Belle II Software development
SVDELS3Time Class Reference

Derived Class representing the SVD cluster time computed with the ELS3 algorithm. More...

#include <SVDELS3Time.h>

Inheritance diagram for SVDELS3Time:

Public Member Functions

void computeClusterTime (Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster, double &time, double &timeError, int &firstFrame) override
 computes the cluster time, timeError and FirstFrame with the ELS3 algorithm
virtual ~SVDELS3Time ()
 virtual destructor
void setReturnRawClusterTime ()
 set to return the raw cluster time instead of the calibrated one
void setTriggerBin (const int triggerBin)
 set the trigger bin
void applyCoG6Time (const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster, double &time, double &timeError, int &firstFrame)
 CoG6 Time Algorithm.
void applyCoG3Time (const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster, double &time, double &timeError, int &firstFrame)
 CoG3 Time Algorithm.
void applyELS3Time (const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster, double &time, double &timeError, int &firstFrame)
 ELS3 Time Algorithm.

Protected Attributes

bool m_returnRawClusterTime = false
 to be used for time calibration

int m_triggerBin = std::numeric_limits<int>::quiet_NaN()
 trigger bin
DBObjPtr< HardwareClockSettingsm_hwClock
 Hardware Clocks.
double m_apvClockPeriod = 1. / m_hwClock->getClockFrequency(Const::EDetector::SVD, "sampling")
 APV clock period.
SVDPulseShapeCalibrations m_PulseShapeCal
 SVDPulseShaper calibration wrapper.
SVDCoGTimeCalibrations m_CoG6TimeCal
 CoG6 time calibration wrapper.
SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrations m_CoG3TimeCal
 CoG3 time calibration wrapper.
SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrations m_ELS3TimeCal
 ELS3 time calibration wrapper.

Detailed Description

Derived Class representing the SVD cluster time computed with the ELS3 algorithm.

ELS3: Least-Squares method with the Exponentially decaying waveform.

Definition at line 24 of file SVDELS3Time.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~SVDELS3Time()

virtual ~SVDELS3Time ( )

virtual destructor

Definition at line 37 of file SVDELS3Time.h.


Member Function Documentation

◆ applyCoG3Time()

void applyCoG3Time ( const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster rawCluster,
double &  time,
double &  timeError,
int &  firstFrame 

CoG3 Time Algorithm.

Definition at line 78 of file

79 {
80 //take the MaxSum 3 samples
81 SVDMaxSumAlgorithm maxSum = SVDMaxSumAlgorithm(rawCluster.getClsSamples(false));
83 std::vector<float> selectedSamples = maxSum.getSelectedSamples();
84 firstFrame = maxSum.getFirstFrame();
87 auto begin = selectedSamples.begin();
88 const auto end = selectedSamples.end();
90 auto retval = 0., norm = 0.;
91 for (auto step = 0.; begin != end; ++begin, step += m_apvClockPeriod) {
92 norm += static_cast<double>(*begin);
93 retval += static_cast<double>(*begin) * step;
94 }
95 float rawtime = retval / norm;
97 if (std::isnan(float(m_triggerBin)))
98 B2FATAL("OOPS, we can't continue, you have to set the trigger bin!");
101 time = rawtime;
102 else
103 //cellID = 10 not used for calibration
104 time = m_CoG3TimeCal.getCorrectedTime(rawCluster.getSensorID(), rawCluster.isUSide(), 10, rawtime, m_triggerBin);
108 // now compute the CoG3 time error
109 // assumptions:
110 // 1. calibration function parameters error not taken into account
111 // 2. 100% correlation among different strip noises
112 // 3. error on the sample amplitude = strip noise for all samples
114 //compute the noise of the clustered sample
115 //it is the same for all samples
116 //computed assuming 2. (-> linear sum, not quadratic)
117 std::vector<Belle2::SVD::StripInRawCluster> strips = rawCluster.getStripsInRawCluster();
118 float noise = std::accumulate(strips.begin(), strips.end(), 0., [](float sum, const Belle2::SVD::StripInRawCluster & strip) { return sum + strip.noise; });
120 //compute the noise of the raw time
121 //assuming only the clustered sample amplitude carries an uncertainty
122 double rawtimeError = 0;
123 begin = selectedSamples.begin();
124 for (float i = 0.; begin != end; ++begin, i += 1)
125 rawtimeError += TMath::Power((m_apvClockPeriod * i - rawtime) / norm, 2);
126 rawtimeError = sqrt(rawtimeError) * noise;
128 //compute the error on the calibrated time
129 timeError = m_CoG3TimeCal.getCorrectedTimeError(rawCluster.getSensorID(), rawCluster.isUSide(), 10, rawtime, rawtimeError,
131 }
double getCorrectedTimeError(const Belle2::VxdID &sensorID, const bool &isU, const unsigned short &strip, const double &raw_time, const double &raw_timeError, const int &bin) const
Return the error of the CoG cluster time.
double getCorrectedTime(const Belle2::VxdID &sensorID, const bool &isU, const unsigned short &strip, const double &raw_time, const int &bin) const
Return the charge (number of electrons/holes) collected on a specific strip, given the number of ADC ...
const std::vector< StripInRawCluster > getStripsInRawCluster() const
Definition: RawCluster.h:110
Belle2::SVDShaperDigit::APVFloatSamples getClsSamples(bool inElectrons) const
bool isUSide() const
Definition: RawCluster.h:85
VxdID getSensorID() const
Definition: RawCluster.h:80
SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrations m_CoG3TimeCal
CoG3 time calibration wrapper.
double m_apvClockPeriod
APV clock period.
bool m_returnRawClusterTime
to be used for time calibration
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
structure containing the relevant informations of each strip of the raw cluster
Definition: RawCluster.h:20

