Belle II Software development
SimpleClusterCandidate Class Reference

Class representing a cluster candidate during simple clustering of the SVD. More...

#include <SimpleClusterCandidate.h>

Public Member Functions

 SimpleClusterCandidate (VxdID vxdID, bool isUside, int sizeHeadTail, double cutSeed, double cutAdjacent, double cutSNR, int timeAlgorithm)
 Constructor to create an empty Cluster.
 SimpleClusterCandidate (VxdID vxdID, bool isUside, int sizeHeadTail, double cutSeed, double cutAdjacent, double cutSNR, int timeAlgorithm, const std::string &storeShaperDigitsName, const std::string &storeRecoDigitsName)
 You can specify the name of StoreArray<SVDShaperDigit> and StoreArray<SVDRecoDigit>
bool add (VxdID vxdID, bool isUside, struct stripInCluster &aStrip)
 Add a Strip to the current cluster.
void finalizeCluster ()
 compute the position, time and their error of the cluster
bool isGoodCluster ()
 return true if the cluster candidate can be promoted to cluster
VxdID getSensorID ()
 return the VxdID of the cluster sensor
bool isUSide ()
 return true if the cluster is on the U/P side
float getCharge () const
 return the charge of the cluster
float getChargeError () const
 return the error of the charge of the cluster
float getSeedCharge () const
 return the seed charge of the cluster
float getTime () const
 return the time of the cluster depending on the m_timeAlgorithm
float get6SampleCoGTime () const
 return the time of the cluster for the 6-sample CoG
float get3SampleCoGRawTime () const
 return the raw time of the cluster for the 3-sample CoG
float get3SampleELSRawTime () const
 return the raw time of the cluster for the 3-sample ELS
float getTimeError () const
 return the error on the time of the cluster depending on the m_timeAlgorithm, implemented only for the 6-Sample CoG
float get6SampleCoGTimeError () const
 return the time of the cluster for the 6-sample CoG
float get3SampleCoGTimeError () const
 return the time of the cluster for the 3-sample CoG
float get3SampleELSTimeError () const
 return the time of the cluster for the 3-sample ELS
Belle2::SVDShaperDigit::APVFloatSamples getClsSamples () const
 returns the APVFloatSamples obtained summing sample-by-sample all the strips on the cluster
std::pair< int, std::vector< float > > getMaxSum3Samples () const
 returns the float vector of clustered 3-samples selected by the MaxSum method with First Frame of the selection
int getFirstFrame ()
 return the first frame always 0 if 6-Sample CoG
float getPosition () const
 return the position of the cluster
float getPositionError () const
 return the error on the position of the cluster
float getSNR () const
 return the signal over noise ratio of the cluster
int size () const
 return the cluster size (number of strips of the cluster
const std::vector< stripInClustergetStripsInCluster () const
 returns the vector of the strips in the cluster

Protected Attributes

bool m_stopCreationCluster = false
 cluster is not good if something goes wrong
VxdID m_vxdID
 VxdID of the cluster.
bool m_isUside
 side of the cluster
int m_sizeHeadTail
 number of strips after which we switch from COG to HeadTail estimation of the position
double m_cutSeed
 SNR above which the strip can be considered as seed.
double m_cutAdjacent
 SNR above which the strip can be considered for clustering.
double m_cutCluster
 SNR above which the cluster is ok.
int m_timeAlgorithm = 0
 selects the algorithm to compute the cluster tim 0 = 6-sample CoG (default) 1 = 3-sample CoG 2 = 3-sample ELS
float m_charge
 Charge of the cluster.
float m_chargeError
 Error on Charge of the cluster.
float m_seedCharge
 Seed Charge of the cluster.
float m_6SampleTime
 Time of the cluster computed with the 6-sample CoG.
float m_6SampleTimeError
 Error on Time of the cluster computed with the 6-sample CoG (not implemented yet)
float m_position
 Position of the cluster.
float m_positionError
 Error on Position of the cluster.
float m_SNR
 SNR of the cluster.
float m_seedSNR
 SNR of the seed strip.
int m_seedIndex
 SVDRecoDigit index of the seed strip of the cluster.
std::vector< stripInClusterm_strips
 first frame selected with the max-sum algorithm
std::string m_storeShaperDigitsName
 Name of the collection to use for the SVDShaperDigits.
std::string m_storeRecoDigitsName
 Name of the collection to use for the SVDRecoDigits.

Detailed Description

Class representing a cluster candidate during simple clustering of the SVD.

Definition at line 40 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SimpleClusterCandidate() [1/2]

SimpleClusterCandidate ( VxdID  vxdID,
bool  isUside,
int  sizeHeadTail,
double  cutSeed,
double  cutAdjacent,
double  cutSNR,
int  timeAlgorithm 

Constructor to create an empty Cluster.

Definition at line 30 of file

32 : m_vxdID(vxdID)
33 , m_isUside(isUside)
34 , m_sizeHeadTail(sizeHeadTail)
35 , m_cutSeed(cutSeed)
36 , m_cutAdjacent(cutAdjacent)
37 , m_cutCluster(cutCluster)
38 , m_timeAlgorithm(timeAlgorithm)
39 , m_charge(0)
40 , m_chargeError(0)
41 , m_seedCharge(0)
42 , m_6SampleTime(0)
44 , m_position(0)
46 , m_SNR(0)
47 , m_seedSNR(0)
48 , m_seedIndex(-1)
49 , m_strips(4)
50 , m_storeShaperDigitsName("SVDShaperDigits")
51 , m_storeRecoDigitsName("SVDRecoDigits")
52 {m_strips.clear();};
std::string m_storeRecoDigitsName
Name of the collection to use for the SVDRecoDigits.
float m_position
Position of the cluster.
float m_6SampleTimeError
Error on Time of the cluster computed with the 6-sample CoG (not implemented yet)
std::string m_storeShaperDigitsName
Name of the collection to use for the SVDShaperDigits.
double m_cutCluster
SNR above which the cluster is ok.
std::vector< stripInCluster > m_strips
first frame selected with the max-sum algorithm
float m_6SampleTime
Time of the cluster computed with the 6-sample CoG.
float m_positionError
Error on Position of the cluster.
int m_sizeHeadTail
number of strips after which we switch from COG to HeadTail estimation of the position
int m_timeAlgorithm
selects the algorithm to compute the cluster tim 0 = 6-sample CoG (default) 1 = 3-sample CoG 2 = 3-sa...
float m_chargeError
Error on Charge of the cluster.
double m_cutSeed
SNR above which the strip can be considered as seed.
float m_seedCharge
Seed Charge of the cluster.
int m_seedIndex
SVDRecoDigit index of the seed strip of the cluster.
double m_cutAdjacent
SNR above which the strip can be considered for clustering.

◆ SimpleClusterCandidate() [2/2]

SimpleClusterCandidate ( VxdID  vxdID,
bool  isUside,
int  sizeHeadTail,
double  cutSeed,
double  cutAdjacent,
double  cutSNR,
int  timeAlgorithm,
const std::string &  storeShaperDigitsName,
const std::string &  storeRecoDigitsName 

You can specify the name of StoreArray<SVDShaperDigit> and StoreArray<SVDRecoDigit>

which are needed to get clustered samples.

Definition at line 54 of file

56 : m_vxdID(vxdID)
57 , m_isUside(isUside)
58 , m_sizeHeadTail(sizeHeadTail)
59 , m_cutSeed(cutSeed)
60 , m_cutAdjacent(cutAdjacent)
61 , m_cutCluster(cutCluster)
62 , m_timeAlgorithm(timeAlgorithm)
63 , m_charge(0)
64 , m_chargeError(0)
65 , m_seedCharge(0)
66 , m_6SampleTime(0)
68 , m_position(0)
70 , m_SNR(0)
71 , m_seedSNR(0)
72 , m_seedIndex(-1)
73 , m_strips(4)
74 , m_storeShaperDigitsName(storeShaperDigitsName)
75 , m_storeRecoDigitsName(storeRecoDigitsName)
76 {m_strips.clear();};

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

bool add ( VxdID  vxdID,
bool  isUside,
struct stripInCluster aStrip 

Add a Strip to the current cluster.

Update the cluster seed seed.

isUsideis u
aStripto add to the cluster
true if the strip is on the expected side and sensor and it's next to the last strip added to the cluster candidate

Definition at line 78 of file

79 {
81 bool added = false;
83 //do not add if you are on the wrong sensor or side
84 if ((m_vxdID != vxdID) || (m_isUside != isUside))
85 return false;
87 //add if it's the first strip
88 if (m_strips.size() == 0)
89 added = true;
91 //add if it adjacent to the last strip added
92 //(we assume that SVDRecoDigits are ordered)
93 if ((m_strips.size() > 0 && (aStrip.cellID == - 1).cellID + 1)))
94 added = true;
96 //add it to the vector od strips, update the seed charge and index:
97 if (added) {
98 m_strips.push_back(aStrip);
100 if (aStrip.charge > m_seedCharge) {
101 m_seedCharge = aStrip.charge;
102 m_seedSNR = aStrip.charge / aStrip.noise;
103 m_seedIndex = m_strips.size() - 1;
104 }
105 }
106 return added;
108 };

◆ finalizeCluster()

void finalizeCluster ( )

compute the position, time and their error of the cluster

Definition at line 110 of file

111 {
113 m_stopCreationCluster = false;
115 const VXD::GeoCache& geo = VXD::GeoCache::getInstance();
116 const VXD::SensorInfoBase& info = geo.getSensorInfo(m_vxdID);
118 double pitch = m_isUside ? info.getUPitch() : info.getVPitch();
120 int maxStripCellID = - 1).cellID;
121 double maxStripCharge = - 1).charge;
122 int minStripCellID =;
123 double minStripCharge =;
125 int clusterSize = m_strips.size();
127 double weightSum = 0;
128 double noise = 0;
129 for (auto aStrip : m_strips) {
130 double stripPos = m_isUside ? info.getUCellPosition(aStrip.cellID) : info.getVCellPosition(aStrip.cellID);
131 m_position += stripPos * aStrip.charge;
132 m_charge += aStrip.charge;
133 m_6SampleTime += aStrip.time * aStrip.charge;
135 float tmp_sigmaSquared = aStrip.timeError * aStrip.timeError;
136 weightSum += tmp_sigmaSquared;
137 //FIXME: use error to weight the time of each strip in the cluster
138 // it seems to yield a worst resolution vs EventT0 and an additional 1 ns bias
139 // m_6SampleTime += aStrip.time / tmp_sigmaSquared;
140 // additional change also below: m_6SampleTime /= weightSum instead of m_6SampleTime/=m_charge
141 noise += aStrip.noise * aStrip.noise;
142 }
144 if ((m_charge == 0) || (noise == 0)) {
146 return;
147 }
149 noise = sqrt(noise);
151 // m_6SampleTime /= weightSum;
152 m_6SampleTimeError = 1. / TMath::Sqrt(weightSum);
153 m_SNR = m_charge / noise;
156 if (clusterSize < m_sizeHeadTail) { // COG, size = 1 or 2
158 // Compute position error
159 if (clusterSize == 1) {
160 // Add a strip charge equal to the zero-suppression threshold to compute the error
161 double phantomCharge = m_cutAdjacent *;
162 m_positionError = pitch * phantomCharge / (m_charge + phantomCharge);
163 } else {
164 double a = m_cutAdjacent;
165 if ( == 0) {
167 return;
168 }
169 double sn = m_charge /;
170 if (sn == 0) {
172 return;
173 }
174 m_positionError = a * pitch / sn;
175 }
176 } else { // Head-tail
177 double centreCharge = (m_charge - minStripCharge - maxStripCharge) / (clusterSize - 2);
178 if (centreCharge == 0) {
180 return;
181 }
183 minStripCharge = (minStripCharge < centreCharge) ? minStripCharge : centreCharge;
184 maxStripCharge = (maxStripCharge < centreCharge) ? maxStripCharge : centreCharge;
185 double minPos = m_isUside ? info.getUCellPosition(minStripCellID) : info.getVCellPosition(minStripCellID);
186 double maxPos = m_isUside ? info.getUCellPosition(maxStripCellID) : info.getVCellPosition(maxStripCellID);
187 m_position = 0.5 * (minPos + maxPos + (maxStripCharge - minStripCharge) / centreCharge * pitch);
189 double sn = centreCharge / m_cutAdjacent / noise;
190 // Rough estimates of Landau noise
191 double landauHead = minStripCharge / centreCharge;
192 double landauTail = maxStripCharge / centreCharge;
193 m_positionError = 0.5 * pitch * sqrt(1.0 / sn / sn +
194 0.5 * landauHead * landauHead +
195 0.5 * landauTail * landauTail);
196 }
198 //Lorentz shift correction - PATCHED
199 //NOTE: layer 3 is upside down with respect to L4,5,6 in the real data (real SVD), but _not_ in the simulation. We need to change the sign of the Lorentz correction on L3 only if reconstructing data, i.e. if Environment::Instance().isMC() is FALSE.
200 const SensorInfo& sensorInfo = dynamic_cast<const SensorInfo&>(VXD::GeoCache::getInstance().getSensorInfo(m_vxdID));
202 bool isMC = Environment::Instance().isMC();
204 if ((m_vxdID.getLayerNumber() == 3) && ! isMC)
205 m_position += sensorInfo.getLorentzShift(m_isUside, m_position);
206 else
207 m_position -= sensorInfo.getLorentzShift(m_isUside, m_position);
209 };
bool isMC() const
Do we have generated, not real data?
static Environment & Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the Environment instance.
bool m_stopCreationCluster
cluster is not good if something goes wrong
const SensorInfoBase & getSensorInfo(Belle2::VxdID id) const
Return a referecne to the SensorInfo of a given SensorID.
static GeoCache & getInstance()
Return a reference to the singleton instance.
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28

◆ get3SampleCoGRawTime()

float get3SampleCoGRawTime ( ) const

return the raw time of the cluster for the 3-sample CoG

Definition at line 258 of file

259 {
261 //take the MaxSum 3 samples
262 std::vector<float> clustered3s = getMaxSum3Samples().second;
263 auto begin = clustered3s.begin();
264 const auto end = clustered3s.end();
266 //calculate 'raw' CoG3 hit-time
267 constexpr auto stepSize = 16000. / 509; //APV25 clock period = 31.4 ns
268 auto retval = 0., norm = 0.;
269 for (auto step = 0.; begin != end; ++begin, step += stepSize) {
270 norm += static_cast<double>(*begin);
271 retval += static_cast<double>(*begin) * step;
272 }
273 float rawtime = retval / norm;
275 return rawtime;
276 }
std::pair< int, std::vector< float > > getMaxSum3Samples() const
returns the float vector of clustered 3-samples selected by the MaxSum method with First Frame of the...

◆ get3SampleCoGTimeError()

float get3SampleCoGTimeError ( ) const

return the time of the cluster for the 3-sample CoG

Definition at line 297 of file

298 {
300 //no obvious way to compute the error yet
301 return 6;
302 }

◆ get3SampleELSRawTime()

float get3SampleELSRawTime ( ) const

return the raw time of the cluster for the 3-sample ELS

Definition at line 278 of file

279 {
281 //take the MaxSum 3 samples
282 std::vector<float> clustered3s = getMaxSum3Samples().second;
283 const auto begin = clustered3s.begin();
285 //calculate 'raw' ELS hit-time
286 constexpr auto stepSize = 16000. / 509; //APV25 clock period = 31.4 ns
287 constexpr auto tau = 55;//ELS time constant, default55
288 auto num = 2 * stepSize * std::exp(-4 * stepSize / tau) + std::exp(-2 * stepSize / tau) * stepSize / 2 * (*begin - std::exp(
289 -2 * stepSize / tau) * (*(begin + 2))) / (*begin + std::exp(-stepSize / tau) * (*(begin + 1)) / 2);
290 auto denom = 1 - std::exp(-4 * stepSize / tau) - (1 + std::exp(-2 * stepSize / tau) / 2) * (*begin - std::exp(
291 -2 * stepSize / tau) * (*(begin + 2))) / (*begin + std::exp(-stepSize / tau) * (*(begin + 1)) / 2);
292 float rawtime = - num / denom;
294 return rawtime;
296 }

◆ get3SampleELSTimeError()

float get3SampleELSTimeError ( ) const

return the time of the cluster for the 3-sample ELS

Definition at line 304 of file

305 {
307 //no obvious way to compute the error yet
308 return 6;
309 }

◆ get6SampleCoGTime()

float get6SampleCoGTime ( ) const

return the time of the cluster for the 6-sample CoG

Definition at line 107 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

107{ return m_6SampleTime; }

◆ get6SampleCoGTimeError()

float get6SampleCoGTimeError ( ) const

return the time of the cluster for the 6-sample CoG

Definition at line 125 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

125{ return m_6SampleTimeError; }

◆ getCharge()

float getCharge ( ) const

return the charge of the cluster

Definition at line 88 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

88{ return m_charge; }

◆ getChargeError()

float getChargeError ( ) const

return the error of the charge of the cluster

Definition at line 93 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

93{ return m_chargeError; }

◆ getClsSamples()

Belle2::SVDShaperDigit::APVFloatSamples getClsSamples ( ) const

returns the APVFloatSamples obtained summing sample-by-sample all the strips on the cluster

