Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <klm/dbobjects/bklm/BKLMGeometryPar.h>
12 /* Basf2 headers. */
13 #include <framework/gearbox/GearDir.h>
14 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
16 using namespace Belle2;
19 {
20  read(content);
21 }
24 {
25 }
27 // Get BKLM geometry parameters from Gearbox (no calculations here)
28 // *** This is a DIVOT ***
29 void BKLMGeometryPar::read(const GearDir& content)
30 {
31  if (!content) {
32  B2FATAL("The GearDir to look for BKLM geometry parameters is not valid.");
33  return;
34  }
35  char name[80] = "";
36  GearDir data(content);
37  data.append("/BKLM");
38  m_DoBeamBackgroundStudy = data.getBool("BeamBackgroundStudy");
39  m_Rotation = data.getAngle("Rotation");
40  m_OffsetZ = data.getLength("OffsetZ");
41  m_Phi = data.getLength("Phi");
42  m_NSector = data.getNumberNodes("Sectors/Forward/Sector");
43  if (m_NSector > BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()) { // array-bounds check
44  B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): sectors array size exceeded:"
45  << LogVar("# of sectors", m_NSector)
47  }
48  m_SolenoidOuterRadius = data.getLength("SolenoidOuterRadius");
49  m_OuterRadius = data.getLength("OuterRadius");
50  m_HalfLength = data.getLength("HalfLength");
51  m_NLayer = data.getNumberNodes("Layers/Layer");
52  if (m_NLayer > BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()) { // array-bounds check
53  B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): layer array size exceeded:"
54  << LogVar("# of layers", m_NLayer)
56  }
58  m_IronNominalHeight = data.getLength("Layers/IronNominalHeight");
59  m_IronActualHeight = data.getLength("Layers/IronActualHeight");
60  m_Gap1NominalHeight = data.getLength("Layers/Layer[@layer=\"1\"]/GapNominalHeight");
61  m_GapNominalHeight = data.getLength("Layers/GapNominalHeight");
62  m_Gap1InnerRadius = data.getLength("Layers/InnerRadius");
63  m_Gap1IronWidth = data.getLength("Layers/Layer[@layer=\"1\"]/GapIronWidth");
64  m_GapIronWidth = data.getLength("Layers/GapIronWidth");
65  m_GapLength = data.getLength("Layers/GapLength");
67  m_NZStrips = data.getInt("Layers/NZStrips");
68  m_NZStripsChimney = data.getInt("Layers/NZStripsChimney");
69  m_NZScints = data.getInt("Layers/NZScintillators");
70  m_NZScintsChimney = data.getInt("Layers/NZScintillatorsChimney");
71  m_NZScintsChimney = data.getInt("Layers/NZScintillatorsChimney");
72  if (m_NZScints > NZSCINT) { // array-bounds check
73  B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): z-scint array size exceeded:"
74  << LogVar("# of z scintillators", m_NZScints)
75  << LogVar("array size", NZSCINT));
76  }
77  if (m_NZScintsChimney > NZSCINT) { // array-bounds check
78  B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): chimney sector z-scint array size exceeded:"
79  << LogVar("# of z scintillators", m_NZScintsChimney)
80  << LogVar("array size", NZSCINT));
81  }
83  m_ModuleLength = data.getLength("Module/Length");
84  m_ModuleLengthChimney = data.getLength("Module/LengthChimney");
85  m_ModuleCoverHeight = data.getLength("Module/CoverHeight");
86  m_ModuleCopperHeight = data.getLength("Module/CopperHeight");
87  m_ModuleFoamHeight = data.getLength("Module/FoamHeight");
88  m_ModuleMylarHeight = data.getLength("Module/MylarHeight");
89  m_ModuleGlassHeight = data.getLength("Module/GlassHeight");
90  m_ModuleGasHeight = data.getLength("Module/GasHeight");
91  m_ModuleFrameWidth = data.getLength("Module/FrameWidth");
92  m_ModuleFrameThickness = data.getLength("Module/FrameThickness");
93  m_ModuleGasSpacerWidth = data.getLength("Module/SpacerWidth");
94  m_ModulePolystyreneInnerHeight = data.getLength("Module/PolystyreneInnerHeight");
95  m_ModulePolystyreneOuterHeight = data.getLength("Module/PolystyreneOuterHeight");
96  m_ScintWidth = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/Width");
97  m_ScintHeight = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/Height");
98  m_ScintBoreRadius = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/BoreRadius");
99  m_ScintFiberRadius = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/FiberRadius");
100  m_ScintTiO2ThicknessTop = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/TiO2ThicknessTop");
101  m_ScintTiO2ThicknessSide = data.getLength("Module/Scintillator/TiO2ThicknessSide");
103  m_ChimneyLength = data.getLength("Chimney/Length");
104  m_ChimneyWidth = data.getLength("Chimney/Width");
105  m_ChimneyCoverThickness = data.getLength("Chimney/CoverThickness");
106  m_ChimneyHousingInnerRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/HousingInnerRadius");
107  m_ChimneyHousingOuterRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/HousingOuterRadius");
108  m_ChimneyShieldInnerRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/ShieldInnerRadius");
109  m_ChimneyShieldOuterRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/ShieldOuterRadius");
110  m_ChimneyPipeInnerRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/PipeInnerRadius");
111  m_ChimneyPipeOuterRadius = data.getLength("Chimney/PipeOuterRadius");
113  m_RibThickness = data.getLength("RibThickness");
114  m_CablesWidth = data.getLength("CablesWidth");
115  m_BraceWidth = data.getLength("BraceWidth");
116  m_BraceWidthChimney = data.getLength("BraceWidthChimney");
118  m_SupportPlateWidth = data.getLength("SupportPlateWidth");
119  m_SupportPlateHeight = data.getLength("SupportPlateHeight");
120  m_SupportPlateLength = data.getLength("SupportPlateLength");
121  m_SupportPlateLengthChimney = data.getLength("SupportPlateLengthChimney");
123  m_BracketWidth = data.getLength("BracketWidth");
124  m_BracketThickness = data.getLength("BracketThickness");
125  m_BracketLength = data.getLength("BracketLength");
126  m_BracketRibWidth = data.getLength("BracketRibWidth");
127  m_BracketRibThickness = data.getLength("BracketRibThickness");
128  m_BracketInnerRadius = data.getLength("BracketInnerRadius");
129  m_BracketInset = data.getLength("BracketInset");
130  m_BracketCutoutDphi = data.getAngle("BracketCutoutDphi");
132  m_NReadoutStation = data.getNumberNodes("Readout/Stations/Station");
133  if (m_NReadoutStation > NSTATION) { // array-bounds check
134  B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): readout stations array size exceeded:"
135  << LogVar("# of readout stations", m_NReadoutStation)
136  << LogVar("array size", NSTATION));
137  }
138  for (int station = 1; station <= m_NReadoutStation; ++station) {
139  sprintf(name, "/Readout/Stations/Station[@station=\"%d\"]", station);
140  GearDir stationContent = data;
141  stationContent.append(name);
142  m_ReadoutStationIsPhi[station - 1] = stationContent.getBool("IsPhi");
143  m_ReadoutStationPosition[station - 1] = stationContent.getLength("Position");
144  }
145  m_ReadoutContainerLength = data.getLength("Readout/Container/Length");
146  m_ReadoutContainerWidth = data.getLength("Readout/Container/Width");
147  m_ReadoutContainerHeight = data.getLength("Readout/Container/Height");
148  m_ReadoutCarrierLength = data.getLength("Readout/Carrier/Length");
149  m_ReadoutCarrierWidth = data.getLength("Readout/Carrier/Width");
150  m_ReadoutCarrierHeight = data.getLength("Readout/Carrier/Height");
151  m_ReadoutPreamplifierLength = data.getLength("Readout/Preamplifier/Length");
152  m_ReadoutPreamplifierWidth = data.getLength("Readout/Preamplifier/Width");
153  m_ReadoutPreamplifierHeight = data.getLength("Readout/Preamplifier/Height");
154  m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition = data.getArray("Readout/Preamplifier/Position");
155  m_ReadoutConnectorsLength = data.getLength("Readout/Connectors/Length");
156  m_ReadoutConnectorsWidth = data.getLength("Readout/Connectors/Width");
157  m_ReadoutConnectorsHeight = data.getLength("Readout/Connectors/Height");
158  m_ReadoutConnectorsPosition = data.getLength("Readout/Connectors/Position");
159  m_MPPCHousingRadius = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Housing/Radius");
160  m_MPPCHousingLength = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Housing/Length");
161  m_MPPCLength = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Sensor/Length");
162  m_MPPCWidth = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Sensor/Width");
163  m_MPPCHeight = data.getLength("Readout/MPPC/Sensor/Height");
165  // by-layer values that are common for all sectors and forward/backward
166  for (int layer = 1; layer <= m_NLayer; ++layer) {
167  sprintf(name, "/Layers/Layer[@layer=\"%d\"]", layer);
168  GearDir layerContent = data;
169  layerContent.append(name);
170  m_HasRPCs[layer - 1] = layerContent.getBool("HasRPCs");
171  m_NPhiStrips[layer - 1] = layerContent.getInt("PhiStrips/NStrips");
172  m_PhiStripWidth[layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("PhiStrips/Width");
173  m_ZStripWidth[layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("ZStrips/Width");
174  if (layer <= NSCINTLAYER) {
175  m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign[layer - 1] = layerContent.getInt("ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign");
176  m_NPhiScints[layer - 1] = layerContent.getInt("PhiScintillators/NScints", 0);
177  if (m_NPhiScints[layer - 1] > NPHISCINT) { // array-bounds check
178  B2FATAL("BKLMGeometryPar::read(): phi-scint array size exceeded:"
179  << LogVar("in zero-based layer", layer - 1)
180  << LogVar("# of phi scintillators", m_NPhiScints[layer - 1])
181  << LogVar("array size", NPHISCINT));
182  }
183  for (int scint = 1; scint <= m_NZScints; ++scint) {
184  sprintf(name, "/ZScintillators/Scint[@scint=\"%d\"]", scint);
185  GearDir scintContent(layerContent);
186  scintContent.append(name);
187  m_ZScintDLength[layer - 1][scint - 1] = scintContent.getLength("DLength", 0.0);
188  }
189  }
190  }
192  // values that depend on fb/sector/layer
193  for (int section = 0; section <= BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectionNumber(); ++section) {
194  bool isForward = (section == BKLMElementNumbers::c_ForwardSection);
195  for (int sector = 1; sector <= m_NSector; ++sector) {
196  sprintf(name, "/Sectors/%s/Sector[@sector=\"%d\"]", (isForward ? "Forward" : "Backward"), sector);
197  GearDir sectorContent(data);
198  sectorContent.append(name);
199  m_SectorRotation[section][sector - 1] = sectorContent.getAngle("Phi");
200  for (int layer = 1; layer <= m_NLayer; ++layer) {
201  GearDir layerContent(sectorContent);
202  sprintf(name, "/Layer[@layer=\"%d\"]", layer);
203  layerContent.append(name);
204  m_LocalReconstructionShiftX[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("ReconstructionShift/X");
205  m_LocalReconstructionShiftY[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("ReconstructionShift/Y");
206  m_LocalReconstructionShiftZ[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = layerContent.getLength("ReconstructionShift/Z");
207  if (layer <= NSCINTLAYER) {
208  m_IsFlipped[section][sector - 1][layer - 1] = layerContent.getBool("Flip", false);
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  }
214 }
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number (1-based).
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorNumber()
Get maximal sector number (1-based).
static constexpr int getMaximalSectionNumber()
Get maximal section number (0-based).
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftX[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Reconstruction dx in local system. displacement, not alignment.
double m_BracketRibWidth
Width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's rib.
double m_ScintWidth
Width of one scintillator strip (cm), including the TiO2 coating.
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftZ[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Reconstruction dz in local system. displacement, not alignment.
int m_NZStripsChimney
Number of z-measuring cathode strips in a chimney-sector RPC module.
double m_ReadoutConnectorsHeight
Height of the readout connectors pair.
double m_SupportPlateLengthChimney
Length of the innermost-module support plate in the chimney sector.
bool m_HasRPCs[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Flag to indicate whether layer contains RPCs (true) or scintillators (false)
double m_ChimneyPipeInnerRadius
Inner radius of the chimney pipe.
double m_BracketLength
Length of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.
double m_ReadoutContainerHeight
Height of the readout station.
double m_ReadoutCarrierHeight
Height of the readout carrier card.
double m_ModuleLengthChimney
Length along z of the module in the chimney sector.
double m_BracketInnerRadius
Inner radius of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.
double m_BracketWidth
Width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.
double m_BraceWidthChimney
Width of the central brace in the middle of the cable-services channel in the chimney sector.
int m_NPhiStrips[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Number of phi-readout RPC strips in each layer.
double m_ReadoutContainerLength
Length of the readout station.
double m_Gap1IronWidth
Width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of innermost gap.
double m_IronActualHeight
Actual height of a layer's stuctural iron.
double m_ZStripWidth[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Width of the z strips on each layer.
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierWidth
Width of the preamplifier card.
double m_IronNominalHeight
Nominal height of a layer's structural iron.
double m_ScintHeight
Height of one scintillator strip (cm), including the TiO2 coating.
double m_ChimneyHousingInnerRadius
Inner radius of the chimney housing.
double m_ModuleFoamHeight
Height of a detector module's transmission-line foam.
double m_BracketRibThickness
Thickness of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's rib.
double m_Gap1NominalHeight
Nominal height of the innermost gap.
double m_ScintFiberRadius
Radius (cm) of the central WLS fiber in the scintillator strip.
double m_MPPCLength
MPPC length.
int m_ScintEnvelopeOffsetSign[NSCINTLAYER]
Sign (+/-1) of scintillator-envelope's shift along y axis within its enclosing module for MPPC placem...
double m_SupportPlateLength
Length of the innermost-module support plate.
double m_ModuleMylarHeight
Height of a detector module's mylar insulation.
double m_ModuleFrameThickness
Thickness of a detector module's frame ("C" shape - thickness of vertical leg)
double m_ChimneyShieldInnerRadius
Inner radius of the chimney shield.
double m_Rotation
Global rotation angle about z of the BKLM.
double m_ZScintDLength[NSCINTLAYER][NZSCINT]
Shortening of the nominal length of the z scintillators for scintillator layers only
int m_NReadoutStation
Number of preamplifier readout stations.
double m_ModulePolystyreneOuterHeight
Height of the outer polystyrene-filler sheet.
double m_ChimneyLength
Length along z of the chimney hole.
double m_ReadoutContainerWidth
Width of the readout station.
double m_OffsetZ
Global offset along z of the BKLM.
double m_ModuleGasSpacerWidth
Width of a detector module's spacer.
double m_PhiStripWidth[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Width of the phi strips on each layer.
double m_OuterRadius
Radius of the circle tangent to the sides of the outer polygon.
double m_BracketThickness
Thickness of the innermost-module support plate's bracket.
double m_ModuleGlassHeight
Height of a detector module's glass electrode.
double m_RibThickness
Thickness of the radial rib that supports the solenoid / inner detectors.
double m_ScintTiO2ThicknessTop
Thickness (cm) of the TiO2 coating on the top (and bottom) of the scintillator strip.
Default constructor.
double m_ModuleLength
Length along z of the module.
double m_HalfLength
Half-length along z of the BKLM.
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierHeight
Height of the preamplifier card.
double m_ChimneyWidth
Width of the chimney hole.
double m_ChimneyShieldOuterRadius
Outer radius of the chimney shield.
int m_NZScintsChimney
Number of z-measuring scintillators in a chimney-sector scintillator module.
double m_ReadoutConnectorsLength
Length of the readout connectors pair.
double m_SupportPlateWidth
Width of the innermost-module support plate.
double m_MPPCHeight
MPPC height.
int m_NZStrips
Number of z-measuring cathode strips in a standard RPC module.
double m_SectorRotation[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()]
Global rotation angle of a sector.
double m_BracketInset
Distance from support plate's end of bracket.
int m_NLayer
Number of layers in one sector.
double m_GapLength
Length along z of each gap.
double m_MPPCHousingRadius
MPPC housing radius.
double m_MPPCHousingLength
MPPC housing length.
int m_NPhiScints[NSCINTLAYER]
Number of phi-readout scintillators in each layer for scintillator layers only
double m_CablesWidth
Width of the cable-services channel at each end.
double m_ScintBoreRadius
Radius (cm) of the central bore in the scintillator strip.
double m_ReadoutCarrierLength
Length of the readout carrier card.
double m_ReadoutConnectorsWidth
Width of the readout connectors pair.
double m_GapIronWidth
Width (at the outer radius) of the adjacent structural iron on either side of a gap.
double m_ReadoutStationPosition[NSTATION]
Position of each readout station along its relevant axis.
double m_ReadoutPreamplifierLength
Length of the preamplifier card.
double m_ModuleGasHeight
Height of a detector module's gas gap.
double m_BraceWidth
Width of the central brace in the middle of the cable-services channel.
double m_ModuleFrameWidth
Width of a detector module's frame ("C" shape - width of horizontal leg)
double m_MPPCWidth
MPPC width.
double m_ChimneyHousingOuterRadius
Outer radius of the chimney housing.
double m_GapNominalHeight
Nominal height of outer gaps.
double m_ReadoutConnectorsPosition
Position of the readout connectors pair along the length of the carrier card.
double m_ModulePolystyreneInnerHeight
Height of the inner polystyrene-filler sheet.
double m_ChimneyCoverThickness
Thickness of the chimney's iron cover plate.
bool m_IsFlipped[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][NSCINTLAYER]
Flag of z-phi planes flip for scintillator layers only
double m_Phi
Starting angle of the polygon shape.
std::vector< double > m_ReadoutPreamplifierPosition
Positions of the preamplifiers along the length of the carrier card.
void read(const GearDir &)
Get geometry parameters from Gearbox.
double m_LocalReconstructionShiftY[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Reconstruction dy in local system. displacement, not alignment.
double m_ModuleCoverHeight
Height of a detector module's aluminum cover.
double m_Gap1InnerRadius
Radius of the inner tangent circle of the innermost gap.
double m_SolenoidOuterRadius
Outer radius of the solenoid.
int m_NSector
Number of sectors (=8 : octagonal)
bool m_DoBeamBackgroundStudy
Flag for enabling beam background study (=alternate sensitive-detector function)
double m_ChimneyPipeOuterRadius
Outer radius of the chimney pipe.
bool m_ReadoutStationIsPhi[NSTATION]
Selector for phi (true) or z (false) readout station.
double m_ReadoutCarrierWidth
Width of the readout carrier card.
double m_SupportPlateHeight
Height of the innermost-module support plate.
double m_ScintTiO2ThicknessSide
Thickness (cm) of the TiO2 coating on the left (and right) side of the scintillator strip.
double m_ModuleCopperHeight
Height of a detector module's copper readout or ground plane.
double m_BracketCutoutDphi
Angular width of the innermost-module support plate's bracket's cutout.
int m_NZScints
Number of z-measuring scintillators in a standard scintillator module.
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
Definition: GearDir.h:31
void append(const std::string &path)
Append something to the current path, modifying the GearDir in place.
Definition: GearDir.h:52
double getAngle(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double converted to the standard angle unit.
Definition: Interface.h:299
double getLength(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a double converted to the standard length unit.
Definition: Interface.h:259
bool getBool(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a bool.
int getInt(const std::string &path="") const noexcept(false)
Get the parameter path as a int.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.