◆ applyCoG6Time()

void applyCoG6Time ( const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster rawCluster,
double &  time,
double &  timeError,
int &  firstFrame 

CoG6 Time Algorithm.

Definition at line 23 of file

24 {
26 // ISSUES:
27 // 1. time error not computed
29 //the first frame is 0 by definition
30 firstFrame = 0;
32 //take the strips in the rawCluster
33 std::vector<Belle2::SVD::StripInRawCluster> strips = rawCluster.getStripsInRawCluster();
35 //initialize time, stripTime and sumAmplitudes
36 time = 0;
37 timeError = 0;
38 float sumAmplitudes = 0;
40 for (int i = 0; i < (int)strips.size(); i++) {
42 Belle2::SVD::StripInRawCluster strip =;
44 double stripTime = 0;
45 float stripSumAmplitudes = 0;
47 for (int k = 0; k < 6; k ++) {
48 stripTime += k * strip.samples[k];
49 stripSumAmplitudes += strip.samples[k];
50 }
51 if (stripSumAmplitudes != 0) {
52 stripTime /= (stripSumAmplitudes);
53 stripTime *= m_apvClockPeriod;
54 } else {
55 stripTime = -1;
56 B2WARNING("Trying to divide by 0 (ZERO)! Sum of amplitudes is nullptr! Skipping this SVDShaperDigit!");
57 }
59 // correct strip by the CalPeak
60 stripTime -= m_PulseShapeCal.getPeakTime(rawCluster.getSensorID(), rawCluster.isUSide(), strip.cellID);
62 if (std::isnan(float(m_triggerBin)))
63 B2FATAL("OOPS, we can't continue, you have to set the trigger bin!");
66 // calibrate strip time (cellID not used)
67 stripTime = m_CoG6TimeCal.getCorrectedTime(rawCluster.getSensorID(), rawCluster.isUSide(), strip.cellID, stripTime, m_triggerBin);
69 //update cluster time
70 time += stripTime * strip.maxSample;
71 sumAmplitudes += strip.maxSample;
72 }
74 //finally compute cluster time
75 time = time / sumAmplitudes;
76 }
double getCorrectedTime(const Belle2::VxdID &sensorID, const bool &isU, const unsigned short &strip, const double &raw_time, const int &bin) const
Return the strip time, given the raw strip time.
float getPeakTime(const VxdID &sensorID, const bool &isU, const unsigned short &strip) const
Return the peaking time of the strip.
SVDCoGTimeCalibrations m_CoG6TimeCal
CoG6 time calibration wrapper.
SVDPulseShapeCalibrations m_PulseShapeCal
SVDPulseShaper calibration wrapper.
Belle2::SVDShaperDigit::APVFloatSamples samples
ADC of the acquired samples.
Definition: RawCluster.h:25
int maxSample
ADC max of the acquired samples.
Definition: RawCluster.h:23

◆ applyELS3Time()

void applyELS3Time ( const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster rawCluster,
double &  time,
double &  timeError,
int &  firstFrame 

ELS3 Time Algorithm.

