11 #include <dqm/core/DQMHistAnalysis.h>
40 void event()
override final;
42 void endRun()
override final;
69 std::vector<float>
int iLayer, TH1F* hU, TH1F* hV,
int iBin,
int nEvents)
81 std::vector<float>
int iLayer, TH1F* hU, TH1F* hV,
int min,
int max,
int offset,
int step,
int nEvents)
90 std::vector<float>
avgEfficiencyUV(TH2F* hMCU, TH2F* hMCV, TH2F* hFTU, TH2F* hFTV,
int minX,
int maxX,
int minY,
int maxY)
The base class for the histogram analysis module.
Class derived from HistoModule, for SVD monitoring variables at MiraBelle.
void initialize() override final
Module function initialize.
float histFWHM(TH1F *h) const
Calculate full width at half maximum of histogram.
TCanvas * m_c_MPVTimeClusterOnTrack
time for clusters on track
TCanvas * m_c_MeanSVDEventT0
Mean Event T0 from SVD.
std::vector< float > avgEfficiencyUV(TH2F *hMCU, TH2F *hMCV, TH2F *hFTU, TH2F *hFTV, int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY) const
Calculate avg efficiency for specified sensors.
std::vector< float > avgOccupancyUV(int iLayer, TH1F *hU, TH1F *hV, int min, int max, int offset, int step, int nEvents) const
Calculate avg offline occupancy for specified sensors.
TCanvas * m_c_MPVChargeClusterOnTrack
charge for clusters on track
MonitoringObject * m_monObj
Monitoring Object to be produced by this module, which contain defined canvases and monitoring variab...
TCanvas * m_c_avgEfficiency
List of canvases to be added to MonitoringObject.
void terminate() override final
Module function terminate.
void event() override final
Module function event.
TCanvas * m_c_MPVSNRClusterOnTrack
SNR for clusters on track.
void endRun() override final
Module function endRun.
float xForMaxY(TH1F *h) const
Calculate abscissa of max Y bin.
TCanvas * m_c_avgOffOccupancy
number of ZS5 fired strips
void beginRun() override final
Module function beginRun.
TCanvas * m_c_avgMaxBinClusterOnTrack
average number of the APV sample which corresponds to the maximum amplitude for clusters on track
std::vector< float > highOccupancySensor(int iLayer, TH1F *hU, TH1F *hV, int iBin, int nEvents) const
Calculate avg offline occupancy for one specific sensor, especially with high occupancy.
MonitoringObject is a basic object to hold data for the run-dependency monitoring Run summary TCanvas...
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.