15 #include <TTimeStamp.h>
38 m_v2n(0.0),
47 m_vdd(0.0),
414 std::pair<float, float>
unsigned int i)
426 void setFWHM(
const std::vector<std::pair<float, float>>& fwhm) {
m_fwhm = fwhm; }
490 std::vector<std::pair<float, float>>
The Class for ARICH Aerogel Parameters.
std::string m_comment
Optional comment.
std::vector< float > m_slopesRough
Slopes for each channel (rough settings) [mV/step].
TTimeStamp m_timeHV
Test Date of FEB high voltage test.
std::string m_runLV
Run number of FEB low voltage test.
int getSlopesRoughSize() const
Return size of the list of slopes (rough settings)
std::vector< std::pair< float, float > > m_fwhm
FWHM and sigma for each channel.
void setTimeSlowC(TTimeStamp timeSlowC)
Set Test date (slow control measurement)
void setCurrentV21n(float currentV21n)
Set current at voltage (-2.0) V.
void setFebSerial(int serial)
Set FEB serial number.
float m_vcc15
Voltage - supply voltage 1.5 V.
std::string m_dna
FEB dna.
void setVth1(float vth1)
Set Voltage - threshold voltage 1.
void setTimeLV(TTimeStamp timeLV)
Set Test date (LV test)
void setVcc15(float vcc15)
Set Voltage - supply voltage 1.5 V.
float getVth2() const
Return Voltage - threshold voltage 1.
float getVcc15() const
Return Voltage - supply voltage 1.5 V.
std::string getComment() const
Return comment.
std::vector< int > m_deadChannel
List of dead channels on the FEB.
float m_vcc12
Voltage - supply voltage 1.2 V.
void setSlopesRough(const std::vector< float > &slopesRough)
Set vector of slopes (rough settings)
void setV2p(float v2p)
Set Voltage - (+2.0) V.
void setCurrentV99p(float currentV99p)
Set current at voltage (+99) V.
float m_currentV38p
Current at 3.8 V.
TH2F * getTestPulse2D() const
Return test pulse.
float getVth1() const
Return Voltage - threshold voltage 1.
float m_vth2
Voltage - threshold voltage 2.
void setOffsetFine3D(TH3F *offsetFine)
Set threshold scans with fine offset settings.
float m_tmon1
Temperature 1.
void setVss(float vss)
Set Voltage - negative supply voltage.
float getSlopeFine(unsigned int i) const
Return slope[mV/offset step] for i-th channel (fine settings)
float m_v2n
Voltage - (-2.0) V.
void appendSlopeRough(float slope)
Add slope[mV/offset step] for i-th channel (rough settings)
TH3F * getOffsetRough3D() const
Return threshold scans with rough offset settings.
float m_vss
Voltage - negative supply voltage.
float getVdd() const
Return Voltage - positive supply voltage.
std::vector< float > m_slopesFine
Slopes for each channel (fine settings) [mV/step].
std::string m_runSlowC
Run number of FEB slow control measurements.
float getV2n() const
Return Voltage - (-2.0) V.
std::string getRunLV() const
Return LV test number.
ClassDef(ARICHFebTest, 2)
float m_currentV21n
Current at -2.1 V.
TH3F * getOffsetFine3D() const
Return threshold scans with fine offset settings.
float getV2p() const
Return Voltage - (+2.0) V.
int getDeadChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of dead channels.
void setRunSlowC(const std::string &runSlowC)
Set slow control run number.
float getTemperature1() const
Return Temperature 1.
float m_vth1
Voltage - threshold voltage 1.
void setFebDna(const std::string &dna)
Set FEB dna number.
float getTemperature0() const
Return Temperature 0.
void appendSlopeFine(float slope)
Add slope[mV/offset step] for i-th channel (fine settings)
void setTimeHV(TTimeStamp timeHV)
Set Test date (HV test)
float getCurrentV21n() const
Return current at voltage (-2.0) V.
float getVss() const
Return Voltage - negative supply voltage.