Definition at line 312 of file

313 {
315 if (m_strips.size() == 0)
316 B2ERROR(" you are asking fo the cluster samples for a cluster candidate with no strips, it make no sense to ask for the cluster time!");
318 //steps:
319 //1.loop on m_strips
320 //2. access the index of the recodigit from the element of m_strip
321 //3. get the shaperdigit related to the recodigit of index recoDigitIndex
322 //4. sum each sample for each strip accessed in the loop
323 //5. you are done
325 Belle2::SVDShaperDigit::APVFloatSamples returnSamples = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
326 //FIXME: the name of the StoreArray of RecoDigits and ShaperDigits
327 // must be taken from the SimpleClusterizer.
328 const StoreArray<SVDRecoDigit> m_storeRecoDigits(m_storeRecoDigitsName.c_str());
329 for (auto istrip : m_strips) {
330 const SVDShaperDigit* shaperdigit = m_storeRecoDigits[istrip.recoDigitIndex]->getRelatedTo<SVDShaperDigit>
331 (m_storeShaperDigitsName.c_str());
332 if (!shaperdigit) B2ERROR("No shaperdigit for strip!?");
333 Belle2::SVDShaperDigit::APVFloatSamples APVsamples = shaperdigit->getSamples();
334 for (int iSample = 0; iSample < static_cast<int>(APVsamples.size()); ++iSample)
335 +=;
336 }
338 return returnSamples;
339 }
std::array< APVFloatSampleType, c_nAPVSamples > APVFloatSamples
array of APVFloatSampleType objects

◆ getFirstFrame()

int getFirstFrame ( )

return the first frame always 0 if 6-Sample CoG

Definition at line 152 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

153 {
154 if (m_timeAlgorithm == 0)
155 return 0;
156 return getMaxSum3Samples().first;
157 }

◆ getMaxSum3Samples()

std::pair< int, std::vector< float > > getMaxSum3Samples ( ) const

returns the float vector of clustered 3-samples selected by the MaxSum method with First Frame of the selection

Definition at line 341 of file

342 {
344 //take the cluster samples
347 //Max Sum selection
348 if (clsSamples.size() < 3) B2ERROR("APV25 samples less than 3!?");
349 std::vector<float> Sum2bin(clsSamples.size() - 1, 0);
350 for (int iBin = 0; iBin < static_cast<int>(clsSamples.size()) - 1; ++iBin)
351 = + + 1);
352 auto itSum = std::max_element(std::begin(Sum2bin), std::end(Sum2bin));
353 int ctrFrame = std::distance(std::begin(Sum2bin), itSum);
354 if (ctrFrame == 0) ctrFrame = 1;
355 std::vector<float> clustered3s = { - 1),, + 1)};
357 return std::make_pair(ctrFrame - 1, clustered3s);
359 }
Belle2::SVDShaperDigit::APVFloatSamples getClsSamples() const
returns the APVFloatSamples obtained summing sample-by-sample all the strips on the cluster

◆ getPosition()

float getPosition ( ) const

return the position of the cluster

Definition at line 162 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

162{ return m_position; }

◆ getPositionError()

float getPositionError ( ) const

return the error on the position of the cluster

Definition at line 167 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

167{ return m_positionError; }

◆ getSeedCharge()

float getSeedCharge ( ) const

return the seed charge of the cluster

Definition at line 98 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

98{ return m_seedCharge; }

◆ getSensorID()

VxdID getSensorID ( )

return the VxdID of the cluster sensor

Definition at line 78 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

78{return m_vxdID;}

◆ getSNR()

float getSNR ( ) const

return the signal over noise ratio of the cluster

Definition at line 172 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

172{ return m_SNR; }

◆ getStripsInCluster()

const std::vector< stripInCluster > getStripsInCluster ( ) const

returns the vector of the strips in the cluster

Definition at line 180 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

180{ return m_strips; };

◆ getTime()

float getTime ( ) const

return the time of the cluster depending on the m_timeAlgorithm

Definition at line 228 of file

229 {
231 if (m_timeAlgorithm == 0)
232 return get6SampleCoGTime();
233 else if (m_timeAlgorithm == 1)
234 return get3SampleCoGRawTime();
235 else if (m_timeAlgorithm == 2)
236 return get3SampleELSRawTime();
237 else {
238 B2FATAL("unrecognized timeAlgorithm, please check the input parameter and select a value among {0 (6-sample CoG), 1 (3-sample CoG), 2 (3-sample ELS)} to select the algorithm that you want to reconstruct the cluster time");
239 return 0;
240 }
241 }
float get3SampleELSRawTime() const
return the raw time of the cluster for the 3-sample ELS
float get6SampleCoGTime() const
return the time of the cluster for the 6-sample CoG
float get3SampleCoGRawTime() const
return the raw time of the cluster for the 3-sample CoG

