Belle II Software development
quadrilateral_t Struct Referenceabstract

quadrilateral shape struct More...

Inheritance diagram for quadrilateral_t:
shape_t quadrilateral_barrel_t quadrilateral_endcap_t

Public Member Functions

virtual map< int, G4ThreeVector > make_verticies (double wrapthick) const =0
 create map of vertices
G4VSolid * get_tesselatedsolid (const string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift UNUSED) const override
 get tesselated solid
G4VSolid * get_extrudedsolid (const string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift UNUSED) const override
 get extruded solid
G4VSolid * get_trapezoid (const string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift) const override
 get trapezoid
G4VSolid * get_bellecrystal (const string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift UNUSED) const override
 get Belle crystal
G4VSolid * get_solid (const std::string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift) const
 get solid
virtual G4VSolid * get_tesselatedsolid (const std::string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift) const =0
 get tesselated solid
virtual G4VSolid * get_extrudedsolid (const std::string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift) const =0
 get extruded solid
virtual G4VSolid * get_bellecrystal (const std::string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift) const =0
 get Belle crystal
virtual bool istrap () const =0
 is trapped

Public Attributes

int nshape

Detailed Description

quadrilateral shape struct

Definition at line 114 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ quadrilateral_t()

quadrilateral_t ( )

Definition at line 115 of file


◆ ~quadrilateral_t()

virtual ~quadrilateral_t ( )

Definition at line 116 of file


Member Function Documentation

◆ get_bellecrystal()

G4VSolid * get_bellecrystal ( const string &  prefix,
double  wrapthick,
G4Translate3D &shift  UNUSED 
) const

get Belle crystal

Definition at line 257 of file

258 {
259 map<int, G4ThreeVector> v = make_verticies(wrapthick);
261 string name(prefix);
262 name += to_string(nshape);
264 G4ThreeVector pt[8];
265 pt[0] = v[4];
266 pt[1] = v[1];
267 pt[2] = v[3];
268 pt[3] = v[2];
269 pt[4] = v[8];
270 pt[5] = v[5];
271 pt[6] = v[7];
272 pt[7] = v[6];
274 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) pt[i] = v[i + 1];
275 G4VSolid* shape = new BelleCrystal(name.c_str(), 4, pt);
276 // cout<<name<<" "<<shape->GetCubicVolume()*1e-3<<" "<<Volume<<endl;
277 // for(int i=0;i<100000;i++){
278 // G4ThreeVector a = shape->GetPointOnSurface();
279 // cout<<a.x()<<" "<<a.y()<<" "<<a.z()<<endl;
280 // }
281 // exit(0);
282 return shape;
283 }
virtual map< int, G4ThreeVector > make_verticies(double wrapthick) const =0
create map of vertices
int nshape
Definition: shapes.h:30

◆ get_extrudedsolid()

G4VSolid * get_extrudedsolid ( const string &  prefix,
double  wrapthick,
G4Translate3D &shift  UNUSED 
) const

get extruded solid

Definition at line 146 of file

147 {
148 map<int, G4ThreeVector> v = make_verticies(wrapthick);
150 string name(prefix);
151 name += to_string(nshape);
153 std::vector<G4TwoVector> p1, p2;
154 p1.push_back(G4TwoVector(v[1].x(), v[1].y()));
155 p1.push_back(G4TwoVector(v[2].x(), v[2].y()));
156 p1.push_back(G4TwoVector(v[3].x(), v[3].y()));
157 p1.push_back(G4TwoVector(v[4].x(), v[4].y()));
159 p2.push_back(G4TwoVector(v[1 + 4].x(), v[1 + 4].y()));
160 p2.push_back(G4TwoVector(v[2 + 4].x(), v[2 + 4].y()));
161 p2.push_back(G4TwoVector(v[3 + 4].x(), v[3 + 4].y()));
162 p2.push_back(G4TwoVector(v[4 + 4].x(), v[4 + 4].y()));
164 double sum = 0, smin = 1e9, smax = -1e9;
165 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
166 for (int j = i + 1; j < 4; j++) {
167 double s2 = (p2[j] - p2[i]).mag2() / (p1[j] - p1[i]).mag2();
168 double s = sqrt(s2);
169 sum += s;
170 if (s > smax) smax = s;
171 if (s < smin) smin = s;
172 }
173 }
174 double ave = sum / 6;
176 double scale = ave;
177 G4TwoVector off1(0, 0), off2(scale * p1[0].x() - p2[0].x(), scale * p1[0].y() - p2[0].y());
179 return new G4ExtrudedSolid(name, p1, abs(v[1].z()), off1, 1, -off2, scale);
180 }
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28

◆ get_solid()

G4VSolid * get_solid ( const std::string &  prefix,
double  wrapthick,
G4Translate3D &  shift 
) const

get solid

Definition at line 73 of file

74 {
75 return get_bellecrystal(prefix, wrapthick, shift);
76 }
virtual G4VSolid * get_bellecrystal(const std::string &prefix, double wrapthick, G4Translate3D &shift) const =0
get Belle crystal

◆ get_tesselatedsolid()

G4VSolid * get_tesselatedsolid ( const string &  prefix,
double  wrapthick,
G4Translate3D &shift  UNUSED 
) const

get tesselated solid

Definition at line 121 of file

122 {
123 map<int, G4ThreeVector> v = make_verticies(wrapthick);
125 string name(prefix);
126 name += to_string(nshape);
127 G4TessellatedSolid* s = new G4TessellatedSolid(name.c_str());
129 // Now add the facets to the solid
130 // top plane
131 s->AddFacet(new G4QuadrangularFacet(v[1], v[4], v[3], v[2], ABSOLUTE));
132 // bottom plane
133 s->AddFacet(new G4QuadrangularFacet(v[5], v[6], v[7], v[8], ABSOLUTE));
134 // lateral sides
135 s->AddFacet(new G4QuadrangularFacet(v[1], v[2], v[6], v[5], ABSOLUTE));
136 s->AddFacet(new G4QuadrangularFacet(v[2], v[3], v[7], v[6], ABSOLUTE));
137 s->AddFacet(new G4QuadrangularFacet(v[3], v[4], v[8], v[7], ABSOLUTE));
138 s->AddFacet(new G4QuadrangularFacet(v[4], v[1], v[5], v[8], ABSOLUTE));
140 // Finally declare the solid is complete
141 s->SetSolidClosed(true);
142 return s;
143 }

◆ get_trapezoid()

G4VSolid * get_trapezoid ( const string &  prefix,
double  wrapthick,
G4Translate3D &  shift 
) const

get trapezoid

Implements shape_t.

Definition at line 183 of file

184 {
185 map<int, G4ThreeVector> v = make_verticies(wrapthick);
187 // make sides @ +-Y parallel
188 G4ThreeVector b = v[4] - v[1];
189 G4ThreeVector d12 = v[2] - v[1], d43 = v[3] - v[4];
190 double b2 = b.mag2();
191 double h1 = b.cross(d12).mag2();
192 double h4 = b.cross(d43).mag2();
193 // if(abs(h1/h4-1)<0.02) cout<<"Shape = "<<nshape<<" "<<h1<<" "<<h4<<" "<<h1/h4-1<<endl;
194 if (h1 < h4) {
195 G4ThreeVector d24 = v[4] - v[2];
196 double d43b = d43 * b, s = (b2 * (d24 * d43) - (d24 * b) * d43b) / (d43b * d43b - b2 * d43.mag2());
197 v[3] = v[4] + s * d43;
198 v[7] = v[8] + s * (v[7] - v[8]);
199 } else {
200 G4ThreeVector d31 = v[1] - v[3];
201 double d12b = d12 * b, s = (b2 * (d31 * d12) - (d31 * b) * d12b) / (d12b * d12b - b2 * d12.mag2());
202 v[2] = v[1] + s * d12;
203 v[6] = v[5] + s * (v[6] - v[5]);
204 }
206 string name(prefix);
207 name += to_string(nshape);
209 G4ThreeVector pt[8];
210 pt[0] = v[4];
211 pt[1] = v[1];
212 pt[2] = v[3];
213 pt[3] = v[2];
214 pt[4] = v[8];
215 pt[5] = v[5];
216 pt[6] = v[7];
217 pt[7] = v[6];
219 auto alignz = [&](int i, int j) {pt[j].setZ(pt[i].z());};
220 auto aligny = [&](int i, int j) {pt[j].setY(pt[i].y());};
222 alignz(0, 1);
223 alignz(0, 2);
224 alignz(0, 3);
226 alignz(4, 1 + 4);
227 alignz(4, 2 + 4);
228 alignz(4, 3 + 4);
230 aligny(0, 1);
231 aligny(2, 3);
233 aligny(4, 5);
234 aligny(6, 7);
236 double dx = pt[0].x() + pt[1].x() + pt[4].x() + pt[5].x() + pt[2].x() + pt[3].x() + pt[6].x() + pt[7].x();
237 dx /= 8;
238 double dy = pt[0].y() + pt[2].y() + pt[4].y() + pt[6].y();
239 dy /= 4;
240 for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
241 pt[j].setX(pt[j].x() - dx);
242 pt[j].setY(pt[j].y() - dy);
243 }
245 // int oprec = cout.precision(17);
246 // cout<<dx<<" "<<dy<<endl;
247 // cout.precision(oprec);
249 shift = G4Translate3D(dx, dy, 0);
250 G4VSolid* shape = new G4Trap(name.c_str(), pt);
251 // cout<<name<<" "<<shape->GetCubicVolume()*1e-3<<" "<<Volume<<endl;
252 // G4VSolid *shape = new BelleCrystal(name.c_str(), 4, pt);
253 return shape;
254 }

◆ istrap()

virtual bool istrap ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

is trapped

Implemented in quadrilateral_barrel_t, quadrilateral_endcap_t, and pent_t.

◆ make_verticies()

virtual map< int, G4ThreeVector > make_verticies ( double  wrapthick) const
pure virtual

create map of vertices

Implemented in quadrilateral_barrel_t, and quadrilateral_endcap_t.

Member Data Documentation

◆ nshape

int nshape


Definition at line 30 of file shapes.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: