10 #include <dqm/analysis/modules/DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelle.h>
24 DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelleModule::DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelleModule()
28 setDescription(
"Modify and analyze the data quality histograms of MiraBelle");
49 mumu_main =
new TCanvas(
"mumu_main", 0, 0, 800, 600);
50 mumu_resolution =
new TCanvas(
"mumu_resolution", 0, 0, 800, 600);
51 mumu_muon_val =
new TCanvas(
"mumu_muon_val", 0, 0, 400, 400);
52 dst_mass =
new TCanvas(
"dst_mass", 0, 0, 1200, 400);
53 dst_pi_val =
new TCanvas(
"dst_pi_val", 0, 0, 800, 400);
54 dst_k_val =
new TCanvas(
"dst_k_val", 0, 0, 800, 400);
56 bhabha_main =
new TCanvas(
"bhabha_main", 0, 0, 800, 600);
57 bhabha_resolution =
new TCanvas(
"bhabha_resolution", 0, 0, 800, 600);
58 hadron_main =
new TCanvas(
"hadron_main", 0, 0, 800, 600);
72 B2DEBUG(20,
"DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelle: initialized.");
78 B2DEBUG(20,
"DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelle: beginRun called.");
83 B2DEBUG(20,
"DQMHistAnalysisOutputMiraBelle: event called.");
90 auto* hist_npxd =
91 auto* hist_nsvd =
92 auto* hist_ncdc =
93 auto* hist_topdig =
94 auto* hist_DetPhotonARICH =
95 auto* hist_klmTotalHits =
96 auto* hist_klmClusterLayers =
97 auto* hist_dD0 =
98 auto* hist_dZ0 =
99 auto* hist_dPtcms =
100 auto* hist_Pval =
101 auto* hist_nExtraCDCHits =
102 auto* hist_nECLClusters =
103 auto* hist_muid =
104 auto* hist_inv_p =
105 auto* hist_ndf =
106 auto* hist_D0 =
107 auto* hist_Z0 =
108 auto* hist_theta =
109 auto* hist_Phi0 =
110 auto* hist_Pt =
111 auto* hist_Mom =
112 auto* hist_klmTotalBarrelHits =
113 auto* hist_klmTotalEndcapHits =
114 auto* hist_dPhicms =
116 if (hist_npxd ==
nullptr) {
117 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_npxd histogram!");
120 if (hist_nsvd ==
nullptr) {
121 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_nsvd histogram!");
124 if (hist_ncdc ==
nullptr) {
125 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_ncdc histogram!");
128 if (hist_topdig ==
nullptr) {
129 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_topdig histogram!");
132 if (hist_DetPhotonARICH ==
nullptr) {
133 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_DetPhotonARICH histogram!");
136 if (hist_klmTotalHits ==
nullptr) {
137 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_klmTotalHits histogram!");
140 if (hist_klmClusterLayers ==
nullptr) {
141 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_klmClusterLayers histogram!");
144 if (hist_dD0 ==
nullptr) {
145 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_dD0 histogram!");
148 if (hist_dZ0 ==
nullptr) {
149 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_dZ0 histogram!");
152 if (hist_dPtcms ==
nullptr) {
153 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_dPtcms histogram!");
156 if (hist_Pval ==
nullptr) {
157 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_Pval histogram!");
160 if (hist_nExtraCDCHits ==
nullptr) {
161 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_nExtraCDCHits histogram!");
164 if (hist_nECLClusters ==
nullptr) {
165 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_nECLClusters histogram!");
168 if (hist_muid ==
nullptr) {
169 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_muid histogram!");
172 if (hist_inv_p ==
nullptr) {
173 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_inv_p histogram!");
176 if (hist_ndf ==
nullptr) {
177 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_ndf histogram!");
180 if (hist_D0 ==
nullptr) {
181 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0 histogram!");
184 if (hist_Z0 ==
nullptr) {
185 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_Z0 histogram!");
188 if (hist_theta ==
nullptr) {
189 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_theta histogram!");
192 if (hist_Phi0 ==
nullptr) {
193 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_Phi0 histogram!");
196 if (hist_Pt ==
nullptr) {
197 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_Pt histogram!");
200 if (hist_Mom ==
nullptr) {
201 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_Mom histogram!");
204 if (hist_klmTotalBarrelHits ==
nullptr) {
205 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_klmTotalBarrelHits histogram!");
208 if (hist_klmTotalEndcapHits ==
nullptr) {
209 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_klmTotalEndcapHits histogram!");
212 if (hist_dPhicms ==
nullptr) {
213 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_dPhicms histogram!");
228 mumu_main->cd(9); hist_DetPhotonARICH->Draw();
229 mumu_main->cd(10); hist_klmClusterLayers->Draw();
230 mumu_main->cd(11); hist_nExtraCDCHits->Draw();
231 mumu_main->cd(12); hist_nECLClusters->Draw();
250 double mean_npxd = hist_npxd->GetMean();
251 double mean_nsvd = hist_nsvd->GetMean();
252 double mean_ncdc = hist_ncdc->GetMean();
253 double mean_nklmlayer = hist_klmClusterLayers->GetMean();
254 double mean_nklm = hist_klmTotalHits->GetMean();
255 double mean_nbklm = hist_klmTotalBarrelHits->GetMean();
256 double mean_neklm = hist_klmTotalEndcapHits->GetMean();
257 double mean_topdig = hist_topdig->GetMean();
258 double mean_parich = hist_DetPhotonARICH->GetMean();
259 double mean_ncdc_ex = hist_nExtraCDCHits->GetMean();
260 double mean_necl = hist_nECLClusters->GetMean();
261 double mean_muid = hist_muid->GetMean();
262 double mean_d0 = hist_D0->GetMean();
263 double mean_z0 = hist_Z0->GetMean();
264 double mean_pval = hist_Pval->GetMean();
265 double mean_ndf = hist_ndf->GetMean();
266 double dif_ndf_ncdc = mean_ndf - mean_ncdc;
267 double mean_dd0 = hist_dD0->GetMean();
268 double mean_dz0 = hist_dZ0->GetMean();
269 double mean_dpt = hist_dPtcms->GetMean();
270 double rms_dd0 = hist_dD0->GetRMS();
271 double rms_dz0 = hist_dZ0->GetRMS();
272 double rms_dpt = hist_dPtcms->GetRMS();
276 int ntot = hist_nsvd->GetEntries();
277 double neve_mumu = ntot;
278 double goodmu_frac = -1.;
279 double pval_frac_0 = -1.;
280 double pval_frac_1 = -1.;
281 double nocdc_frac = -1.;
282 double notop_frac = -1.;
283 double noarich_frac = -1.;
284 double muidcontent = hist_muid->GetBinContent(1);
285 double goodmu_o_badmu = -1.;
286 if (muidcontent != 0) {
287 goodmu_o_badmu = hist_muid->GetBinContent(20) / muidcontent;
289 goodmu_o_badmu = 0.0;
291 double pval_more95 = 0.0;
292 double pval_less05 = 0.0;
293 for (
int i = 95; i < 100; i++) pval_more95 += hist_Pval->GetBinContent(i + 1);
294 for (
int i = 0; i < 5; i++) pval_less05 += hist_Pval->GetBinContent(i + 1);
296 goodmu_frac = hist_muid->GetBinContent(20) / neve_mumu;
297 pval_frac_0 = pval_less05 / neve_mumu;
298 pval_frac_1 = pval_more95 / neve_mumu;
299 nocdc_frac = hist_ncdc->GetBinContent(1) / neve_mumu;
300 notop_frac = hist_topdig->GetBinContent(1) / neve_mumu;
301 noarich_frac = hist_DetPhotonARICH->GetBinContent(1) / neve_mumu;
311 double peak_mumu = hist_inv_p->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(hist_inv_p->GetMaximumBin());
312 TF1* f_mumuInvM =
new TF1(
"gaus", peak_mumu - 0.04, peak_mumu + 0.04);
313 f_mumuInvM->SetParameters(hist_inv_p->GetMaximum(), peak_mumu, 0.045);
314 f_mumuInvM->SetParLimits(1, peak_mumu - 0.04, peak_mumu + 0.04);
315 f_mumuInvM->SetParLimits(2, 0.01, 0.06);
316 hist_inv_p->Fit(f_mumuInvM,
317 double fit_mumumass = f_mumuInvM->GetParameter(1);
318 if (fit_mumumass < 9.) fit_mumumass = 9.;
319 if (fit_mumumass > 12.) fit_mumumass = 12.;
360 auto* hist_D0_InvM =
361 auto* hist_delta_m =
362 auto* hist_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion =
363 auto* hist_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion =
364 auto* hist_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion =
365 auto* hist_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion =
366 auto* hist_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion =
367 auto* hist_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion =
368 auto* hist_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion =
369 auto* hist_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion =
370 auto* hist_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion =
371 auto* hist_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion =
372 auto* hist_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion =
373 auto* hist_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion =
374 auto* hist_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion =
375 auto* hist_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion =
376 auto* hist_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon =
377 auto* hist_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon =
378 auto* hist_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon =
379 auto* hist_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon =
380 auto* hist_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon =
381 auto* hist_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon =
382 auto* hist_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon =
383 auto* hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion =
384 auto* hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion =
385 auto* hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion =
386 auto* hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion =
387 auto* hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion =
388 auto* hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion =
389 auto* hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion =
390 auto* hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion =
391 auto* hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion =
392 auto* hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion =
393 auto* hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion =
394 auto* hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion =
395 auto* hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion =
396 auto* hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion =
397 auto* hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon =
398 auto* hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon =
399 auto* hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon =
400 auto* hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon =
401 auto* hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon =
402 auto* hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon =
403 auto* hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon =
404 auto* hist_D0_pi0_InvM =
405 if (hist_D0_InvM ==
nullptr) {
406 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_InvM histogram!");
409 if (hist_delta_m ==
nullptr) {
410 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_delta_m histogram!");
413 if (hist_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion ==
nullptr) {
414 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion histogram!");
417 if (hist_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion ==
nullptr) {
418 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion histogram!");
421 if (hist_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion ==
nullptr) {
422 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion histogram!");
425 if (hist_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion ==
nullptr) {
426 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion histogram!");
429 if (hist_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion ==
nullptr) {
430 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion histogram!");
433 if (hist_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion ==
nullptr) {
434 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion histogram!");
437 if (hist_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion ==
nullptr) {
438 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion histogram!");
441 if (hist_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion ==
nullptr) {
442 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion histogram!");
445 if (hist_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion ==
nullptr) {
446 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion histogram!");
449 if (hist_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion ==
nullptr) {
450 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion histogram!");
453 if (hist_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion ==
nullptr) {
454 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion histogram!");
457 if (hist_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion ==
nullptr) {
458 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion histogram!");
461 if (hist_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion ==
nullptr) {
462 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion histogram!");
465 if (hist_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion ==
nullptr) {
466 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion histogram!");
469 if (hist_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon ==
nullptr) {
470 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon histogram!");
473 if (hist_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon ==
nullptr) {
474 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon histogram!");
477 if (hist_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon ==
nullptr) {
478 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon histogram!");
481 if (hist_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon ==
nullptr) {
482 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon histogram!");
485 if (hist_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon ==
nullptr) {
486 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon histogram!");
489 if (hist_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon ==
nullptr) {
490 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon histogram!");
493 if (hist_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon ==
nullptr) {
494 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon histogram!");
497 if (hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion ==
nullptr) {
498 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion histogram!");
501 if (hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion ==