◆ getTimeError()

float getTimeError ( ) const

return the error on the time of the cluster depending on the m_timeAlgorithm, implemented only for the 6-Sample CoG

Definition at line 243 of file

244 {
246 if (m_timeAlgorithm == 0)
247 return get6SampleCoGTimeError();
248 else if (m_timeAlgorithm == 1)
249 return get3SampleCoGTimeError();
250 else if (m_timeAlgorithm == 2)
251 return get3SampleELSTimeError();
252 else {
253 B2FATAL("unrecognized timeAlgorithm, please check the input parameter and select a value among {0 (6-sample CoG), 1 (3-sample CoG), 2 (3-sample ELS)} to select the algorithm that you want to reconstruct the cluster time");
254 return 0;
255 }
256 }
float get3SampleCoGTimeError() const
return the time of the cluster for the 3-sample CoG
float get6SampleCoGTimeError() const
return the time of the cluster for the 6-sample CoG
float get3SampleELSTimeError() const
return the time of the cluster for the 3-sample ELS

◆ isGoodCluster()

bool isGoodCluster ( )

return true if the cluster candidate can be promoted to cluster

Definition at line 211 of file

212 {
214 bool isGood = false;
217 B2WARNING("Something is wrong in the cluster creation, this cluster will not be created!");
218 return false;
219 }
222 isGood = true;
224 return isGood;
225 };

◆ isUSide()

bool isUSide ( )

return true if the cluster is on the U/P side

Definition at line 83 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

83{return m_isUside;}

◆ size()

int size ( ) const

return the cluster size (number of strips of the cluster

Definition at line 177 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

177{ return m_strips.size(); }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_6SampleTime

float m_6SampleTime

Time of the cluster computed with the 6-sample CoG.

Definition at line 222 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_6SampleTimeError

float m_6SampleTimeError

Error on Time of the cluster computed with the 6-sample CoG (not implemented yet)

Definition at line 225 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_charge

float m_charge

Charge of the cluster.

Definition at line 213 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_chargeError

float m_chargeError

Error on Charge of the cluster.

Definition at line 216 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_cutAdjacent

double m_cutAdjacent

SNR above which the strip can be considered for clustering.

Definition at line 200 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_cutCluster

double m_cutCluster

SNR above which the cluster is ok.

Definition at line 203 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_cutSeed

double m_cutSeed

SNR above which the strip can be considered as seed.

Definition at line 197 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_isUside

bool m_isUside

side of the cluster

Definition at line 191 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_position

float m_position

Position of the cluster.

Definition at line 228 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_positionError

float m_positionError

Error on Position of the cluster.

Definition at line 231 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_seedCharge

float m_seedCharge

Seed Charge of the cluster.

Definition at line 219 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_seedIndex

int m_seedIndex

SVDRecoDigit index of the seed strip of the cluster.

Definition at line 240 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_seedSNR

float m_seedSNR

SNR of the seed strip.

Definition at line 237 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_sizeHeadTail

int m_sizeHeadTail

number of strips after which we switch from COG to HeadTail estimation of the position

Definition at line 194 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_SNR

float m_SNR

SNR of the cluster.

Definition at line 234 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_stopCreationCluster

bool m_stopCreationCluster = false

cluster is not good if something goes wrong

Definition at line 185 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_storeRecoDigitsName

std::string m_storeRecoDigitsName

Name of the collection to use for the SVDRecoDigits.

Definition at line 252 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_storeShaperDigitsName

std::string m_storeShaperDigitsName

Name of the collection to use for the SVDShaperDigits.

Definition at line 249 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_strips

std::vector<stripInCluster> m_strips

first frame selected with the max-sum algorithm

vector containing the strips in the cluster

Definition at line 246 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_timeAlgorithm

int m_timeAlgorithm = 0

selects the algorithm to compute the cluster tim 0 = 6-sample CoG (default) 1 = 3-sample CoG 2 = 3-sample ELS

Definition at line 210 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

◆ m_vxdID

VxdID m_vxdID

VxdID of the cluster.

Definition at line 188 of file SimpleClusterCandidate.h.

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