belle2::ECL::ECLGeometryParm_geometry {nullptr}
 pointer to ECLGeometryPar
std::map< int, int > m_segmentMap
 map with keys containing ECL CellID and values containing segment number
int m_crystalsInSegment [16] = {0}
 array cotaining the number of crystals in given segment

Detailed Description

Class for monitoring beam background hit rates of ECL.

Definition at line 28 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ECLHitRateCounter()

ECLHitRateCounter ( )


Definition at line 59 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

60 {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ accumulate()

void accumulate ( unsigned  timeStamp)

Accumulate hits.

timeStamptime stamp

Implements HitRateBase.

Definition at line 52 of file

53 {
54 // check if data are available
55 if (not m_dsps.isValid()) return;
57 //calculate rates using waveforms
58 //The background rate for a crystal is calculated as
59 //rate = rms_pedestal_squared / (average_photon_energy_squared * time_constant)
60 //where time_constant=2.53 us and average_photon_energy_squared = 1 MeV
61 if (m_dsps.getEntries() == 8736) {
63 // get buffer element
64 auto& rates = m_buffer[timeStamp];
66 // increment event counter
67 rates.numEvents++;
69 for (auto& aECLDsp : m_dsps) {
71 int nadc = aECLDsp.getNADCPoints();
72 int cellID = aECLDsp.getCellId();
73 int segmentNumber = findECLSegment(cellID);
74 int crysID = cellID - 1;
75 std::vector<int> dspAv = aECLDsp.getDspA();
77 //finding the pedestal value
78 double dspMean = (std::accumulate(dspAv.begin(), dspAv.begin() + nadc, 0.0)) / nadc;
79 double wpsum = 0;
80 for (int v = 0; v < nadc; v++) {
81 wpsum += pow(dspAv[v] - dspMean, 2);
82 }
83 double dspRMS = sqrt(wpsum / nadc);
84 double dspSigma = dspRMS * abs(m_ADCtoEnergy[crysID]);
86 //calculating the background rate per second
87 double dspBkgRate = ((pow(dspSigma, 2)) - (pow(m_waveformNoise[crysID], 2))) / (2.53 * 1e-12);
88 if (dspBkgRate < 0) {
89 dspBkgRate = 0;
90 }
92 //hit rate for segment in ECL, which is later normalized per 1Hz
93 rates.averageDspBkgRate[segmentNumber] += dspBkgRate;
95 }
97 // set flag to true to indicate the rates are valid
98 rates.validDspRate = true;
99 }
100 }
std::map< unsigned, TreeStruct > m_buffer
average rates in time stamps
StoreArray< ECLDsp > m_dsps
collection of ECL waveforms
std::vector< float > m_waveformNoise
vector used to store ECL electronic noise constants foe each crystal
int findECLSegment(int cellid)
Find the correcsponding ECL segment based on the cellID.
std::vector< float > m_ADCtoEnergy
vector used to store ECL calibration constants for each crystal
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28

◆ clear()

void clear ( )

Clear time-stamp buffer to prepare for 'accumulate'.

Implements HitRateBase.

Definition at line 47 of file

48 {
49 m_buffer.clear();
50 }

◆ findECLSegment()

int findECLSegment ( int  cellid)

Find the correcsponding ECL segment based on the cellID.

cellidECL crystal CellID

Definition at line 108 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

109 {
110 return m_segmentMap.find(cellid)->second;
111 }
std::map< int, int > m_segmentMap
map with keys containing ECL CellID and values containing segment number

◆ initialize()

void initialize ( TTree *  tree)

Class initializer: set branch addresses and other staf.

treea valid TTree pointer

Implements HitRateBase.

Definition at line 28 of file

29 {
30 segmentECL();
31 // register collection(s) as optional, your detector might be excluded in DAQ
32 m_dsps.isOptional();
34 // set branch address
35 tree->Branch("ecl", &m_rates, "averageDspBkgRate[16]/F:numEvents/I:validDspRate/O");
37 //ECL calibration
38 DBObjPtr<ECLCrystalCalib> ECLElectronicsCalib("ECLCrystalElectronics"), ECLECalib("ECLCrystalEnergy"),
39 ECLWaveformNoise("ECLWaveformRMS");
40 m_ADCtoEnergy.resize(8736);
41 if (ECLElectronicsCalib) for (int i = 0; i < 8736; i++) m_ADCtoEnergy[i] = ECLElectronicsCalib->getCalibVector()[i];
42 if (ECLECalib) for (int i = 0; i < 8736; i++) m_ADCtoEnergy[i] *= ECLECalib->getCalibVector()[i];
43 m_waveformNoise.resize(8736);
44 if (ECLWaveformNoise) for (int i = 0; i < 8736; i++) m_waveformNoise[i] = ECLWaveformNoise->getCalibVector()[i];
45 }
void segmentECL()
Performs ECL segmentation; Done once per run; Populates a map which connects each ECL crystal with a ...

◆ normalize()

void normalize ( unsigned  timeStamp)

Normalize accumulated hits (e.g.

transform to rates)

timeStamptime stamp

Implements HitRateBase.

