Belle II Software development
Phokhara Class Reference

C++ Interface for the Fortran generator PHOKHARA. More...

#include <Phokhara.h>

Public Member Functions

 Phokhara ()
 ~Phokhara ()
void setDefaultSettings ()
 Sets the default settings for the PHOKHARA generator.
void setLO (int LO)
 Sets LO correction mode.
void setWeighted (int weighted)
 Sets weighted mode.
void setNLO (int NLO)
 Sets NLO mode.
void setFullNLO (int FullNLO)
 Sets Full NLO mode.
void setQED (int QED)
 Sets QED corrections.
void setIFSNLO (int IFSNLO)
 Sets IFSNLO options.
void setAlpha (int alpha)
 Sets alpha qed options.
void setPionFF (int pionff)
 Sets pion formfactors.
void setKaonFF (int kaonff)
 Sets kaon formfactors.
void setPionStructure (int pionstructure)
 Sets Pion Structure.
void setNarrowRes (int narres)
 Sets narrow resonances.
void setProtonFF (int protonff)
 Sets Proton formfactors.
void setChiSW (int chisw)
 Sets Chi production.
void setSwitchBeamResolution (int be_r)
 Switches beam resolution for Chi production.
void setBeamResolution (double beamres)
 Beam resolution for Chi production.
void setScatteringAngleRangePhoton (std::pair< double, double > angleRange)
 Sets the theta scattering angle range for the photon.
void setScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates (std::pair< double, double > angleRange)
 Sets the theta scattering angle range for the final state particles.
void setMinInvMassHadronsGamma (double MinInvMassHadronsGamma)
 Sets the minimal hadrons(muons)-gamma-inv mass squared.
void setm_MinInvMassHadrons (double MinInvMassHadrons)
 Sets the minimal inv.
void setForceMinInvMassHadronsCut (bool forceMinInvMassHadronsCut)
 Sets whether to force the minimal invariant mass squared cut.
void setm_MaxInvMassHadrons (double MaxInvMassHadrons)
 Sets the maximal inv.
void setMinEnergyGamma (double MinEnergyGamma)
 Sets the minimal photon energy/missing energy.
void setCMSEnergy (double cmsEnergy)
 Sets the CMS energy.
void setNSearchMax (int nSearchMax)
 Sets the number of events used to search maximum.
void setEpsilon (double epsilon)
 Sets soft/hard photon energy separator.
void setFinalState (int finalState)
 Sets final state.
void setReplaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton (bool replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton)
 Sets whether to replace muons by a virtual photon.
void setNMaxTrials (int nMaxTrials)
 Sets number of trials per event.
void init (const std::string &paramFile)
 Initializes the generator.
double generateEvent (MCParticleGraph &mcGraph, ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation boost)
 Generates one single event.
void term ()
 Terminates the generator.

Protected Member Functions

void applySettings ()
 Apply the settings to the internal Fortran generator.
void storeParticle (MCParticleGraph &mcGraph, const double *mom, int pdg, ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation boost, bool isVirtual=false, bool isInitial=false)
 Store a single generated particle into the MonteCarlo graph.

Protected Attributes

double m_pi
double m_conversionFactor
 Conversion factor for hbarc to nb.
double m_alphaQED0
 QED coupling constant at Q=0.
double m_massElectron
 muon mass.
double m_massMuon
 electron mass.
double m_massW
 W mass [GeV] for on shell sin2theta and GF.
double m_massZ
 Z mass [GeV].
double m_widthZ
 Z width [GeV] (may be recalculated by EW library).
int m_finalState
 final state, called 'pion' in Phokhara, dont get confused.
bool m_replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton
 Replace muons by a virtual photon.
int m_nMaxTrials
 Events before loop is aborted.
int m_nSearchMax
 Events used to search maximum of differential cross section.
double m_cmsEnergy
 CMS Energy = 2*Ebeam [GeV].
double m_epsilon
 Soft/hard photon separator in units of CMS/2., called 'w' in Phokhara.
int m_weighted
 generate weighted events
int m_LO
 LO: 1ph(0, default), Born: 0ph(1), only Born: 0ph(-1)
int m_NLO
 NLO, for 1ph only: off (0, default), on (1)
int m_fullNLO
 NLO, full NLO : No(0), Yes(1)
int m_QED
 ISR only(0), ISR+FSR(1), ISR+INT+FSR(2)
int m_IFSNLO
 IFSNLO: no(0), yes(1)
int m_alpha
 vacuum polarization switch: off (0), on (1,[by Fred Jegerlehner]), on (2,[by Thomas Teubner])
int m_pionff
 FF_pion: KS PionFormFactor(0),GS old (1),GS new (2)
int m_pionstructure
 for pi+pi- only: f0+f0(600): K+K- model(0), "no structure" model(1), no f0+f0(600)(2), f0 KLOE(3)
int m_kaonff
 FF_kaon: KaonFormFactor constrained(0), KaonFormFactor unconstrained(1) KaonFormFactor old(2)
int m_narres
 narr_res: no narrow resonances (0), J/psi (1) and psi(2S) (2) only for m_finalState = 0,1,6,7
int m_protonff
 ProtonFormFactor old(0), ProtonFormFactor new(1)
int m_chi_sw
 chi_sw: Radiative return(0), Chi production(1), Radiative return + Chi production (2)
int m_be_r
 be_r: without beam resolution(0), with beam resolution(1)
std::pair< double, double > m_ScatteringAngleRangePhoton
 Minimal/Maximal photon angle/missing momentum angle.
std::pair< double, double > m_ScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates
 Minimal/Maximal pions(muons,nucleons,kaons) momentum angle.
double m_MinInvMassHadronsGamma
 minimum mass of the hadron-gamma system [GeV^2]
double m_MinInvMassHadrons
 minimum mass of the hadron system [GeV^2]
bool m_ForceMinInvMassHadronsCut
 Force application of the above cut.
double m_MaxInvMassHadrons
 maximum mass of the hadron system [GeV^2]
double m_MinEnergyGamma
 minimum gamma energy [GeV]
double m_beamres
 beam resolution for chi2 studies

Private Attributes

int m_npar [100]
 Integer parameters for PHOKHARA.
double m_xpar [100]
 Double parameters for PHOKHARA.

Detailed Description

C++ Interface for the Fortran generator PHOKHARA.

Definition at line 27 of file Phokhara.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Phokhara()

Phokhara ( )


Sets the default settings.

Definition at line 83 of file

85 for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
86 m_npar[i] = 0;
87 m_xpar[i] = 0.0;
88 }
int m_npar[100]
Integer parameters for PHOKHARA.
Definition: Phokhara.h:264
void setDefaultSettings()
Sets the default settings for the PHOKHARA generator.
double m_xpar[100]
Double parameters for PHOKHARA.
Definition: Phokhara.h:265

◆ ~Phokhara()

~Phokhara ( )


Definition at line 93 of file


Member Function Documentation

◆ applySettings()

void applySettings ( )

Apply the settings to the internal Fortran generator.

Definition at line 293 of file

296 //--------------------
297 // Integer parameters
298 //--------------------
299 m_npar[1] = m_nMaxTrials;
300 m_npar[2] = m_nSearchMax;
301 m_npar[3] = m_weighted;
302 m_npar[20] = m_finalState;
303 m_npar[30] = m_LO;
304 m_npar[31] = m_NLO;
305 m_npar[32] = m_QED;
306 m_npar[33] = m_IFSNLO;
307 m_npar[34] = m_alpha;
308 m_npar[35] = m_pionff;
310 m_npar[37] = m_kaonff;
311 m_npar[38] = m_narres;
312 m_npar[39] = m_protonff;
313 m_npar[40] = m_fullNLO;
314 m_npar[50] = m_chi_sw;
315 m_npar[51] = m_be_r;
316 m_npar[60] = m_weighted;
318 //--------------------
319 // Double parameters
320 //--------------------
321 m_xpar[0] = m_cmsEnergy;
322 m_xpar[11] = m_epsilon;
334 m_xpar[30] = m_beamres;
336 int mode = -1; //use mode to control init/generation/finalize in FORTRAN code
337 phokhara(&mode, m_xpar, m_npar);
338 if (belle2_error_flag_.error_flag != 0) {
339 B2FATAL("Phokhara returned a non-zero exit code. Check the output of phokara.");
340 }
double m_beamres
beam resolution for chi2 studies
Definition: Phokhara.h:242
int m_pionstructure
for pi+pi- only: f0+f0(600): K+K- model(0), "no structure" model(1), no f0+f0(600)(2),...
Definition: Phokhara.h:228
int m_LO
LO: 1ph(0, default), Born: 0ph(1), only Born: 0ph(-1)
Definition: Phokhara.h:221
int m_finalState
final state, called 'pion' in Phokhara, dont get confused.
Definition: Phokhara.h:214
std::pair< double, double > m_ScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates
Minimal/Maximal pions(muons,nucleons,kaons) momentum angle.
Definition: Phokhara.h:236
int m_QED
ISR only(0), ISR+FSR(1), ISR+INT+FSR(2)
Definition: Phokhara.h:224
int m_narres
narr_res: no narrow resonances (0), J/psi (1) and psi(2S) (2) only for m_finalState = 0,...
Definition: Phokhara.h:230
double m_cmsEnergy
CMS Energy = 2*Ebeam [GeV].
Definition: Phokhara.h:218
int m_alpha
vacuum polarization switch: off (0), on (1,[by Fred Jegerlehner]), on (2,[by Thomas Teubner])
Definition: Phokhara.h:226
int m_chi_sw
chi_sw: Radiative return(0), Chi production(1), Radiative return + Chi production (2)
Definition: Phokhara.h:232
double m_epsilon
Soft/hard photon separator in units of CMS/2., called 'w' in Phokhara.
Definition: Phokhara.h:219
int m_pionff
FF_pion: KS PionFormFactor(0),GS old (1),GS new (2)
Definition: Phokhara.h:227
int m_protonff
ProtonFormFactor old(0), ProtonFormFactor new(1)
Definition: Phokhara.h:231
std::pair< double, double > m_ScatteringAngleRangePhoton
Minimal/Maximal photon angle/missing momentum angle.
Definition: Phokhara.h:235
int m_IFSNLO
IFSNLO: no(0), yes(1)
Definition: Phokhara.h:225
int m_nSearchMax
Events used to search maximum of differential cross section.
Definition: Phokhara.h:217
int m_nMaxTrials
Events before loop is aborted.
Definition: Phokhara.h:216
int m_be_r
be_r: without beam resolution(0), with beam resolution(1)
Definition: Phokhara.h:233
double m_MinInvMassHadronsGamma
minimum mass of the hadron-gamma system [GeV^2]
Definition: Phokhara.h:237
int m_kaonff
FF_kaon: KaonFormFactor constrained(0), KaonFormFactor unconstrained(1) KaonFormFactor old(2)
Definition: Phokhara.h:229
int m_weighted
generate weighted events
Definition: Phokhara.h:220
int m_NLO
NLO, for 1ph only: off (0, default), on (1)
Definition: Phokhara.h:222
double m_MaxInvMassHadrons
maximum mass of the hadron system [GeV^2]
Definition: Phokhara.h:240
int m_fullNLO
NLO, full NLO : No(0), Yes(1)
Definition: Phokhara.h:223
double m_MinEnergyGamma
minimum gamma energy [GeV]
Definition: Phokhara.h:241
double m_MinInvMassHadrons
minimum mass of the hadron system [GeV^2]
Definition: Phokhara.h:238

◆ generateEvent()

double generateEvent ( MCParticleGraph mcGraph,
ROOT::Math::XYZVector  vertex,
ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation  boost 

Generates one single event.

mcGraphReference to the MonteCarlo graph into which the generated particles will be stored.
vertexgenerated vertex.
boostgenerated boost.

Definition at line 181 of file

184 //Generate event
185 int mode = 1;
187 while (1) {
188 phokhara(&mode, m_xpar, m_npar);
189 double partMom[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
190 for (int iPart = 0; iPart < belle2_phokhara_particles.bnhad; ++iPart) {
191 for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
192 partMom[j] += belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[j][iPart];
193 }
194 double m2 = partMom[0] * partMom[0] - partMom[1] * partMom[1]
195 - partMom[2] * partMom[2] - partMom[3] * partMom[3];
196 if (m2 > m_MinInvMassHadrons)
197 break;
198 }
199 } else
200 phokhara(&mode, m_xpar, m_npar);
202 // Check error flag increment during phokhara execution
203 if (belle2_error_flag_.error_flag != 0) {
204 B2FATAL("Phokhara returned a non-zero exit code. Check the output of phokara.");
205 }
206 //Store the initial particles as virtual particles into the MCParticleGraph
207 double eMom[4] = {belle2_phokhara_particles.bp1[1], belle2_phokhara_particles.bp1[2], belle2_phokhara_particles.bp1[3], belle2_phokhara_particles.bp1[0]};
208 double pMom[4] = {belle2_phokhara_particles.bq1[1], belle2_phokhara_particles.bq1[2], belle2_phokhara_particles.bq1[3], belle2_phokhara_particles.bq1[0]};
210 storeParticle(mcGraph, eMom, 11, vertex, boost, false, true);
211 storeParticle(mcGraph, pMom, -11, vertex, boost, false, true);
213 //Store the real photons into the MCParticleGraph
214 for (int iPhot = 0; iPhot < belle2_phokhara_particles.bnphot; ++iPhot) {
215 double photMom[4] = {belle2_phokhara_particles.bphot[1][iPhot], belle2_phokhara_particles.bphot[2][iPhot], belle2_phokhara_particles.bphot[3][iPhot], belle2_phokhara_particles.bphot[0][iPhot]};
216 storeParticle(mcGraph, photMom, 22, vertex, boost, false, false);
217 }
219 //Store the other final state particles into the MCParticleGraph
221 if (belle2_phokhara_particles.bnhad != 2)
222 B2FATAL("Number of particles generated by PHOKHARA does not match the "
223 "requested final state (mu+ mu-).");
224 double partMom[4] = {belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[1][0] + belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[1][1],
225 belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[2][0] + belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[2][1],
226 belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[3][0] + belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[3][1],
227 belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[0][0] + belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[0][1]
228 };
229 storeParticle(mcGraph, partMom, 10022, vertex, boost, false, false);
230 } else {
231 for (int iPart = 0; iPart < belle2_phokhara_particles.bnhad; ++iPart) {
232 double partMom[4] = {belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[1][iPart], belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[2][iPart], belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[3][iPart], belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[0][iPart]};
234 storeParticle(mcGraph, partMom, belle2_phokhara_particles.bp2[4][iPart], vertex, boost, false, false);
235 }
236 }
238 //some PHOKHARA final states contain unstable particle
239 if (m_finalState == 9) { //Lambda, Lambdabar
240 int id = 2 + belle2_phokhara_particles.bnphot;
242 //get lambdabar -> p+ anti-p and lambda -> pi p
243 MCParticleGraph::GraphParticle* lambdabar = &mcGraph[id];
244 MCParticleGraph::GraphParticle* daughter1 = &mcGraph[id + 2];
245 daughter1->comesFrom(*lambdabar);
246 MCParticleGraph::GraphParticle* daughter2 = &mcGraph[id + 3];
247 daughter2->comesFrom(*lambdabar);
249 MCParticleGraph::GraphParticle* lambda = &mcGraph[id + 1];
250 daughter1 = &mcGraph[id + 4];
251 daughter1->comesFrom(*lambda);
252 daughter2 = &mcGraph[id + 5];
253 daughter2->comesFrom(*lambda);
257 }
259 if (m_weighted)
260 return belle2_phokhara_particles.wgt;
261 return 1.0;
Class to represent Particle data in graph.
void comesFrom(GraphParticle &mother)
Tells the graph that this particle is a decay product of mother.
@ c_StableInGenerator
bit 1: Particle is stable, i.e., not decaying in the generator.
Definition: MCParticle.h:49
void removeStatus(unsigned short int bitmask)
Remove bitmask from current status.
Definition: MCParticle.h:360
bool m_ForceMinInvMassHadronsCut
Force application of the above cut.
Definition: Phokhara.h:239
void storeParticle(MCParticleGraph &mcGraph, const double *mom, int pdg, ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation boost, bool isVirtual=false, bool isInitial=false)
Store a single generated particle into the MonteCarlo graph.
bool m_replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton
Replace muons by a virtual photon.
Definition: Phokhara.h:215

◆ init()

void init ( const std::string &  paramFile)

Initializes the generator.

paramFileThe path to the input param file for Phokhara.

Definition at line 166 of file

168 B2INFO("Phokhara::init, using paramater file: " << paramFile);
170 if (paramFile.empty()) B2FATAL("Phokhara: The specified param file is empty!");
171 phokhara_set_parameter_file(paramFile.c_str());
173// if (inputFile.empty()) B2FATAL("Phokhara: The specified input file is empty!")
174// fileLength = inputFile.size();
175// phokhara_setinputfile_(inputFile.c_str(), &fileLength);
void applySettings()
Apply the settings to the internal Fortran generator.

◆ setAlpha()

void setAlpha ( int  alpha)

Sets alpha qed options.

alphaVacuum polarization switch: off (0), on (1,[by Fred Jegerlehner], default), on (2,[by Thomas Teubner])

Definition at line 74 of file Phokhara.h.

74{ m_alpha = alpha; }

◆ setBeamResolution()

void setBeamResolution ( double  beamres)

Beam resolution for Chi production.

beamres- beam resolution for pion==11 and pion==12 only

Definition at line 114 of file Phokhara.h.

114{ m_beamres = beamres; }

◆ setChiSW()

void setChiSW ( int  chisw)

Sets Chi production.

chiswRadiative return(0), Chi production(1), Radiative return + Chi production (2)

Definition at line 104 of file Phokhara.h.

104{ m_chi_sw = chisw; }

◆ setCMSEnergy()

void setCMSEnergy ( double  cmsEnergy)

Sets the CMS energy.

cmsEnergyThe CMS energy in [GeV].

Definition at line 156 of file Phokhara.h.

156{ m_cmsEnergy = cmsEnergy; }

◆ setDefaultSettings()

void setDefaultSettings ( )

Sets the default settings for the PHOKHARA generator.