nullptr) {
502 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion histogram!");
505 if (hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion ==
nullptr) {
506 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion histogram!");
509 if (hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion ==
nullptr) {
510 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion histogram!");
513 if (hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion ==
nullptr) {
514 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion histogram!");
517 if (hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion ==
nullptr) {
518 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion histogram!");
521 if (hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion ==
nullptr) {
522 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion histogram!");
525 if (hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion ==
nullptr) {
526 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion histogram!");
529 if (hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion ==
nullptr) {
530 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion histogram!");
533 if (hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion ==
nullptr) {
534 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion histogram!");
537 if (hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion ==
nullptr) {
538 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion histogram!");
541 if (hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion ==
nullptr) {
542 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion histogram!");
545 if (hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion ==
nullptr) {
546 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion histogram!");
549 if (hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion ==
nullptr) {
550 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion histogram!");
553 if (hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon ==
nullptr) {
554 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon histogram!");
557 if (hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon ==
nullptr) {
558 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon histogram!");
561 if (hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon ==
nullptr) {
562 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon histogram!");
565 if (hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon ==
nullptr) {
566 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon histogram!");
569 if (hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon ==
nullptr) {
570 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon histogram!");
573 if (hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon ==
nullptr) {
574 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon histogram!");
577 if (hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon ==
nullptr) {
578 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon histogram!");
581 if (hist_D0_pi0_InvM ==
nullptr) {
582 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the hist_D0_pi0_InvM histogram!");
586 TF1* f_InvM =
new TF1(
"[0]*TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2])+[3]*pow(x-[4],2)+[5]", 1.81, 1.95);
587 f_InvM->SetParNames(
588 f_InvM->SetParameters(hist_D0_InvM->GetMaximum(), 1.86, 5e-3, 0., 1.86, 0.);
589 hist_D0_InvM->Fit(f_InvM,
"", 1.81, 1.95);
590 f_InvM->SetLineColor(kRed);
592 TF1* f_delta_m =
new TF1(
"[0]*TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2])+[3]*pow(x-[4],2)+[5]", 0.14, 0.16);
593 f_delta_m->SetParNames(
594 f_delta_m->SetParameters(hist_delta_m->GetMaximum(), 0.145, 5e-4, 0., 0.145, 0.);
595 hist_delta_m->Fit(f_delta_m,
"", 0.14, 0.16);
596 f_delta_m->SetLineColor(kRed);
598 TF1* f_pi0_InvM =
new TF1(
"[0]*TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2])+[3]*pow(x-[4],2)+[5]", 0.09, 0.17);
599 f_pi0_InvM->SetParNames(
600 f_pi0_InvM->SetParameters(hist_D0_pi0_InvM->GetMaximum(), 0.13, 5e-3, 0., 0.13, 0.);
601 hist_D0_pi0_InvM->Fit(f_pi0_InvM,
"", 0.09, 0.17);
602 f_pi0_InvM->SetLineColor(kRed);
605 TF1* f_gaus_InvM =
new TF1(
"gaus", 1.81, 1.95);
606 f_gaus_InvM->SetParameters(f_InvM->GetParameter(0), f_InvM->GetParameter(1), f_InvM->GetParameter(2));
607 double InvM_bin_width = hist_D0_InvM->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
608 double neve_dst = f_gaus_InvM->Integral(1.81, 1.95) / InvM_bin_width;
610 TF1* f_gaus_pi0_InvM =
new TF1(
"gaus", 0.09, 0.17);
611 f_gaus_pi0_InvM->SetParameters(f_pi0_InvM->GetParameter(0), f_pi0_InvM->GetParameter(1), f_pi0_InvM->GetParameter(2));
612 double pi0_InvM_bin_width = hist_D0_pi0_InvM->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
613 double neve_pi0 = f_gaus_pi0_InvM->Integral(0.09, 0.17) / pi0_InvM_bin_width;
616 hist_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion->Sumw2();
617 hist_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion->Sumw2();
618 hist_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion->Sumw2();
619 hist_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion->Sumw2();
620 hist_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion->Sumw2();
621 hist_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion->Sumw2();
622 hist_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion->Sumw2();
623 hist_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion->Sumw2();
624 hist_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion->Sumw2();
625 hist_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion->Sumw2();
626 hist_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion->Sumw2();
627 hist_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion->Sumw2();
628 hist_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion->Sumw2();
629 hist_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion->Sumw2();
630 hist_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon->Sumw2();
631 hist_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon->Sumw2();
632 hist_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon->Sumw2();
633 hist_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon->Sumw2();
634 hist_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon->Sumw2();
635 hist_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon->Sumw2();
636 hist_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon->Sumw2();
637 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion->Sumw2();
638 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion->Sumw2();
639 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion->Sumw2();
640 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion->Sumw2();
641 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion->Sumw2();
642 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion->Sumw2();
643 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion->Sumw2();
644 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion->Sumw2();
645 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion->Sumw2();
646 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion->Sumw2();
647 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion->Sumw2();
648 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion->Sumw2();
649 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion->Sumw2();
650 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion->Sumw2();
651 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon->Sumw2();
652 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon->Sumw2();
653 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon->Sumw2();
654 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon->Sumw2();
655 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon->Sumw2();
656 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon->Sumw2();
657 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon->Sumw2();
660 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion->Scale(
661 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion->Scale(
662 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion->Scale(
663 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion->Scale(
664 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion->Scale(
665 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion->Scale(
666 hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion->Scale(
667 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion->Scale(
668 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion->Scale(
669 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion->Scale(
670 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion->Scale(
671 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion->Scale(
672 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion->Scale(
673 hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion->Scale(
674 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon->Scale(
675 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon->Scale(
676 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon->Scale(
677 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon->Scale(
678 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon->Scale(
679 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon->Scale(
680 hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon->Scale(
683 hist_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion, -1);
684 hist_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion, -1);
685 hist_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion, -1);
686 hist_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion, -1);
687 hist_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion, -1);
688 hist_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion, -1);
689 hist_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion, -1);
690 hist_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion, -1);
691 hist_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion, -1);
692 hist_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion, -1);
693 hist_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion, -1);
694 hist_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion, -1);
695 hist_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion, -1);
696 hist_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion->Add(hist_sideband_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion, -1);
697 hist_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon->Add(hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon, -1);
698 hist_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon->Add(hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon, -1);
699 hist_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon->Add(hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon, -1);
700 hist_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon->Add(hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon, -1);
701 hist_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon->Add(hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon, -1);
702 hist_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon->Add(hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon, -1);
703 hist_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon->Add(hist_sideband_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon, -1);
709 hist_D0_InvM->Draw();
710 f_InvM->Draw(
712 hist_delta_m->Draw();
713 f_delta_m->Draw(
715 hist_D0_pi0_InvM->Draw();
716 f_pi0_InvM->Draw(
719 dst_pi_val->cd(1); hist_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion->Draw();
720 dst_pi_val->cd(2); hist_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion->Draw();
721 dst_pi_val->cd(3); hist_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion->Draw();
722 dst_pi_val->cd(4); hist_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion->Draw();
723 dst_pi_val->cd(5); hist_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion->Draw();
724 dst_pi_val->cd(6); hist_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion->Draw();
725 dst_pi_val->cd(7); hist_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion->Draw();
728 dst_k_val->cd(1); hist_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon->Draw();
729 dst_k_val->cd(2); hist_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon->Draw();
730 dst_k_val->cd(3); hist_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon->Draw();
731 dst_k_val->cd(4); hist_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon->Draw();
732 dst_k_val->cd(5); hist_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon->Draw();
733 dst_k_val->cd(6); hist_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon->Draw();
734 dst_k_val->cd(7); hist_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon->Draw();
737 double mean_D0_InvM = f_InvM->GetParameter(1);
738 double width_D0_InvM = f_InvM->GetParameter(2);
739 double mean_delta_m = f_delta_m->GetParameter(1);
740 double width_delta_m = f_delta_m->GetParameter(2);
741 double mean_pi0_InvM = f_pi0_InvM->GetParameter(1);
742 double width_pi0_InvM = f_pi0_InvM->GetParameter(2);
743 double mean_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion = hist_D0_softpi_PID_ALL_pion->GetMean();
744 double mean_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion = hist_D0_softpi_PID_SVD_pion->GetMean();
745 double mean_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion = hist_D0_softpi_PID_CDC_pion->GetMean();
746 double mean_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion = hist_D0_softpi_PID_TOP_pion->GetMean();
747 double mean_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion = hist_D0_softpi_PID_ARICH_pion->GetMean();
748 double mean_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion = hist_D0_softpi_PID_ECL_pion->GetMean();
749 double mean_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion = hist_D0_softpi_PID_KLM_pion->GetMean();
750 double mean_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion = hist_D0_pi_PID_ALL_pion->GetMean();
751 double mean_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion = hist_D0_pi_PID_SVD_pion->GetMean();
752 double mean_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion = hist_D0_pi_PID_CDC_pion->GetMean();
753 double mean_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion = hist_D0_pi_PID_TOP_pion->GetMean();
754 double mean_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion = hist_D0_pi_PID_ARICH_pion->GetMean();
755 double mean_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion = hist_D0_pi_PID_ECL_pion->GetMean();
756 double mean_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion = hist_D0_pi_PID_KLM_pion->GetMean();
757 double mean_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon = hist_D0_K_PID_ALL_kaon->GetMean();
758 double mean_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon = hist_D0_K_PID_SVD_kaon->GetMean();
759 double mean_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon = hist_D0_K_PID_CDC_kaon->GetMean();
760 double mean_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon = hist_D0_K_PID_TOP_kaon->GetMean();
761 double mean_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon = hist_D0_K_PID_ARICH_kaon->GetMean();
762 double mean_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon = hist_D0_K_PID_ECL_kaon->GetMean();
763 double mean_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon = hist_D0_K_PID_KLM_kaon->GetMean();
799 auto* histbh_npxd =
800 auto* histbh_nsvd =
801 auto* histbh_ncdc =
802 auto* histbh_topdig =
803 auto* histbh_DetPhotonARICH =
804 auto* histbh_dD0 =
805 auto* histbh_dZ0 =
806 auto* histbh_dPtcms =
807 auto* histbh_Pval =
808 auto* histbh_nExtraCDCHits =
809 auto* histbh_nECLClusters =
810 auto* histbh_electronid =
811 auto* histbh_inv_p =
812 auto* histbh_ndf =
813 auto* histbh_D0 =
814 auto* histbh_Z0 =
815 auto* histbh_theta =
816 auto* histbh_Phi0 =
817 auto* histbh_Pt =
818 auto* histbh_Mom =
819 auto* histbh_dPhicms =
821 if (histbh_npxd ==
nullptr) {
822 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_npxd histogram!");
825 if (histbh_nsvd ==
nullptr) {
826 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_nsvd histogram!");
829 if (histbh_ncdc ==
nullptr) {
830 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_ncdc histogram!");
833 if (histbh_topdig ==
nullptr) {
834 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_topdig histogram!");
837 if (histbh_DetPhotonARICH ==
nullptr) {
838 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_DetPhotonARICH histogram!");
841 if (histbh_dD0 ==
nullptr) {
842 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_dD0 histogram!");
845 if (histbh_dZ0 ==
nullptr) {
846 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_dZ0 histogram!");
849 if (histbh_dPtcms ==
nullptr) {
850 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_dPtcms histogram!");
853 if (histbh_Pval ==
nullptr) {
854 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_Pval histogram!");
857 if (histbh_nExtraCDCHits ==
nullptr) {
858 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_nExtraCDCHits histogram!");
861 if (histbh_nECLClusters ==
nullptr) {
862 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_nECLClusters histogram!");
865 if (histbh_electronid ==
nullptr) {
866 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_electronid histogram!");
869 if (histbh_inv_p ==
nullptr) {
870 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_inv_p histogram!");
873 if (histbh_ndf ==
nullptr) {
874 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_ndf histogram!");
877 if (histbh_D0 ==
nullptr) {
878 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_D0 histogram!");
881 if (histbh_Z0 ==
nullptr) {
882 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_Z0 histogram!");
885 if (histbh_theta ==
nullptr) {
886 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_theta histogram!");
889 if (histbh_Phi0 ==
nullptr) {
890 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_Phi0 histogram!");
893 if (histbh_Pt ==
nullptr) {
894 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_Pt histogram!");
897 if (histbh_Mom ==
nullptr) {
898 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_Mom histogram!");
901 if (histbh_dPhicms ==
nullptr) {
902 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histbh_dPhicms histogram!");
932 double bh_mean_npxd = histbh_npxd->GetMean();
933 double bh_mean_nsvd = histbh_nsvd->GetMean();
934 double bh_mean_ncdc = histbh_ncdc->GetMean();
935 double bh_mean_topdig = histbh_topdig->GetMean();
936 double bh_mean_parich = histbh_DetPhotonARICH->GetMean();
937 double bh_mean_ncdc_ex = histbh_nExtraCDCHits->GetMean();
938 double bh_mean_necl = histbh_nECLClusters->GetMean();
939 double bh_mean_electronid = histbh_electronid->GetMean();
940 double bh_mean_d0 = histbh_D0->GetMean();
941 double bh_mean_z0 = histbh_Z0->GetMean();
942 double bh_mean_pval = histbh_Pval->GetMean();
943 double bh_mean_ndf = histbh_ndf->GetMean();
944 double bh_dif_ndf_ncdc = mean_ndf - mean_ncdc;
945 double bh_mean_dd0 = histbh_dD0->GetMean();