Definition at line 102 of file

103 {
104 // copy buffer element
105 m_rates = m_buffer[timeStamp];
107 if (not m_rates.validDspRate) return;
109 // normalize
112 //get average ret per crystal in segment
113 for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
115 }
116 }
int m_crystalsInSegment[16]
array cotaining the number of crystals in given segment
bool validDspRate
status for rates calculated from waveforms, true if waveforms for all crystals are recorded
float averageDspBkgRate[16]
average background rate per crystal in given segment, calculated using ECL waveforms [hits/second]
void normalize()
normalize accumulated rates based on ECL waveforms

◆ segmentECL()

void segmentECL ( )

Performs ECL segmentation; Done once per run; Populates a map which connects each ECL crystal with a segment number (0-15); Segments 0-3 are in the forward endcap, 4-7 are in the barrel with z<0, 8-11 are in the barrel with z>0, 12-15 are in the backward endcap; Segment 0 contains crystals with 45deg < phi < 135deg, Segment 1 contains crystals with 135deg < phi < 225deg, Segment 2 contains crystals with 225deg < phi < 315deg, Segment 3 contains crystals with phi < 45deg or phi > 315deg, With the same angular patter continuing for barrel and BWD encap segments.

Definition at line 119 of file

120 {
122 for (int cid = 1; cid < 8737; cid++) {
123 m_geometry->Mapping(cid);
124 const B2Vector3D position = m_geometry->GetCrystalPos(cid - 1);
125 const double phi = position.Phi();
126 const double z = position.Z();
128 if (cid < 1297) {
129 if (phi > 0.7853 && phi < 2.356) {
130 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 0));
131 m_crystalsInSegment[0] += 1;
132 } else if (phi >= 2.356 || phi <= -2.356) {
133 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 1));
134 m_crystalsInSegment[1] += 1;
135 } else if (phi > -2.356 && phi < -0.7853) {
136 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 2));
137 m_crystalsInSegment[2] += 1;
138 } else {
139 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 3));
140 m_crystalsInSegment[3] += 1;
141 }
142 } else if (cid < 7777) {
143 if (z > 0) {
144 if (phi > 0.7853 && phi < 2.356) {
145 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 4));
146 m_crystalsInSegment[4] += 1;
147 } else if (phi >= 2.356 || phi <= -2.356) {
148 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 5));
149 m_crystalsInSegment[5] += 1;
150 } else if (phi > -2.356 && phi < -0.7853) {
151 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 6));
152 m_crystalsInSegment[6] += 1;
153 } else {
154 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 7));
155 m_crystalsInSegment[7] += 1;
156 }
157 } else {
158 if (phi > 0.7853 && phi < 2.356) {
159 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 8));
160 m_crystalsInSegment[8] += 1;
161 } else if (phi >= 2.356 || phi <= -2.356) {
162 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 9));
163 m_crystalsInSegment[9] += 1;
164 } else if (phi > -2.356 && phi < -0.7853) {
165 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 10));
166 m_crystalsInSegment[10] += 1;
167 } else {
168 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 11));
169 m_crystalsInSegment[11] += 1;
170 }
171 }
172 } else {
173 if (phi > 0.7853 && phi < 2.356) {
174 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 12));
175 m_crystalsInSegment[12] += 1;
176 } else if (phi >= 2.356 || phi <= -2.356) {
177 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 13));
178 m_crystalsInSegment[13] += 1;
179 } else if (phi > -2.356 && phi < -0.7853) {
180 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 14));
181 m_crystalsInSegment[14] += 1;
182 } else {
183 m_segmentMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(cid, 15));
184 m_crystalsInSegment[15] += 1;
185 }
186 }
187 }
188 }
Belle2::ECL::ECLGeometryPar * m_geometry
pointer to ECLGeometryPar
static ECLGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the ECLGeometryPar instance.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector GetCrystalPos(int cid)
The Position of crystal.
void Mapping(int cid)
Mapping theta, phi Id.
B2Vector3< double > B2Vector3D
typedef for common usage with double
Definition: B2Vector3.h:516

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_ADCtoEnergy

std::vector<float> m_ADCtoEnergy

vector used to store ECL calibration constants for each crystal

Definition at line 129 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

◆ m_buffer

std::map<unsigned, TreeStruct> m_buffer

average rates in time stamps

Definition at line 123 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

◆ m_crystalsInSegment

int m_crystalsInSegment[16] = {0}

array cotaining the number of crystals in given segment

Definition at line 135 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

◆ m_digits

StoreArray<ECLDigit> m_digits

collection of digits

Definition at line 126 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

◆ m_dsps

StoreArray<ECLDsp> m_dsps

collection of ECL waveforms

Definition at line 127 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

◆ m_geometry

Belle2::ECL::ECLGeometryPar* m_geometry {nullptr}

pointer to ECLGeometryPar

Definition at line 133 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

◆ m_rates

TreeStruct m_rates

tree variables

Definition at line 120 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

◆ m_segmentMap

std::map<int, int> m_segmentMap

map with keys containing ECL CellID and values containing segment number

Definition at line 134 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

◆ m_waveformNoise

std::vector<float> m_waveformNoise

vector used to store ECL electronic noise constants foe each crystal

Definition at line 130 of file ECLHitRateCounter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: