Belle II Software development
ReaderSAD Class Reference

Class to read files that have been created by SAD and store their content in a MCParticle graph. More...

#include <ReaderSAD.h>


struct  bendingElement
 Sensitive Element
struct  straightElement
 Calculates the transformation matrix from local SAD to global geant4 space. More...

Public Types

enum  AcceleratorRings {
  c_HER = 0 ,
  c_LER = 1
 The both accelerator rings. More...

Public Member Functions

 BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION (SADCouldNotOpenFileError, "Could not open file %1% !")
 Exception is thrown if the SAD file could not be opened.
 BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION (SADEndOfFile, "End of the SAD file.")
 Exception is thrown if the end of the SAD file has been reached.
 ReaderSAD ()
 Constructor of the ReaderSAD class.
 ~ReaderSAD ()
void initialize (TGeoHMatrix *transMatrix, double sRange, AcceleratorRings accRing, double readoutTime)
 Initializes the reader, sets the particle parameters and calculates important values.
void open (const std::string &filename)
 Opens a root file and prepares it for reading.
void setMomentumRes (double pxRes, double pyRes)
 Sets the resolution of the momentum for the real particles.
double getSADParticle (MCParticleGraph &graph)
 Reads one SAD particle from the file and creates one event per SAD particle.
bool getRealParticle (MCParticleGraph &graph)
 Reads one SAD particle from the file, calculates the number of real particles which are represented by the SAD particle and creates one event per real particle.
void addAllSADParticles (MCParticleGraph &graph)
 Reads all SAD particles from the file into the MCParticles collection which are inside the specified s range.
TGeoHMatrix SADtoGeant (ReaderSAD::AcceleratorRings accRing, double s)
 Transformation matrix.

Protected Attributes

TFile * m_file
 The input root file.
TTree * m_tree
 The input root tree.
TGeoHMatrix * m_transMatrix
 Transformation matrix from local SAD to global geant4 space.
double m_sRange
 The +- range for the s value for which particles are loaded.
AcceleratorRings m_accRing
 The accelerator ring from which the particles originate.
double m_pxRes
 The resolution for the x momentum component of the SAD real particle.
double m_pyRes
 The resolution for the y momentum component of the SAD real particle.
double m_SADToRealFactor
 The factor to calculate the number of real particles from a SAD particle.
double m_readoutTime
 The readout time.
unsigned int m_realPartNum
 The current number of the created real particles.
unsigned int m_realPartEntry
 The current number of the created real particles.
int m_readEntry
 The current number of the SAD entry that is read.
double m_lostX
 x at lost position [m].
double m_lostY
 y at lost position [m].
double m_lostS
 lost position [m] along ring.
double m_lostPx
 x momentum at lost position [m].
double m_lostPy
 y momentum at lost position [m].
double m_lostRate
 loss rate [Hz]>
double m_lostE
 energy at lost position [m].
double m_inputSAD_ssraw
 scattered position [m]
double m_inputSAD_sraw
 lost position [m
double m_inputSAD_ss
 scattered position (|s|<Ltot/2) [m]
double m_inputSAD_s
 lost position (|s|<Ltot/2) [m]
double m_inputSAD_Lss
 length of element in which scattered [m]
int m_inputSAD_nturn
 number of turns from scattered to lost
double m_inputSAD_x
 x at lost position [m].
double m_inputSAD_y
 y at lost position [m].
double m_inputSAD_px
 x momentum at lost position [m].
double m_inputSAD_py
 y momentum at lost position [m].
double m_inputSAD_xraw
 x at lost position [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface
double m_inputSAD_yraw
 y at lost position [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface
double m_inputSAD_r
 sqrt(x*x+y*y) [m]
double m_inputSAD_rr
 sqrt(x*x+y*y) [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface
double m_inputSAD_dp_over_p0
double m_inputSAD_E
 energy at lost position [m].
double m_inputSAD_rate
 loss rate [Hz]
double m_inputSAD_watt
 loss wattage [W]

Private Member Functions

void convertParamsToSADUnits ()
 Convert the parameters from the SAD units to the basf2 units.
void addParticleToMCParticles (MCParticleGraph &graph, bool gaussSmearing=false)
 Adds the current particle described by the member variables to the MCParticles collection.
int calculateRealParticleNumber (double rate)
 Calculates the number of real particles for a SAD particle.

Detailed Description

Class to read files that have been created by SAD and store their content in a MCParticle graph.

The input data is stored in a root file and contains the particles together with their lost rate. The reader reads one particle from the file, calculates the number of 'real' particles and creates a new event for each of them.

Definition at line 35 of file ReaderSAD.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AcceleratorRings

The both accelerator rings.


High Energy Ring (electrons)


Low Energy Ring (positrons)

Definition at line 46 of file ReaderSAD.h.

46 {
47 c_HER = 0,
48 c_LER = 1
49 };
@ c_HER
High Energy Ring (electrons)
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:47
@ c_LER
Low Energy Ring (positrons)
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:48

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ReaderSAD()

ReaderSAD ( )

Constructor of the ReaderSAD class.

