After the reconstruction of the signal particle list it is very useful
to look into the the particles that are not associated to the signal particle list.
In basf2 these particles are called “Rest of Event” and this is the main topic of the chapter.
The Rest of Event (ROE) can contain a lot of information: in case of B-physics, the ROE of one B-meson includes
particles from the partner B-meson and in case of charm and tau analysis, the ROE of the lepton has the partner
Find the documentation of the ROE module. What are its use cases for tagged
and untagged analyses?
It’s included in the “Advanced Topics” section of the analysis module.
Documentation is here: Rest Of Event. There is quite a bit of content.
For now, make sure to take a look at the Overview and the “Basic usage”
In this chapter we will continue our work on the steering file from the last lesson.
Remember that you have reconstructed a particle list.
We now want to reconstruct the Rest of Event of the .
Look up how to create a Rest Of Event for your particle list
(it’s a single line of code).
Add the fillWithMostLikely=True option.
You have already found the Rest Of Event chapter in the last exercise.
Take a look at the basic usage example.
46# build the rest of the event47ma.buildRestOfEvent("B0",fillWithMostLikely=True,path=main)
That’s it, the ROE has been reconstructed!
Behind these python curtains, a RestOfEvent object is created for each particle in the
particle list and it includes all other charged or neutral particles, that have not been
associated to the corresponding signal candidate. By default, the charged particles are assumed to be pions,
and the neutral particles use the photon or hypothesis.
In principle, one can already try to use some of the Rest of Event variables.
Find documentation for the Rest Of Event variables.
Use the search feature in the basf2 documentation, or use the offline help by typing b2help-variables
in your bash terminal (for example b2help-variables|grep-iroe).
Among the most universal and useful are ROE invariant mass roeM
or ROE energy roeE. Also, one can call
nROE_Charged or nROE_Photons to know how many charged particles or
photons entered the ROE.
Remember that we were collecting all variables in the b_vars list.
Let’s include the following lines to have a useful selection of them:
Run your steering file and check that it completes without error.
In principle we could already start to do an analysis.
However, the ROE variables that we have just defined are not quite useful yet:
we first need to “clean up” the ROE.
For this, we define ROE masks.
The main philosophy of the ROE is to include every particle in the event,
that has not been associated to the signal candidate.
That is why a typical ROE contains not only the partner particle (e.g. the tag or signal B),
but also all other particles, like
hadron split-off particles, -rays, unused radiative photons, beam-induced background particles or products of kaon or pion decays.
It is up to the analyst to decide what particles actually matter for the analysis.
This is called “cleaning up” the ROE. For this procedure, ROE masks are used.
ROE masks are just sets of selection cuts
to be applied on the ROE particles.
For our example, let’s start by defining the following selection cut strings:
46# build the rest of the event47ma.buildRestOfEvent("B0",fillWithMostLikely=True,path=main)48track_based_cuts="thetaInCDCAcceptance and pt > 0.075 and dr < 5 and abs(dz) < 10"49ecl_based_cuts="thetaInCDCAcceptance and E > 0.05"
Here we created different cuts for charged particles, like electrons or charged pions, and for photons,
because of different methods of measurement used to detect these particles.
These are example cuts, please use official guidelines from
Charged or Neutral Performance groups to set up your own selection in a “real” analysis.
Create a ROE mask using the charged_cuts and photon_cuts strings with the
appendROEMask or appendROEMasks function.
A mask is defined as a tuple with three values. Use appendROEMasks to
“activate” it.
46# build the rest of the event47ma.buildRestOfEvent("B0",fillWithMostLikely=True,path=main)48track_based_cuts="thetaInCDCAcceptance and pt > 0.075 and dr < 5 and abs(dz) < 10"49ecl_based_cuts="thetaInCDCAcceptance and E > 0.05"50roe_mask=("my_mask",track_based_cuts,ecl_based_cuts)51ma.appendROEMasks("B0",[roe_mask],path=main)
Now we have created a mask with a name my_mask, that will only allow track-based
particles that pass selection cuts track_based_cuts and ECL-based particles, that pass
The analyst can create as many ROE masks as needed and use them in different ROE-dependent
algorithms or ROE variables.
For ROE variables, the mask is specified as an argument, like roeM(my_mask)
or roeE(my_mask).
In the last section, we defined two lists of ROE variables (roe_kinematics and roe_multiplicities).
Now we want to have
the same variables but with the my_mask argument. Since we’re lazy, we use a python
loop to insert this argument.
Write a for loop that runs over roe_kinematics+roe_multiplicities and
replaces the () of each variable with (my_mask). Add these new
variables to the b_vars list.
