Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <ecl/modules/eclTrackClusterMatching/ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule.h>
11 #include <ecl/dbobjects/ECLTrackClusterMatchingParameterizations.h>
12 #include <ecl/dbobjects/ECLTrackClusterMatchingThresholds.h>
13 #include <ecl/utility/utilityFunctions.h>
15 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
16 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
17 #include <mdst/dataobjects/HitPatternCDC.h>
19 using namespace std;
20 using namespace Belle2;
22 REG_MODULE(ECLTrackClusterMatching);
24 ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule::ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule() : Module(),
25  m_matchingParameterizations("ECLTrackClusterMatchingParameterizations"),
26  m_matchingThresholds("ECLTrackClusterMatchingThresholds")
27 {
28  setDescription("Creates and saves a Relation between Tracks and ECLCluster in the DataStore. It uses the existing Relation between Tracks and ExtHit as well as the Relation between ECLCluster and ExtHit.");
30  addParam("useAngularDistanceMatching", m_angularDistanceMatching,
31  "if true use track cluster matching based on angular distance, if false use matching based on entered crystals", bool(true));
32  addParam("useOptimizedMatchingConsistency", m_useOptimizedMatchingConsistency,
33  "set false if you want to set the matching criterion on your own", bool(true));
34  addParam("matchingConsistency", m_matchingConsistency,
35  "the 2D consistency of Delta theta and Delta phi has to exceed this value for a track to be matched to an ECL cluster", 1e-6);
36  addParam("matchingPTThreshold", m_matchingPTThreshold,
37  "tracks with pt greater than this value will exclusively be matched based on angular distance", 0.3);
38  addParam("brlEdgeTheta", m_brlEdgeTheta,
39  "distance of polar angle from gaps where crystal-entering based matching is applied (in rad)", 0.1);
40  addParam("minimalCDCHits", m_minimalCDCHits,
41  "bad VXD-standalone tracks cause (too) low photon efficiency in end caps, temporarily fixed by requiring minimal number of CDC hits",
42  -1);
43  addParam("skipZeroChargeTracks", m_skipZeroChargeTracks,
44  "switch to exclude tracks with zero charge from track-cluster matching", bool(false));
45 }
48 {
49 }
52 {
53  // Check dependencies
54  m_tracks.isRequired();
55  m_eclClusters.isRequired();
56  m_eclShowers.isRequired();
57  m_eclCalDigits.isRequired();
58  m_extHits.isRequired();
59  m_trackFitResults.isRequired();
62  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_eclShowers);
63  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_eclClusters);
64  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_eclShowers, DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::c_WriteOut, "AngularDistance");
65  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_eclClusters, DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::c_WriteOut, "AngularDistance");
67  // function to update parameterization functions if the payload changes
68  auto updateParameterizationFunctions = [this]() {
69  const auto& map = m_matchingParameterizations->getRMSParameterizations();
72  f_phiRMSFWDDL ="PhiFWDDL");
75  f_phiRMSBRLDL ="PhiBRLDL");
78  f_phiRMSBWDDL ="PhiBWDDL");
80  f_thetaRMSFWDCROSS ="ThetaFWDCROSS");
81  f_thetaRMSFWDDL ="ThetaFWDDL");
82  f_thetaRMSFWDNEAR ="ThetaFWDNEAR");
83  f_thetaRMSBRLCROSS ="ThetaBRLCROSS");
84  f_thetaRMSBRLDL ="ThetaBRLDL");
85  f_thetaRMSBRLNEAR ="ThetaBRLNEAR");
86  f_thetaRMSBWDCROSS ="ThetaBWDCROSS");
87  f_thetaRMSBWDDL ="ThetaBWDDL");
88  f_thetaRMSBWDNEAR ="ThetaBWDNEAR");
89  };
91  // function to update matching threshold functions if the payload changes
92  auto updateMatchingThresholds = [this]() {
93  m_matchingThresholdValuesFWD = m_matchingThresholds->getFWDMatchingThresholdValues();
94  m_matchingThresholdValuesBRL = m_matchingThresholds->getBRLMatchingThresholdValues();
95  m_matchingThresholdValuesBWD = m_matchingThresholds->getBWDMatchingThresholdValues();
96  };
98  // Update once right away
99  updateParameterizationFunctions();
100  updateMatchingThresholds();
