11 #include <reconstruction/modules/KlId/DataWriter/DataWriterModule.h>
12 #include <mdst/dataobjects/KlId.h>
14 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
16 #include <tracking/dataobjects/TrackClusterSeparation.h>
18 #include <analysis/ClusterUtility/ClusterUtils.h>
23 #include <Math/VectorUtil.h>
25 #include "reconstruction/modules/KlId/KLMExpert/KlId.h"
37 DataWriterModule::DataWriterModule():
39 setDescription(
"Used to write flat ntuple for KlId classifier trainings for both ECL and KLM KlID. Output is a root file.");
71 m_treeKLM =
new TTree(
217 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& clusterPos = cluster.getClusterPosition();
240 float best_dist = 100000000;
241 for (
auto trackSeperation : trackSeperations) {
243 if (dist < best_dist) {
245 trackSep = &trackSeperation;
271 ECLCluster* closestECLCluster = get<0>(closestECLAndDist);
274 if (!(closestECLCluster ==
nullptr)) {
309 const auto mcParticleWeightPair = cluster.getRelatedToWithWeight<
310 MCParticle* part = mcParticleWeightPair.first;
317 m_KLMAngleToMC = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(clusterPos, part->getMomentum());
337 KlId* klid = cluster.getRelatedTo<
352 if (!
m_useECL or !cluster.hasHypothesis(eclHypothesis)) {
356 m_ECLE = cluster.getEnergy(eclHypothesis);
361 m_ECLZ51 = cluster.getAbsZernike51();
362 m_ECLZ40 = cluster.getAbsZernike40();
384 KlId* klid = cluster.getRelatedTo<
391 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& clusterPos = cluster.getClusterPosition();
406 const auto mcParticleWeightPair = cluster.getRelatedToWithWeight<
407 MCParticle* part = mcParticleWeightPair.first;
Class to provide momentum-related information from ECLClusters.
const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector Get4MomentumFromCluster(const ECLCluster *cluster, ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit hypo)
Returns four momentum vector.
Float_t m_KLMnLayer
number of layers hit in KLM cluster
bool m_useKLM
write out KLM data
Float_t m_ECLnumChrystals
number of crystals in the cluster
Float_t m_KLMInitialTrackSepAngle
angular distance from track to cluster at track starting point
Float_t m_KLMTrackSepDist
distance from track separation object
Float_t m_KLMnCluster
varibales to write out.
Float_t m_KLMMCPhi
phi of matched mc particle
Float_t m_ECLMCLifetime
MC particles lifetime.
Float_t m_ECLE1oE9
central crystal devided by 3x3 area with it in its center
Float_t m_KLMTheta
measured theta
Float_t m_KLMECLdeltaL
distance between track entry point and cluster center, might be removed
Float_t m_KLMTrackSepAngle
angular distance from track separation object
Float_t m_ECLMCPrimaryPDG
pdg code of higher order MC particle, a cluster related to a photon that originates from a pi0 decay ...
StoreArray< KLMCluster > m_klmClusters
Store array
Float_t m_KLMECLminTrackDist
track distance between associated ECL cluster and track extrapolated into ECL
Float_t m_ECLE9oE25
energy of 9/25 chrystall rings (E dispersion shape)
virtual void initialize() override
Float_t m_KLMMCLifetime
MC partilces life time.
std::string m_outPath
Output path variable.
Float_t m_ECLLAT
lateral shower shape
virtual void event() override
process event
Float_t m_KLMMom
measured momentum
Float_t m_KLMECLZ51
zernike moment 5,1 of closest ECL cluster
Float_t m_ECLdeltaL
distance between track entrace into cluster and cluster center
Float_t m_KLMMCPDG
pdg code of matched MCparticle
Float_t m_ECLminTrkDistance
more sophisticated distaqnce to track in ECL
Float_t m_ECLMCPDG
pdg code of the MCparticle directly related to the cluster
Float_t m_ECLMCWeight
mc weight
Float_t m_ECLKLid
classifier output
Float_t m_KLMTrackRotationAngle
angle between track at poca and trackbeginning
Float_t m_ECLEerror
uncertainty on E measurement in ECL
Float_t m_ECLR
distance of cluster to IP
Float_t m_ECLMom
measured momentum
Float_t m_ECLMCPhi
MC particle phi; -999 if not MCparticle
virtual void endRun() override
end run
Float_t m_KLMTruth
target variable for KLM classification
Float_t m_KLMAngleToMC
angle between KLMcluster and Mcparticle
Float_t m_KLMECLE9oE25
E in surrounding 9 crystals divided by surrounding 25 crydtalls.
Float_t m_ECLMCStatus
mc status, seen in detector etc.
Float_t m_ECLE
measured energy
zernike mva output for closest ECL cluster (based on around 10 z-moments)
virtual void terminate() override
TTree * m_treeECLhadron
tree containing ntuples for ECL cluster with N2 (hadron hypothesis)
Float_t m_KLMtrackToECL
primitive distance cluster <-> track for associated ECL cluster
Float_t m_ECLZ40
Zernike moment 4,0 see Belle2 note on that.