Definition at line 98 of file

100// std::cout << "Phokhara::setDefaultSettings()" << std::endl;
102// these are the settings to reproduce the phokhara9.1 standalone result
103// m_cmsEnergy = 10.580 * Unit::GeV;
104// m_applyBoost = true;
105// m_finalState = 1;
106// m_nMaxTrials = 10000;
107// m_nSearchMax = 50000;
108// m_epsilon = 1.e-4;
109// m_LO = 1;
110// m_NLO = 0;
111// m_QED = 0;
112// m_IFSNLO = 0;
113// m_alpha = 1;
114// m_pionff = 0;
115// m_pionstructure = 0;
116// m_kaonff = 0;
117// m_narres = 0;
118// m_protonff = 1;
119// m_ScatteringAngleRangePhoton = make_pair(0.0, 180.0); //in [deg]
120// m_ScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates = make_pair(0.0, 180.0); //in [deg]
121// m_MinInvMassHadronsGamma = 0.;
122// m_MinInvMassHadrons = 0.2;
123// m_MaxInvMassHadrons = 0.5;
124// m_MinEnergyGamma = 4.0;
126 m_cmsEnergy = 0.0;
127 m_finalState = -1;
129 m_nMaxTrials = -1;
130 m_nSearchMax = -1;
131 m_epsilon = 1.e-4;
132 m_weighted = 0;
133 m_LO = -1;
134 m_NLO = -1;
135 m_fullNLO = -1;
136 m_QED = -1;
137 m_IFSNLO = -1;
138 m_alpha = -1;
139 m_pionff = -1;
140 m_pionstructure = -1;
141 m_kaonff = -1;
142 m_narres = -1;
143 m_protonff = -1;
144 m_ScatteringAngleRangePhoton = make_pair(0.0, 180.0); //in [deg]
145 m_ScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates = make_pair(0.0, 180.0); //in [deg]
150 m_MinEnergyGamma = 0.;
151 m_chi_sw = 0;
152 m_be_r = 0;
153 m_beamres = 0.;
155 m_pi = 0.;
157 m_alphaQED0 = 0.;
158 m_massElectron = 0.;
159 m_massMuon = 0.;
160 m_massW = 0.;
161 m_massZ = 0.;
162 m_widthZ = 0.;
double m_alphaQED0
QED coupling constant at Q=0.
Definition: Phokhara.h:206
double m_conversionFactor
Conversion factor for hbarc to nb.
Definition: Phokhara.h:205
double m_massMuon
electron mass.
Definition: Phokhara.h:208
double m_massW
W mass [GeV] for on shell sin2theta and GF.
Definition: Phokhara.h:209
double m_widthZ
Z width [GeV] (may be recalculated by EW library).
Definition: Phokhara.h:211
double m_massZ
Z mass [GeV].
Definition: Phokhara.h:210
double m_pi
Definition: Phokhara.h:204
double m_massElectron
muon mass.
Definition: Phokhara.h:207

◆ setEpsilon()

void setEpsilon ( double  epsilon)

Sets soft/hard photon energy separator.

epsilonsoft/hard photon energy separator

Definition at line 166 of file Phokhara.h.

166{ m_epsilon = epsilon; }

◆ setFinalState()

void setFinalState ( int  finalState)

Sets final state.

finalStateFinal state code.

Definition at line 171 of file Phokhara.h.

171{ m_finalState = finalState; }

◆ setForceMinInvMassHadronsCut()

void setForceMinInvMassHadronsCut ( bool  forceMinInvMassHadronsCut)

Sets whether to force the minimal invariant mass squared cut.

This cut is ignored by PHOKHARA with LO = 1, NLO = 1.

[in]forceMinInvMassHadronsCutWhether to force the cut or not.

Definition at line 140 of file Phokhara.h.

141 { m_ForceMinInvMassHadronsCut = forceMinInvMassHadronsCut; }

◆ setFullNLO()

void setFullNLO ( int  FullNLO)

Sets Full NLO mode.

FullNLONLO : No(0), Yes(1)

Definition at line 59 of file Phokhara.h.

59{ m_fullNLO = FullNLO; }

◆ setIFSNLO()

void setIFSNLO ( int  IFSNLO)

Sets IFSNLO options.

IFSNLOno(0), yes(1)

Definition at line 69 of file Phokhara.h.

69{ m_IFSNLO = IFSNLO; }

◆ setKaonFF()

void setKaonFF ( int  kaonff)

Sets kaon formfactors.

kaonffKaonFormFactor constrained (0),KaonFormFactor unconstrained (1),KaonFormFactor old (2)

Definition at line 84 of file Phokhara.h.

84{ m_kaonff = kaonff; }

◆ setLO()

void setLO ( int  LO)

Sets LO correction mode.

LODefines LO: 1ph (0, default), Born: 0ph (1), only Born: 0ph (-1).

Definition at line 44 of file Phokhara.h.

44{ m_LO = LO; }

◆ setm_MaxInvMassHadrons()

void setm_MaxInvMassHadrons ( double  MaxInvMassHadrons)

Sets the maximal inv.

mass squared of the hadrons(muons)

MaxInvMassHadronsmaximal inv. mass squared of the hadrons(muons) in [GeV^2].

Definition at line 146 of file Phokhara.h.

146{ m_MaxInvMassHadrons = MaxInvMassHadrons; }

◆ setm_MinInvMassHadrons()

void setm_MinInvMassHadrons ( double  MinInvMassHadrons)

Sets the minimal inv.

mass squared of the hadrons(muons)

MinInvMassHadronsminimal inv. mass squared of the hadrons(muons) in [GeV^2].

