12 #include <ecl/digitization/EclConfigurationPure.h>
15 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
16 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
66 virtual void event()
69 virtual void endRun()
91 short unsigned int idn;
97 short unsigned int iss;
125 std::vector<signalsample_type>
The ECLDigitizerPureCsI module.
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_BaselineDigits
ECL digits (baseline, i.e.
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_ecldigits
StoreArray ECLDigit.
bool m_NoCovMatrix
Flag to use a diagonal (neutral) Covariance matrix.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize variables
int m_thetaIdMax
Ring ID of last pure CsI ring in FWD.
std::vector< signalsample_type > m_ss
Tabulated shape line.
virtual void event() override
Actual digitization of all pure CsI hits in the ECL.
void mapGeometry()
Returns ring ID for a certain crystal.
double m_elecNoise
Electronic Noise energy equivalente in MeV.
virtual void endRun() override
Nothing so far.
StoreArray< ECLHit > m_hitLists
StoreArray ECLHit.
virtual void terminate() override
Free memory.
bool m_debug
Flag for debug mode.
bool m_background
Flag to set covariance matrix for WF with beam-bkg.
int m_testtrg
Fixed trigger time for testing purposes.
bool isPureCsI(int cellId)
Returns 1 if corresponding crystal is set as pure CsI crystal.
std::vector< adccounts_type > m_adc
Storage for adc hits from entire calorimeter (8736 crystals).
double m_testenedep
Fixed energy deposition in all crystals, for testing purposes.
int m_nEvent
Event number.
virtual void beginRun() override
Nothing so far.
int m_thetaIdMin
Module parameters.
static constexpr const char * eclDigitArrayName()
Pure CsI digit array name.
StoreArray< ECLPureCsIInfo > m_eclpurecsiinfo
StoreArray ECLPureCsIInfo.
double m_photostatresolution
Resolution for a 1 MeV energy deposit.
std::vector< fitparams_type > m_fitparams
Fitting parameters.
std::vector< crystallinks_t > m_tbl
Lookup table for ECL channels.
int m_tickFactor
multiplication factor to get adc tick from trigger tick.
StoreArray< ECLDsp > m_ecldsps
StoreArray ECLDsp.
double m_testsig
Shift in signal arrival time, for testing purposes.
static constexpr const char * eclPureCsIInfoArrayName()
Pure CsI Info array name.
bool m_calibration
Flag to use the DigitizerPureCsI for Waveform fit Covariance Matrix calibration.
std::vector< ECLNoiseData > m_noise
Parameters for correlated noise stimation.
double m_sigmaTrigger
Trigger resolution.
static constexpr const char * eclDspArrayName()
Pure CsI DSP array name.
int m_thetaID[ECL::EclConfigurationPure::m_nch]
ECL ring ID.
void readDSPDB()
read Shaper-DSP data from root file.
static constexpr int m_nch
total number of electronic channels (crystals) in fwd endcap calorimeter
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Indices in arrays with info on ECL channels.
short unsigned int iss
Index in m_ss.
short unsigned int idn
Index in EclAlgo tree.
short unsigned int ifunc
Index of associated (waveform parameters, fit parameters) pair.
short unsigned int inoise
Index in EclNoise tree.
a struct for the fit parameters for the pure CsI calorimeter
A struct for the fit parameters for a single channel of the pure CsI calorimeter (in the simulation,...
a struct for a signal sample for the pure CsI calorimeter