Float_t m_ECLZ
measured Z-coordinate
Float_t m_ECLUncertaintyPhi
measured uncertainty of phi
Float_t m_ECL2ndMom
second moment, shower shape
Float_t m_KLMECLUncertaintyTheta
theta uncertainty of closest ECL cluster
Float_t m_ECLZMVA
output of a BDT that was fitted on some Zernike Moments on a connected region
TTree * m_treeECLgamma
tree containing ntuples for ECL cluster with N1 (photon hypothesis)
bool m_useECL
write out KLM data
Float_t m_KLMMCStatus
MC particles status.
virtual void beginRun() override
beginn run
Float_t m_isBeamBKG
is beam bkg
Float_t m_KLMMCTheta
theta of matched mc particle
Float_t m_ECLTiming
timing of ECL
Float_t m_KLMMCWeight
mc weight
Float_t m_KLMECLTiming
timing of associated ECL cluster
Float_t m_KLMECLDist
distance associated ECL <-> KLM cluster
Float_t m_KLMglobalZ
global Z position in KLM
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusters
Store array
Float_t m_isSignal
isSignal for the classifier
Float_t m_KLMnInnermostLayer
number of innermost layers hit
Float_t m_ECLTruth
ECL trarget variable.
Float_t m_KLMtime
timing of KLM Cluster
Float_t m_KLMECLTerror
uncertainty on time in associated ECL cluster
Float_t m_KLMinvM
invariant mass calculated from root vector
Float_t m_KLMnextCluster
distance to next KLM cluster
Float_t m_ECLUncertaintyEnergy
measured energy uncertainty
Float_t m_ECLTheta
measured theta
Float_t m_ECLUncertaintyTheta
measured uncertainty on theta
Float_t m_KLMECLHypo
hypotheis id of closest ecl cluster 5: gamma, 6:hadron
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_mcParticles
Store array
TTree * m_treeKLM
tree for klm data
Float_t m_ECLDeltaTime
KlId for that object.
Float_t m_ECLPhi
measured phi
Float_t m_KLMhitDepth
hit depth in KLM, distance to IP
Float_t m_ECLZ51
Zernike moment 5,1 see Belle2 note on that.
Float_t m_KLMTrackClusterSepAngle
angle between trach momentum and cluster (measured from ip)
Float_t m_KLMPhi
measured phi
virtual ~DataWriterModule()
Float_t m_ECLMCMom
MC particle momentum; -999 if not MCparticle.
Float_t m_KLMavInterClusterDist
average distance between all KLM clusters
Float_t m_KLMECLEerror
uncertainty on E in associated ECL cluster
Float_t m_KLMMCMom
momentum of matched mc particle
Float_t m_KLMKLid
KlId for that object.
Float_t m_KLMenergy
Energy deposit in KLM (0.2 GeV * nHitCells)
Float_t m_KLMMCPrimaryPDG
pdg code of MCparticles mother, for example pi0 for some gammas
Float_t m_KLMECLZ40
zernike moment 4,0 of closest ecl cluster
Float_t m_KLMeclFlag
ecl flag for belle comparision
Float_t m_KLMECLUncertaintyPhi
phi uncertainty oof closeest ecl cluster
Float_t m_KLMECLE
energy measured in associated ECL cluster
Float_t m_ECLMCTheta
MC particle momentum; -999 if not MCparticle.
Float_t m_KLMtrackFlag
track flag for belle comparision
double getDeltaL() const
Return deltaL.
double getUncertaintyTheta() const
Return Uncertainty on Theta of Shower.
double getE9oE21() const
Return E9/E21 (shower shape variable).
double getEnergy(EHypothesisBit hypothesis) const
Return Energy (GeV).
double getUncertaintyEnergy() const
Return Uncertainty on Energy of Shower.
double getMinTrkDistance() const
Get distance between cluster COG and track extrapolation to ECL.
double getZernikeMVA() const
Return MVA based hadron/photon value based on Zernike moments (shower shape variable).
double getUncertaintyPhi() const
Return Uncertainty on Phi of Shower.
double getAbsZernike40() const
Return Zernike moment 40 (shower shape variable).
unsigned short getHypotheses() const
Return hypothesis (expert only, this returns a bti pattern).
double getDeltaTime99() const
Return cluster delta time 99.
double getTime() const
Return cluster time.
The hypothesis bits for this ECLCluster (Connected region (CR) is split using this hypothesis.
@ c_nPhotons
CR is split into n photons (N1)
@ c_neutralHadron
CR is reconstructed as a neutral hadron (N2)
double getAbsZernike51() const
Return Zernike moment 51 (shower shape variable).
Klong identifcation (KlId) datastore object to store results from KlId calculations.
double getKlId() const
get the klong classifier output
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
Store one Track-KLMCluster separation as a ROOT object.
double getDistance() const
void addParam(const std::string &name, T ¶mVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Helper functions for all klid modules to improve readability of the code.
int mcParticleIsBeamBKG(const Belle2::MCParticle *part)
return if MCparticle is beambkg
bool isKLMClusterSignal(const Belle2::KLMCluster &cluster, float mcWeigthCut=0.66)
checks if a cluster is signal under the mcWeightcondition (mcWeight = energy deposition)
std::tuple< const Belle2::KLMCluster *, double, double > findClosestKLMCluster(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &klmClusterPosition)
find nearest KLMCluster, tis distance and the av intercluster distance
bool isECLClusterSignal(const Belle2::ECLCluster &cluster, float mcWeigthCut=0.66)
checks if a cluster is signal under the mcWeightcondition (mcWeight = energy deposition)
int getPrimaryPDG(Belle2::MCParticle *part)
return if mc particles primary pdg.
std::pair< Belle2::ECLCluster *, double > findClosestECLCluster(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &klmClusterPosition, const Belle2::ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit eclhypothesis=Belle2::ECLCluster::EHypothesisBit::c_neutralHadron)
Find the closest ECLCluster with a neutral hadron hypothesis, and return it with its distance.
int mcParticleIsKlong(Belle2::MCParticle *part)
return the mc hirachy of the klong 0:not a klong 1:final particle, 2: klong is mother etc
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.