The variables are nothing more than a string, which has a replace
61roe_kinematics=["roeE()","roeM()","roeP()","roeMbc()","roeDeltae()"]62roe_multiplicities=[63"nROE_Charged()",64"nROE_Photons()",65"nROE_NeutralHadrons()",66]67b_vars+=roe_kinematics+roe_multiplicities68# Let's also add a version of the ROE variables that includes the mask:69forroe_variableinroe_kinematics+roe_multiplicities:70# e.g. instead of 'roeE()' (no mask) we want 'roeE(my_mask)'71roe_variable_with_mask=roe_variable.replace("()","(my_mask)")72b_vars.append(roe_variable_with_mask)
There are also KLM-based hadrons in ROE, like or neutrons, but they are
not participating in ROE 4-momentum computation, because of various temporary
difficulties in KLM reconstruction. Nevertheless, one can count them using
nROE_NeutralHadrons variable.
Your steering file is now complete. Run it!
Your steering file should look like this:
1#!/usr/bin/env python3 2 3importsys 4importbasf2asb2 5importmodularAnalysisasma 6importstdV0s 7importvariables.collectionsasvc 8importvariables.utilsasvu 9 10# get input file number from the command line 11filenumber=sys.argv[1] 12 13# create path 14main=b2.Path() 15 16# load input data from mdst/udst file 17ma.inputMdstList( 18environmentType="default", 19filelist=[b2.find_file(f"starterkit/2021/1111540100_eph3_BGx0_{filenumber}.root","examples")], 20path=main, 21) 22 23# fill final state particle lists 24ma.fillParticleList( 25"e+:uncorrected", 26"electronID > 0.1 and dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2 and thetaInCDCAcceptance", 27path=main, 28) 29stdV0s.stdKshorts(path=main) 30 31# combine final state particles to form composite particles 32ma.reconstructDecay( 33"J/psi:ee -> e+:uncorrected e-:uncorrected",cut="dM < 0.11",path=main 34) 35 36# combine J/psi and KS candidates to form B0 candidates 37ma.reconstructDecay( 38"B0 -> J/psi:ee K_S0:merged", 39cut="Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.15", 40path=main, 41) 42 43# match reconstructed with MC particles 44ma.matchMCTruth("B0",path=main) 45 46# build the rest of the event 47ma.buildRestOfEvent("B0",fillWithMostLikely=True,path=main) 48track_based_cuts="thetaInCDCAcceptance and pt > 0.075 and dr < 5 and abs(dz) < 10" 49ecl_based_cuts="thetaInCDCAcceptance and E > 0.05" 50roe_mask=("my_mask",track_based_cuts,ecl_based_cuts) 51ma.appendROEMasks("B0",[roe_mask],path=main) 52 53# Create list of variables to save into the output file 54b_vars=[] 55 56standard_vars=vc.kinematics+vc.mc_kinematics+vc.mc_truth 57b_vars+=vc.deltae_mbc 58b_vars+=standard_vars 59 60# ROE variables 61roe_kinematics=["roeE()","roeM()","roeP()","roeMbc()","roeDeltae()"] 62roe_multiplicities=[ 63"nROE_Charged()", 64"nROE_Photons()", 65"nROE_NeutralHadrons()", 66] 67b_vars+=roe_kinematics+roe_multiplicities 68# Let's also add a version of the ROE variables that includes the mask: 69forroe_variableinroe_kinematics+roe_multiplicities: 70# e.g. instead of 'roeE()' (no mask) we want 'roeE(my_mask)' 71roe_variable_with_mask=roe_variable.replace("()","(my_mask)") 72b_vars.append(roe_variable_with_mask) 73 74# Variables for final states (electrons, positrons, pions) 76b_vars+=vu.create_aliases_for_selected( 77fs_vars, 78"B0 -> [J/psi -> ^e+ ^e-] [K_S0 -> ^pi+ ^pi-]", 79prefix=["ep","em","pip","pim"], 80) 81# Variables for J/Psi, KS 82jpsi_ks_vars=vc.inv_mass+standard_vars 83b_vars+=vu.create_aliases_for_selected(jpsi_ks_vars,"B0 -> ^J/psi ^K_S0") 84# Also add kinematic variables boosted to the center of mass frame (CMS) 85# for all particles 86cmskinematics=vu.create_aliases( 87vc.kinematics,"useCMSFrame({variable})","CMS" 88) 89b_vars+=vu.create_aliases_for_selected( 90cmskinematics,"^B0 -> [^J/psi -> ^e+ ^e-] [^K_S0 -> ^pi+ ^pi-]" 91) 92 93# Save variables to an output file (ntuple) 94ma.variablesToNtuple( 95"B0", 96variables=b_vars, 97filename="Bd2JpsiKS.root", 98treename="tree", 99path=main,100)101102# Start the event loop (actually start processing things)103b2.process(main)104105# print out the summary106print(b2.statistics)
One can use matplotlib functions to plot several histograms on one figure side-by-side.
