10 #include <genfit/MeasuredStateOnPlane.h>
11 #include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoTrack.h>
12 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/trajectories/CDCTrajectory3D.h>
13 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/geometry/Vector3D.h>
14 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/hits/CDCWireHit.h>
15 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/CDCWire.h>
16 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/ERightLeft.h>
"State does not represent a wire hit",
"State does not represent a seed",
52 return seed->getRelated<
58 return static_cast<bool>(
"State does not have a track state (yet)",
"LR info is not present yet",
m_rl != TrackFindingCDC::ERightLeft::c_Unknown);
154 trackMomentum, trackState.getCharge());
Define states for CKF algorithm, which can be seed track or CDC wire hit.
double getWeight() const
Get state weight.
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane & getTrackState() const
Get genfit track state (but first check if already present)
void setRLinfo(const TrackFindingCDC::ERightLeft &rl)
Set right-left info for the hit.
void setTrackState(const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &trackState)
Store genfit Measured state on plane.
void setHitDistance(double hitDistance)
Set hit distance to the trajectory.
std::optional< const RecoTrack * > m_seed
(optional) pointer to the seed track
double m_reconstructedZ
reconstructed Z coordinate
const RecoTrack * getSeed() const
Get RecoTrack seed corresponding to the state.
double getHitDistance() const
Return hit distance to the trajectory.
double getChi2() const
Get state chi2.
TrackFindingCDC::ERightLeft getRLinfo() const
Return right-left info (check if present first)
std::optional< const TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireHit * > m_cdcWireHit
(optional) pointer to the wire hit
double m_weight
state weight
double m_chi2
state chi2 (using genfit extrapolation)
double getArcLength() const
Return the arc-length along the tracjectory to the hit.
void setReconstructedZ(double reconstructedZ)
Set state Z information.
void setArcLength(double arcLength)
Set the arc-length along the tracjectory to the hit.
void setChi2(double chi2)
Set set chi2.
TrackFindingCDC::ERightLeft m_rl
Store if the track is on the right or left side of the hit.
double getReconstructedZ() const
Get state Z information.
CDCCKFState(const TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireHit *wireHit)
constructor from the CDC wireHit
void setWeight(double weight)
Set state weight.
CDCCKFState(const RecoTrack *seed, const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane &trackState)
constructor from the seed recoTrack and genfit trackState
TrackFindingCDC::CDCTrajectory3D getTrajectory() const
Helper method to get trajectory from the trackState.
double m_arcLength
arc length along the trajectory to the hit
const RecoTrack * getMCRecoTrack(const std::string &mcRecoTrackStoreArrayName="MCRecoTracks") const
Match seed to the MC track, return it. Works for seed-states only.
double m_hitDistance
distance from the trajectory to the hit
bool isSeed() const
Returns true if the state corresponds to the seed track.
const TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireHit * getWireHit() const
Get CDCWireHit corresponding to the state.
std::optional< genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane > m_trackState
(optional) genfit MeasuredStateOnPlane
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Particle full three dimensional trajectory.
Class representing a hit wire in the central drift chamber.
A three dimensional vector.
#StateOnPlane with additional covariance matrix.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &output, const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
Enumeration to represent the distinct possibilities of the right left passage.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.