Definition at line 134 of file Phokhara.h.

134{ m_MinInvMassHadrons = MinInvMassHadrons; }

◆ setMinEnergyGamma()

void setMinEnergyGamma ( double  MinEnergyGamma)

Sets the minimal photon energy/missing energy.

MinEnergyGammaminimal photon energy/missing energy in [GeV^2].

Definition at line 151 of file Phokhara.h.

151{ m_MinEnergyGamma = MinEnergyGamma; }

◆ setMinInvMassHadronsGamma()

void setMinInvMassHadronsGamma ( double  MinInvMassHadronsGamma)

Sets the minimal hadrons(muons)-gamma-inv mass squared.

MinInvMassHadronsGammaminimal hadrons(muons)-gamma-inv mass squared in [GeV^2].

Definition at line 129 of file Phokhara.h.

129{ m_MinInvMassHadronsGamma = MinInvMassHadronsGamma; }

◆ setNarrowRes()

void setNarrowRes ( int  narres)

Sets narrow resonances.

narresno narrow resonances (0), J/Psi (1), Psi(2S) (2) (narrow resonances only for pion = 0, 1, 6, 7

Definition at line 94 of file Phokhara.h.

94{ m_narres = narres; }

◆ setNLO()

void setNLO ( int  NLO)

Sets NLO mode.

NLODefines NLO, for 1ph only: off (0, default), on (1)

Definition at line 54 of file Phokhara.h.

54{ m_NLO = NLO; }

◆ setNMaxTrials()

void setNMaxTrials ( int  nMaxTrials)

Sets number of trials per event.

nMaxTrialsPHOKHARA is very ineffienct when using NLO corrections, adjust number of trials to >1000 per event!

Definition at line 182 of file Phokhara.h.

182{ m_nMaxTrials = nMaxTrials; }

◆ setNSearchMax()

void setNSearchMax ( int  nSearchMax)

Sets the number of events used to search maximum.

nSearchMaxNumber of events for maximum search

Definition at line 161 of file Phokhara.h.

161{ m_nSearchMax = nSearchMax; }

◆ setPionFF()

void setPionFF ( int  pionff)

Sets pion formfactors.

pionffKS Pionformfactor(0), GS Pionformfactor(1) old, GS Pionformfactor new(2)

Definition at line 79 of file Phokhara.h.

79{ m_pionff = pionff; }

◆ setPionStructure()

void setPionStructure ( int  pionstructure)

Sets Pion Structure.

pionstructuref0+f0(600): KK model(0), no structure(1), no f0+f0(600)(2), f0 KLOE(3)

Definition at line 89 of file Phokhara.h.

89{ m_pionstructure = pionstructure; }

◆ setProtonFF()

void setProtonFF ( int  protonff)

Sets Proton formfactors.

protonfff0+f0(600): KK model(0), no structure(1), no f0+f0(600)(2), f0 KLOE(3)

Definition at line 99 of file Phokhara.h.

99{ m_protonff = protonff; }

◆ setQED()

void setQED ( int  QED)

Sets QED corrections.

QEDQED corrections: ISR only(0), ISR+FSR(1), ISR+INT+FSR(2)

Definition at line 64 of file Phokhara.h.

64{ m_QED = QED; }

◆ setReplaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton()

void setReplaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton ( bool  replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton)

Sets whether to replace muons by a virtual photon.

replaceMuonsByVirtualPhotonIf true, perform the replacement.

Definition at line 176 of file Phokhara.h.

177 { m_replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton = replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton; }

◆ setScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates()

void setScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates ( std::pair< double, double >  angleRange)

Sets the theta scattering angle range for the final state particles.

angleRangeA pair of values, representing the min and max theta angle of the final state particles in [deg].

Definition at line 124 of file Phokhara.h.

124{ m_ScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates = angleRange; }

◆ setScatteringAngleRangePhoton()

void setScatteringAngleRangePhoton ( std::pair< double, double >  angleRange)

Sets the theta scattering angle range for the photon.

angleRangeA pair of values, representing the min and max theta angle of the photon in [deg].

Definition at line 119 of file Phokhara.h.

119{ m_ScatteringAngleRangePhoton = angleRange; }

◆ setSwitchBeamResolution()

void setSwitchBeamResolution ( int  be_r)

Switches beam resolution for Chi production.

be_rwithout beam resolution(0), with beam resolution(1). Works only for pion=11 and pion=12

Definition at line 109 of file Phokhara.h.

109{ m_be_r = be_r; }

◆ setWeighted()

void setWeighted ( int  weighted)

Sets weighted mode.

weightedgenerate weighted events.

Definition at line 49 of file Phokhara.h.