946 double bh_mean_dz0 = histbh_dZ0->GetMean();
947 double bh_mean_dpt = histbh_dPtcms->GetMean();
948 double bh_rms_dd0 = histbh_dD0->GetRMS();
949 double bh_rms_dz0 = histbh_dZ0->GetRMS();
950 double bh_rms_dpt = histbh_dPtcms->GetRMS();
951 double bh_sigma68_dd0 =
952 double bh_sigma68_dz0 =
953 double bh_sigma68_dpt =
954 int bh_ntot = histbh_nsvd->GetEntries();
955 double bh_neve_bhabha = bh_ntot;
956 double bh_goode_frac = -1.;
957 double bh_pval_frac_0 = -1.;
958 double bh_pval_frac_1 = -1.;
959 double bh_nocdc_frac = -1.;
960 double bh_notop_frac = -1.;
961 double bh_noarich_frac = -1.;
962 double eidcontent = histbh_electronid->GetBinContent(1);
963 double bh_goode_o_bade;
964 if (eidcontent != 0) {
965 bh_goode_o_bade = histbh_electronid->GetBinContent(20) / eidcontent;
967 bh_goode_o_bade = 0.0;
969 double bh_pval_more95 = 0.0;
970 double bh_pval_less05 = 0.0;
971 for (
int i = 95; i < 100; i++) bh_pval_more95 += histbh_Pval->GetBinContent(i + 1);
972 for (
int i = 0; i < 5; i++) bh_pval_less05 += histbh_Pval->GetBinContent(i + 1);
973 if (bh_neve_bhabha != 0) {
974 bh_goode_frac = histbh_electronid->GetBinContent(20) / bh_neve_bhabha;
975 bh_pval_frac_0 = bh_pval_less05 / bh_neve_bhabha;
976 bh_pval_frac_1 = bh_pval_more95 / bh_neve_bhabha;
977 bh_nocdc_frac = histbh_ncdc->GetBinContent(1) / bh_neve_bhabha;
978 bh_notop_frac = histbh_topdig->GetBinContent(1) / bh_neve_bhabha;
979 bh_noarich_frac = histbh_DetPhotonARICH->GetBinContent(1) / bh_neve_bhabha;
982 bh_pval_frac_0 = 0.0;
983 bh_pval_frac_1 = 0.0;
986 bh_noarich_frac = 0.0;
1021 auto* histhad_nECLClusters =
1022 auto* histhad_visibleEnergyCMSnorm =
1023 auto* histhad_EsumCMSnorm =
1024 auto* histhad_R2 =
1025 auto* histhad_physicsresultsH =
1027 if (histhad_nECLClusters ==
nullptr) {
1028 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histhad_nECLClusters histogram!");
1031 if (histhad_visibleEnergyCMSnorm ==
nullptr) {
1032 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histhad_visibleEnergyCMSnorm histogram!");
1035 if (histhad_EsumCMSnorm ==
nullptr) {
1036 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histhad_EsumCMSnorm histogram!");
1039 if (histhad_R2 ==
nullptr) {
1040 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histhad_R2 histogram!");
1043 if (histhad_physicsresultsH ==
nullptr) {
1044 B2ERROR(
"Can not find the histhad_physicsresultsH histogram!");
1052 hadron_main->cd(2); histhad_visibleEnergyCMSnorm->Draw();
1056 double had_ntot = histhad_physicsresultsH->GetBinContent(3);
1058 double ratio_hadron_bhabha = -1.;
1060 ratio_hadron_bhabha = had_ntot / bh_neve_bhabha;
1062 ratio_hadron_bhabha = 0.0;
1068 B2DEBUG(20,
"DQMHistAnalysisMiraBelle : endRun called");
1074 B2DEBUG(20,
"terminate called");
TCanvas * dst_k_val
TCanvas object for PID distributions of K.
void initialize() override final
Initialize the Module.
TCanvas * bhabha_main
TCanvas object for main display.
TCanvas * hadron_main
TCanvas object for main display.
TCanvas * bhabha_resolution
TCanvas object for resolution display.
TCanvas * mumu_resolution
TCanvas object for resolution display.
Belle2::MonitoringObject * mon_bhabha
MonitoringObject for bhabha events.
void terminate() override final
Termination action.
TCanvas * dst_pi_val
TCanvas object for PID distributions of pi.
Belle2::MonitoringObject * mon_dst
MonitoringObject for D* events.
void event() override final
Event processor.
TCanvas * mumu_main
TCanvas object for main display.
TCanvas * mumu_muon_val
TCanvas object for mumu values display.
Belle2::MonitoringObject * mon_mumu
MonitoringObject for mumu events.
void endRun() override final
End-of-run action.
TCanvas * dst_mass
TCanvas object for D0 mass, delta mass, and pi0 mass.
double m_scale_dst
Scale factor "signal region" / "sideband", assuming uniform events.
void beginRun() override final
Called when entering a new run.
Belle2::MonitoringObject * mon_hadron
MonitoringObject for hadronb2 tight events.
The base class for the histogram analysis module.
static TH1 * findHist(const std::string &histname, bool onlyIfUpdated=false)
Get histogram from list (no other search).
double getSigma68(TH1 *h) const
Helper function to compute half of the central interval covering 68% of a distribution.
static MonitoringObject * getMonitoringObject(const std::string &histname)
Get MonitoringObject with given name (new object is created if non-existing)
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
void setVariable(const std::string &var, float val, float upErr=-1., float dwErr=-1)
set value to float variable (new variable is made if not yet existing)
void addCanvas(TCanvas *canv)
Add Canvas to monitoring object.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T ¶mVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.