10 #define BEASTTREE_V5_H
12 #include <RtypesCore.h>
325 for (
int i = 0; i < 2; i ++) {
326 for (
int j = 0; j < 5; j ++) {
334 for (
int j = 0; j < 9; j ++) {
335 for (
int k = 0; k < 18; k ++) {
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Structure for the input of the data BEAST (TTree "Data_BEAST")
std::vector< float > CSI_Ebin
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC3_N_xrays
Beast PV.
std::vector< short > * SKB_beamLoss_PINdiodes_mean
BLM mean ion chamber.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_lifetime
LER current [mA].
std::vector< double > * TPC3_theta
TPC phi ange.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_injectionNumberOfBunches
HER injection number of bunches.
std::vector< double > SKB_HER_RLR
LER Zeff at D06 section.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_abortFlag_safe
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_abortFlag
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_PID_neutrons
PC dE/dx.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_collimatorPositions_fromBeam
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_beamSize_xray_Y
HER horizontal beam size by X-ray monitor [um].
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_beamSize_SR_Y
HER vertical beam size by SR monitor [um].
std::vector< int > * TPC4_PID_neutrons
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * HE3_data_rate
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_injectionFlag_safe
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_beamSize_SR_Y
LER corrected vertical beam size by X-ray monitor [um].
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC3_N_neutrons
Beast PV.
float TPC_angular_dose[2][9][18]
TPC angular average dose.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_current
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_Zeff_D06
LER Zeff at D02 section.
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_collimatorPositions_Y
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_pressures_local
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * TPC4_theta
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_pressures_corrected
LER corrected ring average pressure [Pa].
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_pressures_local_corrected
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * CSI_data_rate
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > HE3_rate
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_idx
Pin-diod average dose.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC4_N_others
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * CSI_humidity
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_injectionEfficiency
HER injection efficiency [%].
std::vector< float > * CSI_temperature
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * PIN_data_dose
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_hits_col
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_pressure_average_corrected
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > CSI_sumE
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_npoints
TPC id.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_collimatorPositions_mm
HER collimator head vertical position [mm].
std::vector< float > * DIA_current
LER partial RGA pressure at D02 section [Pa].
std::vector< float > CSI_hitRate_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_channel
TPC number of points.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_idx
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_Status
TPC gas pressure.
std::vector< unsigned short > * TPC4_hitside
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_PID_xrays
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned short > * TPC3_hitside
TPC energy deposition.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_collimatorPositions_inX
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > QCSS_rate
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > SKB_LER_RLR
HER Ring Loss Rate.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_beamSize_xray_X
HER corrected vertical beam size by X-ray monitor [um].
std::vector< float > * TPC3_chi2
TPC theta angle.
std::vector< double > SAD_HER_lifetime_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * TPC_gas_pressure
TPC gas flow.
std::vector< float > TPC_dose_av
TPC dose.
std::vector< float > CLAWS_rate_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * TPC4_dEdx
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > TPC_dose
TPC rate.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_PID_xrays
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > mc_reweight_LERB
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_collimatorPositions_inY
HER collimator head horizontal position [mm].
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC3_N_protons
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_PID_alphas_top
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_injectionFlag
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC4_N_xrays
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_injectionCharge
HER injection charge.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_pressures_local_corrected
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_integratedCurrent
LER Ring Loss Rate.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_injectionRate
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_pressure_average
HER ring average pressure [Pa].
std::vector< double > * TPC3_dEdx
TPC chi2.
float TPC_angular_rate[2][9][18]
TPC angular average rate.
std::vector< float > * BGO_data_dose
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_injectionRepetitionRate
HER injection repetition rate [Hz].
std::vector< float > PIN_dose_av
Pin-diod dose.
std::vector< double > SAD_LER_lifetime_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > CSI_hitRate
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC4_N_neutrons
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_hits_row
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_integratedCurrent
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_beamLoss_aroundMasks
Collimator BLM.
std::vector< float > * TPC_gas_flow
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_PID_alphas_bottom
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > SAD_HER_RLR_av
SAD LER Ring Loss Rate.
std::vector< float > DIA_dose
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_collimatorPositions_DMM
HER collimator head position w.r.t.
std::vector< float > BGO_energy_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > QCSS_rate_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_collimatorPositions_X
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * CSI_data_sumE
Beast PV.
float TPC_rate_av[2][5]
HER Touschek scale coef.
std::vector< float > CSI_sumE_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_abortFlag_safe
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > DIA_dose_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > CLAWS_rate
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * TPC4_chi2
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_PID_alphas_bottom
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_sumTOT
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > mc_reweight_HERC
HER Bremsstrahlung scale coef.
std::vector< double > SAD_LER_RLR_av
SAD HER average Ring Loss Rate.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_hits_tot
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > SAD_HER_RLR
Beast PV.
std::vector< short > * SKB_beamLoss_ionChambers_mean
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * TPC3_sumE
TPC Time-over-Threshold.
std::vector< float > BGO_energy
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_pressures_corrected
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > SAD_LER_RLR
SAD HER Ring Loss Rate.
std::vector< float > * CSI_data_Ebin
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > HE3_rate_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_collimatorPositions_mm
HER collimator position [mm].
UInt_t event
unix time [s]
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_correctedBeamSize_xray_Y
LER vertical beam size by X-ray monitor [um].
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_pressures
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC4_N_protons
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC3_N_alphas_bottom
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * PIN_voltage
LER collimator head position w.r.t.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_beamSize_SR_X
HER horizontal beam size by SR monitor [um].
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC4_N_alphas_top
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_partialPressures_D02
LER partial RGA pressure at D06 section [Pa].
std::vector< int > * TPC4_hits_col
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_injectionFlag_safe
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * TPC4_phi
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * PIN_temperature
Pin-diod voltage.
std::vector< double > mc_reweight_LERT
LER Coulomb scale coef.
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_collimatorPositions_fromBeam
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > PIN_dose
Pin-diod temperature.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_hits_bcid
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_PID_others
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC4_N_alphas_bottom
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_beamSize_SR_X
LER vertical beam size by SR monitor [um].
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_injectionRepetitionRate
LER injection charge.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_injectionRate
HER injection rate [mA/s].
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_partialPressures_D06
LER collimator position [mm].
std::vector< float > * DIA_data_dose
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_PID_protons
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_pressures
LER ring average pressure [Pa].
std::vector< float > * SKB_LER_Zeff_D02
HER beam lifetime [min].
float TPC_angular_rate_av[2][9][18]
TPC average dose.
std::vector< double > * SKB_beamLoss_nearCollimators
LER horizontal beam size by SR monitor [um].
std::vector< double > mc_reweight_LERC
LER Bremsstrahlung scale coef.
void clear()
TPC angular dose.
std::vector< float > DOSI_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_correctedBeamSize_xray_Y
HER vertical beam size by X-ray monitor [um].
float TPC_rate[2][5]
TPC average rate.
std::vector< float > CSI_Ebin_av
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_PID_protons
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC3_N_others
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_hits_row
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_beamSize_xray_Y
LER horizontal beam size by X-ray monitor [um].
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_injectionNumberOfBunches
LER injection repetition rate [Hz].
std::vector< int > * TPC4_PID_alphas_top
Beast PV.
float TPC_angular_dose_av[2][9][18]
TPC angular rate.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_hits_tot
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_injectionCharge
LER injection efficiency [%].
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_beamSize_xray_X
LER injection number of bunches.
std::vector< float > * CLAWS_data_rate
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_pressures_local
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_npoints
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_selectedTrackIdx
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_current
HER current [mA].
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_lifetime
HER beam lifetime [min].
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_abortFlag
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > mc_reweight_HERB
LER Touschek scale coef.
std::vector< float > * TPC4_sumE
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > SAD_HER_lifetime
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > * SKB_HER_collimatorPositions_DMM
BLM mean pin-diod.
std::vector< double > * TPC3_phi
TPC side of hits.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC3_selectedTrackIdx
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_pressure_average
Mask BLM.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_channel
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_injectionFlag
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > * SKB_LER_pressure_average_corrected
HER corrected ring average pressure [Pa].
std::vector< double > * SKB_HER_injectionEfficiency
LER injection rate [mA/s].
std::vector< double > mc_reweight_HERT
HER Coulomb scale coef.
std::vector< float > * QCSS_data_rate
Beast PV.
std::vector< unsigned int > * TPC3_N_alphas_top
Beast PV.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_hits_bcid
Beast PV.
std::vector< float > DOSI
SAD LER average Ring Loss Rate.
std::vector< int > * TPC3_sumTOT
TPC channel.
std::vector< int > * TPC4_PID_others
Beast PV.
std::vector< double > SAD_LER_lifetime
Beast PV.