12 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMHit2d.h>
15 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
16 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
17 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
18 #include <tracking/dataobjects/ExtHit.h>
51 void event()
A class defining a module that perform efficiencies studies on bklm.
TH2F * m_passYZ
Y Z coordinate of extHit with matched bklmHit2d.
TH2F * m_effiYX
associated efficiencies vs glaoble y, x coordinate
float m_exty[200]
keep the global position of validated ExtHit in BKLM
void initialize() override
Initialize at start of job.
float m_extx[200]
keep the global position of validated ExtHit in BKLM
void event() override
This method is called for each event.
void endRun() override
Do any needed actions at the end of a simulation run.
void terminate() override
Terminate at the end of job.
StoreArray< ExtHit > extHits
extHits StoreArray
TH2F * m_passThephi[15]
histogram of entries with matched bklmHit2d of extHit vs.theta phi angle of ExtHit
TH2F * m_totalTrkThephi[15]
histogram of total entries of extHit associating to ExtHit of each layer vs. theta phi angle of the t...
TH2F * m_totalYX
Y X coordinate of total entries of extHit that in klm region.
void beginRun() override
Do any needed actions at the start of a simulation run.
TH1F * m_hdistance
bklm GeometryPar
TH1F * m_totalMom
histogram of total entries of extHit vs. track momentum
StoreArray< KLMHit2d > hits2D
hits2D StoreArray
TFile * m_file
output TFile
int m_nExtHit
number of validated ExtHit in BKLM in one event
float m_extz[200]
keep the global position of validated ExtHit in BKLM
TH2F * m_totalThephi[15]
histogram of total entries of extHit associating to ExtHit of each layer vs.theta phi angle of ExtHit
TH2F * m_effiThephi[15]
efficiency associating to ExtHit of each layer vs.theta phi angle of ExtHit
std::string m_filename
name of the output TFile
TH2F * m_effiYZ
associated efficiencies vs glaoble y, z coordinate
TH1F * m_effiMom
efficiency associating to ExtHit vs. track momentum
StoreArray< Track > tracks
tracks StoreArray
TH2F * m_totalYZ
Y Z coordinate of total entries of extHit that in klm region.
TH2F * m_passTrkThephi[15]
histogram of extHit with matched bklmHit2d of each layer vs. theta phi angle of the track
TH2F * m_effiTrkThephi[15]
efficiency associating to ExtHit of each layer vs. theta phi angle of the track
TH2F * m_passYX
Y X coordinate of extHit with matched bklmHit2d.
TTree * m_extTree
TTree that holds several variable of interest.
TH1F * m_passMom
histogram of entries with matched bklmHit2d of extHit vs. track momentum
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.