Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 //+
9 // File :
10 // Description : DQM Histogram analysis module to generate delta histograms
11 //-
14 #include <framework/core/ModuleParam.templateDetails.h>
15 #include <dqm/analysis/modules/DQMHistDeltaHisto.h>
16 #include <TROOT.h>
17 #include <TClass.h>
19 using namespace std;
20 using namespace Belle2;
22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
23 // Register the Module
24 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
25 REG_MODULE(DQMHistDeltaHisto);
27 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
28 // Implementation
29 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
31 DQMHistDeltaHistoModule::DQMHistDeltaHistoModule()
33 {
34  addParam("Interval", m_interval, "Interval time for diff histos [s]", 180);
35  addParam("MonitoredHistos", m_monitoredHistos, "List of histograms to monitor", vector<string>());
36  B2DEBUG(20, "DQMHistDeltaHisto: Constructor done.");
37 }
43 {
44  gROOT->cd();
45  B2DEBUG(20, "DQMHistDeltaHisto: initialized.");
46  for (auto& histoname : m_monitoredHistos) {
47  queue<SSNODE*> hq;
48  m_histosQueues[histoname] = hq;
49  }
50  m_evtMetaDataPtr.isRequired();
51 }
55 {
56  B2DEBUG(20, "DQMHistDeltaHisto: beginRun called.");
57  for (auto& histoname : m_monitoredHistos) {
58  queue<SSNODE*>& hq = m_histosQueues[histoname];
59  while (!hq.empty()) {
60  SSNODE* nn = hq.front();
61  clear_node(nn);
62  delete nn;
63  hq.pop();
64  }
65  }
66 }
69 {
70  delete n->histo;
71  delete n->diff_histo;
72 }
75 {
77  B2DEBUG(20, "DQMHistDeltaHisto: event called.");
78  if (!m_evtMetaDataPtr.isValid()) {
79  B2ERROR("No valid EventMetaData.");
80  return;
81  }
82  time_t cur_mtime = m_evtMetaDataPtr->getTime();
84  for (auto& histoname : m_monitoredHistos) {
85  TH1* hh = findHist(histoname.c_str());
86  if (hh == nullptr) continue;
87  if (hh->GetDimension() != 1) continue;
88  queue<SSNODE*>& hq = m_histosQueues[histoname];
89  if (hq.empty()) {
90  SSNODE* n = new SSNODE;
91  n->histo = (TH1*)hh->Clone();
92  n->diff_histo = (TH1*)hh->Clone();
93  n->time_modified = cur_mtime;
94  hq.push(n);
95  } else {
96  while (!hq.empty()) {
97  SSNODE* nn = hq.front();
98  if ((cur_mtime - nn->time_modified < m_interval) || (hq.size() == 1)) {
99  if (hq.back()->time_modified == cur_mtime) {
100  break;
101  }
102  SSNODE* n = new SSNODE;
103  n->histo = (TH1*)hh->Clone();
104  n->diff_histo = (TH1*)hh->Clone();
105  n->diff_histo->Add(nn->histo, -1);
106  n->time_modified = cur_mtime;
107  hq.push(n);
108  break;
109  } else {
110  clear_node(nn);
111  delete nn;
112  hq.pop();
113  }
114  }
115  }
116  auto s = StringSplit(histoname, '/');
117  auto dirname =;
118  auto hname =;
119  std::string canvas_name = dirname + "/c_" + hname;
120  TCanvas* c = findCanvas(canvas_name);
121  if (c == nullptr) continue;
122  TH1* h_diff = hq.back()->diff_histo;
123  h_diff->SetName((histoname + "_diff").data());
124  if (h_diff->Integral() != 0) h_diff->Scale(hh->Integral() / h_diff->Integral());
125  c->cd();
126  h_diff->SetLineColor(kRed);
127  h_diff->SetLineStyle(kDotted);
128  h_diff->SetStats(kFALSE);
129  h_diff->Draw("hist,same");
130  c->Modified();
131  c->Update();
132  }
134 }
137 {
138  B2DEBUG(20, "DQMHistDeltaHisto: endRun called");
139 }
143 {
144  B2DEBUG(20, "DQMHistDeltaHisto: terminate called");
145 }
The base class for the histogram analysis module.
TCanvas * findCanvas(TString cname)
Find canvas by name.
static TH1 * findHist(const std::string &histname, bool onlyIfUpdated=false)
Get histogram from list (no other search).
std::vector< std::string > StringSplit(const std::string &s, const char delim)
Helper function for string token split.
void initialize() override final
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_evtMetaDataPtr
The metadata for each event.
void terminate() override final
This method is called at the end of the event processing.
void event() override final
This method is called for each event.
void clear_node(SSNODE *n)
Clear content of SSNODE.
void endRun() override final
This method is called if the current run ends.
int m_interval
Interval between checks in second.
std::map< std::string, std::queue< SSNODE * > > m_histosQueues
Map of histogram names to queues of monitoring objects.
void beginRun() override final
Called when entering a new run.
std::vector< std::string > m_monitoredHistos
Names of the histograms that should be monitored.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
The struct for the snapshots.
TH1 * histo
The histogram for snapshot.
time_t time_modified
Whether the histogram is not updated for a long time.