Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // Description : A class to display CDC trigger objects.
11 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 #include <cstdlib>
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <pangomm/init.h>
20 #include "trg/trg/Constants.h"
21 #include "trg/cdc/TRGCDC.h"
22 #include "trg/cdc/Link.h"
23 #include "trg/cdc/Wire.h"
24 #include "trg/cdc/WireHit.h"
25 #include "trg/cdc/Segment.h"
26 #include "trg/cdc/SegmentHit.h"
27 #include "trg/cdc/Circle.h"
28 #include "trg/cdc/TRGCDCTrack.h"
29 #include "trg/cdc/FrontEnd.h"
30 #include "trg/cdc/Merger.h"
31 #include "trg/cdc/DisplayDrawingAreaRphi.h"
32 #include "cdc/dataobjects/CDCSimHit.h"
34 using namespace std;
36 namespace Belle2 {
42  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi(TRGCDCDisplay& w,
43  int size,
44  double innerR,
45  double outerR)
46  : TRGCDCDisplayDrawingArea(w, size, outerR),
47  _scale(double(size) / outerR / 2),
48  _axial(true),
49  _stereo(false),
50  _wireName(false),
51  _oldCDC(false),
52  _x(0),
53  _y(0),
54  _winx(0), _winy(0), _winw(0), _winh(0), _wind(0),
55  _innerR(innerR),
56  _outerR(outerR),
58  _blue(Gdk::Color("blue")),
59  _red(Gdk::Color("red")),
60  _green(Gdk::Color("green")),
61  _black(Gdk::Color("black")),
62  _white(Gdk::Color("white")),
63  _grey(Gdk::Color("grey")),
64  _yellow(Gdk::Color("yellow")),
65  _grey0(Gdk::Color("gray90"))
66  {
68  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap> colormap = get_default_colormap();
69  colormap->alloc_color(_blue);
70  colormap->alloc_color(_red);
71  colormap->alloc_color(_green);
72  colormap->alloc_color(_black);
73  colormap->alloc_color(_white);
74  colormap->alloc_color(_grey);
75  colormap->alloc_color(_yellow);
77  Pango::init();
78  Glib::ustring wn = "unknown";
79  _pl = create_pango_layout(wn);
81  add_events(Gdk::EXPOSURE_MASK | Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);
82  }
84  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::~TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi()
85  {
86  }
88  void
89  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::on_realize()
90  {
91  Gtk::DrawingArea::on_realize();
92  _window = get_window();
93  _gc = Gdk::GC::create(_window);
94  _window->set_background(_white);
95  _window->clear();
96  }
98  bool
99  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::on_expose_event(GdkEventExpose*)
100  {
101  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> window = get_window();
102  window->get_geometry(_winx, _winy, _winw, _winh, _wind);
103  window->clear();
104  drawCDC();
105  draw();
106  return true;
107  }
109  bool
110  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton* e)
111  {
112  _x = xR(e->x);
113  _y = yR(- e->y);
114  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
115  return true;
116  }
118  void
119  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawCDC(void)
120  {
122  //...Axis...
123  _gc->set_foreground(_grey);
124  _gc->set_line_attributes(1,
125  Gdk::LINE_SOLID,
126  Gdk::CAP_NOT_LAST,
127  Gdk::JOIN_MITER);
128  _window->draw_line(_gc,
129  x(- _outerR),
130  y(0),
131  x(_outerR),
132  y(0));
133  _window->draw_line(_gc,
134  x(0),
135  y(- _outerR),
136  x(0),
137  y(_outerR));
139  //...CDC...
140  _gc->set_foreground(_grey);
141  _gc->set_line_attributes(1,
142  Gdk::LINE_SOLID,
143  Gdk::CAP_NOT_LAST,
144  Gdk::JOIN_MITER);
145  _window->draw_arc(_gc,
146  0,
147  x(- _innerR),
148  y(_innerR),
149  int(2 * _innerR * _scale),
150  int(2 * _innerR * _scale),
151  0,
152  360 * 64);
153  _window->draw_arc(_gc,
154  0,
155  x(- _outerR),
156  y(_outerR),
157  int(2 * _outerR * _scale),
158  int(2 * _outerR * _scale),
159  0,
160  360 * 64);
162  //...Belle CDC...