101  // And register to be called every time the payloads change
102  m_matchingParameterizations.addCallback(updateParameterizationFunctions);
103  m_matchingThresholds.addCallback(updateMatchingThresholds);
104  } else {
105  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_eclShowers, DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::c_WriteOut, "EnterCrystal");
106  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_eclClusters, DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::c_WriteOut, "EnterCrystal");
107  }
108 }
111 {
112  for (auto& eclCluster : m_eclClusters) {
113  eclCluster.setIsTrack(false);
114  }
115  for (const Track& track : m_tracks) {
116  const TrackFitResult* fitResult = track.getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(Const::pion);
117  // TEMPORARY FIX: require minimal number of CDC hits, otherwise exclude tracks from track-cluster matching procedure
118  if (!(fitResult->getHitPatternCDC().getNHits() > m_minimalCDCHits)) continue;
119  if (m_skipZeroChargeTracks && fitResult->getChargeSign() == 0) continue;
120  double theta = fitResult->getMomentum().Theta();
121  double pt = fitResult->getTransverseMomentum();
124  // Unique shower ids related to this track
125  set<int> uniqueShowerIds;
127  // Need to make sure that we match one shower at most
128  set<int> uniquehypothesisIds;
129  vector<int> hypothesisIds;
130  vector<double> energies;
131  vector<int> arrayIndexes;
133  // Find extrapolated track hits in the ECL, considering
134  // only hit points where the track enters the crystal
135  // note that more than one crystal belonging to more than one shower
136  // can be found
137  for (const auto& extHit : track.getRelationsTo<ExtHit>()) {
138  if (!isECLEnterHit(extHit)) continue;
139  const int cell = extHit.getCopyID() + 1;
141  // Find ECLCalDigit with same cell ID as ExtHit
142  const auto idigit = find_if(m_eclCalDigits.begin(), m_eclCalDigits.end(),
143  [&](const ECLCalDigit & d) { return d.getCellId() == cell; }
144  );
145  // Couldn't find ECLCalDigit with same cell ID as the ExtHit
146  if (idigit == m_eclCalDigits.end()) continue;
148  // Save all unique shower IDs of the showers related to idigit
149  for (auto& shower : idigit->getRelationsFrom<ECLShower>()) {
150  bool inserted = (uniqueShowerIds.insert(shower.getUniqueId())).second;
152  // If this track <-> shower relation hasn't been set yet, set it for the shower and the ECLCLuster
153  if (!inserted) continue;
155  hypothesisIds.push_back(shower.getHypothesisId());
156  energies.push_back(shower.getEnergy());
157  arrayIndexes.push_back(shower.getArrayIndex());
158  uniquehypothesisIds.insert(shower.getHypothesisId());
160  B2DEBUG(29, shower.getArrayIndex() << " " << shower.getHypothesisId() << " " << shower.getEnergy() << " " <<
161  shower.getConnectedRegionId());
163  } // end loop on shower related to idigit
164  } // end loop on ExtHit
166  // only set the relation for the highest energetic shower per hypothesis
167  for (auto hypothesisId : uniquehypothesisIds) {
168  double highestEnergy = 0.0;
169  int arrayindex = -1;
171  for (unsigned ix = 0; ix < energies.size(); ix++) {
172  if (hypothesisIds[ix] == hypothesisId and energies[ix] > highestEnergy) {
173  highestEnergy = energies[ix];
174  arrayindex = arrayIndexes[ix];
175  }
176  }
178  // if we find a shower, take that one by directly accessing the store array
179  if (arrayindex > -1) {
180  auto shower = m_eclShowers[arrayindex];
181  shower->setIsTrack(true);
183  track.addRelationTo(shower);
184  track.addRelationTo(shower, 1.0, "AngularDistance");
185  } else {
186  track.addRelationTo(shower, 1.0, "EnterCrystal");
187  }
188  B2DEBUG(29, shower->getArrayIndex() << " " << shower->getIsTrack());
190  // there is a 1:1 relation, just set the relation for the corresponding cluster as well
191  ECLCluster* cluster = shower->getRelatedFrom<ECLCluster>();
192  if (cluster != nullptr) {
193  cluster->setIsTrack(true);
195  track.addRelationTo(cluster);
196  track.addRelationTo(cluster, 1.0, "AngularDistance");
197  } else {
198  track.addRelationTo(cluster, 1.0, "EnterCrystal");