49{ m_weighted = weighted; }

◆ storeParticle()

void storeParticle ( MCParticleGraph mcGraph,
const double *  mom,
int  pdg,
ROOT::Math::XYZVector  vertex,
ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation  boost,
bool  isVirtual = false,
bool  isInitial = false 

Store a single generated particle into the MonteCarlo graph.

mcGraphReference to the MonteCarlo graph into which the particle should be stored.
momThe 3-momentum of the particle in [GeV].
pdgThe PDG code of the particle.
vertexgenerated vertex.
boostgenerated boost.
isVirtualIf the particle is a virtual particle, such as the incoming particles, set this to true.
isInitialIf the particle is a initial particle for ISR, set this to true.

Definition at line 344 of file

348 // Create particle
351 //all particles are primary!
354 //all particles are stable (if not, will be changed later)!
357 if (isVirtual) {
359 } else if (isInitial) {
361 }
363 //set photon flags
364 if (pdg == 22) {
367 }
369 part.setPDG(pdg);
370 part.setFirstDaughter(0);
371 part.setLastDaughter(0);
372 part.setMomentum(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(mom[0], mom[1], mom[2]));
373 // part.get4Vector() uses mass, need to set invariant mass for virtual photons
374 if ((m_finalState == 0) && m_replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton && (pdg == 10022))
375 part.setMass(sqrt(mom[3] * mom[3] - mom[0] * mom[0] - mom[1] * mom[1] -
376 mom[2] * mom[2]));
377 else
378 part.setMass(TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg)->Mass());
379 part.setEnergy(mom[3]);
381 //boost
382 ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector p4 = part.get4Vector();
383 p4 = boost * p4;
384 part.set4Vector(p4);
386 //set vertex
387 if (!isInitial) {
388 ROOT::Math::XYZVector v3 = part.getProductionVertex();
389 v3 = v3 + vertex;
390 part.setProductionVertex(v3);
391 part.setValidVertex(true);
392 }
void setFirstDaughter(int daughter)
Set the 1-based index of the first daughter, 0 means no daughters.
void setLastDaughter(int daughter)
Set the 1-based index of the last daughter, 0 means no daughters.
@ c_IsFSRPhoton
bit 7: Particle is from finial state radiation
Definition: MCParticle.h:61
@ c_Initial
bit 5: Particle is initial such as e+ or e- and not going to Geant4
Definition: MCParticle.h:57
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:47
@ c_IsVirtual
bit 4: Particle is virtual and not going to Geant4.
Definition: MCParticle.h:55
@ c_IsISRPhoton
bit 6: Particle is from initial state radiation
Definition: MCParticle.h:59
void setMass(float mass)
Set particle mass.
Definition: MCParticle.h:366
void addStatus(unsigned short int bitmask)
Add bitmask to current status.
Definition: MCParticle.h:353
void setEnergy(float energy)
Set energy.
Definition: MCParticle.h:372
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getProductionVertex() const
Return production vertex position.
Definition: MCParticle.h:189
void setValidVertex(bool valid)
Set indication wether vertex and time information is valid or just default.
Definition: MCParticle.h:378
void setProductionVertex(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &vertex)
Set production vertex position.
Definition: MCParticle.h:396
ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector get4Vector() const
Return 4Vector of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:207
void setPDG(int pdg)
Set PDG code of the particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:335
void set4Vector(const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &p4)
Sets the 4Vector of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:438
void setMomentum(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &momentum)
Set particle momentum.
Definition: MCParticle.h:417
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
GraphParticle & addParticle()
Add new particle to the graph.
const std::vector< double > v3
MATLAB generated random vector.

◆ term()

void term ( )

Terminates the generator.

Closes the internal Fortran generator.

Definition at line 266 of file

269 int mode = 2;
270 phokhara(&mode, m_xpar, m_npar);
272// B2INFO("> Crosssection ")
273// B2INFO(">> xsec (weighted) = (" << bresults_.rescross << " +/- " << bresults_.rescrosserr << ") nb")
274// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
275// B2INFO(">>> " << i << " photon(s), xsec (weighted) = (" << bresults_.rescrossphot[i] << " +/- " << bresults_.rescrossphoterr[i] << ") nb, fraction = " << bresults_.rescrossphotfrac[i]*100.<< "%")
276// }
278// B2INFO(">>> xsec (unweighted) = (" << bhitnmiss_.hnmcross << " +/- " << bhitnmiss_.hnmcrosserr << ") nb")
279// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
280// B2INFO(">>> " << i << " photon(s), xsec (unweighted) = (" << bhitnmiss_.hnmcrossphot[i] << " +/- " << bhitnmiss_.hnmcrossphoterr[i] << ") nb, fraction.= " << bhitnmiss_.hnmcrossphotfrac[i]*100.<< "%")
281// }
283// B2INFO("> hit/miss efficiency")
284// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
285// B2INFO(">>> " << i << " photon(s),eff.= " << bhitnmiss_.hnmeff[i]*100.<< "%")
286// }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_alpha

int m_alpha

vacuum polarization switch: off (0), on (1,[by Fred Jegerlehner]), on (2,[by Thomas Teubner])

Definition at line 226 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_alphaQED0

double m_alphaQED0

QED coupling constant at Q=0.