163  if (_oldCDC) {
164  const double innerR = 118;
165  const double outerR = 880;
166  _gc->set_foreground(_grey);
167  _gc->set_line_attributes(1,
169  Gdk::CAP_NOT_LAST,
170  Gdk::JOIN_MITER);
171  _window->draw_arc(_gc,
172  0,
173  x(- innerR),
174  y(innerR),
175  int(2 * innerR * _scale),
176  int(2 * innerR * _scale),
177  0,
178  360 * 64);
179  _window->draw_arc(_gc,
180  0,
181  x(- outerR),
182  y(outerR),
183  int(2 * outerR * _scale),
184  int(2 * outerR * _scale),
185  0,
186  360 * 64);
187  }
188  }
190  void
191  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::draw(void)
192  {
193  drawHits();
194  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _segments.size(); i++)
195  drawSegment(* _segments[i],
196  1,
197  _segmentsColor[i],
198  Gdk::LINE_SOLID);
199  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _segmentHits.size(); i++)
200  drawSegment(_segmentHits[i]->segment(),
201  1,
202  _segmentHitsColor[i],
203  Gdk::LINE_SOLID);
204  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _circles.size(); i++)
205  drawCircle(* _circles[i], 1, _circlesColor[i], Gdk::LINE_SOLID);
206  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _tracks.size(); i++)
207  drawTrack(* _tracks[i], 1, _tracksColor[i], Gdk::LINE_SOLID);
208  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _fronts.size(); i++)
209  drawFrontEnd(* _fronts[i],
210  1,
211  _frontColors[i],
212  Gdk::LINE_SOLID);
214  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _mergers.size(); i++)
215  drawMerger(* _mergers[i],
216  1,
217  _mergerColors[i],
218  Gdk::LINE_SOLID);
219  drawWires();
220  }
222  void
223  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawWires(void)
224  {
225  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _wires.size(); i++)
226  drawWire(* _wires[i], 1, _wiresColor[i], Gdk::LINE_SOLID);
227  }
229  void
230  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawHits(void)
231  {
232  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap> colormap = get_default_colormap();
233  const unsigned n = _hits.size();
234  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
235  if (! _stereo)
236  if (_hits[i]->wire().stereo())
237  continue;
238  if (! _axial)
239  if (_hits[i]->wire().axial())
240  continue;
242  //...Points...
243  const TCWire& w = _hits[i]->wire();
244  const HepGeom::Point3D<double>& p = w.backwardPosition();
245  // In ns scale. Actually in length scale. cm
246  double t_driftTime = _hits[i]->drift();
247  // To show in display when driftTime is 0.
248  if (t_driftTime == 0) t_driftTime = 0.3;
249  if (t_driftTime < 0) {
250  t_driftTime = 0.3;
251  cout << "[DisplayDrawingAreaRphi] Error. DriftTime is minus." << endl;
252  }
253  if (t_driftTime > 2) {
254  t_driftTime = 0.3;
255  cout << "[DisplayDrawingAreaRphi] Error. DriftTime is larger than 800 ns." << endl;
256  }
257  //const double radius = _hits[i]->drift();
258  //t_driftTime = 0.3;
259  const double radius = t_driftTime;
261  colormap->alloc_color(_hitsColor[i]);
262  _gc->set_foreground(_hitsColor[i]);
263  _gc->set_line_attributes(1,
264  Gdk::LINE_SOLID,
265  Gdk::CAP_NOT_LAST,
266  Gdk::JOIN_MITER);
267 // _window->draw_arc(_gc,
268 // 0,
269 // x((p.x() - radiusMC) * 10),
270 // y((p.y() + radiusMC) * 10),
271 // int(2 * radiusMC * 10 * _scale),
272 // int(2 * radiusMC * 10 * _scale),
273 // 0,
274 // 360 * 64);
275  _window->draw_arc(_gc,
276  0,
277  x((p.x() - radius) * 10),
278  y((p.y() + radius) * 10),
279  int(2 * radius * 10 * _scale),
280  int(2 * radius * 10 * _scale),
281  0,
282  360 * 64);
283  if (_wireName) {
284  Glib::ustring wn = _hits[i]->wire().name().c_str();
285  _pl->set_text(wn);
286  _window->draw_layout(_gc, x(p.x() * 10.), y(p.y() * 10.), _pl);
287  }
288  colormap->free_color(_hitsColor[i]);
289  }
290  }
292  void
293  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawWire(const TCWire& w,
294  int lineWidth,
295  Gdk::Color& c,
296  Gdk::LineStyle s)
297  {
299  if (! _stereo)
300  if (w.stereo())
301  return;
302  if (! _axial)
303  if (w.axial())
304  return;
306  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap> colormap = get_default_colormap();
307  colormap->alloc_color(c);
308  _gc->set_foreground(c);
309  _gc->set_line_attributes(lineWidth,
310  s,
311  Gdk::CAP_NOT_LAST,
312  Gdk::JOIN_MITER);
314  //...Cell shape...
315  Gdk::Point p0;
316  vector<Gdk::Point> points;
317  const unsigned nDivisions = 5;
318  const float ri = w.layer().innerRadius();
319  const float ro = w.layer().outerRadius();
320  const float cPhi = w.backwardPosition().phi();
321  const float dPhi = M_PI / w.layer().nCells();
322  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nDivisions + 1; j++) { // inner
323  const float phi = cPhi - dPhi
324  + (2 * dPhi / float(nDivisions)) * float(j);
325  const float xx = ri * cos(phi) * 10;
326  const float yy = ri * sin(phi) * 10;
327  if (j == 0) {
328  p0.set_x(x(xx));
329  p0.set_y(y(yy));
330  }
331  points.push_back(Gdk::Point(x(xx), y(yy)));
332  }
333  for (unsigned j = 0; j < nDivisions + 1; j++) { // outer
334  const float phi = cPhi + dPhi
335  - (2 * dPhi / float(nDivisions)) * float(j);
336  const float xx = ro * cos(phi) * 10;
337  const float yy = ro * sin(phi) * 10;
338  points.push_back(Gdk::Point(x(xx), y(yy)));
339  }
340  points.push_back(p0);
342  _gc->set_foreground(c);
343  _window->draw_lines(_gc, points);
344  }
346  void
347  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawSegment(const TCSegment& w,
348  int lineWidth,
349  Gdk::Color& c,
350  Gdk::LineStyle s)
351  {
352  const vector<const TCWire*> wires = w.wires();
353  const unsigned n = wires.size();
354  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
355  drawWire(* wires[i], lineWidth, c, s);
356  }
358 // Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap> colormap = get_default_colormap();
359 // const double radiusTDC = w.timing().time() *
360  }
362  void
363  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawCircle(const TCCircle& t,
364  int,
365  Gdk::Color& c,
366  Gdk::LineStyle)
367  {
369  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap> colormap = get_default_colormap();
370  colormap->alloc_color(c);
371  _gc->set_foreground(c);
372  _gc->set_line_attributes(1,
373  Gdk::LINE_SOLID,
374  Gdk::CAP_NOT_LAST,
375  Gdk::JOIN_MITER);
377  //...Draw a circle...
378  const TRGPoint2D& h =;
379  double radius = fabs(t.radius());
380  _window->draw_arc(_gc,
381  0,
382  x((h.x() - radius) * 10),
383  y((h.y() + radius) * 10),
384  int(2 * radius * 10 * _scale),
385  int(2 * radius * 10 * _scale),
386  0,
387  360 * 64);
388  colormap->free_color(c);
390  //...Draw text...
391  //_window.draw_text(_xPositionText, _yPositionText, _text.c_str());
392  }
394  void
395  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawTrack(const TCTrack& t,
396  int lineWidth,
397  Gdk::Color& c,
398  Gdk::LineStyle s)
399  {
401  Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap> colormap = get_default_colormap();
402  colormap->alloc_color(c);
403  _gc->set_foreground(c);
404  _gc->set_line_attributes(1,
405  Gdk::LINE_SOLID,
406  Gdk::CAP_NOT_LAST,
407  Gdk::JOIN_MITER);
409  const TRGCDC& cdc = * TRGCDC::getTRGCDC();
411  //...Draw segments first...
412  for (unsigned i = 0; i < cdc.nSuperLayers(); i++) {
413  const vector<TCLink*>& links = t.links(i);
414  for (unsigned j = 0; j < links.size(); j++) {
415  const TCLink& l = * links[j];
416  const TCSegment* seg = dynamic_cast<const TCSegment*>(l.cell());
418  if (seg)
419  drawSegment(* seg,
420  lineWidth,
421  c,
422  s);
423  _window->draw_line(_gc,
424  x(l.positionOnTrack().x() * 10),
425  y(l.positionOnTrack().y() * 10),
426  x(l.positionOnWire().x() * 10),
427  y(l.positionOnWire().y() * 10));
428  }
429  }
431  //...Draw a track...
