Belle II Software development

This class collects some information of a TrueHit, using SVDCLuster and MCParticle information too. More...

#include <hitXP.h>

Inheritance diagram for hitXP:


struct  timeCompare
 This structure allows to compare times of 2 hitXP point input (first hit, second hit) output (boolean: true if time of the hit1< time of hit2) More...

Public Member Functions

 hitXP ()
 empty constructor of the class
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionMid () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionEntry () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionExit () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumMid () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumEntry () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumExit () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionLocalMid () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionLocalEntry () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionLocalExit () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumLocalMid () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumLocalEntry () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumLocalExit () const
 get the relative memeber
int getPDGID () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPosition0 () const
 get the relative memeber
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentum0 () const
 get the relative memeber
double getTime () const
 get the relative memeber
int getSensorSensor () const
 get the relative memeber
int getSensorLadder () const
 get the relative memeber
int getSensorLayer () const
 get the relative memeber
int getClusterU () const
 get the relative memeber
int getClusterV () const
 get the relative memeber
bool isReconstructed () const
 get the relative memeber
double getCharge () const
 get the relative memeber
void setPositionMid (ROOT::Math::XYZVector position)
 get the relative memeber
void setPositionEntry (ROOT::Math::XYZVector position)
 get the relative memeber
void setPositionExit (ROOT::Math::XYZVector position)
 get the relative memeber
void setMomentumMid (ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum)
 get the relative memeber
void setMomentumEntry (ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum)
 get the relative memeber
void setMomentumExit (ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum)
 get the relative memeber
void setPositionLocalMid (ROOT::Math::XYZVector position)
 get the relative memeber
void setPositionLocalEntry (ROOT::Math::XYZVector position)
 get the relative memeber
void setPositionLocalExit (ROOT::Math::XYZVector position)
 get the relative memeber
void setMomentumLocalMid (ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum)
 get the relative memeber
void setMomentumLocalEntry (ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum)
 get the relative memeber
void setMomentumLocalExit (ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum)
 get the relative memeber
void setPDGID (int pdgid)
 get the relative memeber
void setPosition0 (ROOT::Math::XYZVector position)
 get the relative memeber
void setMomentum0 (ROOT::Math::XYZVector momentum)
 get the relative memeber
void setTime (double Time)
 get the relative memeber
void setSensorSensor (int sensor)
 get the relative memeber
void setSensorLayer (int layer)
 get the relative memeber
void setSensorLadder (int ladder)
 get the relative memeber
void setClusterU (int cluster)
 get the relative memeber
void setClusterV (int cluster)
 get the relative memeber
void setReconstructed (bool isReconstructed)
 get the relative memeber
void setCharge (double charge)
 get the relative memeber
double omega (ROOT::Math::XYZVector xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p, double charge) const
 evaluates the parameter omega (1/curvature radius) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum, hit charge) output(omega value)
double tanLambda (ROOT::Math::XYZVector xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p) const
 evaluates the parameter tanLambda (pz/pt) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum) output(tanlambda value)
double d0 (ROOT::Math::XYZVector xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p, double charge) const
 evaluates the parameter d0 (impact parameter) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum, hit charge) output(d0 value)
double phi0 (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p, double charge) const
 evaluates the parameter phi0 (angle between pT and x) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum, hit charge) output(phi0 value)
double z0 (ROOT::Math::XYZVector xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p, double charge) const
 evaluates the parameter z0 (distance transverse plane-POCA) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum, hit charge) output(z0 value)
double getOmegaMid () const
 evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum
double getOmegaEntry () const
 evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum
double getOmegaExit () const
 evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum
double getOmega0 () const
 evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum
double getTanLambdaMid () const
 evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum
double getTanLambdaEntry () const
 evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum
double getTanLambdaExit () const
 evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum
double getTanLambda0 () const
 evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum
double getD0Mid () const
 evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum
double getD0Entry () const
 evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum
double getD0Exit () const
 evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum
double getD00 () const
 evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum
double getPhi0Mid () const
 evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum
double getPhi0Entry () const
 evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum
double getPhi0Exit () const
 evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum
double getPhi00 () const
 evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum
double getZ0Mid () const
 evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum
double getZ0Entry () const
 evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum
double getZ0Exit () const
 evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum
double getZ00 () const
 evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum
 ClassDef (hitXP, 2)
 needed by root

