Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <arich/dbobjects/ARICHGeoAerogelPlane.h>
10 #include <math.h>
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <iomanip>
14 using namespace std;
15 using namespace Belle2;
17 bool ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::isConsistent() const
18 {
20  if (m_layers.size() == 0 || m_r.size() == 0 || m_dPhi.size() == 0) return false;
21  if (m_tileGap < 0 || m_innerR < 0) return false;
22  if (m_innerR > m_outerR) return false;
23  if (m_thickness < 0 || m_wallThickness < 0 || m_wallHeight < 0) return false;
25  if (abs(getWallHeight() - getLayerThickness(1) - getLayerThickness(2)) > 1.0e-10) {
26  cout << "getWallHeight() = " << getWallHeight() << endl
27  << "getLayerThickness(1) = " << getLayerThickness(1) << endl
28  << "getLayerThickness(2) = " << getLayerThickness(2) << endl;
29  cout << "getWallHeight() - getLayerThickness(1) - getLayerThickness(2) = "
30  << getWallHeight() - getLayerThickness(1) - getLayerThickness(2) << endl;
31  B2ERROR("Data of the ARICHGeoAerogelPlane is inconsisten : --> abs (getWallHeight() - getLayerThickness(1) - getLayerThickness(2)) > 1.0e-10");
32  }
34  if (getFullAerogelMaterialDescriptionKey() == 1) {
35  const int nn = 10;// Please note it can be any number bigger than number of aero ringth (now it is 4)
36  int nAeroSlotsPerRing[nn];
37  // Define the array with zeros
38  for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
39  nAeroSlotsPerRing[i] = 0;
40  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++)
41  if ( == 0)
42  nAeroSlotsPerRing[ - 1] += 1;
43  //Check is number of aerogel slots is consistent with number of entries for tiles properties.
44  for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().size(); i++) {
45  //cout<<"getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().at(i) = "<<getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().at(i)<<endl
46  // <<"nAeroSlotsPerRing[i] = "<<nAeroSlotsPerRing[i]<<endl;
47  B2ASSERT("Data of the ARICHGeoAerogelPlane is inconsisten : --> getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().at(i) != nAeroSlotsPerRing[i]",
48  getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().at(i) == nAeroSlotsPerRing[i]);
49  }
50  }
52  return true;
53 }
55 void ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::print(const std::string& title) const
56 {
57  ARICHGeoBase::print(title);
59  cout << "Full aerogel material description key : " << getFullAerogelMaterialDescriptionKey() << endl;
61  cout << "Nume of aerogel rings and number of aerogel slots in individual ring " << endl;
63  cout << setw(5) << "Ring"
64  << setw(15) << "Aerogel slots" << endl;
65  for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().size(); i++) {
66  cout << setw(5) << i + 1
67  << setw(15) << getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().at(i) << endl;
68  }
70  cout << "Imaginary tube thikness just after aerogel layers : " << getImgTubeThickness() << endl;
71  cout << "Minimum thickness of the compensation volume with ARICH air : " << getCompensationARICHairVolumeThick_min() << endl;
73  cout << "Aerogel layers " << endl;
75  int nLayer = getNLayers();
76  for (int iLayer = 1; iLayer < nLayer + 1; iLayer++) {
77  cout << " layer " << iLayer << endl;
78  cout << " thickness: " << getLayerThickness(iLayer) << " " << s_unitName << ", ref. index: " << getLayerRefIndex(
79  iLayer) << ", transm. length: " << getLayerTrLength(iLayer) << " " << s_unitName << ", material: " << getLayerMaterial(
80  iLayer) << endl;
81  }
82  if (getFullAerogelMaterialDescriptionKey() == 1) {
83  cout << " Please note full aerogel material description key is set to 1 " << endl;
84  cout << " The name of each particular tile have this form : Aero1_serA090_rin4_col26 " << endl;
85  cout << " serialID = A090; ring = 4; column = 26; layer = up; " << endl;
86  cout << " The name of each particular tile have this form : Aero2_serB162_rin4_col14 " << endl;
87  cout << " serialID = B162; ring = 4 column = 15; layer = down; " << endl;
88  }
90  int nRing = getNRings();
