12 #include <simulation/dataobjects/SimHitBase.h>
51 CLAWSSimHit(
int ladder,
int sensor,
int pdg,
float time,
float energyDep,
float energyVisble,
52 float length,
const float* posEntry,
const float* posExit,
const float* momEntry):
Class CLAWSSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the CLAWS detector.
float m_posEntry[3]
entry position, global coordinates
TVector3 getMomEntry() const
Return the track momentum.
uint8_t m_sensor
Sensor id.
CLAWSSimHit(int ladder, int sensor, int pdg, float time, float energyDep, float energyVisble, float length, const float *posEntry, const float *posExit, const float *momEntry)
Standard constructor.
default constructor for ROOT
float m_energyVisible
Visible energy deposition according to Birks Law (in GeV)
float m_energyDep
Deposited energy in GeV.
int m_PDG
PDG number of the track.
float getTime() const
Return the global time.
float getEnergyVisible() const
Return the non-ionization energy in electrons.
float getEnergyDep() const
Return the energy deposition in electrons.
const float * getPosExitArray() const
Return track position as float array.
const float * getPosEntryArray() const
Return track position as float array.
int getLadder() const
Return the Ladder number (starting at 1, increasing with phi)
const float * getMomEntryArray() const
Return track momentum as float array.
TVector3 getPosExit() const
Return the exit track position.
int getSensor() const
Return the Sensor number (starting at 1, increasing with decreasing z)
int getPDG() const
Return the PDG number of the track.
float m_momEntry[3]
momentum at entry, global coordinates
float m_length
track length
TVector3 getPosEntry() const
Return the entry track position.
float m_posExit[3]
exit position, global coordinates
uint8_t m_ladder
Ladder id.
ClassDef(RelationsInterface, 0)
defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.
Class SimHitBase - A common base for subdetector SimHits.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.