Public Attributes

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionMid
 poition of hit at midpoint of layer
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionEntry
 poition of hit at entrypoint of layer
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionExit
 poition of hit at exitpoint of layer
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumMid
 momentum of hit at midpoint of layer
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumEntry
 momentum of hit at entry of layer
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumExit
 momentum of hit at exit of layer
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalMid
 poition of hit at midpoint of layer, local coordinate
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalEntry
 poition of hit at entrypoint of layer, local coordinate
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalExit
 poition of hit at exitpoint of layer, local coordinate
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalMid
 momentum of hit at midpoint of layer, local coordinate
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalEntry
 momentum of hit at entrypoint of layer, local coordinate
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalExit
 momentum of hit at exitpoint of layer, local coordinate
int m_PDGID = 0
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_position0
 position at IP
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentum0
 momentum at IP
double m_time = 0
 time of the hit
int m_sensorSensor = 0
 sensor of the hit
int m_sensorLayer = 0
 layer of the hit
int m_sensorLadder = 0
 ladder of the hit
double m_info_d0 = 0
 d0 from MCParticle info evaluation.
double m_info_z0 = 0
 z0 from MCParticle info evaluation.
double m_info_phi0 = 0
 phi0 from MCParticle info evaluation.
double m_info_tanlambda = 0
 tanlambda from MCParticle info evaluation.
double m_info_omega = 0
 omega from MCParticle info evaluation.
int m_clusterU = 0
 flag for u cluster
int m_clusterV = 0
 flag for v cluster
bool m_reconstructed = 0
 flag for reconstructed track
double m_charge = 0
 charge of the track

Detailed Description

This class collects some information of a TrueHit, using SVDCLuster and MCParticle information too.

These informations are: position in local and global coordinates at entry/middle/exit position of the sensor, momentum, analytical track parameters (evaluated from posion and momentum), geometrical infomations (layed,ladder,sensor) and time.

The purpose of this class is to obtain a single "hit-like object" with all the useful information for a track-parameters study. It is used in evaluate the NoKickCuts.

To build a hitXP object is necessary to use the constructor of the derivate class hitXPDerivate.

Definition at line 32 of file hitXP.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ hitXP()

hitXP ( )

empty constructor of the class

Definition at line 65 of file hitXP.h.


Member Function Documentation

◆ d0()

double d0 ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  xx,
ROOT::Math::XYZVector  p,
double  charge 
) const

evaluates the parameter d0 (impact parameter) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum, hit charge) output(d0 value)

Definition at line 32 of file

34 ROOT::Math::XYZVector x(0.01 * xx.X(), 0.01 * xx.Y(), 0.01 * xx.Z());
35 double Bz = 1.5;
36 double Bze = Bz * charge * Const::speedOfLight / 100.;
37 double aux = sqrt((p.Y() / (Bze) + x.X()) * (p.Y() / (Bze) + x.X()) + (x.Y() - p.X() / (Bze)) * (x.Y() - p.X() / (Bze))) - sqrt((
38 p.X() * p.X() + p.Y() * p.Y()) / (Bze * Bze));
39 if (Bze < 0) {
40 aux = -aux;
41 }
42 aux = 100 * aux;
43 return aux;
static const double speedOfLight
Definition: Const.h:695
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
double charge(int pdgCode)
Returns electric charge of a particle with given pdg code.

◆ getCharge()

double getCharge ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 134 of file hitXP.h.

134{ return m_charge; }
double m_charge
charge of the track
Definition: hitXP.h:62

◆ getClusterU()

int getClusterU ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 125 of file hitXP.h.

125{ return m_clusterU; }
int m_clusterU
flag for u cluster
Definition: hitXP.h:59

◆ getClusterV()

int getClusterV ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 128 of file hitXP.h.

128{ return m_clusterV; }
int m_clusterV
flag for v cluster
Definition: hitXP.h:60

◆ getD00()

double getD00 ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum

Definition at line 355 of file hitXP.h.

355{ return d0(m_position0, m_momentum0, m_charge); }
double d0(ROOT::Math::XYZVector xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p, double charge) const
evaluates the parameter d0 (impact parameter) of a helicoidal track starting from position and moment...
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentum0
momentum at IP
Definition: hitXP.h:49
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_position0
position at IP
Definition: hitXP.h:48

◆ getD0Entry()

double getD0Entry ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum

Definition at line 349 of file hitXP.h.

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumEntry
momentum of hit at entry of layer
Definition: hitXP.h:39
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionEntry
poition of hit at entrypoint of layer
Definition: hitXP.h:36

◆ getD0Exit()

double getD0Exit ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 352 of file hitXP.h.

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumExit
momentum of hit at exit of layer
Definition: hitXP.h:40
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionExit
poition of hit at exitpoint of layer
Definition: hitXP.h:37

◆ getD0Mid()

double getD0Mid ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 346 of file hitXP.h.

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumMid
momentum of hit at midpoint of layer
Definition: hitXP.h:38
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionMid
poition of hit at midpoint of layer
Definition: hitXP.h:35

◆ getMomentum0()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentum0 ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 110 of file hitXP.h.

110{ return m_momentum0; }

◆ getMomentumEntry()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumEntry ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 80 of file hitXP.h.

80{ return m_momentumEntry; }

◆ getMomentumExit()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumExit ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 83 of file hitXP.h.

83{ return m_momentumExit; }

◆ getMomentumLocalEntry()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumLocalEntry ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 98 of file hitXP.h.

98{ return m_momentumLocalEntry; }
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalEntry
momentum of hit at entrypoint of layer, local coordinate
Definition: hitXP.h:45

◆ getMomentumLocalExit()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumLocalExit ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 101 of file hitXP.h.

101{ return m_momentumLocalExit; }
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalExit
momentum of hit at exitpoint of layer, local coordinate
Definition: hitXP.h:46

◆ getMomentumLocalMid()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumLocalMid ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 95 of file hitXP.h.

95{ return m_momentumLocalMid; }
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalMid
momentum of hit at midpoint of layer, local coordinate
Definition: hitXP.h:44

◆ getMomentumMid()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentumMid ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 77 of file hitXP.h.

77{ return m_momentumMid; }

◆ getOmega0()

double getOmega0 ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum

Definition at line 331 of file hitXP.h.

double omega(ROOT::Math::XYZVector xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p, double charge) const
evaluates the parameter omega (1/curvature radius) of a helicoidal track starting from position and m...

◆ getOmegaEntry()

double getOmegaEntry ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum

Definition at line 325 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getOmegaExit()

double getOmegaExit ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 328 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getOmegaMid()

double getOmegaMid ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 322 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getPDGID()

int getPDGID ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 104 of file hitXP.h.

104{ return m_PDGID; }
int m_PDGID
Definition: hitXP.h:47

◆ getPhi00()

double getPhi00 ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum

Definition at line 367 of file hitXP.h.

double phi0(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p, double charge) const
evaluates the parameter phi0 (angle between pT and x) of a helicoidal track starting from position an...

◆ getPhi0Entry()

double getPhi0Entry ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum

Definition at line 361 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getPhi0Exit()

double getPhi0Exit ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 364 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getPhi0Mid()

double getPhi0Mid ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 358 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getPosition0()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPosition0 ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 107 of file hitXP.h.

107{ return m_position0; }

◆ getPositionEntry()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionEntry ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 71 of file hitXP.h.

71{ return m_positionEntry; }

◆ getPositionExit()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionExit ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 74 of file hitXP.h.

74{ return m_positionExit; }

◆ getPositionLocalEntry()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionLocalEntry ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 89 of file hitXP.h.

89{ return m_positionLocalEntry; }
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalEntry
poition of hit at entrypoint of layer, local coordinate
Definition: hitXP.h:42

◆ getPositionLocalExit()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionLocalExit ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 92 of file hitXP.h.

92{ return m_positionLocalExit; }
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalExit
poition of hit at exitpoint of layer, local coordinate
Definition: hitXP.h:43

◆ getPositionLocalMid()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionLocalMid ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 86 of file hitXP.h.

86{ return m_positionLocalMid; }
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalMid
poition of hit at midpoint of layer, local coordinate
Definition: hitXP.h:41

◆ getPositionMid()

ROOT::Math::XYZVector getPositionMid ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 68 of file hitXP.h.

68{ return m_positionMid; }

◆ getSensorLadder()

int getSensorLadder ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 119 of file hitXP.h.

119{ return m_sensorLadder; }
int m_sensorLadder
ladder of the hit
Definition: hitXP.h:53

◆ getSensorLayer()

int getSensorLayer ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 122 of file hitXP.h.

122{ return m_sensorLayer; }
int m_sensorLayer
layer of the hit
Definition: hitXP.h:52

◆ getSensorSensor()

int getSensorSensor ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 116 of file hitXP.h.

116{ return m_sensorSensor; }
int m_sensorSensor
sensor of the hit
Definition: hitXP.h:51

◆ getTanLambda0()

double getTanLambda0 ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum

Definition at line 343 of file hitXP.h.

double tanLambda(ROOT::Math::XYZVector xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p) const
evaluates the parameter tanLambda (pz/pt) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum o...

◆ getTanLambdaEntry()

double getTanLambdaEntry ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum

Definition at line 337 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getTanLambdaExit()

double getTanLambdaExit ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 340 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getTanLambdaMid()

double getTanLambdaMid ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 334 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getTime()

double getTime ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 113 of file hitXP.h.

113{ return m_time; }
double m_time
time of the hit
Definition: hitXP.h:50

◆ getZ00()

double getZ00 ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using IP position and momentum

Definition at line 379 of file hitXP.h.

379{ return z0(m_position0, m_momentum0, m_charge); }
double z0(ROOT::Math::XYZVector xx, ROOT::Math::XYZVector p, double charge) const
evaluates the parameter z0 (distance transverse plane-POCA) of a helicoidal track starting from posit...

◆ getZ0Entry()

double getZ0Entry ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using entrypoint position and momentum

Definition at line 373 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getZ0Exit()

double getZ0Exit ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using exitpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 376 of file hitXP.h.

◆ getZ0Mid()

double getZ0Mid ( ) const

evaluate relative parameter using midpoint position and momentum

Definition at line 370 of file hitXP.h.

◆ isReconstructed()

bool isReconstructed ( ) const

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 131 of file hitXP.h.

131{ return m_reconstructed; }
bool m_reconstructed
flag for reconstructed track
Definition: hitXP.h:61

◆ omega()

double omega ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  xx,
ROOT::Math::XYZVector  p,
double  charge 
) const

evaluates the parameter omega (1/curvature radius) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum, hit charge) output(omega value)

Definition at line 13 of file

15 ROOT::Math::XYZVector x(0.01 * xx.X(), 0.01 * xx.Y(), 0.01 * xx.Z());
16 double Bz = 1.5;
17 double Bze = Bz * charge * Const::speedOfLight / 100.;
18 double aux = Bze / sqrt(p.X() * p.X() + p.Y() * p.Y());
19 aux = aux / 100;
20 return aux;

◆ phi0()

double phi0 ( const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &  xx,
ROOT::Math::XYZVector  p,
double  charge 
) const

evaluates the parameter phi0 (angle between pT and x) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum, hit charge) output(phi0 value)

Definition at line 46 of file

48 ROOT::Math::XYZVector x(0.01 * xx.X(), 0.01 * xx.Y(), 0.01 * xx.Z());
49 double Bz = 1.5;
50 double Bze = Bz * charge * Const::speedOfLight / 100.;
51 double aux;
52 double chi;
53 if (Bze > 0) {
54 chi = atan2((-p.X() * x.X() - p.Y() * x.Y()), ((p.X() * p.X() + p.Y() * p.Y()) / (Bze) + p.Y() * x.X() - p.X() * x.Y()));
55 } else {
56 chi = atan2(-(-p.X() * x.X() - p.Y() * x.Y()), -((p.X() * p.X() + p.Y() * p.Y()) / (Bze) + p.Y() * x.X() - p.X() * x.Y()));
57 }
58 aux = atan2(p.Y(), p.X()) - chi;
59 return aux;

◆ setCharge()

void setCharge ( double  charge)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 279 of file hitXP.h.

279{ m_charge = charge; }

◆ setClusterU()

void setClusterU ( int  cluster)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 264 of file hitXP.h.

265 {
266 m_clusterU = cluster;
267 }

◆ setClusterV()

void setClusterV ( int  cluster)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 270 of file hitXP.h.

271 {
272 m_clusterV = cluster;
273 }

◆ setMomentum0()

void setMomentum0 ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  momentum)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 244 of file hitXP.h.

245 {
246 m_momentum0.SetX(momentum.X());
247 m_momentum0.SetY(momentum.Y());
248 m_momentum0.SetZ(momentum.Z());
249 }

◆ setMomentumEntry()

void setMomentumEntry ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  momentum)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 169 of file hitXP.h.

170 {
171 m_momentumEntry.SetX(momentum.X());
172 m_momentumEntry.SetY(momentum.Y());
173 m_momentumEntry.SetZ(momentum.Z());
174 }

◆ setMomentumExit()

void setMomentumExit ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  momentum)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 177 of file hitXP.h.