Definition at line 28 of file

28 : m_file(NULL), m_tree(NULL), m_transMatrix(NULL),
29 m_sRange(3000.0), m_accRing(ReaderSAD::c_LER), m_pxRes(0.01), m_pyRes(0.01),
33 m_lostX = 0.0;
34 m_lostY = 0.0;
35 m_lostS = 0.0;
36 m_lostPx = 0.0;
37 m_lostPy = 0.0;
38 m_lostRate = 0.0;
39 m_lostE = 0.0;
41 //Start my addition
44 m_inputSAD_ss = 0;
45 m_inputSAD_s = 0;
48 m_inputSAD_x = 0;
49 m_inputSAD_y = 0;
50 m_inputSAD_px = 0;
51 m_inputSAD_py = 0;
54 m_inputSAD_r = 0;
55 m_inputSAD_rr = 0;
57 m_inputSAD_E = 0;
60 //End my addition
double m_pyRes
The resolution for the y momentum component of the SAD real particle.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:127
double m_lostPx
x momentum at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:139
double m_inputSAD_x
x at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:150
double m_lostS
lost position [m] along ring.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:138
TTree * m_tree
The input root tree.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:121
double m_inputSAD_ssraw
scattered position [m]
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:144
AcceleratorRings m_accRing
The accelerator ring from which the particles originate.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:125
double m_inputSAD_r
sqrt(x*x+y*y) [m]
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:156
double m_lostX
x at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:136
TGeoHMatrix * m_transMatrix
Transformation matrix from local SAD to global geant4 space.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:123
unsigned int m_realPartEntry
The current number of the created real particles.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:133
double m_inputSAD_rr
sqrt(x*x+y*y) [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:157
double m_SADToRealFactor
The factor to calculate the number of real particles from a SAD particle.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:129
double m_inputSAD_watt
loss wattage [W]
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:161
int m_readEntry
The current number of the SAD entry that is read.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:134
TFile * m_file
The input root file.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:120
double m_lostPy
y momentum at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:140
double m_inputSAD_E
energy at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:159
double m_inputSAD_yraw
y at lost position [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:155
double m_inputSAD_dp_over_p0
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:158
double m_inputSAD_xraw
x at lost position [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:154
double m_inputSAD_y
y at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:151
double m_inputSAD_sraw
lost position [m
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:145
int m_inputSAD_nturn
number of turns from scattered to lost
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:149
double m_inputSAD_Lss
length of element in which scattered [m]
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:148
double m_lostY
y at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:137
unsigned int m_realPartNum
The current number of the created real particles.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:132
double m_pxRes
The resolution for the x momentum component of the SAD real particle.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:126
double m_readoutTime
The readout time.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:130
double m_inputSAD_rate
loss rate [Hz]
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:160
double m_inputSAD_px
x momentum at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:152
double m_inputSAD_py
y momentum at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:153
double m_lostRate
loss rate [Hz]>
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:141
double m_inputSAD_s
lost position (|s|<Ltot/2) [m]
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:147
double m_inputSAD_ss
scattered position (|s|<Ltot/2) [m]
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:146
double m_sRange
The +- range for the s value for which particles are loaded.
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:124
double m_lostE
energy at lost position [m].
Definition: ReaderSAD.h:142

◆ ~ReaderSAD()

~ReaderSAD ( )


Definition at line 64 of file

66 // comment out the following line for the march 16 build (TF)
67 // if (m_file != NULL) m_file->Close();

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAllSADParticles()

void addAllSADParticles ( MCParticleGraph graph)

Reads all SAD particles from the file into the MCParticles collection which are inside the specified s range.

graphReference to the graph which should be filled with the information from the SAD file.

Definition at line 212 of file

214 if (m_tree == NULL) {
215 B2ERROR("The SAD tree doesn't exist !");
216 return ;
217 }
219 int nPart = m_tree->GetEntries();
221 for (int iPart = 0; iPart < nPart; ++iPart) {
222 m_tree->GetEntry(iPart);
224 if (fabs(m_lostS) <= m_sRange) addParticleToMCParticles(graph);
226 //std::cout << " in sad " << m_inputSAD_sraw << std::endl;
228 }
void convertParamsToSADUnits()
Convert the parameters from the SAD units to the basf2 units.
void addParticleToMCParticles(MCParticleGraph &graph, bool gaussSmearing=false)
Adds the current particle described by the member variables to the MCParticles collection.

◆ addParticleToMCParticles()

void addParticleToMCParticles ( MCParticleGraph graph,
bool  gaussSmearing = false 

Adds the current particle described by the member variables to the MCParticles collection.

graphReference to the graph which should be filled with the information from the SAD file.
gaussSmearingIf set to true the particle momentum is smeared using a Gaussian.

Definition at line 266 of file

268 double particlePosSAD[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
269 double particlePosSADfar[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
270 double particlePosGeant4[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
271 double particleMomSAD[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
272 double particleMomGeant4[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
274 //Add particle to MCParticle collection
276 particle.setStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle);
278 switch (m_accRing) {
279 case c_HER: particle.setPDG(11); //electrons
280 break;
281 case c_LER: particle.setPDG(-11); //positrons
282 break;
283 }
285 particle.setMassFromPDG();
287 //Convert the position of the particle from local SAD space to global geant4 space.
288 //Flip the sign for the y and z component to go from the accelerator to the detector coordinate system.
289 particlePosSAD[0] = m_lostX;
290 particlePosSAD[1] = -m_lostY;
291 particlePosSAD[2] = -m_lostS;
293 particlePosSADfar[0] = m_lostX;
294 particlePosSADfar[1] = -m_lostY;
295 particlePosSADfar[2] = 0;
298 static GearDir content = Gearbox::getInstance().getDetectorComponent("FarBeamLine");
299 if (!content)
300 B2FATAL("You need FarBeamLine.xml to run SADInput module. Please include FarBeamLine.xml in Belle2.xml. You also need to change 'length' in Belle2.xml to be 40m.");
302 TGeoHMatrix* m_transMatrix2 = new TGeoHMatrix(SADtoGeant(m_accRing, m_lostS)); //overwrite m_transMatrix given by initialize()
304 if (abs(m_lostS) <= 400.) { //4m
305 m_transMatrix->LocalToMaster(particlePosSAD, particlePosGeant4);
306 } else {
307 m_transMatrix2->LocalToMaster(particlePosSADfar, particlePosGeant4);
308 }
310 //Convert the momentum of the particle from local SAD space to global geant4 space.
311 //Flip the sign for the y and z component to go from the accelerator to the detector coordinate system.
312 //Calculate the missing pz by using the energy of the particle at the position where it has been lost.
313 //double totalMomSqr = (m_lostE * m_lostE - (particle.getMass() * particle.getMass()));
314 double totalMomSqr = m_lostE * m_lostE; // SAD output "E" is "P", in fact.
316 if (gaussSmearing) {
317 particleMomSAD[0] = gRandom->Gaus(m_lostPx, m_pxRes * m_lostPx); //1% px resolution
318 particleMomSAD[1] = -1.0 * gRandom->Gaus(m_lostPy, m_pyRes * m_lostPy);
319 } else {
320 particleMomSAD[0] = m_lostPx;
321 particleMomSAD[1] = -m_lostPy;
322 }
324 double zMom = sqrt(totalMomSqr - (particleMomSAD[0] * particleMomSAD[0]) - (particleMomSAD[1] * particleMomSAD[1]));
326 switch (m_accRing) {
327 case c_HER: particleMomSAD[2] = zMom;
328 break;
329 case c_LER: particleMomSAD[2] = -zMom;
330 break;
331 }
333 int ring = 0;
335 switch (m_accRing) {
336 case c_HER: ring = 1;
337 break;
338 case c_LER: ring = 2;
339 break;
340 }
341 /*
342 int ler_section[12] = {1, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2};
343 int ler_inf_section[12] = {0., 254.74, 498.59, 754.14, 1009.66, 1253.52, 1488.7, 1764.1, 2007.05, 2262.14, 2517.2, 2760.15};
344 int her_inf_section[12] = {254.32, 494.31, 750.25, 1009.24, 1249.24, 1488.43, 1763.68, 2002.77, 2258.25, 2516.78, 2755.87, 3011.33};
345 int her_section[12] = {1, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2};
346 int ler_sup_section[12] = {0., 254.61, 496.52, 727.23, 1007.7, 1249.3, 1479.82, 1761.31, 2003.88, 2239.89, 2516.31, 2758.89};
347 int her_sup_section[12] = {254.3, 495.32, 726.92, 1007.39, 1248.41, 1479.51, 1761, 2002.99, 2239.58, 2516, 2758, 3011.87};
349 int section = -1;
351 if (ring == 1) {
352 for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
353 if (her_inf_section[i] <= (m_inputSAD_ssraw + 1500.) && (m_inputSAD_ssraw + 1500.) <= her_sup_section[i])
354 section = her_section[i] - 1;
355 }
356 } else if (ring == 2) {
357 for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
358 if (ler_inf_section[i] <= (m_inputSAD_ssraw + 1500.) && (m_inputSAD_ssraw + 1500.) <= ler_sup_section[i])
359 section = ler_section[i] - 1;
360 }
361 }
362 */
363 //each rings have 12 section of ~250m
364 //the 1st section D01, the second section is D12, followed by D11, D10 .... for both rings
365 const int section_ordering[12] = {1, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2};
366 //int ring_section = section_ordering[(int)((m_inputSAD_ssraw + 1500.) / 12.)];
367 double ssraw = 0.;
368 if (ring == 1) {
369 if (m_inputSAD_ssraw >= 0) ssraw = m_inputSAD_ssraw / 100.;
370 else ssraw = 3000. + m_inputSAD_ssraw / 100.;
371 } else if (ring == 2) {
372 //if (m_inputSAD_ssraw >= 0) ssraw = 3000. - m_inputSAD_ssraw / 100.;
373 //else if (m_inputSAD_ssraw < 0) ssraw = -m_inputSAD_ssraw / 100.;
374 if (m_inputSAD_ssraw >= 0) ssraw = m_inputSAD_ssraw / 100.;
375 else ssraw = 3000. + m_inputSAD_ssraw / 100.;
376 }
377 int ring_section = section_ordering[(int)((ssraw) / 250.)];
379 if (abs(m_lostS) <= 400.) {
380 m_transMatrix->LocalToMasterVect(particleMomSAD, particleMomGeant4);
381 } else {
382 m_transMatrix2->LocalToMasterVect(particleMomSAD, particleMomGeant4);
383 }
385 //Set missing particle information
386 particle.setMomentum(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(particleMomGeant4[0], particleMomGeant4[1], particleMomGeant4[2]));
387 particle.setProductionVertex(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(particlePosGeant4[0], particlePosGeant4[1], particlePosGeant4[2]));
388 particle.setProductionTime(0.0);
389 particle.setEnergy(sqrt(m_lostE * m_lostE + particle.getMass()*particle.getMass()));
390 particle.setValidVertex(true);
392 //Start my addition
393 StoreArray<SADMetaHit> SADMetaHits;
398 m_inputSAD_watt, ring, ring_section));
399 //End my addition
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
Definition: GearDir.h:31
Class to represent Particle data in graph.
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:47
TGeoHMatrix SADtoGeant(ReaderSAD::AcceleratorRings accRing, double s)
Transformation matrix.
ClassSADMetaHit - digitization simulated metahit for the SAD detector.
Definition: SADMetaHit.h:25
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
static Gearbox & getInstance()
Return reference to the Gearbox instance.
GearDir getDetectorComponent(const std::string &component)
Return GearDir representing a given DetectorComponent.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
GraphParticle & addParticle()
Add new particle to the graph.

◆ calculateRealParticleNumber()

int calculateRealParticleNumber ( double  rate)

Calculates the number of real particles for a SAD particle.

rateThe loss rate of the SAD particle.
The number of real particles for the given loss rate.

Definition at line 403 of file

405 double numPart = rate * m_readoutTime / Unit::s; //readoutTime [ns]
407 int numPart_int = static_cast<int>(floor(numPart));
408 double numPart_dec = numPart - numPart_int;
410 double rnd = gRandom->Uniform(); //returns a random number in the interval ]0, 1]
411 if (rnd < numPart_dec) numPart_int += 1;
413 return numPart_int;
static const double s
Definition: Unit.h:95

◆ convertParamsToSADUnits()

void convertParamsToSADUnits ( )

Convert the parameters from the SAD units to the basf2 units.

Definition at line 236 of file

244 //Start my addition
249 //m_inputSAD_Lss
250 //m_inputSAD_nturn
257 //m_inputSAD_r
258 //m_inputSAD_rr
259 //m_inputSAD_dp_over_p0
260 //m_inputSAD_E
261 //m_inputSAD_rate
262 //End my addition
static const double m
Definition: Unit.h:69
static const double GeV
Standard of [energy, momentum, mass].
Definition: Unit.h:51

◆ getRealParticle()

bool getRealParticle ( MCParticleGraph graph)

Reads one SAD particle from the file, calculates the number of real particles which are represented by the SAD particle and creates one event per real particle.

graphReference to the graph which should be filled with the information from the SAD file.
True if the particle could be read.

Definition at line 165 of file

167 if (m_tree == NULL) {
168 B2ERROR("The SAD tree doesn't exist !");
169 return false;
170 }
172 //Check for end of file
173 if ((m_readEntry >= m_tree->GetEntries()) || (m_tree->GetEntries() == 0)) throw SADEndOfFile();
175 //Check if the number of the real particles is reached
177 m_realPartEntry = 0;
178 m_realPartNum = 0;
179 }
181 //Check if a new SAD particle has to be read from the file
182 if (m_realPartNum == 0) {
183 //Read only SAD particles which are inside the chosen sRange
184 do {
185 m_readEntry++;
186 if (m_readEntry >= m_tree->GetEntries()) throw SADEndOfFile();
188 m_tree->GetEntry(m_readEntry);
191 B2DEBUG(10, "> Read particle " << m_readEntry + 1 << "/" << m_tree->GetEntries() << " with s = " << m_lostS << " cm" <<
192 " and rate = " << m_lostRate << " Hz");
193 } while ((fabs(m_lostS) > m_sRange) && (m_readEntry < m_tree->GetEntries()));
195 if (fabs(m_lostS) <= m_sRange)
197 }
199 //Create a new real particle from the SAD particle
200 if ((fabs(m_lostS) <= m_sRange) && (m_realPartNum > 0)) {
202 B2DEBUG(10, "* Created real particle " << m_realPartEntry + 1 << "/" << m_realPartNum << " for SAD particle " << m_readEntry + 1 <<
203 "/" << m_tree->GetEntries());
204 }
208 return true;
int calculateRealParticleNumber(double rate)
Calculates the number of real particles for a SAD particle.

◆ getSADParticle()

double getSADParticle ( MCParticleGraph graph)

Reads one SAD particle from the file and creates one event per SAD particle.

The loss rate of the SAD particle is stored in the weight attribute of the event meta info.

graphReference to the graph which should be filled with the information from the SAD file.
The loss rate of the SAD particle which was read. Returns -1 if an error occurred.

Definition at line 122 of file

124 if (m_tree == NULL) {
125 B2ERROR("The SAD tree doesn't exist !");
126 return -1;
127 }
129 do {
130 m_readEntry++;
132 //Check for end of file
133 if (m_readEntry >= m_tree->GetEntries()) throw SADEndOfFile();
135 //Load the SAD particle
136 m_tree->GetEntry(m_readEntry);
138 B2DEBUG(10, "> Read particle " << m_readEntry + 1 << "/" << m_tree->GetEntries() << " with s = " << m_lostS << " cm" <<
139 " and rate = " << m_lostRate << " Hz");
141 //printf("Read particle %d / %d with s= %f [m]\n", m_readEntry + 1 , (int)m_tree->GetEntries(), m_lostS / 100.);
143 double zMom2 = m_lostE * m_lostE - m_lostPx * m_lostPx - m_lostPy * m_lostPy ;
144 if (zMom2 < 0) printf("zMom2= %f is negative. Skipped!\n", zMom2);
146 } while ((fabs(m_lostS) > m_sRange) or (m_lostE * m_lostE - m_lostPx * m_lostPx - m_lostPy * m_lostPy < 0));
148// do {
149// //Check for end of file
150// m_readEntry++;
151// if (m_readEntry >= m_tree->GetEntries()) throw SADEndOfFile();
153// //Load the SAD particle
154// m_tree->GetEntry(m_readEntry);
155// convertParamsToSADUnits();
157// B2DEBUG(10, "> Read particle " << m_readEntry + 1 << "/" << m_tree->GetEntries() << " with s = " << m_lostS << " cm" << " and rate = " << m_lostRate << " Hz" )
158// } while (fabs(m_lostS) > m_sRange);
161 return m_lostRate;

◆ initialize()

void initialize ( TGeoHMatrix *  transMatrix,
double  sRange,
ReaderSAD::AcceleratorRings  accRing,
double  readoutTime 

Initializes the reader, sets the particle parameters and calculates important values.

transMatrixPointer to the matrix which transforms the particles from the local SAD to the global geant4 coordinate system.
sRangeThe +- range for the s value for which particles are loaded.
accRingThe accelerator ring from which the particles originate.
readoutTimeThe readout time of the detector in [ns].

Definition at line 71 of file

73 m_transMatrix = transMatrix;
74 m_sRange = sRange;
75 m_accRing = accRing;
76 m_readoutTime = readoutTime;

◆ open()

void open ( const std::string &  filename)

Opens a root file and prepares it for reading.

filenameThe filename of the SAD root file which should be read.

Definition at line 80 of file

82 if (m_file != NULL) {
83 m_file->Close();
84 delete m_file;
85 }
87 m_file = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "READ");
88 if (m_file == NULL) throw(SADCouldNotOpenFileError() << filename);
90 m_file->cd("");
91 m_tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(m_file->Get("tp"));
92 if (m_tree == NULL) throw(SADCouldNotOpenFileError() << filename);
94 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("x", &m_lostX);
95 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("y", &m_lostY);
96 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("s", &m_lostS);
97 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("px", &m_lostPx);
98 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("py", &m_lostPy);
99 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("rate", &m_lostRate);
100 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("E", &m_lostE);
102 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("ssraw", &m_inputSAD_ssraw);
103 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("sraw", &m_inputSAD_sraw);
104 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("ss", &m_inputSAD_ss);
105 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("Lss", &m_inputSAD_Lss);
106 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("nturn", &m_inputSAD_nturn);
107 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("xraw", &m_inputSAD_xraw);
108 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("yraw", &m_inputSAD_yraw);
109 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("r", &m_inputSAD_r);
110 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("rr", &m_inputSAD_rr);
111 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("dp_over_p0", &m_inputSAD_dp_over_p0);
112 m_tree->SetBranchAddress("watt", &m_inputSAD_watt);
114 m_readEntry = -1;
117 hit.registerInDataStore();

◆ SADtoGeant()

TGeoHMatrix SADtoGeant ( ReaderSAD::AcceleratorRings  accRing,
double  s 

Transformation matrix.

accRingThe accelerator ring from which the particles originate.
ss value.

Definition at line 416 of file

418 // 0<sraw<3016.3145 m
419 // -1500<s<1500 m
421 //static double max_s_her = 3016.3145 * Unit::m;
422 //static double max_s_ler = 3016.3026 * Unit::m;
424 //get parameters from .xml file
425 static GearDir content = Gearbox::getInstance().getDetectorComponent("FarBeamLine");
427 map<string, straightElement> straights;
428 map<string, bendingElement> bendings;
429 for (const GearDir& element : content.getNodes("Straight")) {
431 string name = element.getString("@name");
432 string type = element.getString("@type");
434 if (type != "pipe") continue;
436 straightElement straight;
438 for (const GearDir& slot : element.getNodes("sec")) {
439 string nameSec = slot.getString("@name");
440 if (nameSec.find("X0") != std::string::npos) {straight.x0 = slot.getLength();}
441 if (nameSec.find("Z0") != std::string::npos) {straight.z0 = slot.getLength();}
442 if (nameSec.find("L") != std::string::npos) {straight.l = slot.getLength();}
443 if (nameSec.find("PHI") != std::string::npos) {straight.phi = slot.getAngle();}
444 }
446 //straight.x0 = element.getLength("X0");
447 //straight.z0 = element.getLength("Z0");
448 //straight.l = element.getLength("L");
449 //straight.phi = element.getLength("PHI");
451 straights[name] = straight;
452 }
454 string str_checklist[] = {"LHR1", "LHR2", "LLR1", "LLR2", "LLR3", "LLR4", "LLR5", "LLR6", "LHL1", "LHL2", "LLL1", "LLL2", "LLL3", "LLL4", "LLL5"};
455 for (const string& str : str_checklist) {
456 if (straights.count(str) == 0)
457 B2FATAL("You need FarBeamLine.xml to run SADInput module. Please include FarBeamLine.xml in Belle2.xml. You also need to change 'length' in Belle2.xml to be 40m.");
458 }
460 for (const GearDir& element : content.getNodes("Bending")) {
462 string name = element.getString("@name");
463 string type = element.getString("@type");
465 if (type != "pipe") continue;
467 bendingElement bending;
469 for (const GearDir& slot : element.getNodes("sec")) {
470 string nameSec = slot.getString("@name");
471 if (nameSec.find("RT") != std::string::npos) {bending.rt = slot.getLength();}
472 if (nameSec.find("X0") != std::string::npos) {bending.x0 = slot.getLength();}
473 if (nameSec.find("Z0") != std::string::npos) {bending.z0 = slot.getLength();}
474 if (nameSec.find("SPHI") != std::string::npos) {bending.sphi = slot.getAngle();}
475 if (nameSec.find("DPHI") != std::string::npos) {bending.dphi = slot.getAngle();}
476 }
478 //bending.rt = element.getLength("RT");
479 //bending.x0 = element.getLength("X0");
480 //bending.z0 = element.getLength("Z0");
481 //bending.sphi = element.getLength("SPHI");
482 //bending.dphi = element.getLength("DPHI");
484 bendings[name] = bending;
485 }
487 string bend_checklist[] = {"BLC2RE", "BC1RP", "BLCWRP", "BLC1RP", "BLC2RP", "BLC2RP.2", "BLY2RP.2", "BLC1LE", "BC1LP", "BLC1LP1", "BLC1LP2", "BLC2LP"};
488 for (const string& bnd : bend_checklist) {
489 if (bendings.count(bnd) == 0)
490 B2FATAL("You need FarBeamLine.xml to run SADInput module. Please include FarBeamLine.xml in Belle2.xml. You also need to change 'length' in Belle2.xml to be 40m.");
491 }
493 static double her_breakpoints[6];
494 static double ler_breakpoints[21];
496 // positive s
497 her_breakpoints[0] = straights["LHL1"].l;
498 her_breakpoints[1] = her_breakpoints[0] + bendings["BLC1LE"].rt * bendings["BLC1LE"].dphi;
499 her_breakpoints[2] = her_breakpoints[1] + straights["LHL2"].l;
501 // negative s
502 her_breakpoints[3] = -straights["LHR1"].l;
503 her_breakpoints[4] = her_breakpoints[3] - bendings["BLC2RE"].rt * bendings["BLC2RE"].dphi;
504 her_breakpoints[5] = her_breakpoints[4] - straights["LHR2"].l;
506 // positive s
507 ler_breakpoints[0] = straights["LLL1"].l;
508 ler_breakpoints[1] = ler_breakpoints[0] + bendings["BC1LP"].rt * bendings["BC1LP"].dphi;
509 ler_breakpoints[2] = ler_breakpoints[1] + straights["LLL2"].l;
510 ler_breakpoints[3] = ler_breakpoints[2] + bendings["BLC1LP1"].rt * bendings["BLC1LP1"].dphi;
511 ler_breakpoints[4] = ler_breakpoints[3] + straights["LLL3"].l;
512 ler_breakpoints[5] = ler_breakpoints[4] + bendings["BLC1LP2"].rt * bendings["BLC1LP2"].dphi;
513 ler_breakpoints[6] = ler_breakpoints[5] + straights["LLL4"].l;
514 ler_breakpoints[7] = ler_breakpoints[6] + bendings["BLC2LP"].rt * bendings["BLC2LP"].dphi;
515 ler_breakpoints[8] = ler_breakpoints[7] + straights["LLL5"].l;
517 // negative s
518 ler_breakpoints[9] = -straights["LLR1"].l;
519 ler_breakpoints[10] = ler_breakpoints[9] - bendings["BC1RP"].rt * bendings["BC1RP"].dphi;
520 ler_breakpoints[11] = ler_breakpoints[10] - straights["LLR2"].l;
521 ler_breakpoints[12] = ler_breakpoints[11] - bendings["BLCWRP"].rt * bendings["BLCWRP"].dphi;
522 ler_breakpoints[13] = ler_breakpoints[12] - straights["LLR3"].l;
523 ler_breakpoints[14] = ler_breakpoints[13] - bendings["BLC1RP"].rt * bendings["BLC1RP"].dphi;
524 ler_breakpoints[15] = ler_breakpoints[14] - straights["LLR4"].l;
525 ler_breakpoints[16] = ler_breakpoints[15] - bendings["BLC2RP"].rt * bendings["BLC2RP"].dphi;
526 ler_breakpoints[17] = ler_breakpoints[16] - bendings["BLC2RP.2"].rt * bendings["BLC2RP.2"].dphi;
527 ler_breakpoints[18] = ler_breakpoints[17] - straights["LLR5"].l;
528 ler_breakpoints[19] = ler_breakpoints[18] - bendings["BLY2RP.2"].rt * bendings["BLY2RP.2"].dphi;
529 ler_breakpoints[20] = ler_breakpoints[20] - straights["LLR6"].l;
532 double dx = 0;
533 double dz = 0;
534 double phi = 0;
535 if (accRing == c_LER) {
536 // LER
537 // positive s
538 if (400.0 * Unit::cm < s) {
539 if (s < ler_breakpoints[0]) {
540 phi = straights["LLL1"].phi;
541 dx = straights["LLL1"].x0 + s * sin(phi);
542 dz = straights["LLL1"].z0 + s * cos(phi);
543 } else if (s < ler_breakpoints[1]) {
544 double sloc = s - ler_breakpoints[0];
545 phi = bendings["BC1LP"].sphi + sloc / bendings["BC1LP"].rt;
546 // Torus is created in x-y plain.
547 // It is then rotated to x-z plain,
548 // and its direction changes to reversed,
549 // thus phi_real=-phi_xml
550 phi = -phi;
551 dx = bendings["BC1LP"].x0 + bendings["BC1LP"].rt * cos(-phi);
552 dz = bendings["BC1LP"].z0 + bendings["BC1LP"].rt * sin(-phi);
553 } else if (s < ler_breakpoints[2]) {
554 double sloc = s - ler_breakpoints[1];
555 phi = straights["LLL2"].phi;
556 dx = straights["LLL2"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
557 dz = straights["LLL2"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
558 } else if (s < ler_breakpoints[3]) {
559 double sloc = s - ler_breakpoints[2];
560 phi = bendings["BLC1LP1"].sphi + sloc / bendings["BLC1LP1"].rt;
561 phi = -phi;
562 dx = bendings["BLC1LP1"].x0 + bendings["BLC1LP1"].rt * cos(-phi);
563 dz = bendings["BLC1LP1"].z0 + bendings["BLC1LP1"].rt * sin(-phi);
564 } else if (s < ler_breakpoints[4]) {
565 double sloc = s - ler_breakpoints[3];
566 phi = straights["LLL3"].phi;
567 dx = straights["LLL3"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
568 dz = straights["LLL3"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
569 } else if (s < ler_breakpoints[5]) {
570 double sloc = s - ler_breakpoints[4];
571 // Torus dphi may be only positive,
572 // while direction of increasing |s| is sometimes negative,
573 // and we need to use -s and not change phi.