Definition at line 134 of file

135 {
137 // ISSUES:
138 // 1. ELS3 tau hardcoded
139 // 2. time error not computer
141 timeError = 0;
142 float m_ELS3tau = 55;
144 //take the MaxSum 3 samples
145 SVDMaxSumAlgorithm maxSum = SVDMaxSumAlgorithm(rawCluster.getClsSamples(false));
147 std::vector<float> selectedSamples = maxSum.getSelectedSamples();
148 firstFrame = maxSum.getFirstFrame();
150 auto begin = selectedSamples.begin();
151 const double E = std::exp(- m_apvClockPeriod / m_ELS3tau);
152 const double E2 = E * E;
153 const double E4 = E2 * E2;
154 double a0 = (*begin);
155 double a1 = (*(begin + 1));
156 double a2 = (*(begin + 2));
158 //compute raw time
159 const double w = (a0 - E2 * a2) / (2 * a0 + E * a1);
160 auto rawtime_num = 2 * E4 + w * E2;
161 auto rawtime_den = 1 - E4 - w * (2 + E2);
162 double rawtime = - m_apvClockPeriod * rawtime_num / rawtime_den;
164 if (std::isnan(float(m_triggerBin)))
165 B2FATAL("OOPS, we can't continue, you have to set the trigger bin!");
168 time = rawtime;
169 else
170 time = m_ELS3TimeCal.getCorrectedTime(rawCluster.getSensorID(), rawCluster.isUSide(), 10, rawtime, m_triggerBin);
172 }
internal precision of FFTW codelets
double getCorrectedTime(const Belle2::VxdID &sensorID, const bool &isU, const unsigned short &strip, const double &raw_time, const int &bin) const
Return the charge (number of electrons/holes) collected on a specific strip, given the number of ADC ...
SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrations m_ELS3TimeCal
ELS3 time calibration wrapper.

◆ computeClusterTime()

void computeClusterTime ( Belle2::SVD::RawCluster rawCluster,
double &  time,
double &  timeError,
int &  firstFrame 

computes the cluster time, timeError and FirstFrame with the ELS3 algorithm

Implements SVDClusterTime.

Definition at line 22 of file

23 {
24 applyELS3Time(rawCluster, time, timeError, firstFrame);
25 }
void applyELS3Time(const Belle2::SVD::RawCluster &rawCluster, double &time, double &timeError, int &firstFrame)
ELS3 Time Algorithm.

◆ setReturnRawClusterTime()

void setReturnRawClusterTime ( )

set to return the raw cluster time instead of the calibrated one

Definition at line 40 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

41 {m_returnRawClusterTime = true;};

◆ setTriggerBin()

void setTriggerBin ( const int  triggerBin)

set the trigger bin

Definition at line 46 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

47 { m_triggerBin = triggerBin; };

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_apvClockPeriod

double m_apvClockPeriod = 1. / m_hwClock->getClockFrequency(Const::EDetector::SVD, "sampling")

APV clock period.

Definition at line 80 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

◆ m_CoG3TimeCal

SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrations m_CoG3TimeCal

CoG3 time calibration wrapper.

Definition at line 88 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

◆ m_CoG6TimeCal

SVDCoGTimeCalibrations m_CoG6TimeCal

CoG6 time calibration wrapper.

Definition at line 86 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

◆ m_ELS3TimeCal

SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrations m_ELS3TimeCal

ELS3 time calibration wrapper.

Definition at line 90 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

◆ m_hwClock

DBObjPtr<HardwareClockSettings> m_hwClock

Hardware Clocks.

Definition at line 77 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

◆ m_PulseShapeCal

SVDPulseShapeCalibrations m_PulseShapeCal

SVDPulseShaper calibration wrapper.

Definition at line 83 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

◆ m_returnRawClusterTime

bool m_returnRawClusterTime = false

to be used for time calibration

Definition at line 71 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

◆ m_triggerBin

int m_triggerBin = std::numeric_limits<int>::quiet_NaN()

trigger bin

Definition at line 74 of file SVDClusterTime.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: