Contains manufacturer data of one of the 4 photo sensors chips.
std::vector< int > m_asicDeadChannels
List of dead channels on the ASIC chip.
std::vector< int > getFebListOfBadChannels() const
Return a list of all bad channels.
int getAsicBadOffsetChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of channels with bad offset adjustment.
void appendAsicBadConnChannel(int ichannel)
Add a channel number to the list of channels with bad connections.
std::string m_hapdSerial
serial number of the sensor
std::vector< int > m_hapdCutChannels
List of cut channels on the HAPD chip.
void appendAsicBadOffsetChannel(int ichannel)
Add a channel number to the list of channels with bad offset adjustment.
std::vector< int > getHapdCutChannels() const
Return a list of cut channels.
void setHapdBadChannel(std::vector< int > channels)
Set the list of bad channels.
int getAsicBadConnChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of channels with bad connections.
int getFebDeadChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of dead channels.
Default constructor.
std::vector< int > getAsicBadConnChannels() const
Return a list of channels with bad connections.
void setHapdSerial(const std::string &serial)
Set Hapd Serial number.
int getAsicDeadChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of dead channels.
int getFebListOfBadChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of all bad channels.
void appendHapdBadChannel(int ichannel)
Add a channel number to the list of cut channels.
int m_febSerial
serial number of the FEB
std::vector< int > m_asicBadOffsetChannels
List of channels with bad offset adjustment.
void setFebDeadChannels(std::vector< int > deadChannels)
Set vector of dead channel numbers.
void setID(const int id)
Set global ID.
int getFebListOfBadChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of channels with bad linearity.
std::vector< int > getAsicBadOffsetChannels() const
Return a list of channels with bad offset adjustment.
std::vector< int > m_febListOfBadChannels
List of all bad channels on the FEB.
std::vector< int > m_febDeadChannels
List of dead channels on the FEB.
int getHapdBadChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of cut channels.
void setHapdCutChannel(std::vector< int > channels)
Set the list of cut channels.
void setAsicBadConnChannels(std::vector< int > badConnChannels)
Set vector of bad connection channel numbers.
std::vector< int > getAsicDeadChannels() const
Return a list of dead channels.
int getAsicDeadChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of dead channels.
int getID() const
Return global ID.
std::string getHapdSerial() const
Return Hapd Serial number.
void setFebSerial(const int serial)
Set Hapd Serial number.
int getHapdCutChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of cut channels.
int getHapdListOfBadChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of channels with bad linearity.
void appendAsicDeadChannel(int channel)
Add a channel number to the list of dead channels.
ClassDef(ARICHBadChannels, 1)
void appendHapdCutChannel(int channel)
Add a channel number to the list of cut channels.
std::vector< int > m_asicBadConnChannels
List of channels with bad connections during the measurement.
int getAsicBadConnChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of channels with bad connections.
std::vector< int > getHapdListOfBadChannels() const
Return a list of all bad channels.
std::vector< int > getAsicBadLinChannels() const
Return a list of channels with bad linearity.
void appendAsicBadLinChannel(int ichannel)
Add a channel number to the list of channels with bad linearity.
int getHapdCutChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of cut channels.
void setAsicBadLinChannels(std::vector< int > badLinChannels)
Set vector of bad linearity channel numbers.
int getFebSerial() const
Return FEB Serial number.
void appendFebDeadChannel(int channel)
Add a channel number to the list of dead channels.
int getAsicBadLinChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of channels with bad linearity.
std::vector< int > getHapdBadChannels() const
Return a list of bad channels.
std::vector< int > m_asicBadLinChannels
List of channels with bad linearity.
int getHapdBadChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of cut channels.
void setAsicBadOffsetChannels(std::vector< int > badOffsetChannels)
Set vector of bad offset channel numbers.
int getAsicBadLinChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of channels with bad linearity.
std::vector< int > m_hapdBadChannels
List of bad (cut and dead channels) on the HAPD chip.
std::vector< int > getFebDeadChannels() const
Return a list of dead channels.
int getAsicBadOffsetChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of channels with bad offset adjustment.
int getFebDeadChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of dead channels.
std::vector< int > m_hapdListOfBadChannels
List of all bad channels on the HAPD.
int getHapdListOfBadChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of all bad channels.
void setAsicDeadChannels(std::vector< int > deadChannels)
Set vector of dead channel numbers.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.