Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 //+
9 // File :
10 // Description : Analysis of PXD DAQ and Issues
11 //-
14 #include <dqm/analysis/modules/DQMHistAnalysisPXDDAQ.h>
15 #include <TROOT.h>
17 using namespace std;
18 using namespace Belle2;
20 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
21 // Register the Module
22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
25 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
26 // Implementation
27 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
29 DQMHistAnalysisPXDDAQModule::DQMHistAnalysisPXDDAQModule()
31 {
32  // This module CAN NOT be run in parallel!
33  setDescription("DQM Analysis for PXD DAQ Statistics and Issues");
35  // Parameter definition
36  addParam("histogramDirectoryName", m_histogramDirectoryName, "Name of Histogram dir", std::string("PXDDAQ"));
37  addParam("minEntries", m_minEntries, "minimum number of new entries for last time slot", 10000);
38  B2DEBUG(1, "DQMHistAnalysisPXDDAQ: Constructor done.");
40 }
43 {
44 }
47 {
48  B2DEBUG(1, "DQMHistAnalysisPXDDAQ: initialized.");
52  gROOT->cd(); // this seems to be important, or strange things happen
54  m_cDAQError = new TCanvas((m_histogramDirectoryName + "/c_DAQError").data());
55  m_cMissingDHC = new TCanvas((m_histogramDirectoryName + "/c_MissingDHC").data());
56  m_cMissingDHE = new TCanvas((m_histogramDirectoryName + "/c_MissingDHE").data());
57  m_cMissingDHP = new TCanvas((m_histogramDirectoryName + "/c_MissingDHP").data());
58  m_cStatistic = new TCanvas((m_histogramDirectoryName + "/c_Statistic").data());
59  m_cStatisticUpd = new TCanvas((m_histogramDirectoryName + "/c_StatisticUpd").data());
61  HistDelta::c_Underflow, m_minEntries, 1); // register delta
69  m_hMissingDHC = new TH2F("hPXDMissingDHC", "PXD Missing DHC", 16, 0, 16, 2, 0, 2);
70  m_hMissingDHE = new TH2F("hPXDMissingDHE", "PXD Missing DHE", 64, 0, 64, 2, 0, 2);
72  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:HLTRej", "HLTReject");
73  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:Trunc", "Trunc");
74  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:HER_Trunc", "HER_Trunc");
75  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:LER_Trunc", "LER_Trunc");
76  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:CM63", "CM63");
77  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:HER_CM63", "HER_CM63");
78  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:LER_CM63", "LER_CM63");
79  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:HER_CM63_1ms", "HER_CM63_1ms");
80  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:LER_CM63_1ms", "LER_CM63_1ms");
81  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:HER_Trunc_1ms", "HER_Trunc_1ms");
82  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:LER_Trunc_1ms", "LER_Trunc_1ms");
83  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:MissFrame", "MissFrame");
84  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:Timeout", "Timeout");
85  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:LinkDown", "LinkDown");
86  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:Mismatch", "Mismatch");
87  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:HER_Miss", "HER_Miss");
88  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:LER_Miss", "LER_Miss");
89  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:HER_Miss_1ms", "HER_Miss_1ms");
90  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:LER_Miss_1ms", "LER_Miss_1ms");
91  registerEpicsPV("PXD:DAQ:unused", "unused");
92 }
95 {
96  B2DEBUG(1, "DQMHistAnalysisPXDDAQ: beginRun called.");
98  m_cMissingDHP->Clear();