178 {
179 m_momentumExit.SetX(momentum.X());
180 m_momentumExit.SetY(momentum.Y());
181 m_momentumExit.SetZ(momentum.Z());
182 }

◆ setMomentumLocalEntry()

void setMomentumLocalEntry ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  momentum)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 217 of file hitXP.h.

218 {
219 m_momentumLocalEntry.SetX(momentum.X());
220 m_momentumLocalEntry.SetY(momentum.Y());
221 m_momentumLocalEntry.SetZ(momentum.Z());
222 }

◆ setMomentumLocalExit()

void setMomentumLocalExit ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  momentum)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 225 of file hitXP.h.

226 {
227 m_momentumLocalExit.SetX(momentum.X());
228 m_momentumLocalExit.SetY(momentum.Y());
229 m_momentumLocalExit.SetZ(momentum.Z());
230 }

◆ setMomentumLocalMid()

void setMomentumLocalMid ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  momentum)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 209 of file hitXP.h.

210 {
211 m_momentumLocalMid.SetX(momentum.X());
212 m_momentumLocalMid.SetY(momentum.Y());
213 m_momentumLocalMid.SetZ(momentum.Z());
214 }

◆ setMomentumMid()

void setMomentumMid ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  momentum)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 161 of file hitXP.h.

162 {
163 m_momentumMid.SetX(momentum.X());
164 m_momentumMid.SetY(momentum.Y());
165 m_momentumMid.SetZ(momentum.Z());
166 }

◆ setPDGID()

void setPDGID ( int  pdgid)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 233 of file hitXP.h.

233{ m_PDGID = pdgid; }

◆ setPosition0()

void setPosition0 ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  position)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 236 of file hitXP.h.

237 {
238 m_position0.SetX(position.X());
239 m_position0.SetY(position.Y());
240 m_position0.SetZ(position.Z());
241 }

◆ setPositionEntry()

void setPositionEntry ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  position)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 145 of file hitXP.h.

146 {
147 m_positionEntry.SetX(position.X());
148 m_positionEntry.SetY(position.Y());
149 m_positionEntry.SetZ(position.Z());
150 }

◆ setPositionExit()

void setPositionExit ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  position)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 153 of file hitXP.h.

154 {
155 m_positionExit.SetX(position.X());
156 m_positionExit.SetY(position.Y());
157 m_positionExit.SetZ(position.Z());
158 }

◆ setPositionLocalEntry()

void setPositionLocalEntry ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  position)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 193 of file hitXP.h.

194 {
195 m_positionLocalEntry.SetX(position.X());
196 m_positionLocalEntry.SetY(position.Y());
197 m_positionLocalEntry.SetZ(position.Z());
198 }

◆ setPositionLocalExit()

void setPositionLocalExit ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  position)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 201 of file hitXP.h.

202 {
203 m_positionLocalExit.SetX(position.X());
204 m_positionLocalExit.SetY(position.Y());
205 m_positionLocalExit.SetZ(position.Z());
206 }

◆ setPositionLocalMid()

void setPositionLocalMid ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  position)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 185 of file hitXP.h.

186 {
187 m_positionLocalMid.SetX(position.X());
188 m_positionLocalMid.SetY(position.Y());
189 m_positionLocalMid.SetZ(position.Z());
190 }

◆ setPositionMid()

void setPositionMid ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  position)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 137 of file hitXP.h.

138 {
139 m_positionMid.SetX(position.X());
140 m_positionMid.SetY(position.Y());
141 m_positionMid.SetZ(position.Z());
142 }

◆ setReconstructed()

void setReconstructed ( bool  isReconstructed)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 276 of file hitXP.h.

bool isReconstructed() const
get the relative memeber
Definition: hitXP.h:131

◆ setSensorLadder()

void setSensorLadder ( int  ladder)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 261 of file hitXP.h.

261{ m_sensorLadder = ladder; }

◆ setSensorLayer()

void setSensorLayer ( int  layer)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 258 of file hitXP.h.

258{ m_sensorLayer = layer; }

◆ setSensorSensor()

void setSensorSensor ( int  sensor)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 255 of file hitXP.h.

255{ m_sensorSensor = sensor; }

◆ setTime()

void setTime ( double  Time)

get the relative memeber

Definition at line 252 of file hitXP.h.

252{ m_time = Time; }

◆ tanLambda()

double tanLambda ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  xx,
ROOT::Math::XYZVector  p 
) const

evaluates the parameter tanLambda (pz/pt) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum) output(tanlambda value)

Definition at line 24 of file

26 ROOT::Math::XYZVector x(0.01 * xx.X(), 0.01 * xx.Y(), 0.01 * xx.Z());
27 double aux = p.Z() / sqrt(p.X() * p.X() + p.Y() * p.Y());
28 return aux;

◆ z0()

double z0 ( ROOT::Math::XYZVector  xx,
ROOT::Math::XYZVector  p,
double  charge 
) const

evaluates the parameter z0 (distance transverse plane-POCA) of a helicoidal track starting from position and momentum of the hit input(hit postion, hit momentum, hit charge) output(z0 value)

Definition at line 62 of file

64 ROOT::Math::XYZVector x(0.01 * xx.X(), 0.01 * xx.Y(), 0.01 * xx.Z());
65 double Bz = 1.5;
66 double Bze = Bz * charge * Const::speedOfLight / 100.;
67 double aux;
68 double chi;
69 if (Bze > 0) {
70 chi = atan2((-p.X() * x.X() - p.Y() * x.Y()), ((p.X() * p.X() + p.Y() * p.Y()) / (Bze) + p.Y() * x.X() - p.X() * x.Y()));
71 } else {
72 chi = atan2(-(-p.X() * x.X() - p.Y() * x.Y()), -((p.X() * p.X() + p.Y() * p.Y()) / (Bze) + p.Y() * x.X() - p.X() * x.Y()));
73 }
74 aux = p.Z() * chi / (Bze) + x.Z();
75 aux = 100 * aux;
76 return aux;

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_charge

double m_charge = 0

charge of the track

Definition at line 62 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_clusterU

int m_clusterU = 0

flag for u cluster

Definition at line 59 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_clusterV

int m_clusterV = 0

flag for v cluster

Definition at line 60 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_info_d0

double m_info_d0 = 0

d0 from MCParticle info evaluation.

DO NOT USE, use the get

Definition at line 54 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_info_omega

double m_info_omega = 0

omega from MCParticle info evaluation.

DO NOT USE, use the get

Definition at line 58 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_info_phi0

double m_info_phi0 = 0

phi0 from MCParticle info evaluation.

DO NOT USE, use the get

Definition at line 56 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_info_tanlambda

double m_info_tanlambda = 0

tanlambda from MCParticle info evaluation.

DO NOT USE, use the get

Definition at line 57 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_info_z0

double m_info_z0 = 0

z0 from MCParticle info evaluation.

DO NOT USE, use the get

Definition at line 55 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_momentum0

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentum0

momentum at IP

Definition at line 49 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_momentumEntry

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumEntry

momentum of hit at entry of layer

Definition at line 39 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_momentumExit

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumExit

momentum of hit at exit of layer

Definition at line 40 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_momentumLocalEntry

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalEntry

momentum of hit at entrypoint of layer, local coordinate

Definition at line 45 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_momentumLocalExit

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalExit

momentum of hit at exitpoint of layer, local coordinate

Definition at line 46 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_momentumLocalMid

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumLocalMid

momentum of hit at midpoint of layer, local coordinate

Definition at line 44 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_momentumMid

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_momentumMid

momentum of hit at midpoint of layer

Definition at line 38 of file hitXP.h.


int m_PDGID = 0


Definition at line 47 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_position0

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_position0

position at IP

Definition at line 48 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_positionEntry

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionEntry

poition of hit at entrypoint of layer

Definition at line 36 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_positionExit

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionExit

poition of hit at exitpoint of layer

Definition at line 37 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_positionLocalEntry

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalEntry

poition of hit at entrypoint of layer, local coordinate

Definition at line 42 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_positionLocalExit

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalExit

poition of hit at exitpoint of layer, local coordinate

Definition at line 43 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_positionLocalMid

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionLocalMid

poition of hit at midpoint of layer, local coordinate

Definition at line 41 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_positionMid

ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_positionMid

poition of hit at midpoint of layer

Definition at line 35 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_reconstructed

bool m_reconstructed = 0

flag for reconstructed track

Definition at line 61 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_sensorLadder

int m_sensorLadder = 0

ladder of the hit

Definition at line 53 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_sensorLayer

int m_sensorLayer = 0

layer of the hit

Definition at line 52 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_sensorSensor

int m_sensorSensor = 0

sensor of the hit

Definition at line 51 of file hitXP.h.

◆ m_time

double m_time = 0

time of the hit

Definition at line 50 of file hitXP.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: