11 class MeasuredStateOnPlane;
Module to compute if an extrapolation to the ECL matches the position of an secondary ECLCLuster to f...
bool isMatch()
Check if the angles of the cluster position and the extrapolation match.
double getEffAcceptanceFactor()
Return the effective acceptance factor.
float m_clusterAcceptanceFactor
Factor which is multiplied onto the cluster position error to check for matches.
double m_distanceHitCluster
Difference between the angles of extrapolation and cluster position.
genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane const & m_measuredStateOnPlane
VXD hit.
ECLCluster const & m_eclCluster
Bremsstrahlung cluster candidate gets stored here.
double getDistanceHitCluster()
Return the difference between the angles of extrapolation and cluster position.
BremFindingMatchCompute(float clusterAcceptanceFactor, ECLCluster const &cluster, genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane const &measuredStateOnPlane)
Constructor for setting parameters.
double m_effAcceptanceFactor
The effective acceptance factor, needed to assign the radiation.
#StateOnPlane with additional covariance matrix.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Defines for I/O streams used for error and debug printing.