574 // Since we add pi to phi later,
575 // we subtract it now for this element.
576 phi = bendings["BLC1LP2"].sphi + bendings["BLC1LP2"].dphi - sloc / bendings["BLC1LP2"].rt;
577 phi = -phi;
578 dx = bendings["BLC1LP2"].x0 + bendings["BLC1LP2"].rt * cos(-phi);
579 dz = bendings["BLC1LP2"].z0 + bendings["BLC1LP2"].rt * sin(-phi);
580 phi -= M_PI;
581 } else if (s < ler_breakpoints[6]) {
582 double sloc = s - ler_breakpoints[5];
583 phi = straights["LLL4"].phi;
584 dx = straights["LLL4"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
585 dz = straights["LLL4"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
586 } else if (s < ler_breakpoints[8]) {
587 double sloc = s - ler_breakpoints[7];
588 phi = straights["LLL5"].phi;
589 dx = straights["LLL5"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
590 dz = straights["LLL5"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
591 }
592 // For this direction rotation angle of elements changes to negative,
593 // while SAD coordinates keep orientation.
594 // We need to compensate.
595 phi += M_PI;
596 }
597 // negative s
598 else if (s < -400.0 * Unit::cm) {
599 if (s > ler_breakpoints[9]) {
600 double sloc = -s;
601 phi = straights["LLR1"].phi;
602 dx = straights["LLR1"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
603 dz = straights["LLR1"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
604 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[10]) {
605 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[9] - s;
606 phi = bendings["BC1RP"].sphi + bendings["BC1RP"].dphi - sloc / bendings["BC1RP"].rt;
607 phi = -phi;
608 dx = bendings["BC1RP"].x0 + bendings["BC1RP"].rt * cos(-phi);
609 dz = bendings["BC1RP"].z0 + bendings["BC1RP"].rt * sin(-phi);
610 phi += M_PI;
611 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[11]) {
612 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[10] - s;
613 phi = straights["LLR2"].phi;
614 dx = straights["LLR2"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
615 dz = straights["LLR2"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
616 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[12]) {
617 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[11] - s;
618 phi = bendings["BLCWRP"].sphi + bendings["BLCWRP"].dphi - sloc / bendings["BLCWRP"].rt;
619 phi = -phi;
620 dx = bendings["BLCWRP"].x0 + bendings["BLCWRP"].rt * cos(-phi);
621 dz = bendings["BLCWRP"].z0 + bendings["BLCWRP"].rt * sin(-phi);
622 phi += M_PI;
623 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[13]) {
624 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[12] - s;
625 phi = straights["LLR3"].phi;
626 dx = straights["LLR3"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
627 dz = straights["LLR3"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
628 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[14]) {
629 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[13] - s;
630 phi = bendings["BLC1RP"].sphi + bendings["BLC1RP"].dphi - sloc / bendings["BLC1RP"].rt;
631 phi = -phi;
632 dx = bendings["BLC1RP"].x0 + bendings["BLC1RP"].rt * cos(-phi);
633 dz = bendings["BLC1RP"].z0 + bendings["BLC1RP"].rt * sin(-phi);
634 phi += M_PI;
635 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[15]) {
636 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[14] - s;
637 phi = straights["LLR4"].phi;
638 dx = straights["LLR4"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
639 dz = straights["LLR4"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
640 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[16]) {
641 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[15] - s;
642 phi = bendings["BLC2RP"].sphi + sloc / bendings["BLC2RP"].rt;
643 phi = -phi;
644 dx = bendings["BLC2RP"].x0 + bendings["BLC2RP"].rt * cos(-phi);
645 dz = bendings["BLC2RP"].z0 + bendings["BLC2RP"].rt * sin(-phi);
646 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[17]) {
647 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[16] - s;
648 phi = bendings["BLC2RP.2"].sphi + sloc / bendings["BLC2RP.2"].rt;
649 phi = -phi;
650 dx = bendings["BLC2RP.2"].x0 + bendings["BLC2RP.2"].rt * cos(-phi);
651 dz = bendings["BLC2RP.2"].z0 + bendings["BLC2RP.2"].rt * sin(-phi);
652 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[18]) {
653 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[17] - s;
654 phi = straights["LLR5"].phi;
655 dx = straights["LLR5"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
656 dz = straights["LLR5"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
657 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[19]) {
658 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[18] - s;
659 phi = bendings["BLY2RP.2"].sphi + sloc / bendings["BLY2RP.2"].rt;
660 phi = -phi;
661 dx = bendings["BLY2RP.2"].x0 + bendings["BLY2RP.2"].rt * cos(-phi);
662 dz = bendings["BLY2RP.2"].z0 + bendings["BLY2RP.2"].rt * sin(-phi);
663 } else if (s > ler_breakpoints[20]) {
664 double sloc = ler_breakpoints[19] - s;
665 phi = straights["LLR6"].phi;
666 dx = straights["LLR6"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
667 dz = straights["LLR6"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
668 }
669 }
670 }
671 if (accRing == c_HER) {
672 // HER
673 // positive s
674 if (400.0 * Unit::cm < s) {
675 if (s < her_breakpoints[0]) {
676 phi = straights["LHL1"].phi;
677 dx = straights["LHL1"].x0 + s * sin(phi);
678 dz = straights["LHL1"].z0 + s * cos(phi);
679 } else if (s < her_breakpoints[1]) {
680 double sloc = s - her_breakpoints[0];
681 phi = bendings["BLC1LE"].sphi + sloc / bendings["BLC1LE"].rt;
682 phi = -phi;
683 dx = bendings["BLC1LE"].x0 + bendings["BLC1LE"].rt * cos(-phi);
684 dz = bendings["BLC1LE"].z0 + bendings["BLC1LE"].rt * sin(-phi);
685 } else if (s < her_breakpoints[2]) {
686 double sloc = s - her_breakpoints[1];
687 phi = straights["LHL2"].phi;
688 dx = straights["LHL2"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
689 dz = straights["LHL2"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
690 }
691 phi += M_PI;
692 }
693 // negative s
694 else if (s < -400.0 * Unit::cm) {
695 if (s > her_breakpoints[3]) {
696 double sloc = -s;
697 phi = straights["LHR1"].phi;
698 dx = straights["LHR1"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
699 dz = straights["LHR1"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
700 } else if (s > her_breakpoints[4]) {
701 double sloc = her_breakpoints[3] - s;
702 phi = bendings["BLC2RE"].sphi + sloc / bendings["BLC2RE"].rt;
703 phi = -phi;
704 dx = bendings["BLC2RE"].x0 + bendings["BLC2RE"].rt * cos(-phi);
705 dz = bendings["BLC2RE"].z0 + bendings["BLC2RE"].rt * sin(-phi);
706 } else if (s > her_breakpoints[5]) {
707 double sloc = her_breakpoints[4] - s;
708 phi = straights["LHR2"].phi;
709 dx = straights["LHR2"].x0 + sloc * sin(phi);
710 dz = straights["LHR2"].z0 + sloc * cos(phi);
711 }
712 }
713 }
715 TGeoHMatrix matrix("SADTrafo");
716 matrix.RotateY(phi / Unit::deg);
717 matrix.SetDx(dx);
718 matrix.SetDz(dz);
719 return matrix;
static const double deg
degree to radians
Definition: Unit.h:109
static const double cm
Standard units with the value = 1.
Definition: Unit.h:47

