DB object to store leakage corrections, including nCrys dependence
std::vector< float > m_logEnergiesFwd
log(energies) used to find constants in the forward endcap (GeV)
const TH2F getThetaCorrections() const
Get 2D histogram of theta-dependent constants (one column per thetaID & energy)
void setThetaCorrections(const TH2F &thetaCorrections)
Set the 2D histogram containing the theta corrections for each thetaID and energy.
void setlogEnergiesBrl(const std::vector< float > &logEnergiesBrl)
Set the vector of energies used to evaluate the leakage corrections in the barrel.
void setnCrystalCorrections(const TH2F &nCrystalCorrections)
Set the 2D histogram containing the nCrys corrections for each thetaID and energy.
TH2F m_nCrystalCorrections
2D histogram containing nCrys-dependent correction for each thetaID & energy
TH2F m_phiCorrections
2D histogram containing phi-dependent correction for each thetaID & energy
void setlogEnergiesFwd(const std::vector< float > &logEnergiesFwd)
Set the vector of energies used to evaluate the leakage corrections in the forward endcap.
const std::vector< float > & getlogEnergiesBwd() const
Get vector of log(energies) used in the backward endcap.
const TH2F getnCrystalCorrections() const
Get 2D histogram of nCrys dependent constants (one column per thetaID & energy)
void setPhiCorrections(const TH2F &phiCorrections)
Set the 2D histogram containing the phi corrections for each thetaID and energy.
void setlogEnergiesBwd(const std::vector< float > &logEnergiesBwd)
Set the vector of energies used to evaluate the leakage corrections in the backward endcap.
TH2F m_thetaCorrections
2D histogram containing theta-dependent correction for each thetaID & energy
const std::vector< float > & getlogEnergiesBrl() const
Get vector of log(energies) used in the barrel.
const std::vector< float > & getlogEnergiesFwd() const
Get vector of log(energies) used to evaluate the leakage corrections in the forward endcap.
std::vector< float > m_logEnergiesBwd
log(energies) used to find constants in the backward endcap (GeV)
std::vector< float > m_logEnergiesBrl
log(energies) used to find constants in the barrel (GeV)
const TH2F getPhiCorrections() const
Get 2D histogram of phi-dependent constants (one column per thetaID & energy in barrel,...
ClassDef(ECLLeakageCorrections, 2)
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.