Definition at line 206 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_be_r

int m_be_r

be_r: without beam resolution(0), with beam resolution(1)

Definition at line 233 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_beamres

double m_beamres

beam resolution for chi2 studies

Definition at line 242 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_chi_sw

int m_chi_sw

chi_sw: Radiative return(0), Chi production(1), Radiative return + Chi production (2)

Definition at line 232 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_cmsEnergy

double m_cmsEnergy

CMS Energy = 2*Ebeam [GeV].

Definition at line 218 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_conversionFactor

double m_conversionFactor

Conversion factor for hbarc to nb.

Definition at line 205 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_epsilon

double m_epsilon

Soft/hard photon separator in units of CMS/2., called 'w' in Phokhara.

Definition at line 219 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_finalState

int m_finalState

final state, called 'pion' in Phokhara, dont get confused.

Definition at line 214 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_ForceMinInvMassHadronsCut

bool m_ForceMinInvMassHadronsCut

Force application of the above cut.

Definition at line 239 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_fullNLO

int m_fullNLO

NLO, full NLO : No(0), Yes(1)

Definition at line 223 of file Phokhara.h.


int m_IFSNLO

IFSNLO: no(0), yes(1)

Definition at line 225 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_kaonff

int m_kaonff

FF_kaon: KaonFormFactor constrained(0), KaonFormFactor unconstrained(1) KaonFormFactor old(2)

Definition at line 229 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_LO

int m_LO

LO: 1ph(0, default), Born: 0ph(1), only Born: 0ph(-1)

Definition at line 221 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_massElectron

double m_massElectron

muon mass.

Definition at line 207 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_massMuon

double m_massMuon

electron mass.

Definition at line 208 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_massW

double m_massW

W mass [GeV] for on shell sin2theta and GF.

Definition at line 209 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_massZ

double m_massZ

Z mass [GeV].

Definition at line 210 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_MaxInvMassHadrons

double m_MaxInvMassHadrons

maximum mass of the hadron system [GeV^2]

Definition at line 240 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_MinEnergyGamma

double m_MinEnergyGamma

minimum gamma energy [GeV]

Definition at line 241 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_MinInvMassHadrons

double m_MinInvMassHadrons

minimum mass of the hadron system [GeV^2]

Definition at line 238 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_MinInvMassHadronsGamma

double m_MinInvMassHadronsGamma

minimum mass of the hadron-gamma system [GeV^2]

Definition at line 237 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_narres

int m_narres

narr_res: no narrow resonances (0), J/psi (1) and psi(2S) (2) only for m_finalState = 0,1,6,7

Definition at line 230 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_NLO

int m_NLO

NLO, for 1ph only: off (0, default), on (1)

Definition at line 222 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_nMaxTrials

int m_nMaxTrials

Events before loop is aborted.

Definition at line 216 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_npar

int m_npar[100]

Integer parameters for PHOKHARA.

Definition at line 264 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_nSearchMax

int m_nSearchMax

Events used to search maximum of differential cross section.

Definition at line 217 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_pi

double m_pi


Definition at line 204 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_pionff

int m_pionff

FF_pion: KS PionFormFactor(0),GS old (1),GS new (2)

Definition at line 227 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_pionstructure

int m_pionstructure

for pi+pi- only: f0+f0(600): K+K- model(0), "no structure" model(1), no f0+f0(600)(2), f0 KLOE(3)

Definition at line 228 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_protonff

int m_protonff

ProtonFormFactor old(0), ProtonFormFactor new(1)

Definition at line 231 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_QED

int m_QED

ISR only(0), ISR+FSR(1), ISR+INT+FSR(2)

Definition at line 224 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton

bool m_replaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton

Replace muons by a virtual photon.

Definition at line 215 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_ScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates

std::pair<double, double> m_ScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates

Minimal/Maximal pions(muons,nucleons,kaons) momentum angle.

Definition at line 236 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_ScatteringAngleRangePhoton

std::pair<double, double> m_ScatteringAngleRangePhoton

Minimal/Maximal photon angle/missing momentum angle.

Definition at line 235 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_weighted

int m_weighted

generate weighted events

Definition at line 220 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_widthZ

double m_widthZ

Z width [GeV] (may be recalculated by EW library).

Definition at line 211 of file Phokhara.h.

◆ m_xpar

double m_xpar[100]

Double parameters for PHOKHARA.

Definition at line 265 of file Phokhara.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: