12 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLElementNumbers.h>
Class for obtaining crystal details for a given crystal cell An evolved look-up table.
void Eval()
Set values for the crystal.
int GetNperThetaID()
get number of crystals in theta ring
static const double theta[69]
Theta ID to theta(deg)
float m_PosY
Crystal Position - Y.
float m_mass
Crystal Mass.
float m_PosZ
Crystal Position - Z.
double GetZ()
get z position of crystal
int GetPhiID()
get phiID of crystal
double EvalPhi()
Set phi value of crystal.
double EvalR()
Set R value of crystal.
float EvalMass()
Evaluate mass of crystal.
double EvalZ()
Set Z value of crystal.
int GetCrystalIndex()
return crystal index
float m_volume
Crystal Volume.
double EvalY()
Set Y value of crystal.
static const float CrystalMassEndcap[132]
Barrel crystal mass.
double GetY()
get y position of crystal
int m_cell_ID
Cell ID of crystal.
double GetPhi()
get phi value of crystal
static const int sumPrevious[24]
Number of crystals in preceding theta rings (endcaps only)
bool IsEndCap()
True if crystal is in endcaps.
double GetX()
get x position of crystal
static const int Ring[69]
ECL has 16-fold symmetry in phi.
float m_PosR
Crystal Position - R.
float m_PosP
Crystal Position - P.
static const double EndcapRadius[132]
EndCapCrystalID to radius (spherical)
void Mapping(int cid)
set theta and phi value of crystal
Blank Constructor.
int m_phi_ID
phi ID of crystal
static const float CrystalMassBarrel[46]
Endcap crystal mass.
double GetTheta()
get theta value of crystal
int m_theta_ID
theta ID of crystal
bool IsBarrel()
True if crystal is in barrel.
double GetR()
get radius of crystal
double GetMass()
get mass of crystal
double EvalX()
Set X value of crystal.
float m_PosX
Crystal Position - X.
int GetThetaID()
get thetaID of crystal
int GetCellID()
return cell ID
static const double BarrelZ[46]
BarrelCrystalID to z-coordinate.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.