199  }
200  }
201  }
202  } // end loop on hypothesis IDs
203  }
205  // tracks should never be matched to more than one cluster
206  if (track.getRelationsTo<ECLCluster>("", "AngularDistance").size() > 0) continue;
207  // never match tracks pointing towards gaps or adjacent part of barrel using angular distance
208  if (trackTowardsGap(theta)) continue;
209  // for low-pt tracks matching based on the angular distance is only applied if track points towards the FWD
210  ECL::DetectorRegion trackDetectorRegion = ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta);
211  if (pt < m_matchingPTThreshold && trackDetectorRegion != ECL::DetectorRegion::FWD) continue;
213  map<int, pair<double, int>> hypothesisIdBestQualityCROSSArrayIndexMap;
214  map<int, pair<double, int>> hypothesisIdBestQualityDLArrayIndexMap;
215  map<int, pair<double, int>> hypothesisIdBestQualityNEARArrayIndexMap;
216  set<int> uniqueHypothesisIds;
218  // Find extrapolated track hits in the ECL, considering only hit points
219  // that either are on the sphere, closest to, or on radial direction of an
220  // ECLCluster.
221  for (const auto& extHit : track.getRelationsTo<ExtHit>()) {
222  if (!isECLHit(extHit)) continue;
223  ECLCluster* eclCluster = extHit.getRelatedFrom<ECLCluster>();
224  if (!eclCluster) continue;
225  ECLShower* eclShower = eclCluster->getRelatedTo<ECLShower>();
226  if (eclShower != nullptr) {
227  // accept only shower from region matching track direction, exception for gaps
228  int eclDetectorRegion = eclShower->getDetectorRegion();
229  if (abs(eclDetectorRegion - trackDetectorRegion) == 1) continue;
230  // never match low-pt tracks with showers in the barrel
231  if (pt < m_matchingPTThreshold && eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::BRL) continue;
232  double phiHit = extHit.getPosition().Phi();
233  double phiShower = eclShower->getPhi();
234  double deltaPhi = phiHit - phiShower;
235  if (deltaPhi > M_PI) {
236  deltaPhi = deltaPhi - 2 * M_PI;
237  } else if (deltaPhi < -M_PI) {
238  deltaPhi = deltaPhi + 2 * M_PI;
239  }
240  double thetaHit = extHit.getPosition().Theta();
241  double thetaShower = eclShower->getTheta();
242  double deltaTheta = thetaHit - thetaShower;
243  ExtHitStatus extHitStatus = extHit.getStatus();
244  double quality = showerQuality(deltaPhi, deltaTheta, pt, eclDetectorRegion, extHitStatus);
245  int hypothesisId = eclShower->getHypothesisId();
246  bool inserted = (uniqueHypothesisIds.insert(hypothesisId)).second;
247  if (inserted) {
248  hypothesisIdBestQualityCROSSArrayIndexMap.insert(make_pair(hypothesisId, make_pair(0, -1)));
249  hypothesisIdBestQualityDLArrayIndexMap.insert(make_pair(hypothesisId, make_pair(0, -1)));
250  hypothesisIdBestQualityNEARArrayIndexMap.insert(make_pair(hypothesisId, make_pair(0, -1)));
251  }
252  if (extHitStatus == EXT_ECLCROSS) {
253  if (quality > {
254  hypothesisIdBestQualityCROSSArrayIndexMap[hypothesisId] = make_pair(quality, eclShower->getArrayIndex());
255  }
256  } else if (extHitStatus == EXT_ECLDL) {
257  if (quality > {
258  hypothesisIdBestQualityDLArrayIndexMap[hypothesisId] = make_pair(quality, eclShower->getArrayIndex());
259  }
260  } else {
261  if (quality > {
262  hypothesisIdBestQualityNEARArrayIndexMap[hypothesisId] = make_pair(quality, eclShower->getArrayIndex());
263  }
264  }
265  }
266  } // end loop on ExtHits related to Track
268  vector<map<int, pair<double, int>>> hypothesisIdBestQualityArrayIndexMaps;
269  hypothesisIdBestQualityArrayIndexMaps.push_back(hypothesisIdBestQualityCROSSArrayIndexMap);
270  hypothesisIdBestQualityArrayIndexMaps.push_back(hypothesisIdBestQualityDLArrayIndexMap);
271  hypothesisIdBestQualityArrayIndexMaps.push_back(hypothesisIdBestQualityNEARArrayIndexMap);
273  for (const auto& uniqueHypothesisId : uniqueHypothesisIds) {
274  for (const auto& hypothesisIdBestQualityArrayIndexMap : hypothesisIdBestQualityArrayIndexMaps) {
275  if ( > m_matchingConsistency
276  && > -1) {
277  auto shower = m_eclShowers[];
278  shower->setIsTrack(true);
279  track.addRelationTo(shower);
280  track.addRelationTo(shower, 1.0, "AngularDistance");