99  m_cMissingDHE->Clear();
100  m_cMissingDHC->Clear();
101  m_cStatistic->Clear();
102  m_cStatisticUpd->Clear();
103 }
106 {
107 // double data = 0.0;
108  if (m_cMissingDHP == nullptr || m_cMissingDHE == nullptr || m_cMissingDHC == nullptr
109  || m_cStatistic == nullptr) return; // we could assume this
111  {
112  std::string name = "PXDDAQError";
114 // if (m_hDAQError) { delete m_hDAQError; m_hDAQError = nullptr;}
116  auto hh1 = findHist(m_histogramDirectoryName, name, true);
117  if (hh1) {
118  m_cDAQError->Clear();
119  m_cDAQError->cd();
120  m_hDAQError = (TH1D*)hh1->DrawClone("text");
121  m_hDAQError->SetName("hPXDDAQError");
122  m_hDAQError->SetTitle("PXD Fraction of DAQ Errors");
123  if (m_hDAQError->GetBinContent(0)) {
124  m_hDAQError->Scale(1.0 / m_hDAQError->GetBinContent(0));
125  }
126  m_hDAQError->Draw("text,hist");
127  UpdateCanvas(m_cDAQError, true);
128  }
129  }
130  {
131  // DHC histogram
132  std::string name = "PXDDAQDHCError";
134  auto hh1 = findHist(m_histogramDirectoryName, name, true);
135  if (hh1) {
136  auto events = hh1->GetBinContent(hh1->GetBin(-1, -1));
137  m_cMissingDHC->Clear();
138  m_cMissingDHC->cd();
139  // first, we have to relate the per-DHC overflow (DHC object count) to the overall overflow (event count)
140  // second, we have to relate the "fake data" DHC bin to the per-DHC overflow (DHC object count)
141  m_hMissingDHC->Reset();
142  for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
143  auto dhecount = hh1->GetBinContent(hh1->GetBin(i, -1));
144  if (events > 0) m_hMissingDHC->Fill((double)i, 0.0, 1.0 - dhecount / events);
145  // c_FAKE_NO_DATA_TRIG = 1ull << 29,
146  if (dhecount > 0) m_hMissingDHC->Fill((double)i, 1.0, hh1->GetBinContent(hh1->GetBin(i, 29) / dhecount));
147  }
148  m_hMissingDHC->Draw("text");
150  }
151  }
153  {
154  // DHE histogram
155  std::string name = "PXDDAQDHEError";
157  auto hh1 = findHist(m_histogramDirectoryName, name, true);
158  if (hh1) {
159  auto events = hh1->GetBinContent(hh1->GetBin(-1, -1));
160  // first, we have to relate the per-DHE overflow (DHE object count) to the overall overflow (event count)
161  // second, we have to relate the "fake data" DHE bin to the per-DHE overflow (DHE object count)
162  m_cMissingDHE->Clear();
163  m_cMissingDHE->cd();
164  m_hMissingDHE->Reset();
165  for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
166  auto dhecount = hh1->GetBinContent(hh1->GetBin(i, -1));
167  if (events > 0) m_hMissingDHE->Fill((double)i, 0.0, 1.0 - dhecount / events);
168  // c_FAKE_NO_DATA_TRIG = 1ull << 29,
169  if (dhecount > 0) m_hMissingDHE->Fill((double)i, 1.0, hh1->GetBinContent(hh1->GetBin(i, 29) / dhecount));
170  }
171  m_hMissingDHE->Draw("text");
173  }
174  }
176  {
177  // DHP histogram
178  //if (m_hMissingDHP) { delete m_hMissingDHP; m_hMissingDHP = nullptr;}
180  std::string name = "PXDDAQDHPDataMissing";
182  auto hh1 = findHist(m_histogramDirectoryName, name, true);
183  if (hh1) {
184  m_cMissingDHP->Clear();
186  m_cMissingDHP->cd();
187  m_hMissingDHP = (TH1F*)hh1->DrawClone("text");
188  if (m_hMissingDHP->GetBinContent(0)) {
189  m_hMissingDHP->Scale(1.0 / m_hMissingDHP->GetBinContent(0));
190  m_hMissingDHP->Draw("text");
191  }
192  m_cMissingDHP->Modified();
193  m_cMissingDHP->Update();
195  }
196  // double data = m_hMissingDHP->Max???;
197  //
198  // m_monObj->setVariable("missingDHPFraction", data);
199  //
200  }
202  std::string name = "PXDDAQStat";
204  auto* statsum = findHist(m_histogramDirectoryName, name, true);
205  if (statsum) {
206  // Stat histogram
207  //if (m_hStatistic) { delete m_hStatistic; m_hStatistic = nullptr;}
208  m_cStatistic->cd();
209  m_hStatistic = (TH1D*)statsum->DrawClone("text");
210  if (m_hStatistic->GetBinContent(0)) {
211  m_hStatistic->Scale(1.0 / m_hStatistic->GetBinContent(0));
212  m_hStatistic->Draw("text");
213  }
214  m_cStatistic->Modified();
215  m_cStatistic->Update();
216  UpdateCanvas(m_cStatistic, true);
217  }
219  // now the important part, check fraction of "errors" and export
220  double data_HLTRej = 0.0;
221  double data_Trunc = 0.0;
222  double data_HER_Trunc = 0.0;
223  double data_LER_Trunc = 0.0;
224  double data_CM63 = 0.0;
225  double data_HER_CM63 = 0.0;
226  double data_LER_CM63 = 0.0;
227  double data_HER_CM63_1ms = 0.0;
228  double data_LER_CM63_1ms = 0.0;
229  double data_HER_Trunc_1ms = 0.0;
230  double data_LER_Trunc_1ms = 0.0;
231  double data_MissFrame = 0.0;
232  double data_Timeout = 0.0;
233  double data_LinkDown = 0.0;
234  double data_Mismatch = 0.0;
235  double data_HER_Miss = 0.0;
236  double data_LER_Miss = 0.0;
237  double data_HER_Miss_1ms = 0.0;
238  double data_LER_Miss_1ms = 0.0;
239  double data_unused = 0.0;
241  bool update_epics = false;
243  auto* delta = getDelta(m_histogramDirectoryName, name); // only updated by default
244  if (delta) {
245  gROOT->cd();
246  m_cStatisticUpd->Clear();
247  m_cStatisticUpd->cd();// necessary!
248  delta->Draw("hist");
249  // now check that we have enough stats for useful export
250  double scale = delta->GetBinContent(0);// underflow is event counter
251  if (scale >= m_minEntries) {
252  if (scale != 0.0) scale = 1.0 / scale; // just avoid divide by zero, should never happen
253  data_HLTRej = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 0) * scale;
254  data_Trunc = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 1) * scale;
255  data_HER_Trunc = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 2) * scale;
256  data_LER_Trunc = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 3) * scale;
257  data_CM63 = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 4) * scale;
258  data_HER_CM63 = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 5) * scale;
259  data_LER_CM63 = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 6) * scale;
260  data_HER_CM63_1ms = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 7) * scale;
261  data_LER_CM63_1ms = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 8) * scale;
262  data_HER_Trunc_1ms = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 9) * scale;
263  data_LER_Trunc_1ms = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 10) * scale;
264  data_MissFrame = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 11) * scale;
265  data_Timeout = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 12) * scale;
266  data_LinkDown = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 13) * scale;
267  data_Mismatch = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 14) * scale;
268  data_HER_Miss = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 15) * scale;
269  data_LER_Miss = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 16) * scale;
270  data_HER_Miss_1ms = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 17) * scale;
271  data_LER_Miss_1ms = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 18) * scale;
272  data_unused = delta->GetBinContent(1 + 19) * scale;
273  update_epics = true;
274  }
275  m_cStatisticUpd->Modified();
276  m_cStatisticUpd->Update();
277  }
279  if (update_epics) {
280  m_monObj->setVariable("HLTReject", data_HLTRej);
281  m_monObj->setVariable("Trunc", data_Trunc);
282  m_monObj->setVariable("HER_Trunc", data_HER_Trunc);
283  m_monObj->setVariable("LER_Trunc", data_LER_Trunc);
284  m_monObj->setVariable("CM63", data_CM63);
