13 #include <TTimeStamp.h>
36 ARICHAsicInfo(
const std::string&
id, TTimeStamp timeFinishGain, TTimeStamp timeFinishOffset, std::vector<int>& deadChannel,
37 std::vector<int>& badConnChannel, std::vector<int>& badOffsetChannel, std::vector<int>& badLinChannel,
int numProbCh,
38 std::vector<TH3F*>& gain, std::vector<TH3F*>& offset,
const std::string& comment):
void setBadLinChannels(const std::vector< int > &badLinChannels)
Set vector of bad linearity channel numbers.
std::string m_comment
TH3F * getOffsetMeasurement(unsigned int i) const
Return Measurements with different offset settings.
std::vector< TH3F * > m_gain
Threshold scans with different gain settings.
void setNumOfProblematicChannels(int numProbCh)
Set number of problematic channels.
int getBadConnChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of channels with bad connections.
std::string getComment() const
Return Commment.
std::vector< int > m_deadChannel
List of dead channels on the ASIC chip.
void appendBadLinChannel(int ichannel)
Add a channel number to the list of channels with bad linearity.
std::vector< int > m_badConnChannel
List of channels with bad connections during the measurement.
void setBadOffsetChannels(const std::vector< int > &badOffsetChannels)
Set vector of bad offset channel numbers.
void appendBadConnChannel(int ichannel)
Add a channel number to the list of channels with bad connections.
void setGainMeasurement(std::vector< TH3F * > gain)
set Measurements with different gain settings
int getBadLinChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of channels with bad linearity.
int getBadOffsetChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of channels with bad offset adjustment.
std::string m_id
Asic Identifier.
int getDeadChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of dead channels.
void appendBadOffsetChannel(int ichannel)
Add a channel number to the list of channels with bad offset adjustment.
void setTimeFinishOffset(TTimeStamp timeFinishOffset)
Set Test date offset - finish.
TTimeStamp getTimeFinishGain() const
Return Test date gain - finish.
ClassDef(ARICHAsicInfo, 3)
void setBadConnChannels(const std::vector< int > &badConnChannels)
Set vector of bad connection channel numbers.
TTimeStamp m_timeFinishGain
Test Date of gain measurements - finish.
float getNumOfProblematicChannels() const
Return number of problematic channels.
int getBadOffsetChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of channels with bad offset adjustment.
void setTimeFinishGain(TTimeStamp timeFinishGain)
Set Test date gain - finish.
void setOffsetMeasurement(std::vector< TH3F * > offset)
set Measurements with different offset settings
ARICHAsicInfo(const std::string &id, TTimeStamp timeFinishGain, TTimeStamp timeFinishOffset, std::vector< int > &deadChannel, std::vector< int > &badConnChannel, std::vector< int > &badOffsetChannel, std::vector< int > &badLinChannel, int numProbCh, std::vector< TH3F * > &gain, std::vector< TH3F * > &offset, const std::string &comment)
int getBadConnChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of channels with bad connections.
void setDeadChannels(const std::vector< int > &deadChannels)
Set vector of dead channel numbers.
TTimeStamp getTimeFinishOffset() const
Return Test date offset - finish.
Default constructor.
std::string getAsicID() const
Return Asic Identifier.
void appendDeadChannel(int channel)
Add a channel number to the list of dead channels.
int getDeadChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of dead channels.
TTimeStamp m_timeFinishOffset
Test Date of offset measurements - finish.
void setAsicID(const std::string &id)
Set Asic Identifier.
int getBadLinChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of channels with bad linearity.
void setComment(const std::string &comment)
Set comment.
TH3F * getGainMeasurement(unsigned int i) const
Return Measurements with different gain settings.
int m_numProblematicChannels
Number of channels with problems.
std::vector< int > m_badLinChannel
List of channels with bad linearity.
std::vector< TH3F * > m_offset
Threshold scans with different offset settings (course & fine offset)
std::vector< int > m_badOffsetChannel
List of channels with bad offset adjustment.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.