91  cout << " Aluminum walls between tiles parameters" << endl;
92  cout << " thickness: " << getWallThickness() << " " << s_unitName << endl;
93  cout << " height: " << getWallHeight() << " " << s_unitName << endl;
94  for (int iRing = 1; iRing < nRing + 1; iRing++) {
96  if (iRing < nRing) cout << " ring: " << iRing << " has inner radius of " << getRingRadius(iRing) << " " << s_unitName << " and "
97  << static_cast<int>(2 * M_PI / getRingDPhi(iRing) + 0.5) << " aerogel tile slots." << endl;
98  else cout << " ring: " << iRing << " has inner radius of " << getRingRadius(iRing) << " " << s_unitName <<
99  " (this is the outer ring)" << endl;
100  }
102  cout << " gap between tile and aluminum wall: " << getTileGap() << " " << s_unitName << endl;
103  cout << " inner radius of support plate: " << getSupportInnerR() << " " << s_unitName << endl;
104  cout << " outer radius of support plate: " << getSupportOuterR() << " " << s_unitName << endl;
105  cout << " thickness of support plate: " << getSupportThickness() << " " << s_unitName << endl;
106  cout << " material of support plate: " << getSupportMaterial() << endl;
108  cout << "Positioning parameters (in local ARICH frame)" << endl;
109  ARICHGeoBase::printPlacement(m_x, m_y, m_z, m_rx, m_ry, m_rz);
111  if (isSimple()) {
112  cout << endl << "Simple aerogel configuration is set!" << endl;
113  cout << " Parameters:" << endl;
114  cout << " xSize: " << << ", ySize: " << << ", xPos: " <<
115  2) << ", xPos: " << << ", zRot: " << << endl;
116  }
118 }
120 unsigned ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getAerogelTileID(double x, double y) const
121 {
123  double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
125  int nTile = 0;
126  for (unsigned iRing = 0; iRing < getNRings(); iRing++) {
127  if (r > m_r[iRing] + m_wallThickness + m_tileGap) {
128  if (iRing == 0) continue;
129  nTile += static_cast<int>(2 * M_PI / m_dPhi[iRing - 1] + 0.5);
130  } else {
131  if (iRing == 0) return 0;
132  if (r > m_r[iRing] - m_tileGap) return 0;
133  double phi = atan2(y, x);
134  if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * M_PI;
135  int nphi = static_cast<int>(phi / m_dPhi[iRing - 1]);
136  double gapPhi = (m_tileGap + m_wallThickness / 2.) / m_r[iRing];
137  if (phi < nphi * m_dPhi[iRing - 1] + gapPhi || phi > (nphi + 1)* m_dPhi[iRing - 1] - gapPhi) return 0;
138  nTile += nphi;
139  return nTile + 1;
140  }
142  }
143  return 0;
144 }
146 unsigned ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileParameters(int ring, int column, int layerN, double& n, double& transmL, double& thick,
147  std::string& material) const
148 {
149  n = 0.0;
150  transmL = 0.0;
151  thick = 0.0;
152  material = (char*)"NULL";
153  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++) {
154  if ( == ring) {
155  if ( == column) {
156  if ( == layerN) {
157  n =;
158  transmL =;
159  thick =;
160  material =;
161  return i;
162  }
163  }
164  }
165  }
166  B2WARNING("ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileParameters --> tile position does not exist " << endl
167  << "ring = " << ring << endl
168  << "column = " << column << endl
169  << "layerN = " << layerN << endl);
170  B2ASSERT("ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileParameters --> tile position does not exist", false);
171  return 0;
172 }
174 double ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileThickness(int ring, int column, int layerN) const
175 {
176  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++)
177  if ( == ring)
178  if ( == column)
179  if ( == layerN)
180  return;
181  B2WARNING("ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileThickness --> tile position does not exist " << endl
182  << "ring = " << ring << endl
183  << "column = " << column << endl
184  << "layerN = " << layerN << endl);
185  B2ASSERT("ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileParameters --> tile position does not exist", false);
186  return 0;
187 }
189 std::string ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileMaterialName(int ring, int column, int layerN) const
190 {
191  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++)
192  if ( == ring)
193  if ( == column)
194  if ( == layerN)
195  return;
196  B2WARNING("ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileThickness --> tile position does not exist " << endl
197  << "ring = " << ring << endl
198  << "column = " << column << endl
199  << "layerN = " << layerN << endl);
200  B2ASSERT("ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTileParameters --> tile position does not exist", false);
201  return NULL;
202 }
204 double ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getTotalTileThickness(int ring, int column) const
205 {
206  double n;
207  double transmL;
208  double thickUp;
209  double thickDown;
210  std::string materialName;
211  getTileParameters(ring, column, 0, n, transmL, thickUp, materialName);
212  getTileParameters(ring, column, 1, n, transmL, thickDown, materialName);
213  //cout << setw(5) << "QWER"
214  // << setw(10) << ring
215  // << setw(10) << column
216  // << setw(10) << thickUp
217  // << setw(10) << thickDown <<endl;
218  return thickUp + thickDown;
219 }
221 double ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::getMaximumTotalTileThickness() const
222 {
223  double maxThick = 0.0;
224  // ring ID (range : [ 1, 2, 3, 4])
225  // column ID (range : [1;22] [1;28] [1;34] [1;40])
226  for (unsigned iR = 0; iR < getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().size(); iR++) {
227  int iRi = iR;
228  for (int iS = 0; iS < getNAeroSlotsIndividualRing().at(iR); iS++) {
229  double athick = getTotalTileThickness(iRi + 1, iS + 1);
230  if (maxThick < athick)
231  maxThick = athick;
232  }
233  }
234  return maxThick;
235 }
237 void ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::printTileParameters(const std::string& title) const
238 {
239  ARICHGeoBase::print(title);
240  cout << setw(5) << "i"
241  << setw(10) << "ring"
242  << setw(10) << "column"
243  << setw(10) << "layer"
244  << setw(12) << "n"
245  << setw(12) << "transmL"
246  << setw(12) << "thick"
247  << setw(30) << "material" << endl;
248  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_tiles.size(); i++) {
249  cout << setw(5) << i
250  << setw(10) <<
251  << setw(10) <<
252  << setw(10) <<
253  << setw(12) <<
254  << setw(12) <<
255  << setw(12) <<
256  << setw(30) << << endl;
257  }
258 }
260 void ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::printSingleTileParameters(unsigned i) const
261 {
262  cout << "ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::printSingleTileParameters" << endl;
263  B2ASSERT("Aerogel tile property entry does not exist i >= m_tiles.size() ", i < m_tiles.size());
264  cout << setw(5) << "i"
265  << setw(10) << "ring"
266  << setw(10) << "column"
267  << setw(10) << "layer"
268  << setw(12) << "n"
269  << setw(12) << "transmL"
270  << setw(12) << "thick"
271  << setw(30) << "material" << endl;
272  cout << setw(5) << i
273  << setw(10) <<
274  << setw(10) <<
275  << setw(10) <<
276  << setw(12) <<
277  << setw(12) <<
278  << setw(12) <<
279  << setw(30) << << endl;
280 }
282 void ARICHGeoAerogelPlane::testGetTileParametersFunction() const
283 {
284  int ring = 1;
285  int column = 1;
286  int layerN = 0;
287  double n;
288  double transmL;
289  double thick;
290  std::string materialName;
291  printSingleTileParameters(getTileParameters(ring, column, layerN, n, transmL, thick, materialName));
292  ring = 1;
293  column = 1;
294  layerN = 1;
295  printSingleTileParameters(getTileParameters(ring, column, layerN, n, transmL, thick, materialName));
296  ring = 3;
297  column = 20;
298  layerN = 0;
299  printSingleTileParameters(getTileParameters(ring, column, layerN, n, transmL, thick, materialName));
300  ring = 3;
301  column = 20;
302  layerN = 1;
303  printSingleTileParameters(getTileParameters(ring, column, layerN, n, transmL, thick, materialName));
304  ring = -3;
305  column = 20;
306  layerN = 1;
307  printSingleTileParameters(getTileParameters(ring, column, layerN, n, transmL, thick, materialName));
308 }
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.