Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
10#include <TParticlePDG.h>
12#include <gtest/gtest.h>
14using namespace std;
15using namespace Belle2;
17namespace {
19 TEST(ConstTest, ParticleBasics)
20 {
21 //construction
28 EXPECT_THROW(Const::ChargedStable(Const::ParticleType(22)), std::runtime_error);
29 EXPECT_THROW(Const::ChargedStable(Const::ParticleType(-211)), std::runtime_error);
31 const Const::ParticleSet emptyset;
32 EXPECT_FALSE(emptyset.contains(Const::Klong));
34 //check indices of some defined particles
35 EXPECT_EQ(0, Const::electron.getIndex());
36 EXPECT_EQ(1, Const::muon.getIndex());
37 EXPECT_EQ(2, Const::pion.getIndex());
38 EXPECT_EQ(3, Const::kaon.getIndex());
39 EXPECT_EQ(4, Const::proton.getIndex());
40 EXPECT_EQ(5, Const::deuteron.getIndex());
42 //and after a copy
44 EXPECT_EQ(1, c.getIndex());
46 EXPECT_EQ(1, p.getIndex());
48 //and after construction from PDG code
49 EXPECT_EQ(1, Const::ChargedStable(13).getIndex());
51 //not in any set
52 EXPECT_EQ(-1, Const::invalidParticle.getIndex());
53 EXPECT_EQ(-1, Const::Klong.getIndex());
54 EXPECT_EQ(-1, Const::photon.getIndex());
55 }
58 TEST(ConstTest, ParticleIteration)
59 {
60 const Const::ParticleSet emptyset;
61 EXPECT_FALSE(emptyset.contains(Const::Klong));
64 Const::ParticleType prefix = set.begin();
65 EXPECT_EQ(1, (++prefix).getIndex());
66 Const::ParticleType postfix = set.begin();
67 EXPECT_EQ(0, (postfix++).getIndex());
69 int size = 0;
70 //note: iterating over the restricted type (ParticleType would work, too)
71 for (const auto& c : set) {
73 int pdg = c.getPDGCode();
74 unsigned int index = c.getIndex();
76 switch (index) {
77 case 0:
78 EXPECT_EQ(11, pdg);
79 break;
80 case 1:
81 EXPECT_EQ(13, pdg);
82 break;
83 case 2:
84 EXPECT_EQ(211, pdg);
85 break;
86 case 3:
87 EXPECT_EQ(321, pdg);
88 break;
89 case 4:
90 EXPECT_EQ(2212, pdg);
91 break;
92 case 5:
93 EXPECT_EQ(1000010020, pdg);
94 break;
95 default:
96 EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Index >5 encountered?";
97 }
98 size++;
99 }
101 EXPECT_EQ(setSize, size);
103 size = 0;
104 for (Const::ParticleType pdgIter = set.begin(); pdgIter != set.end(); ++pdgIter) {
105 size++;
106 }
107 EXPECT_EQ(6, size);
110 EXPECT_TRUE(Const::chargedStableSet.contains(c));
111 EXPECT_EQ(3, c.getIndex());
112 ++c;
113 ++c;
114 EXPECT_EQ(5, c.getIndex());
115 EXPECT_EQ(1000010020, c.getPDGCode());
116 }
119 TEST(ConstTest, ParticleCombination)
120 {
121 //no-op
123 int size = 0;
124 for (Const::ParticleType pdgIter = set.begin(); pdgIter != set.end(); ++pdgIter) {
125 size++;
126 }
127 EXPECT_EQ(6, size);
130 size = 0;
131 for (Const::ParticleType pdgIter = kaonSet.begin(); pdgIter != kaonSet.end(); ++pdgIter) {
132 size++;
133 }
134 EXPECT_EQ(3, size);
136 const Const::ParticleSet mergedSet = set + kaonSet;
137 size = 0;
138 for (Const::ParticleType pdgIter = mergedSet.begin(); pdgIter != mergedSet.end(); ++pdgIter) {
139 size++;
140 }
141 EXPECT_EQ(size, 8); //kaon should be removed
142 }
144 TEST(ConstTest, FindInParticleSet)
145 {
146 for (const auto& c : Const::chargedStableSet) {
147 int pdg = c.getPDGCode();
148 EXPECT_EQ(pdg, Const::chargedStableSet.find(pdg).getPDGCode());
149 }
150 EXPECT_TRUE(Const::chargedStableSet.find(12356467) == Const::invalidParticle);
151 }
154 TEST(ConstTest, TDatabasePDG)
155 {
156 EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(Const::Klong.getParticlePDG()->Charge(), 0);
157 EXPECT_EQ(Const::Klong.getParticlePDG()->PdgCode(), 130);
159 EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(Const::proton.getParticlePDG()->Charge(), 3);
160 EXPECT_EQ(Const::proton.getParticlePDG()->PdgCode(), 2212);
162 Const::ParticleType antiproton(-2212);
163 EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(antiproton.getParticlePDG()->Charge(), -3);
164 EXPECT_EQ(antiproton.getParticlePDG()->PdgCode(), -2212);
166 //Spin and lifetime are added manually to TDatabasePDG, test this
167 EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, Const::photon.getParticlePDG()->Spin());
168 EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.5, Const::proton.getParticlePDG()->Spin());
169 EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.5, Const::electron.getParticlePDG()->Spin());
171 EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, Const::proton.getParticlePDG()->Lifetime());
172 //lifetime (about 881s for neutron, 2.197e-6s for muon)
173 EXPECT_TRUE(Const::neutron.getParticlePDG()->Lifetime() > 800);
174 EXPECT_TRUE(Const::neutron.getParticlePDG()->Lifetime() < 900);
175 EXPECT_TRUE(Const::muon.getParticlePDG()->Lifetime() < 2.2e-6);
176 EXPECT_TRUE(Const::muon.getParticlePDG()->Lifetime() > 2.1e-6);
178 //AntiParticle is non-const...
179 auto* protonnonconst = const_cast<TParticlePDG*>(Const::proton.getParticlePDG());
180 auto* photonnonconst = const_cast<TParticlePDG*>(Const::photon.getParticlePDG());
182 //test that AntiParticle() works as expected (not the case for previous implementation)
183 EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(protonnonconst->AntiParticle()->Charge(), -3);
184 EXPECT_EQ(protonnonconst->AntiParticle()->PdgCode(), -2212);
186 EXPECT_TRUE(photonnonconst->AntiParticle() == photonnonconst);
189 EXPECT_TRUE(Const::invalidParticle.getParticlePDG() == nullptr);
190 EXPECT_TRUE(Const::unspecifiedParticle.getParticlePDG() == nullptr);
191 }
194 TEST(ConstTest, DetectorSet)
195 {
196 Const::DetectorSet set(Const::IR);
197 EXPECT_EQ(set, Const::IR);
198 set += Const::PXD;
199 EXPECT_EQ(set, Const::IR + Const::PXD);
200 set += Const::PXD;
201 EXPECT_EQ(set, Const::IR + Const::PXD);
202 EXPECT_TRUE(set == Const::IR + Const::PXD);
203 EXPECT_FALSE(set == Const::IR);
204 set -= Const::IR;
205 EXPECT_EQ(set, Const::PXD);
206 EXPECT_TRUE(set.contains(Const::PXD));
207 EXPECT_FALSE(set.contains(Const::IR));
208 set += Const::SVD + Const::TEST;
209 EXPECT_EQ(set.getIndex(Const::IR), -1);
210 EXPECT_EQ(set.getIndex(Const::PXD), 0);
211 EXPECT_EQ(set.getIndex(Const::TEST), 2);
213 EXPECT_EQ(*it, Const::PXD);
214 ++it;
215 ++it;
216 EXPECT_EQ(*it, Const::TEST);
217 ++it;
218 EXPECT_EQ(*it, Const::invalidDetector);
219 EXPECT_EQ(set.size(), (size_t)3);
220 EXPECT_EQ(Const::allDetectors.size(), (size_t)12);
221 }
224 TEST(ConstTest, RestrictedDetectorSet)
225 {
226 //note: cannot use EXPECT_EQ() here because c_size is only declared in header, but EXPECT_EQ wants a const&, leading to an undefined reference
228 }
230} // namespace
Provides a type-safe way to pass members of the chargedStableSet set.
Definition: Const.h:589
static const unsigned int c_SetSize
Number of elements (for use in array bounds etc.)
Definition: Const.h:615
The DetectorSet class for sets of detector IDs in the form of EDetector values.
Definition: Const.h:80
static const size_t c_size
Number of PID detectors, temporary workaround.
Definition: Const.h:376
static const DetectorSet c_set
The set of valid PID detectors.
Definition: Const.h:375
A set of ParticleType objects, with defined order.
Definition: Const.h:517
ParticleType begin() const
Returns first particle.
Definition: Const.h:557
bool contains(const ParticleType &p) const
Returns true if and only if the set contains 'p'.
unsigned int size() const
Returns number of particles in this set.
Definition: Const.h:546
ParticleType end() const
Returns an invalid particle to check if iteration should be stopped.
Definition: Const.h:565
The ParticleType class for identifying different particle types.
Definition: Const.h:408
const TParticlePDG * getParticlePDG() const
Accessor for ROOT TParticlePDG object.
static const ParticleType neutron
neutron particle
Definition: Const.h:675
static const ParticleType unspecifiedParticle
Unspecified particle, used when no other particle type fits.
Definition: Const.h:683
static const DetectorSet allDetectors
The set of all detectors.
Definition: Const.h:398
static const ChargedStable muon
muon particle
Definition: Const.h:660
static const ParticleSet chargedStableSet
set of charged stable particles
Definition: Const.h:618
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:661
static const ParticleType Klong
K^0_L particle.
Definition: Const.h:678
static const ChargedStable proton
proton particle
Definition: Const.h:663
static const ParticleType invalidParticle
Invalid particle, used internally.
Definition: Const.h:681
static const ParticleType Kshort
K^0_S particle.
Definition: Const.h:677
static const ChargedStable kaon
charged kaon particle
Definition: Const.h:662
static const ParticleType photon
photon particle
Definition: Const.h:673
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
Definition: Const.h:659
static const ChargedStable deuteron
deuteron particle
Definition: Const.h:664
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.