11 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
13 #define BELLE_TARGET_H "belle-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++.h"
14 #include "belle_legacy/panther/panther.h"
15 #include "belle_legacy/panther/panther_group.h"
18 #include "belle_legacy/tables/belletdf.h"
19 #include "belle_legacy/tables/mdst.h"
21 #include "belle_legacy/helix/Helix.h"
24 #include <mdst/dataobjects/V0.h>
25 #include <mdst/dataobjects/ECLCluster.h>
26 #include <mdst/dataobjects/KLMCluster.h>
27 #include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
28 #include <analysis/dataobjects/ParticleList.h>
29 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
30 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticleGraph.h>
31 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
32 #include <mdst/dataobjects/PIDLikelihood.h>
33 #include <framework/dataobjects/EventExtraInfo.h>
34 #include <b2bii/dataobjects/BelleTrkExtra.h>
37 #include <mdst/dbobjects/BeamSpot.h>
38 #include <mdst/dbobjects/CollisionBoostVector.h>
39 #include <mdst/dbobjects/CollisionInvariantMass.h>
41 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
42 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
43 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
45 #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
46 #include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
47 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
48 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
122 virtual void event()
123 virtual void endRun()
275 const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix& error,
276 const short int charge,
279 const uint64_t hitPatternCDCInitializer,
280 const uint32_t hitPatternVXDInitializer,
289 std::vector<float>& helixParams,
290 CLHEP::HepSymMatrix& error5x5,
291 CLHEP::HepLorentzVector& momentum,
293 CLHEP::HepSymMatrix& error7x7,
294 const double dPhi = 0.0);
299 void convertHelix(Belle::Helix& helix, std::vector<float>& helixParams, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix& error5x5);
304 void convertHelix(
const Belle::Mdst_trk_fit& trk_fit,
const HepPoint3D& newPivot, std::vector<float>& helixParams,
305 std::vector<float>& helixError);
311 CLHEP::HepLorentzVector& momentum,
HepPoint3D& position, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix& error);
316 void belleVeeDaughterHelix(
const Belle::Mdst_vee2& vee,
const int charge, std::vector<float>& helixParam,
317 std::vector<float>& helixError);
332 static double acc_pid(
const Belle::Mdst_charged& chg,
int idp);
334 double cdc_pid(
const Belle::Mdst_charged& chg,
int idp);
Module converts Belle MDST objects (Panther records) to Belle II MDST objects.
void belleVeeDaughterHelix(const Belle::Mdst_vee2 &vee, const int charge, std::vector< float > &helixParam, std::vector< float > &helixError)
obtains the helix parameters of the vee daughters
double atcPID(const PIDLikelihood *pid, int sigHyp, int bkgHyp)
calculates atc_pid(3,1,5,sigHyp,bkgHyp).prob() from converted PIDLikelihood
void convertMdstGammaTable()
Reads all entries of Mdst_Gamma Panther table, creates a particle list 'gamma:mdst' and adds them to ...
std::map< int, int > mdstKlmToKLMCluster
map of Mdst_klm Panther IDs and corresponding KLMCluster StoreArray indices
void copyNbarFromGamma()
Copies Particles in 'gamma:mdst' with energy > 0.5 GeV to be anti-n0:mdst.
void convertMdstChargedTable()
Reads and converts all entries of Mdst_charged (Mdst_trk and Mdst_trk_fit) Panther table to Track (Tr...
void setTracksToECLClustersRelations()
Sets Track -> ECLCluster relations.
OptionalDBObjPtr< CollisionBoostVector > m_collisionBoostVectorDB
CollisionBoostVector for boost vector.
StoreObjPtr< EventExtraInfo > m_evtInfo
Event Extra Info.
const int ERRMCONV[7]
StoreArray< KLMCluster > m_klmClusters
KLM clusters.
void belleVeeDaughterToCartesian(const Belle::Mdst_vee2 &vee, const int charge, const Const::ParticleType &pType, CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &momentum, HepPoint3D &position, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &error)
Fills 4-momentum, position and 7x7 error matrix from Belle Vee daughter.
MC matching mode.
@ c_Direct
Direct matching.
@ c_GeneratorLevel
Match to generator-level particles.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
void setLikelihoods(PIDLikelihood *pid, Const::EDetector det, double likelihoods[c_nHyp], bool discard_allzero=false)
Add given Belle likelihoods (not log-likelihoods, in Belle hypothesis order) for given detector to pi...
StoreArray< V0 > m_v0s
virtual void event() override
Called for each event.
void convertGenHepEvtTable()
Reads and converts all entries of Gen_hepevt Panther table to MCParticle dataobjects and adds them to...
double cdc_pid(const Belle::Mdst_charged &chg, int idp)
Returns CDC likelihood for given hypothesis idp.
void convertRecTrgTable()
Reads and converts m_final from rectrg_summary3.
void setKLMClustersRelations()
Sets KLMCluster -> Track and ECLCluster relations.
bool m_convertEvtcls
Flag to switch on conversion of Evtcls table.
const double KAPPA2OMEGA
Conversion factor for Kappa -> Omega helix parameters.
double computeTrkMinDistanceBelle(ECLCluster *eclCluster)
calculate the minimal distance between a cluster and a set of tracks on the ECL surface.
virtual void endRun() override
Called when the current run is finished.
bool m_nisEnable
Flag to switch on conversion of nisKsFinder info.
StoreArray< TrackFitResult > m_trackFitResults
Track fir results.
BeamSpot m_beamSpot
Interaction Point of the beam.
StoreArray< Particle > m_particles
virtual void terminate() override
Terminates the module.
OptionalDBObjPtr< CollisionInvariantMass > m_collisionInvMDB
CollisionInvariantMass for Invariant Mass of Beam.
void convertHelix(Belle::Helix &helix, std::vector< float > &helixParams, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &error5x5)
Converts Belle's Helix parameters and it's covariance matrix to Belle II's version.
void convertMdstPi0Table()
Reads all entries of Mdst_Pi0 Panther table, creates a particle list 'pi0:mdst' and adds them to Stor...
std::map< int, int > genHepevtToMCParticle
map of Gen_hepevt Panther IDs and corresponding MCParticle StoreArray indices
void testMCRelation(const Belle::Gen_hepevt &belleMC, const MCParticle *mcP, const std::string &objectName)
Checks if the reconstructed object (Track, ECLCluster, ...) was matched to the same MCParticle.
bool m_convertNbar
Flag to create anti-n0:mdst list from gamma:mdst.
void convertIPProfile(bool beginRun=false)
Stores the IPProfiles in BeamSpot (currently in DataStore)
void convertMdstECLObject(const Belle::Mdst_ecl &ecl, const Belle::Mdst_ecl_aux &eclAux, ECLCluster *eclCluster)
Converts Mdst_ecl(_aux) record to ECLCluster object.
CollisionInvariantMass m_collisionInvM
CollisionInvariantMass for the invariant mass of the beam.
bool m_convertBeamParameters
Convert beam parameters or use information stored in Belle II database.
static double acc_pid(const Belle::Mdst_charged &chg, int idp)
Returns ACC likelihood for given hypothesis idp.
virtual void beginRun() override
Module functions to be called from event process.
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
void convertBeamEnergy()
Stores beam parameters (energy, angles) in CollisionInvariantMass and CollisionBoostVector (currently...
void convertPIDData(const Belle::Mdst_charged &belleTrack, const Track *track)
Get PID information for belleTrack and add it to PIDLikelihood (with relation from track).
void convertMdstKLMObject(const Belle::Mdst_klm_cluster &klm, KLMCluster *klmCluster)
Converts Mdst_klm_cluster record to KLMCluster object.
Belle2::MCParticleGraph m_particleGraph
MCParticle Graph to build Belle2 MC Particles.
void convertMdstKLongTable()
Reads all entries of Mdst_Klong Panther table, creates a particle list 'K_L0:mdst' and adds them to S...
OptionalDBObjPtr< BeamSpot > m_beamSpotDB
BeamSpot for IP.
bool m_realData
flag that tells whether given data sample is for real data or MC
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusters
ECL clusters.
void convertGenHepevtObject(const Belle::Gen_hepevt &genHepevt, MCParticleGraph::GraphParticle *mcParticle)
Converts Gen_hepevt record to MCParticleGraph object.
void initializeDataStore()
Initializes Belle II DataStore.
void convertMdstECLTable()
Reads and converts all entries of Mdst_ecl(_aux) Panther table to ECLCluster dataobjects and adds the...
CollisionBoostVector m_collisionBoostVector
CollisionBoostVector for bosst vector of the beam.
std::string m_mcMatchingModeString
MC matching mode.
int m_lastIPProfileBin
variable to tell us which IPProfile bin was active last time we looked
void convertMdstKLMTable()
Reads and converts all entries of Mdst_klm_cluster Panther table to KLMCluster dataobjects and adds t...
bool m_convertRecTrg
Flag to switch on conversion of rectrg_summary3.
std::map< int, int > mdstGammaToParticle
map of gamma Panther IDs and corresponding Particle StoreArray indices
static const Const::ChargedStable c_belleHyp_to_chargedStable[c_nHyp]
maps Belle hypotheses to Const::ChargedStable (from http://belle.kek.jp/secured/wiki/doku....
std::map< int, int > mdstKlongToParticle
map of Klong Panther IDs and corresponding Particle StoreArray indices
double m_matchType2E9oE25Threshold
E9/E25 threshold value clusters with a value above this threshold are classified as neutral even if t...
void convertMdstChargedObject(const Belle::Mdst_charged &belleTrack, Track *track)
Converts Mdst_charged (Mdst_trk(_fit)) record to Track (TrackFitResult) object.
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_mcParticles
MC particles.
void convertMdstVee2Table()
Reads and converts all entries of Mdst_vee2 Panther table to V0 dataobjects and adds them to StoreArr...
StoreArray< PIDLikelihood > m_pidLikelihoods
output PIDLikelihood array.
std::map< int, int > mdstEclToECLCluster
map of Mdst_ecl Panther IDs and corresponding ECLCluster StoreArray indices
TrackFitResult createTrackFitResult(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &momentum, const HepPoint3D &position, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &error, const short int charge, const Const::ParticleType &pType, const float pValue, const uint64_t hitPatternCDCInitializer, const uint32_t hitPatternVXDInitializer, const uint16_t ndf)
Creates TrackFitResult and fills it.
virtual ~B2BIIConvertMdstModule() override
const double BFIELD
B filed in TESLA.
MCMatchingMode m_mcMatchingMode
C matching mode.
StoreArray< BelleTrkExtra > m_belleTrkExtra
Belle CDC extra information.
bool m_use6x6CovarianceMatrix4Tracks
flag that tells which form of covariance matrix should be used in the conversion of charged tracks
int recoverMoreThan24bitIDHEP(int id)
Helper function to recover falsely set idhep info in GenHepEvt list.
bool m_convertTrkExtra
Flag to switch on conversion of first(last)_{x,y,z} of mdst_trk_fit.
int getHelixParameters(const Belle::Mdst_trk_fit &trk_fit, const double mass, const HepPoint3D &newPivot, std::vector< float > &helixParams, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &error5x5, CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &momentum, HepPoint3D &position, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &error7x7, const double dPhi=0.0)
Fills Helix parameters (converted to Belle II version), 5x5 error matrix, 4-momentum,...
static const int c_nHyp
Number of Belle track hypotheses (see c_belleHyp_to_chargedStable).
void convertEvtclsTable()
Reads and converts all entries of evtcls Panther table.
This class contains the beam spot position and size modeled as a gaussian distribution in space.
This class contains the measured average boost vector vec(beta) = (beta_x, beta_y,...
This class contains the measured average center-of-mass energy, which is equal to the invariant mass ...
Provides a type-safe way to pass members of the chargedStableSet set.
The ParticleType class for identifying different particle types.
Enum for identifying the detector components (detector and subdetector).
Class to represent Particle data in graph.
Class to build, validate and sort a particle decay chain.
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Optional DBObjPtr: This class behaves the same as the DBObjPtr except that it will not raise errors w...
Class to collect log likelihoods from TOP, ARICH, dEdx, ECL and KLM aimed for output to mdst includes...
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis.
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.