Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <cdc/modules/cdcUnpacker/CDCUnpackerModule.h>
10 // DB objects
11 #include <cdc/dbobjects/CDCChannelMap.h>
13 #include <framework/datastore/DataStore.h>
14 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
15 #include <framework/utilities/FileSystem.h>
16 // framework - Database
17 #include <framework/database/DBArray.h>
19 #include <iostream>
21 using namespace std;
22 using namespace Belle2;
23 using namespace CDC;
25 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
26 // Register the Module
27 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
28 REG_MODULE(CDCUnpacker);
30 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
31 // Implementation
32 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
34 CDCUnpackerModule::CDCUnpackerModule() : Module()
35 {
36  //Set module properties
37  setDescription("CDCUnpacker generates CDCHit from Raw data.");
40  addParam("rawCDCName", m_rawCDCName, "Name of the RawCDC List name..", string(""));
41  addParam("cdcRawHitWaveFormName", m_cdcRawHitWaveFormName, "Name of the CDCRawHit (Raw data mode).", string(""));
42  addParam("cdcRawHitName", m_cdcRawHitName, "Name of the CDCRawHit (Suppressed mode).", string(""));
43  addParam("cdcHitName", m_cdcHitName, "Name of the CDCHit List name..", string(""));
44  addParam("fadcThreshold", m_fadcThreshold, "Threshold count.", 1);
46  addParam("xmlMapFileName", m_xmlMapFileName, "path+name of the xml file", string(""));
47  addParam("enableStoreCDCRawHit", m_enableStoreCDCRawHit, "Enable to store to the CDCRawHit object", false);
48  addParam("enablePrintOut", m_enablePrintOut, "Enable to print out the data to the terminal", false);
49  addParam("boardIDTrig", m_boardIDTrig, "Board ID for the trigger.", 7);
50  addParam("channelTrig", m_channelTrig, "Channel for the trigger.", 1);
51  addParam("subtractTrigTiming", m_subtractTrigTiming, "Enable to subtract the trigger timing from TDCs.", false);
52  addParam("tdcOffset", m_tdcOffset, "TDC offset (in TDC count).", 0);
53  addParam("enableDatabase", m_enableDatabase, "Enable database to read the channel map.", true);
54  addParam("enable2ndHit", m_enable2ndHit, "Enable 2nd hit timing as a individual CDCHit object.", false);
55  addParam("tdcAuxOffset", m_tdcAuxOffset, "TDC auxiliary offset (in TDC count).", 0);
56  addParam("pedestalSubtraction", m_pedestalSubtraction, "Enbale ADC pedestal subtraction.", m_pedestalSubtraction);
57  addParam("recoverBoardIdError", m_recoverBoardIdError, "Recover boardID errors", true);
58 }
61 {
62 }
65 {
66  m_dataLengthError = false;
67  m_dataSizeError = false;
69  if ((*m_channelMapFromDB).isValid()) {
70  // B2INFO("Channel map is valid");
71  } else {
72  B2FATAL("Channel map is not valid");
73  }
75  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
76  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker: initialize() Called.");
77  }
79  m_rawCDCs.isRequired(m_rawCDCName);
80  m_CDCRawHitWaveForms.registerInDataStore(m_cdcRawHitWaveFormName);
81  m_CDCRawHits.registerInDataStore(m_cdcRawHitName);
82  m_CDCHits.registerInDataStore(m_cdcHitName);
84  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
85  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker: " << LogVar("FADC threshold", m_fadcThreshold));
86  }
87 }
90 {
91  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
92  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker: beginRun() called.");
93  }
96  loadMap();
98 }
101 {
102  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
103  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker: event() started.");
104  }
106  // TDC count for the trigger scinti.
107  int tdcCountTrig = m_tdcOffset;
109  // Create Data objects.
110  m_CDCHits.clear();
112  if (m_enableStoreCDCRawHit == true) {
113  m_CDCRawHits.clear();
114  m_CDCRawHitWaveForms.clear();
115  }
117  //
118  // Proccess RawCDC data block.
119  //
121  const int nEntries = m_rawCDCs.getEntries();
123  B2DEBUG(99, "nEntries of RawCDCs : " << nEntries);
125  for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
126  const int subDetectorId = m_rawCDCs[i]->GetNodeID(0);
127  const int iNode = (subDetectorId & 0xFFFFFF);
128  const int nEntriesRawCDC = m_rawCDCs[i]->GetNumEntries();
130  B2DEBUG(99, LogVar("nEntries of rawCDC[i]", nEntriesRawCDC));
132  for (int j = 0; j < nEntriesRawCDC; ++j) {
133  int trigType = m_rawCDCs[i]->GetTRGType(j); // Get event type of L1 trigger.
134  int nWords[48];
135  int* data32tab[48];
136  int MaxNumOfCh = m_rawCDCs[i]->GetMaxNumOfCh(j);
137  string readoutName;
138  if (MaxNumOfCh == 4) readoutName = "COPPER";
139  else if (MaxNumOfCh == 48) readoutName = "PCIe40";
140  else
141  B2FATAL("CDC UnpackerModule: Invalid value of GetMaxNumOfCh from raw data: " << LogVar("Number of ch: ",
142  m_rawCDCs[i]->GetMaxNumOfCh(j)));
144  for (int k = 0; k < MaxNumOfCh; ++k) {
145  nWords[k] = m_rawCDCs[i]->GetDetectorNwords(j, k);
146  if (MaxNumOfCh == 48 && m_rawCDCs[i]->CheckOnlineRemovedDataBit(j, k) == true) { //for error flag in ff55 trailer
147  if (nWords[k] != 0)
148  B2FATAL("The data is not removed for the bad channel (" << j << "," << k << ") with error flag in ff55 trailer! ");
149  }
150  data32tab[k] = (int*)m_rawCDCs[i]->GetDetectorBuffer(j, k);
151  }
153  //
154  // Search Data from Finess 0->MaxNumOfCh (4/48 for COPPER/PCIe40).
155  //
157  for (int iFiness = 0; iFiness < MaxNumOfCh; ++iFiness) {
158  int* ibuf = data32tab[iFiness];
159  const int nWord = nWords[iFiness];
160  B2DEBUG(99, LogVar("nWords (from " + readoutName + " header)", nWord));
162  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
163  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker : Print out CDC data block.");
164  printBuffer(ibuf, nWord);
165  }
167  const int c_headearWords = 3;
168  if (nWord < c_headearWords) {
169  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
170  B2WARNING("CDCUnpacker : No CDC block header.");
171  }
172  continue;
173  }
175  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
176  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker : RawDataBlock(CDC) : Block # "
177  << LogVar("Block", i)
178  << LogVar("Node", iNode)
179  << LogVar("Finness", iFiness));
180  }
182  setCDCPacketHeader(ibuf);
184  // Skip invalid boardsIDs
185  if (m_boardId > 300) {
186  B2WARNING("Invalid board " << std::hex << m_boardId << std::dec << " readout buffer block: " << i << " block channel: " << iFiness);
187  if (m_recoverBoardIdError) {
188  m_boardId = m_boardId & 0x01ff;
189  if (m_boardId > 300) {
190  B2WARNING("Unrecoverable board " << std::hex << m_boardId);
191  continue;
192  }
193  } else {
194  continue;
195  }
196  }
198  const int dataType = getDataType();
199  const int dataLength = getDataLength() / 4; // Data length in int word (4bytes).
200  const int swDataLength = dataLength * 2; // Data length in short word (2bytes).
203  if (dataLength != (nWord - c_headearWords)) {
204  if (m_dataSizeError == false) {
205  B2ERROR("Inconsistent data size between " + readoutName + " and CDC FEE."
206  << LogVar("data length", dataLength) << LogVar("nWord", nWord)
207  << LogVar("Node ID", iNode) << LogVar("Finness ID", iFiness));
208  m_dataSizeError = true;
209  } else {
210  B2WARNING("Inconsistent data size between " + readoutName + " and CDC FEE."
211  << LogVar("data length", dataLength) << LogVar("nWord", nWord)
212  << LogVar("Node ID", iNode) << LogVar("Finness ID", iFiness));
213  }
214  continue;
215  }
216  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
217  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker : " << LogVar("Data size", dataLength));
218  }
220  const int board = getBoardId();
221  const int trgNumber = getTriggerNumber();
222  const int trgTime = getTriggerTime();
224  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
225  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker : " << LogVar("Board", board) << LogVar("Trigger number", trgNumber)
226  << LogVar("Trigger time ", trgTime));
227  }
229  //
230  // Check the data type (raw or supressed mode?).
231  //
233  if (dataType == 1) { // Raw data mode.
234  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
235  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker : Raw data mode.");
236  }
238  m_buffer.clear();
240  for (int it = 0; it < dataLength; ++it) {
241  int index = it + c_headearWords;
243  m_buffer.push_back(static_cast<unsigned short>((ibuf[index] & 0xffff0000) >> 16));
244  m_buffer.push_back(static_cast<unsigned short>(ibuf[index] & 0xffff));
245  }
247  const int fadcTdcChannels = 48; // Total channels of FADC or TDC.
248  const int nSamples = swDataLength / (2 * fadcTdcChannels); // Number of samplings.
250  std::vector<unsigned short> fadcs;
251  std::vector<unsigned short> tdcs;
253  for (int iCh = 0; iCh < fadcTdcChannels; ++iCh) {
254  const int offset = fadcTdcChannels;
255  unsigned short fadcSum = 0; // FADC sum below thereshold.
256  unsigned short tdc1 = 0x7fff; // Fastest TDC.
257  unsigned short tdc2 = 0x7fff; // 2nd fastest TDC.
259  for (int iSample = 0; iSample < nSamples; ++iSample) {
260  // FADC value for each sample and channel.
262  unsigned short fadc = + 2 * fadcTdcChannels * iSample);
264  if (fadc > m_fadcThreshold) {
265  fadcSum += fadc;
266  }
267  // TDC count for each sample and channel.
269  unsigned short tdc = + 2 * fadcTdcChannels * iSample + offset) & 0x7fff;
270  unsigned short tdcIsValid = ( + 2 * fadcTdcChannels * iSample + offset) & 0x8000) >> 15;
271  if (tdcIsValid == 1) { // good tdc data.
272  if (tdc > 0) { // if hit timng is 0, skip.
273  if (tdc < tdc1) {
274  tdc2 = tdc1; // 2nd fastest hit
275  tdc1 = tdc; // fastest hit.
276  }
277  }
278  }
280  fadcs.push_back(fadc);
281  tdcs.push_back(tdc);
282  if (m_enableStoreCDCRawHit == true) {
283  // Store to the CDCRawHitWaveForm object.
284  const unsigned short status = 0;
285  m_CDCRawHitWaveForms.appendNew(status, trgNumber, iNode, iFiness, board, iCh, iSample, trgTime, fadc, tdc);
286  }
288  }
290  if (tdc1 != 0x7fff) {
291  // Store to the CDCHit object.
292  const WireID wireId = getWireID(board, iCh);
294  if (trgTime < tdc1) {
295  tdc1 = (trgTime | 0x8000) - tdc1;
296  } else {
297  tdc1 = trgTime - tdc1;
298  }
299  CDCHit* firstHit = m_CDCHits.appendNew(tdc1, fadcSum, wireId);
300  if (m_enable2ndHit == true) {
301  CDCHit* secondHit = m_CDCHits.appendNew(tdc2, fadcSum, wireId);
302  secondHit->setOtherHitIndices(firstHit);
303  secondHit->set2ndHitFlag();
304  }
305  }
310  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
311  //
312  // Print out (for debug).
313  //
315  printf("FADC ch %2d : ", iCh);
316  for (int iSample = 0; iSample < nSamples; ++iSample) {
317  printf("%4x ",;
318  }
319  printf("\n");
321  printf("TDC ch %2d : ", iCh);
322  for (int iSample = 0; iSample < nSamples; ++iSample) {
323  printf("%4x ",;
324  }
325  printf("\n");
326  }
328  }
330  } else if (dataType == 2) { // Suppressed mode.
331  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
332  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker : Suppressed mode.");
333  }
335  // convert int array -> short array.
336  m_buffer.clear();
337  for (int it = 0; it < dataLength; ++it) {
338  int index = it + c_headearWords;
339  m_buffer.push_back(static_cast<unsigned short>((ibuf[index] & 0xffff0000) >> 16));
340  m_buffer.push_back(static_cast<unsigned short>(ibuf[index] & 0xffff));
341  }
343  const size_t bufSize = m_buffer.size();
344  for (size_t it = 0; it < bufSize;) {
345  unsigned short header =; // Header.
346  unsigned short ch = (header & 0xff00) >> 8; // Channel ID in FE.
347  unsigned short length = (header & 0xff) / 2; // Data length in short word.
349  if (header == 0xff02) {
350  it++;
351  continue;
352  }
354  if (!((length == 4) || (length == 5))) {
355  if (m_dataLengthError == false) {
356  B2ERROR("CDCUnpacker : data length should be 4 or 5 words."
357  << LogVar("data length", length)
358  << LogVar("board id", board)
359  << LogVar("channel", ch));
360  m_dataLengthError = true;
361  } else {
362  B2WARNING("CDCUnpacker : data length should be 4 or 5 words."
363  << LogVar("data length", length)
364  << LogVar("board id", board)
365  << LogVar("channel", ch));
366  }
367  break;
368  }
370  unsigned short tot = + 1); // Time over threshold.
371  unsigned short fadcSum = + 2); // FADC sum.
373  if (m_pedestalSubtraction == true) {
374  int diff = fadcSum - (*m_adcPedestalFromDB)->getPedestal(board, ch);
375  if (diff <= m_fadcThreshold) {
376  fadcSum = 0;
377  } else {
378  fadcSum = static_cast<unsigned short>(diff);
379  }
380  }
381  unsigned short tdc1 = 0; // TDC count.
382  unsigned short tdc2 = 0; // 2nd TDC count.
383  unsigned short tdcFlag = 0; // Multiple hit or not (1 for multi hits, 0 for single hit).
385  if (length == 4) {
386  tdc1 = + 3);
387  } else if (length == 5) {
388  tdc1 = + 3);
389  tdc2 = + 4) & 0x7fff;
390  tdcFlag = ( + 4) & 0x8000) >> 15;
391  } else {
392  B2ERROR("CDCUnpacker : Undefined data length (should be 4 or 5 short words) ");
393  }
395  if (ch >= 48) {
396  B2WARNING("Invalid channel "
397  << LogVar("channel", ch)
398  << LogVar("board", board)
399  << LogVar("buffer total size", m_buffer.size())
400  << LogVar("length", length)
401  << LogVar("tdc", tdc1)
402  << LogVar("adc", fadcSum)
403  << LogVar("tot", tot)
404  );
405  it += length;
406  continue;
407  }
409  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
410  printf("%4x %4x %4x %4x %4x %4x %4x \n", ch, length, tot, fadcSum, tdc1, tdc2, tdcFlag);
411  }
412  if (length == 4 || length == 5) {
414  // const unsigned short status = 0;
415  const unsigned short status = trigType; // temporally trigger type is stored, here.
416  // Store to the CDCHit.
417  const WireID wireId = getWireID(board, ch);
419  if (isValidBoardChannel(wireId)) {
420  if (board == m_boardIDTrig && ch == m_channelTrig) {
421  tdcCountTrig = tdc1;
422  } else {
423  CDCHit* firstHit = m_CDCHits.appendNew(tdc1, fadcSum, wireId,
424  0, tot);
425  if (length == 5) {
426  if (m_enable2ndHit == true) {
427  CDCHit* secondHit = m_CDCHits.appendNew(tdc2, fadcSum, wireId,
428  0, tot);
429  secondHit->setOtherHitIndices(firstHit);
430  secondHit->set2ndHitFlag();
431  }
432  }
433  }
435  if (m_enableStoreCDCRawHit == true) {
436  // Store to the CDCRawHit object.
437  m_CDCRawHits.appendNew(status, trgNumber, iNode, iFiness, board, ch,
438  trgTime, fadcSum, tdc1, tdc2, tot);
439  }
441  } else {
442  B2WARNING("Undefined board id is fired: " << LogVar("board id", board) << " " << LogVar("channel", ch));
443  }
444  }
445  it += length;
446  }
448  } else {
449  B2WARNING("CDCUnpacker : Undefined CDC Data Block : Block # " << LogVar("block id", i));
450  }
451  }
452  }
453  }
455  //
456  // t0 correction w.r.t. the timing of the trigger counter.
457  //
458  if (m_subtractTrigTiming == true) {
459  for (auto& hit : m_CDCHits) {
460  int tdc = hit.getTDCCount();
461  if (hit.is2ndHit()) {
462  if (tdc != 0) {
463  tdc = tdc - (tdcCountTrig - m_tdcOffset);
464  }
465  } else {
466  tdc = tdc - (tdcCountTrig - m_tdcOffset);
467  }
469  tdc -= m_tdcAuxOffset;
470  hit.setTDCCount(static_cast<unsigned short>(tdc));
471  }
472  }
473 }
476 {
477  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
478  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker : End run.");
479  }
480 }
483 {
484  if (m_enablePrintOut == true) {
485  B2INFO("CDCUnpacker : Terminated.");
486  }
490 }
493 WireID CDCUnpackerModule::getWireID(int iBoard, int iCh) const
494 {
495  return m_map[iBoard][iCh];
496 }
499 {
501  if (m_enableDatabase == false) {
503  // Read the channel map from the local text.