◆ setMomentumRes()

void setMomentumRes ( double  pxRes,
double  pyRes 

Sets the resolution of the momentum for the real particles.

Allows each real particle to be smeared according to the specified momentum resolution.

pxResThe resolution for the x momentum component.
pyResThe resolution for the y momentum component.

Definition at line 82 of file ReaderSAD.h.

82{ m_pxRes = pxRes; m_pyRes = pyRes; }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_accRing

AcceleratorRings m_accRing

The accelerator ring from which the particles originate.

Definition at line 125 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_file

TFile* m_file

The input root file.

Definition at line 120 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_dp_over_p0

double m_inputSAD_dp_over_p0


Definition at line 158 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_E

double m_inputSAD_E

energy at lost position [m].

Definition at line 159 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_Lss

double m_inputSAD_Lss

length of element in which scattered [m]

Definition at line 148 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_nturn

int m_inputSAD_nturn

number of turns from scattered to lost

Definition at line 149 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_px

double m_inputSAD_px

x momentum at lost position [m].

Definition at line 152 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_py

double m_inputSAD_py

y momentum at lost position [m].

Definition at line 153 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_r

double m_inputSAD_r

sqrt(x*x+y*y) [m]

Definition at line 156 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_rate

double m_inputSAD_rate

loss rate [Hz]

Definition at line 160 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_rr

double m_inputSAD_rr

sqrt(x*x+y*y) [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface

Definition at line 157 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_s

double m_inputSAD_s

lost position (|s|<Ltot/2) [m]

Definition at line 147 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_sraw

double m_inputSAD_sraw

lost position [m

Definition at line 145 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_ss

double m_inputSAD_ss

scattered position (|s|<Ltot/2) [m]

Definition at line 146 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_ssraw

double m_inputSAD_ssraw

scattered position [m]

Definition at line 144 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_watt

double m_inputSAD_watt

loss wattage [W]

Definition at line 161 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_x

double m_inputSAD_x

x at lost position [m].

Definition at line 150 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_xraw

double m_inputSAD_xraw

x at lost position [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface

Definition at line 154 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_y

double m_inputSAD_y

y at lost position [m].

Definition at line 151 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_inputSAD_yraw

double m_inputSAD_yraw

y at lost position [m] before matching onto beam pipe inner surface

Definition at line 155 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_lostE

double m_lostE

energy at lost position [m].

Definition at line 142 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_lostPx

double m_lostPx

x momentum at lost position [m].

Definition at line 139 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_lostPy

double m_lostPy

y momentum at lost position [m].

Definition at line 140 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_lostRate

double m_lostRate

loss rate [Hz]>

Definition at line 141 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_lostS

double m_lostS

lost position [m] along ring.

0 is the IP. Range goes from -L/2 to L/2, where L is the ring circumference.

Definition at line 138 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_lostX

double m_lostX

x at lost position [m].

Definition at line 136 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_lostY

double m_lostY

y at lost position [m].

Definition at line 137 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_pxRes

double m_pxRes

The resolution for the x momentum component of the SAD real particle.

Definition at line 126 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_pyRes

double m_pyRes

The resolution for the y momentum component of the SAD real particle.

Definition at line 127 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_readEntry

int m_readEntry

The current number of the SAD entry that is read.

Definition at line 134 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_readoutTime

double m_readoutTime

The readout time.

Definition at line 130 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_realPartEntry

unsigned int m_realPartEntry

The current number of the created real particles.

Definition at line 133 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_realPartNum

unsigned int m_realPartNum

The current number of the created real particles.

Definition at line 132 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_SADToRealFactor

double m_SADToRealFactor

The factor to calculate the number of real particles from a SAD particle.

Definition at line 129 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_sRange

double m_sRange

The +- range for the s value for which particles are loaded.

Definition at line 124 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_transMatrix

TGeoHMatrix* m_transMatrix

Transformation matrix from local SAD to global geant4 space.

Definition at line 123 of file ReaderSAD.h.

◆ m_tree

TTree* m_tree

The input root tree.

Definition at line 121 of file ReaderSAD.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: