44 std::string
unsigned int indent = 0)
DecayNode describes the decay of a particle identified by its pdg code, into list of daughters.
std::vector< DecayNode > daughters
daughter decay nodes
DecayNode(int _pdg=0, const std::vector< DecayNode > &_daughters={})
Create new Decay node.
int pdg
pdg code of the particle
std::string print_node(unsigned int indent=0) const
Output a single node.
bool operator==(const DecayNode &node1, const DecayNode &node2)
Compare two Decay Nodes: They are equal if All daughter decay nodes are equal or one of the daughter ...
bool operator!=(const DecayNode &node1, const DecayNode &node2)
Not equal: See operator==.
bool find_decay(const DecayNode &to_find) const
Check if the decay node contains the given decay tree.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.