432  TCHelix hIp = t.helix();
433  hIp.pivot(ORIGIN);
434  const HepGeom::Point3D<double>& h =;
435  const double radius = fabs(hIp.radius());
436  const HepGeom::Point3D<double> pIn =
437  TCLink::innerMost(t.links())->positionOnTrack() - h;
438  const HepGeom::Point3D<double> pOut =
439  TCLink::outerMost(t.links())->positionOnTrack() - h;
440  double a0 = atan2(pIn.y(), pIn.x()) / M_PI * 180;
441  double a1 = atan2(pOut.y(), pOut.x()) / M_PI * 180;
442  double d = a1 - a0;
443  if (d > 180) d -= 360;
444  else if (d < -180) d += 360;
445  _window->draw_arc(_gc,
446  0,
447  x((h.x() - radius) * 10),
448  y((h.y() + radius) * 10),
449  int(2 * radius * 10 * _scale),
450  int(2 * radius * 10 * _scale),
451  int(a0 * 64),
452  int(d * 64));
454  cout << "a0,d=" << a0 << "," << d << endl;
456  colormap->free_color(c);
457  }
459  void
460  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawFrontEnd(const TCFrontEnd& w,
461  int lineWidth,
462  Gdk::Color& c,
463  Gdk::LineStyle s)
464  {
465  const unsigned n = w.size();
466  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
467  drawWire(* w[i], lineWidth, c, s);
468  }
469  }
471  void
472  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::drawMerger(const TCMerger& w,
473  int lineWidth,
474  Gdk::Color& c,
475  Gdk::LineStyle s)
476  {
477  const unsigned n = w.size();
478  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
479  drawFrontEnd(* w[i], lineWidth, c, s);
480  }
481  }
483  void
484  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::resetPosition(void)
485  {
486  if (_winw < _winh)
487  _scale = double(_winw) / _outerR / 2;
488  else
489  _scale = double(_winh) / _outerR / 2;
491  _x = _y = 0;
492  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
493  }
495  void
496  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const vector<const TCWire*>& l,
497  Gdk::Color c)
498  {
499  const unsigned n = l.size();
500  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
501  _wires.push_back(l[i]);
502  _wiresColor.push_back(c);
503  }
504  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
505  }
507  void
508  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const vector<const TCWHit*>& l,
509  Gdk::Color c)
510  {
511  const unsigned n = l.size();
512  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
513  _hits.push_back(l[i]);
514  _hitsColor.push_back(c);
515  }
516  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
517  }
519  void
520  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const TCSegment& s,
521  Gdk::Color c)
522  {
523  _segments.push_back(& s);
524  _segmentsColor.push_back(c);
525  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
526  }
528  void
529  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const vector<const TCSegment*>& l,
530  Gdk::Color c)
531  {
532  const unsigned n = l.size();
533  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
534  _segments.push_back(l[i]);
535  _segmentsColor.push_back(c);
536  }
537  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
538  }
540  void
541  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(
542  const vector<const TCSHit*>& l,
543  Gdk::Color c)
544  {
545  const unsigned n = l.size();
546  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
547  _segmentHits.push_back(l[i]);
548  _segmentHitsColor.push_back(c);
549  }
550  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
551  }
553  void
554  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const TCCircle& s,
555  Gdk::Color c)
556  {
557  _circles.push_back(& s);
558  _circlesColor.push_back(c);
559  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
560  }
562  void
563  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const vector<const TCCircle*>& l,
564  Gdk::Color c)
565  {
566  const unsigned n = l.size();
567  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
568  _circles.push_back(l[i]);
569  _circlesColor.push_back(c);
570  }
571  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
572  }
574  void
575  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const TCTrack& s,
576  Gdk::Color c)
577  {
578  _tracks.push_back(& s);
579  _tracksColor.push_back(c);
580  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
581  }
583  void
584  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const vector<const TCTrack*>& l,
585  Gdk::Color c)
586  {
587  const unsigned n = l.size();
588  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
589  _tracks.push_back(l[i]);
590  _tracksColor.push_back(c);
591  }
592  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
593  }
595  void
596  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const TCFrontEnd& s,
597  Gdk::Color c)
598  {
599  _fronts.push_back(& s);
600  _frontColors.push_back(c);
601  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
602  }
604  void
605  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::append(const TCMerger& s,
606  Gdk::Color c)
607  {
608  _mergers.push_back(& s);
609  _mergerColors.push_back(c);
610  on_expose_event((GdkEventExpose*) NULL);
611  }
613  void
614  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::clear(void)
615  {
616  _wires.clear();
617  _wiresColor.clear();
618  _hits.clear();
619  _hitsColor.clear();
620  _segments.clear();
621  _segmentsColor.clear();
622  _segmentHits.clear();
623  _segmentHitsColor.clear();
624  _circles.clear();
625  _circlesColor.clear();
626  _tracks.clear();
627  _tracksColor.clear();
628  _fronts.clear();
629  _frontColors.clear();
630  _mergers.clear();
631  _mergerColors.clear();
632  }
634  void
635  TRGCDCDisplayDrawingAreaRphi::oneShot(const vector<const TCSegment*>& l,
636  Gdk::Color color)
637  {
638  for (unsigned i = 0; i < l.size(); i++)
639  drawSegment(* l[i], 1, color, Gdk::LINE_SOLID);
640  }
643 } // namespace Belle2
645 #endif
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > ORIGIN
Origin 3D point.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.