56 void addMapping(
unsigned mergerID,
unsigned copperID,
unsigned finesse);
64 unsigned getMergerID(
unsigned copperID,
unsigned finesse)
The Class for ARICH mapping of merger to copper boards.
unsigned getCopperID(unsigned mergerID) const
Get copper board to which merger is connected.
void addMapping(unsigned mergerID, unsigned copperID, unsigned finesse)
Add new entry to the mapping table.
unsigned getMergerID(unsigned copperID, unsigned finesse) const
Get ID of merger connected to the given finesse of copper board.
std::map< uint16_t, std::vector< uint16_t > > m_copper2merger
map coppers to mergers
std::vector< uint16_t > m_copperIDs
vector of IDs of used copper boards
const std::vector< uint16_t > & getCopperIDs() const
Get vector of IDs of copper boards.
Default constructor.
void print() const
Print mapping parameters.
std::vector< std::pair< uint16_t, uint16_t > > m_merger2copper
map of mergers to copper boards
ClassDef(ARICHCopperMapping, 1)
ClassDef, must be the last term before the closing {}.
unsigned getFinesse(unsigned mergerID) const
Get finesse of copper board to which merger is connected.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.