38 int adc,
int tdc,
int tdc2)
unsigned short m_length
Data length.
unsigned short getChannel() const
Get the channel ID.
CDCChannelData(int board, int ch, int len, int tot, int adc, int tdc)
Constructor of the class fo the "1 hit" event.
unsigned short m_tdc2
TDC count of 2nd hit.
bool is2ndHit() const
Get the flag of 2nd hit.
unsigned short m_tdc
TDC count.
unsigned short m_adc
FADC count.
void setTDC2ndHit(int tdc)
Set 2nd hit timing.
unsigned short m_channel
Channel ID (0-47).
unsigned short getTDCCount2ndHit() const
Get the 2nd TDC.
unsigned short getTDCCount() const
Get the TDC.
unsigned short getBoard() const
Get the board ID.
unsigned short getDataLength() const
Get data length.
unsigned short getADCCount() const
Get the ADC.
bool m_f2ndHit
Flag for 2nd hit.
unsigned short getTOT() const
Get time over threshold.
unsigned short m_tot
Time over threshold.
unsigned short m_board
Board ID (0-300).
CDCChannelData(int board, int ch, int len, int tot, int adc, int tdc, int tdc2)
Constructor of the class fo the "2 hits" event.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.