285  m_monObj->setVariable("HER_CM63", data_HER_CM63);
286  m_monObj->setVariable("LER_CM63", data_LER_CM63);
287  m_monObj->setVariable("HER_CM63_1ms", data_HER_CM63_1ms);
288  m_monObj->setVariable("LER_CM63_1ms", data_LER_CM63_1ms);
289  m_monObj->setVariable("HER_Trunc_1ms", data_HER_Trunc_1ms);
290  m_monObj->setVariable("LER_Trunc_1ms", data_LER_Trunc_1ms);
291  m_monObj->setVariable("MissFrame", data_MissFrame);
292  m_monObj->setVariable("Timeout", data_Timeout);
293  m_monObj->setVariable("LinkDown", data_LinkDown);
294  m_monObj->setVariable("Mismatch", data_Mismatch);
295  m_monObj->setVariable("HER_Miss", data_HER_Miss);
296  m_monObj->setVariable("LER_Miss", data_LER_Miss);
297  m_monObj->setVariable("HER_Miss_1ms", data_HER_Miss_1ms);
298  m_monObj->setVariable("LER_Miss_1ms", data_LER_Miss_1ms);
300  setEpicsPV("HLTReject", data_HLTRej);
301  setEpicsPV("Trunc", data_Trunc);
302  setEpicsPV("HER_Trunc", data_HER_Trunc);
303  setEpicsPV("LER_Trunc", data_LER_Trunc);
304  setEpicsPV("CM63", data_CM63);
305  setEpicsPV("HER_CM63", data_HER_CM63);
306  setEpicsPV("LER_CM63", data_LER_CM63);
307  setEpicsPV("HER_CM63_1ms", data_HER_CM63_1ms);
308  setEpicsPV("LER_CM63_1ms", data_LER_CM63_1ms);
309  setEpicsPV("HER_Trunc_1ms", data_HER_Trunc_1ms);
310  setEpicsPV("LER_Trunc_1ms", data_LER_Trunc_1ms);
311  setEpicsPV("MissFrame", data_MissFrame);
312  setEpicsPV("Timeout", data_Timeout);
313  setEpicsPV("LinkDown", data_LinkDown);
314  setEpicsPV("Mismatch", data_Mismatch);
315  setEpicsPV("HER_Miss", data_HER_Miss);
316  setEpicsPV("LER_Miss", data_LER_Miss);
317  setEpicsPV("HER_Miss_1ms", data_HER_Miss_1ms);
318  setEpicsPV("LER_Miss_1ms", data_LER_Miss_1ms);
319  setEpicsPV("unused", data_unused);
320  }
321 }
The base class for the histogram analysis module.
bool hasDeltaPar(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &histname)
Check if Delta histogram parameters exist for histogram.
int registerEpicsPV(std::string pvname, std::string keyname="", bool update_pvs=true)
EPICS related Functions.
void addDeltaPar(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &histname, HistDelta::EDeltaType t, int p, unsigned int a=1)
Add Delta histogram parameters.
static TH1 * findHist(const std::string &histname, bool onlyIfUpdated=false)
Get histogram from list (no other search).
TH1 * getDelta(const std::string &fullname, int n=0, bool onlyIfUpdated=true)
Get Delta histogram.
void setEpicsPV(std::string keyname, double value)
Write value to a EPICS PV.
void UpdateCanvas(std::string name, bool updated=true)
Mark canvas as updated (or not)
static MonitoringObject * getMonitoringObject(const std::string &histname)
Get MonitoringObject with given name (new object is created if non-existing)
int m_minEntries
Update entry intervall.
void initialize(void) override final
TH1D * m_hStatistic
Histogram covering stat.
MonitoringObject * m_monObj
Monitoring Object.
std::string m_histogramDirectoryName
name of histogram directory
TH2F * m_hMissingDHC
Histogram covering all DHC modules.
TH1 * m_hDAQError
Histogram covering all error types.
TH1F * m_hMissingDHP
Histogram covering all modules*DHP.
TH2F * m_hMissingDHE
Histogram covering all DHE modules.
void beginRun(void) override final
Called when entering a new run.
void event(void) override final
This method is called for each event.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setVariable(const std::string &var, float val, float upErr=-1., float dwErr=-1)
set value to float variable (new variable is made if not yet existing)
void addCanvas(TCanvas *canv)
Add Canvas to monitoring object.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.