281  ECLCluster* cluster = shower->getRelatedFrom<ECLCluster>();
282  if (cluster != nullptr) {
283  cluster->setIsTrack(true);
284  track.addRelationTo(cluster);
285  track.addRelationTo(cluster, 1.0, "AngularDistance");
286  }
287  break;
288  }
289  }
290  }
291  }
292  } // end loop on Tracks
293 } // end event loop
296 {
297 }
300 {
301  if ((extHit.getDetectorID() != Const::EDetector::ECL)) return false;
302  if ((extHit.getStatus() != EXT_ENTER)) return false;
303  if (extHit.getCopyID() == -1) return false;
304  else return true;
305 }
308 {
309  if ((extHit.getDetectorID() != Const::EDetector::ECL)) return false;
310  ExtHitStatus extHitStatus = extHit.getStatus();
311  if (extHitStatus == EXT_ECLCROSS || extHitStatus == EXT_ECLDL || extHitStatus == EXT_ECLNEAR) return true;
312  else return false;
313 }
315 double ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule::showerQuality(double deltaPhi, double deltaTheta, double pt,
316  int eclDetectorRegion, int hitStatus) const
317 {
318  double phi_consistency = phiConsistency(deltaPhi, pt, eclDetectorRegion, hitStatus);
319  double theta_consistency = thetaConsistency(deltaTheta, pt, eclDetectorRegion, hitStatus);
320  return phi_consistency * theta_consistency * (1 - log(phi_consistency * theta_consistency));
321 }
323 double ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule::phiConsistency(double deltaPhi, double pt, int eclDetectorRegion, int hitStatus) const
324 {
325  double phi_RMS;
326  if (eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::FWD || eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::FWDGap) {
327  if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLCROSS) {
328  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSFWDCROSS.Eval(pt);
329  } else if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLDL) {
330  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSFWDDL.Eval(pt);
331  } else {
332  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSFWDNEAR.Eval(pt);
333  }
334  } else if (eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::BRL) {
335  if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLCROSS) {
336  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSBRLCROSS.Eval(pt);
337  } else if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLDL) {
338  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSBRLDL.Eval(pt);
339  } else {
340  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSBRLNEAR.Eval(pt);
341  }
342  } else if (eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::BWD || eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::BWDGap) {
343  if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLCROSS) {
344  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSBWDCROSS.Eval(pt);
345  } else if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLDL) {
346  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSBWDDL.Eval(pt);
347  } else {
348  phi_RMS = f_phiRMSBWDNEAR.Eval(pt);
349  }
350  } else { /* ECL cluster below acceptance */
351  return 0;
352  }
353  return erfc(abs(deltaPhi) / phi_RMS);
354 }
356 double ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule::thetaConsistency(double deltaTheta, double pt, int eclDetectorRegion, int hitStatus) const
357 {
358  double theta_RMS;
359  if (eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::FWD || eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::FWDGap) {
360  if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLCROSS) {
361  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSFWDCROSS.Eval(pt);
362  } else if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLDL) {
363  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSFWDDL.Eval(pt);
364  } else {
365  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSFWDNEAR.Eval(pt);
366  }
367  } else if (eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::BRL) {
368  if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLCROSS) {
369  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSBRLCROSS.Eval(pt);
370  } else if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLDL) {
