Contains manufacturer data of one of the 4 photo sensors chips.
std::vector< int > m_badChannel
List of bad (cut and dead channels) on the HAPD chip.
std::string getChipLabel() const
Return Chip label.
ClassDef(ARICHHapdChipInfo, 3)
TGraph * getAvalancheGain() const
Return Avalanche Gain as a function of bias voltage.
int getGain() const
Return Chip Gain at Operational Voltage.
int getBadChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of cut channels.
void setBombardmentCurrent(std::vector< TGraph * > bcurrent)
set Bombardment Current as a function of high voltage
void setGain(int gain)
set Chip Gain at Operational Voltage
TGraph * getAvalancheCurrent(unsigned int i) const
Return Avalanche Current as a function of bias voltage.
TH2F * getBiasCurrent2D() const
Return Bias Current as a function of the channel.
TGraph * getBombardmentGain() const
Return Bombardment Gain as a function of high voltage.
void setChipLabel(const std::string &chip)
Set Chip label.
int m_biasVoltage
chip bias voltage
void setHapdSerial(const std::string &serial)
Set Hapd Serial number.
int getCutChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of cut channels.
void setBiasCurrent2D(TH2F *h2d)
set Bias Current as a function of the channel
TGraph * m_avalancheGain
Avalanche Gain as a function of bias voltage.
void setCutChannel(const std::vector< int > &channels)
Set the list of cut channels.
std::vector< int > m_cutChannel
List of cut channels on the HAPD chip.
int getChannelNumber() const
Return Channel Number for the Bombardment and Avalanche measurements information.
int m_channelId
Channel Number for the Bombardment and Avalanche measurements information.
std::string m_chip
chip label
int getCutChannel(unsigned int i) const
Return a channel number from the list of cut channels.
TGraph * m_leakCurrent
Leakege Current as a function of bias voltage.
Default constructor.
TH2F * m_biasVoltage2D
Bias Voltage as a function of the channel.
void setBiasVoltage(int voltage)
set Chip Bias Voltage
std::vector< TGraph * > m_avalancheCurrent
Avalanche Current as a function of bias voltage.
void setLeakCurrent(TGraph *current)
set Leakeage Current as a function of bias voltage
std::string getHapdSerial() const
Return Hapd Serial number.
std::string m_serial
serial number of the sensor
TH2F * getBiasVoltage2D() const
Return Bias Voltage as a function of the channel.
void setBombardmentGain(TGraph *gain)
Set Bombardment Gain as a function of high voltage.
void setAvalancheGain(TGraph *gain)
set Avalanche Gain as a function of bias voltage
void setBadChannel(const std::vector< int > &channels)
Set the list of bad channels.
TH2F * m_biasCurrent2D
Bias Current as a function of the channel.
ARICHHapdChipInfo(const std::string &serial)
void appendBadChannel(int ichannel)
Add a channel number to the list of cut channels.
int getBiasVoltage() const
Return Chip Bias Voltage.
void setBiasVoltage2D(TH2F *h2d)
Set Bias Voltage as a function of the channel.
std::vector< TGraph * > m_bombardmentCurrent
Bombardment Current as a function of high voltage.
TGraph * getBombardmentCurrent(unsigned int i) const
Return Bombardment Current as a function of high voltage.
TGraph * m_bombardmentGain
Bombardment Gain as a function of high voltage.
int getBadChannelsSize() const
Return size of the list of cut channels.
int m_gain
Total Gain at Operational Values.
TGraph * getLeakCurrent() const
Return Leakeage Current as a function of bias voltage.
void setAvalancheCurrent(std::vector< TGraph * > acurrent)
set Avalanche Current as a function of bias voltage
void appendCutChannel(int channel)
Add a channel number to the list of cut channels.
void setChannelNumber(int channel)
Set Channel Number for the Bombardment and Avalanche measurements information.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.