TTimeStamp m_timeLV
Test Date of FEB low voltage test.
float getSlopeRough(unsigned int i) const
Return slope[mV/offset step] for i-th channel (rough settings)
void setOffsetRough3D(TH3F *offsetRough)
Set threshold scans with rough offset settings.
float m_tmon0
Temperature 0.
float getVcc12() const
Return Voltage - supply voltage 1.2 V.
int m_serial
FEB serial number.
std::string getFebDna() const
Return FEB dna number.
float m_v2p
Voltage - (+2.0) V.
void setVth2(float vth2)
Set Voltage - threshold voltage 1.
void setDeadChannels(const std::vector< int > &deadChannels)
Set vector of dead channel numbers.
void setCurrentV38p(float currentV38p)
Set current at voltage (+3.8) V.
void appendFWHM(const std::pair< float, float > &fwhm)
Add FWHM value&sigma for i-th channel.
int getFWHMSize() const
Return size of the list of FWHM.
void setTemperature1(float tmon1)
Set Temperature 1.
TTimeStamp getTimeSlowC() const
Return Test date (slow control measurement)
TTimeStamp m_timeSlowC
Test Date of FEB slow control measurements.
float getFWHMsigma(unsigned int i) const
Return FWHM sigma for i-th channel.
float getFWHMvalue(unsigned int i) const
Return FWHM value for i-th channel.
TH2F * m_testPulse
Test pulse scan.
int getSlopesFineSize() const
Return size of the list of slopes (fine settings)
Default constructor.
std::string getRunHV() const
Return HV test number.
void appendDeadChannel(int channel)
Add a channel number to the list of dead channels.
float m_vdd
Voltage - positive supply voltage.
TH3F * m_offsetFine
Threshold scans with fine offset settings.
int getDeadChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of dead channels.
void setFWHM(const std::vector< std::pair< float, float >> &fwhm)
Set vector of FWHM values&sigma.
void setV38p(float v38p)
Set Voltage - (+3.8) V.
float getCurrentV38p() const
Return current at voltage (+3.8) V.
void setTestPulse2D(TH2F *testPulse)
Set test pulse.
void setSlopesFine(const std::vector< float > &slopesFine)
Set vector of slopes (fine settings)
void setCurrentV20p(float currentV20p)
Set current at voltage (+2.0) V.
void setVcc12(float vcc12)
Set Voltage - supply voltage 1.2 V.
float getCurrentV99p() const
Return current at voltage (+99) V.
float m_v38p
Voltage - (+3.8) V.
float getCurrentV20p() const
Return current at voltage (+2.0) V.
void setRunLV(const std::string &runLV)
Set LV test run number.
TTimeStamp getTimeHV() const
Return Test date (HV test)
float getVcc25() const
Return Voltage - supply voltage 2.5 V.
float getV38p() const
Return Voltage - (+3.8) V.
void setVdd(float vdd)
Set Voltage - positive supply voltage.
float m_currentV99p
Current at 99 V.
int getFebSerial() const
Return FEB serial number.
TH3F * m_offsetRough
Threshold scans with rough offset settings.
void setV2n(float v2n)
Set Voltage - (-2.0) V.
std::pair< float, float > getFWHM(unsigned int i) const
Return FWHM value&sigma for i-th channel.
void setComment(const std::string &comment)
Set comment.
std::string getRunSlowC() const
Return slow control number.
float m_currentV20p
Current at 2.0 V.
void setTemperature0(float tmon0)
Set Temperature 0.
float m_vcc25
Voltage - supply voltage 2.5 V.
std::string m_runHV
Run number of FEB high voltage test.
void setRunHV(const std::string &runHV)
Set HV test run number.
ARICHFebTest(int serial)
void setVcc25(float vcc25)
Set Voltage - supply voltage 2.5 V.
TTimeStamp getTimeLV() const
Return Test date (LV test)
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.