11 #include <dqm/core/DQMHistAnalysis.h>
17 #include <TPaveText.h>
59 void event()
override final;
64 void endRun()
override final;
141 int getAlarmState(
double value,
const std::vector<double>& alarmLevels,
bool bigRed =
173 void setAlarmLines(
const std::vector<double>& alarmLevels,
double xmin,
double xmax, std::vector<TLine*>& alarmLines,
The base class for the histogram analysis module.
@ c_ColorWarning
Analysis result: Warning, there may be minor issues.
@ c_ColorError
Analysis result: Severe issue found.
@ c_ColorTooFew
Not enough entries/event to judge.
@ c_ColorGood
Analysis result: Good.
@ c_StatusDefault
default for non-coloring
@ c_StatusTooFew
Not enough entries/event to judge.
@ c_StatusError
Analysis result: Severe issue found.
@ c_StatusWarning
Analysis result: Warning, there may be minor issues.
@ c_StatusGood
Analysis result: Good.
Class for TOP histogram analysis.
void updateEventMonitorCanvas()
Updates canvas of event desynchronization monitor w/ alarming.
std::vector< int > m_alarmColors
alarm colors (see base class)
std::vector< int > m_asicWindowsBand
lower and upper bin of a band denoting good windows
void setZAxisRange(const std::string &name, double scale)
Sets z-axis range of 2D histograms.
TCanvas * m_c_photonYields
Canvas: photon yields per slot.
void initialize() override final
std::vector< double > m_deadChannelsAlarmLevels
alarm levels for the fraction of dead + hot channels
std::vector< double > m_asicWindowsAlarmLevels
alarm levels for fraction of windows outside the band
TPaveText * m_text2
text to be written to event desynchonization monitor
TCanvas * m_c_junkFraction
Canvas: fraction of junk hits per boardstack.
THStack * m_stack
stack for drawing dead, hot and active channel fractions
const TH1F * makeDeadAndHotFractionsPlot()
Makes a plot of dead and hot channel fractions per slot.
TPaveText * m_text3
text to be written to background rates
std::vector< TLine * > m_deadChannelsAlarmLines
lines representing alarm levels
int m_alarmStateOverall
overall alarm state of histograms to be sent by EpicsPV
TPaveText * m_text1
text to be written to window_vs_slot
std::vector< TLine * > m_photonYieldsAlarmLines
lines representing alarm levels
std::vector< bool > m_includedBoardstacks
boardstacks included in alarming
std::vector< TLine * > m_verticalLines
vertical lines splitting slots
std::string m_pvPrefix
Epics PV prefix.
TH1D * m_photonYields
photon yields per slot (corrected for active channels)
TH1D * m_backgroundRates
background rates per slot
Alarm states enumerator.
MonitoringObject * m_monObj
MiraBelle monitoring object.
TCanvas * m_c_backgroundRates
Canvas: background rates per slot.
std::vector< double > m_eventMonitorAlarmLevels
alarm levels for fraction of desynchronized digits
void terminate() override final
This method is called at the end of the event processing.
void setAlarmLines()
Sets all alarm lines.
TH1F * m_activeFraction
fraction of active channels per slot
int getAlarmColor(unsigned alarmState) const
Converts alarm state to color.
void event() override final
This method is called for each event.
std::vector< double > m_photonYieldsAlarmLevels
alarm levels for the number of photons per track
std::vector< TLine * > m_junkHitsAlarmLines
lines representing alarm levels
void setIncludedBoardstacks(const std::vector< std::string > &excludedBoardstacks)
Sets flags for boardstacks to be included in alarming.
TH1F * m_deadFraction
fraction of dead channels per slot
std::vector< int > m_officialStates
official alarm states
TH1F * m_hotFraction
fraction of hot channels per slot
std::vector< std::string > m_excludedBoardstacks
list of boarstacks to be excluded from alarming
void makePhotonYieldsAndBGRatePlots(const TH1F *activeFraction)
Make plots of dead-and-hot-channel corrected photon yields and BG rates per slot.
TH1F * m_junkFraction
fraction of junk hits per boardstack
double getMean(const TH2 *h)
Returns histogram mean by excluding bins with zero content.
void endRun() override final
This method is called if the current run ends.
void makeBGSubtractedTimimgPlot(const std::string &name, const TH2F *trackHits, int slot)
Makes background subtracted time distribution plot.
int getAlarmState(double value, const std::vector< double > &alarmLevels, bool bigRed=true) const
Returns alarm state.
std::vector< TLine * > m_asicWindowsBandLines
lines denoting a band of good windows
void makeJunkFractionPlot()
Makes a plot of fractions of junk hits per boardstack.
double m_totalWindowFraction
total fraction of windows outside the band
void beginRun() override final
Called when entering a new run.
TLegend * m_legend
legend for dead and hot channels
TCanvas * m_c_deadAndHot
Canvas: fractin of dead and hot channels.
std::vector< TLine * > m_backgroundAlarmLines
lines representing alarm levels
void updateWindowVsSlotCanvas()
Updates canvas of window_vs_slot w/ alarming.
std::map< std::string, int > m_bsmap
a map of boardstack names to ID's
std::vector< double > m_backgroundAlarmLevels
alarm levels for background rates [MHz/PMT]
void setEpicsVariables()
Calculates and sets epics variables.
std::vector< double > m_junkHitsAlarmLevels
alarm levels for the fraction of junk hits
TH1D * m_windowFractions
fraction of windows outside the band denoting good windows, per slot
bool m_IsNullRun
Run type flag for null runs.
int getOffcialAlarmStatus(unsigned alarmState) const
Converts alarm state to official status (see EStatus of the base class)
void updateLimits()
Updates limits defined by module parameters using EpicsPVs.
void setMiraBelleVariables(const std::string &variableName, const TH1 *histogram)
Sets MiraBelle variables from the histogram with bins corresponding to slot numbers.
MonitoringObject is a basic object to hold data for the run-dependency monitoring Run summary TCanvas...
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.