371  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSBRLDL.Eval(pt);
372  } else {
373  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSBRLNEAR.Eval(pt);
374  }
375  } else if (eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::BWD || eclDetectorRegion == ECL::DetectorRegion::BWDGap) {
376  if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLCROSS) {
377  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSBWDCROSS.Eval(pt);
378  } else if (hitStatus == EXT_ECLDL) {
379  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSBWDDL.Eval(pt);
380  } else {
381  theta_RMS = f_thetaRMSBWDNEAR.Eval(pt);
382  }
383  } else { /* ECL cluster below acceptance */
384  return 0;
385  }
386  return erfc(abs(deltaTheta) / theta_RMS);
387 }
390 {
391  if (ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta) == ECL::DetectorRegion::BRL) {
392  if (ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta - m_brlEdgeTheta) != ECL::DetectorRegion::BRL) return true;
393  else if (ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta + m_brlEdgeTheta) != ECL::DetectorRegion::BRL) return true;
394  else return false;
395  } else return false;
396 }
399 {
400  if (ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta) == ECL::DetectorRegion::FWD || ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta) == ECL::DetectorRegion::FWDGap) {
401  for (const auto& matchingThresholdPair : m_matchingThresholdValuesFWD) {
402  if (pt < matchingThresholdPair.first) {
403  m_matchingConsistency = matchingThresholdPair.second;
404  break;
405  }
406  }
407  } else if (ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta) == ECL::DetectorRegion::BRL) {
408  for (const auto& matchingThresholdPair : m_matchingThresholdValuesBRL) {
409  if (theta < matchingThresholdPair.first && pt < matchingThresholdPair.second.first) {
410  m_matchingConsistency = matchingThresholdPair.second.second;
411  break;
412  }
413  }
414  } else if (ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta) == ECL::DetectorRegion::BWD
415  || ECL::getDetectorRegion(theta) == ECL::DetectorRegion::BWDGap) {
416  for (const auto& matchingThresholdPair : m_matchingThresholdValuesBWD) {
417  if (pt < matchingThresholdPair.first) {
418  m_matchingConsistency = matchingThresholdPair.second;
419  break;
420  }
421  }
422  }
423 }
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:652
@ c_WriteOut
Object/array should be saved by output modules.
Definition: DataStore.h:70
@ c_Event
Different object in each event, all objects/arrays are invalidated after event() function has been ca...
Definition: DataStore.h:59
Class to store calibrated ECLDigits: ECLCalDigits.
Definition: ECLCalDigit.h:23
ECL cluster data.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:27
Class to store ECL Showers.
Definition: ECLShower.h:30
int getHypothesisId() const
Get Hypothesis Id.
Definition: ECLShower.h:277
double getPhi() const
Get Phi.
Definition: ECLShower.h:302
int getDetectorRegion() const
Return detector region: 0: below acceptance, 1: FWD, 2: BRL, 3: BWD, 11: FWDGAP, 13: BWDGAP.
Definition: ECLShower.h:480
double getTheta() const
Get Theta.
Definition: ECLShower.h:297
function to describe theta RMS for BRL NEAR
function to describe theta RMS for BRL DL
function to describe theta RMS for BRL CROSS
int m_minimalCDCHits
minimal required number of CDC hits before track-cluster match is initiated
StoreArray< ECLShower > m_eclShowers
Required input array of ECLShowers.
double m_matchingPTThreshold
pt limit between angular-distance based and crystal-entering based matching algorithm
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > m_matchingThresholdValuesFWD
Matching threshold values for FWD.
std::vector< std::pair< double, std::pair< double, double > > > m_matchingThresholdValuesBRL
Matching threshold values for BRL.
virtual void initialize() override
Use this to initialize resources or memory your module needs.
function to describe phi RMS for FWD CROSS
DBObjPtr< ECLTrackClusterMatchingParameterizations > m_matchingParameterizations
Parameterizations of RMS.
virtual void event() override
Called once for each event.
StoreArray< TrackFitResult > m_trackFitResults
Required input array of TrackFitResults.
bool m_angularDistanceMatching
members of ECLTrackClusterMatching Module
function to describe phi RMS for BWD CROSS
virtual void terminate() override
Clean up anything created in initialize().
function to describe theta RMS for FWD DL
double m_matchingConsistency
minimal quality of ExtHit-ECLCluster pair for positive track-cluster match
virtual ~ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule()
Use to clean up anything you created in the constructor.
bool m_useOptimizedMatchingConsistency
if true, a theta dependent matching criterion will be used
function to describe phi RMS for BWD NEAR
bool isECLHit(const ExtHit &extHit) const
Check if extrapolated hit is inside ECL and matches one of the desired categories.
void optimizedPTMatchingConsistency(double theta, double pt)
choose criterion depending on track's pt
function to describe phi RMS for BRL DL
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
Required input array of Tracks.
bool isECLEnterHit(const ExtHit &extHit) const
Check if status of extrapolated hit is entering of ECL.
function to describe phi RMS for FWD NEAR
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > m_matchingThresholdValuesBWD
Matching threshold values for BWD.
function to describe theta RMS for BWD DL
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusters
Required input array of ECLClusters.
function to describe phi RMS for BRL NEAR
function to describe theta RMS for BWD CROSS
function to describe theta RMS for FWD NEAR
DBObjPtr< ECLTrackClusterMatchingThresholds > m_matchingThresholds
Optimized matching thresholds.
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
Required input array of ExtHits.
function to describe phi RMS for FWD DL
double m_brlEdgeTheta
distance of polar angle from gaps where crystal-entering based matching is applied (in rad)
bool m_skipZeroChargeTracks
if true, tracks whose charge has been set to zero are excluded from track-cluster matching
bool trackTowardsGap(double theta) const
return if track points towards gap or adjacent part of barrel
function to describe theta RMS for FWD CROSS
function to describe phi RMS for BWD DL
double thetaConsistency(double deltaTheta, double pt, int eclDetectorRegion, int hitStatus) const
Calculate theta consistency based on difference in polar angle.
function to describe phi RMS for BRL CROSS
function to describe theta RMS for BWD NEAR
StoreArray< ECLCalDigit > m_eclCalDigits
Required input array of ECLCalDigits.
double phiConsistency(double deltaPhi, double pt, int eclDetectorRegion, int hitStatus) const
Calculate phi consistency based on difference in azimuthal angle.
double showerQuality(double deltaPhi, double deltaTheta, double pt, int eclDetectorRegion, int hitStatus) const
Calculate matching quality based on phi and theta consistencies.
Store one Ext hit as a ROOT object.
Definition: ExtHit.h:32
ExtHitStatus getStatus() const
Get state of extrapolation at this hit.
Definition: ExtHit.h:130
int getCopyID() const
Get detector-element ID of sensitive element within detector.
Definition: ExtHit.h:126
Const::EDetector getDetectorID() const
Get detector ID of this extrapolation hit.
Definition: ExtHit.h:122
unsigned short getNHits() const
Get the total Number of CDC hits in the fit.
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
int getArrayIndex() const
Returns this object's array index (in StoreArray), or -1 if not found.
FROM * getRelatedFrom(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object from which this object has a relation.
TO * getRelatedTo(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object to which this object has a relation.
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis.
short getChargeSign() const
Return track charge (1 or -1).
double getTransverseMomentum() const
Getter for the absolute value of the transverse momentum at the perigee.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentum() const
Getter for vector of momentum at closest approach of track in r/phi projection.
HitPatternCDC getHitPatternCDC() const
Getter for the hit pattern in the CDC;.
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Define state of extrapolation for each recorded hit.
Definition: ExtHit.h:27
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.