Documentation is on this page, but you also saw some examples in your
python training.
Hint: Outliers
Some of the distributions contain outliers, which need to be rejected in order to
get meaningful plots (this means to manually set the plotting range).
Proposed ranges: roeM from 0 to 10 and nROE_Charged from 0 to 15.
Hint: Styling
Another hint is that comparison plots look better if they are a bit transparent, which
can be achieved by supplying alpha=0.6 argument to the plotting functions.
Alternatively you might look into the histtype argument to only show the outlines
of the distributions.
As we are plotting many distributions on one figure
legends and axis titles are important
Hint: Fill in the blanks'belle2')df=root_pandas.read_root('Bd2JpsiKS.root')m_bins=50m_range=(0,10)fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(15,7))# Left subplot of ROE mass:ax[0].hist(...)ax[0].hist(...)ax[0].set_xlim(m_range)ax[0].set_xlabel('ROE mass [GeV/$c^2$]')# Right subplot of number of charged ROE particles:m_bins=15m_range=(0,15)ax[1].hist(...)ax[1].hist(...)ax[1].set_xlim(m_range)ax[1].set_xlabel('# of charged ROE particles')ax[1].legend()fig.tight_layout()fig.savefig('roe_mask_comparison.svg')
Solution'belle2')df=root_pandas.read_root('Bd2JpsiKS.root')m_bins=50m_range=(0,10)fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(15,7))# Left subplot of ROE mass:ax[0].hist(df['roeM__bo__bc'],label='No mask',bins=m_bins,range=m_range,alpha=0.6)ax[0].hist(df['roeM__bomy_mask__bc'],label='"my_mask" applied',bins=m_bins,range=m_range,alpha=0.6)ax[0].set_xlim(m_range)ax[0].set_xlabel('ROE mass [GeV/$c^2$]')# Right subplot of number of charged ROE particles:m_bins=15m_range=(0,15)ax[1].hist(df['nROE_Charged__bo__bc'],label='No mask',bins=m_bins,range=m_range,alpha=0.6)ax[1].hist(df['nROE_Charged__bomy_mask__bc'],label='"my_mask" applied',bins=m_bins,range=m_range,alpha=0.6)ax[1].set_xlim(m_range)ax[1].set_xlabel('# of charged ROE particles')ax[1].legend()fig.tight_layout()fig.savefig('roe_mask_comparison.svg')
The resulting plot should look like the figure below.
Fig. 25.22 Distributions of ROE invariant mass (left) and number of charged ROE particles (right).¶
Fig. 25.22 shows a comparison of roeM and nROE_Charged distributions
for ROE with mask my_mask case and ROE with no mask applied.
Strange variable names
You might wonder where these strange variable names came from. This is because
it is tried to avoid branch names (columns of your output ROOT file) that contain
special characters (parentheses, spaces and so on).
For example, every ( is replaced by _bo for “bracket open”. What does
_bc stand for?
Take another look at Fig. 25.22 and describe what you see.
Can you explain the differences between the masked and unmasked variables?
The invariant mass distribution for masked ROE is much narrower and its mean is a little bit below
nominal mass, contrary to the unmasked ROE distribution.
This is expected, because a generic decay may produce particles,
that are not accounted in ROE mass computation, like or neutrinos.
The distribution of the number of charged particles for masked ROE has much more prominent peaks
at 4 and 6 particles than its unmasked version, which corresponds to the fact that a correctly
reconstructed will have an even number of charged daughter particles.
This means that even a simple ROE mask like my_mask does a really good job of cleaning up the particles,
which are not associated to the partner .
ROE masks are added with appendROEMask or appendROEMasks.
Use them to clean up beam-induced or other background particles.
For many analyses ROE is used as middleware to get tag vertex fit,
continuum suppression or flavor tag.
Usage of ROE without a mask is not recommended.
Stuck? We can help!
If you get stuck or have any questions to the online book material, the
#starterkit-workshop channel
in our chat is full of nice people who will provide fast help.
Refer to Collaborative Tools. for other
places to get help if you have specific or detailed questions about your
own analysis.
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Please make sure to be as precise as possible to make it easier for us
to fix things! So for example:
typos (where?)
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