504  std::string fileName = FileSystem::findFile(m_xmlMapFileName);
505  std::cout << fileName << std::endl;
506  if (fileName == "") {
507  B2ERROR("CDC unpacker can't find a filename: " << LogVar("file name", fileName));
508  exit(1);
509  }
512  ifstream ifs;
514  int isl;
515  int icl;
516  int iw;
517  int iBoard;
518  int iCh;
520  while (!ifs.eof()) {
521  ifs >> isl >> icl >> iw >> iBoard >> iCh;
522  const WireID wireId(isl, icl, iw);
523  m_map[iBoard][iCh] = wireId;
524  }
525  } else {
526  for (const auto& cm : (*m_channelMapFromDB)) {
527  const int isl = cm.getISuperLayer();
528  const int il = cm.getILayer();
529  const int iw = cm.getIWire();
530  const int iBoard = cm.getBoardID();
531  const int iCh = cm.getBoardChannel();
532  const WireID wireId(isl, il, iw);
533  m_map[iBoard][iCh] = wireId;
534  }
535  }
536 }
539 {
540  if (m_pedestalSubtraction == true) {
542  if (!(*m_adcPedestalFromDB).isValid()) {
543  m_pedestalSubtraction = false;
544  }
545  }
547 }
549 void CDCUnpackerModule::printBuffer(int* buf, int nwords)
550 {
552  for (int j = 0; j < nwords; ++j) {
553  printf(" %.8x", buf[j]);
554  if ((j + 1) % 10 == 0) {
555  printf("\n");
556  }
557  }
558  printf("\n");
560  return;
561 }
Class containing the result of the unpacker in raw data and the result of the digitizer in simulation...
Definition: CDCHit.h:40
void set2ndHitFlag()
Setter for 2nd hit flag.
Definition: CDCHit.h:113
void setOtherHitIndices(CDCHit *otherHit)
Setter for the other hit indices.
Definition: CDCHit.h:147
StoreArray< RawCDC > m_rawCDCs
Input array for CDC Raw.
bool m_enableDatabase
Enable/Disable to read the channel map from the database.
int m_boardId
Front end board ID.
std::vector< unsigned short > m_buffer
Short ward buffer of CDC event block.
int m_channelTrig
Channel for the trigger.
bool m_dataSizeError
True if data size error between CDCFE and COPPER has been already reported.
std::string m_rawCDCName
Name of the RawCDC dataobject (suppressed mode).
void initialize() override
Initializes the Module.
DBArray< CDCChannelMap > * m_channelMapFromDB
Channel map retrieved from DB.
StoreArray< CDCRawHitWaveForm > m_CDCRawHitWaveForms
Raw hit waveforms.
void printBuffer(int *buf, int nwords)
Print out the CDC data block in hex.
int getTriggerNumber()
Getter for trigger number.
void event() override
Event action (main routine).
StoreArray< CDCRawHit > m_CDCRawHits
Raw hits.
bool m_subtractTrigTiming
Enable/Disable to subtract the trigger timing from TDCs.
bool m_dataLengthError
True if data length error has been already reported.
void endRun() override
End run action.
void terminate() override
Termination action.
int getTriggerTime()
Getter for trigger time in nsec.
int m_tdcOffset
TDC offset (nsec).
std::string m_xmlMapFileName
Name of the assignment map of FE board channel to the cell.
WireID m_map[300][48]
Assignment map of FE board channel to the cell.
int getDataType()
Getter for CDC data mode.
std::string m_cdcRawHitName
Name of the CDCRawHit dataobject (suppressed mode).
bool m_pedestalSubtraction
Whether pedestal is subtracted (true) or not (false).
void beginRun() override
Begin run action.
bool m_recoverBoardIdError
Recover boardID error if true, skip information otherwise.
DBObjPtr< CDCADCDeltaPedestals > * m_adcPedestalFromDB
ADC delta pedestal.
int m_boardIDTrig
Board ID for the trigger.
bool m_enableStoreCDCRawHit
Enable/Disable to store CDCRawHit.
int m_tdcAuxOffset
TDC auxiliary offset (nsec).
int getDataLength()
Getter for data length in byte.
void loadMap()
Load FE channel to cell ID map.
WireID getWireID(int iBoard, int iCh) const
Getter of Wire ID.
bool m_enablePrintOut
Enable/Disable to print out the data to the terminal.
bool isValidBoardChannel(WireID wireId)
Check if the hit wire is valid or not.
std::string m_cdcRawHitWaveFormName
Name of the CDCRawHit dataobject (raw data mode).
void setCDCPacketHeader(const int *buf)
Set CDC Packet header.
virtual ~CDCUnpackerModule()
Destructor of the module.
bool m_enable2ndHit
Enable/Disable to 2nd hit output.
int getBoardId()
Getter for FE board ID.
std::string m_cdcHitName
Tree name of the CDCHit object.
void setADCPedestal()
Set DBobject of ADC delta pedestal.
StoreArray< CDCHit > m_CDCHits
CDC hits.
Class for accessing arrays of objects in the database.
Definition: DBArray.h:26
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
Class to identify a wire inside the CDC.
Definition: WireID.h:34
unsigned short getISuperLayer() const
Getter for Super-Layer.
Definition: WireID.h:130
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.