12 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
13 #include <framework/core/ModuleParam.templateDetails.h>
14 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
15 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
54 virtual void event()
Module to assign ECL Clusters resulting from Bremsstrahlung to the primary electron track.
virtual void initialize() override
Use this to initialize resources or memory your module needs.
std::vector< float > m_virtualHitRadii
Radii where virtual hits for the extrapolation will be generated The default values are taken from br...
virtual void event() override
Called once for each event.
StoreArray< BremHit > m_bremHits
StoreArray BremHits.
virtual ~ECLTrackBremFinderModule()=default
Use to clean up anything you created in the constructor.
double m_clusterAcceptanceFactor
Factor which is multiplied onto the cluster position error to check for matches.
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_evtPtr
StoreObjPtr EventMetaData.
std::string m_param_tracksStoreArrayName
StoreArray name of the Tracks for brem matching.
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
StoreArray Track.
std::string m_param_recoTracksStoreArrayName
StoreArray name of the RecoTracks for brem matching.
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusters
StoreArray ECLCluster.
std::string m_param_eclClustersStoreArrayName
StoreArray name of the ECLClusters for brem matching.
StoreArray< RecoTrack > m_recoTracks
StoreArray RecoTrack.
Constructor, for setting module description and parameters.
float m_clusterDistanceCut
Cut on the distance between the cluster position angle and the extrapolation angle.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.