Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <klm/dataobjects/eklm/EKLMElementNumbers.h>
12 /* Basf2 headers. */
13 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
14 #include <rawdata/dataobjects/RawCOPPERFormat.h>
16 using namespace Belle2;
19 {
20  static EKLMElementNumbers ens;
21  return ens;
22 }
25 {
26 }
29 {
30 }
32 bool EKLMElementNumbers::checkSection(int section, bool fatalError) const
33 {
34  if (section <= 0 || section > m_MaximalSectionNumber) {
35  if (fatalError) {
36  B2FATAL("Number of section must be 1 (backward) or 2 (forward).");
37  }
38  return false;
39  }
40  return true;
41 }
43 bool EKLMElementNumbers::checkLayer(int layer, bool fatalError) const
44 {
45  if (layer <= 0 || layer > m_MaximalLayerNumber) {
46  if (fatalError) {
47  B2FATAL("Number of layer must be from 1 to " << m_MaximalLayerNumber <<
48  ".");
49  }
50  return false;
51  }
52  return true;
53 }
55 bool EKLMElementNumbers::checkDetectorLayer(int section, int layer,
56  bool fatalError) const
57 {
58  /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
59  const char* sectionName[2] = {"backward", "forward"};
60  if (layer < 0 || layer > m_MaximalDetectorLayerNumber[section - 1]) {
61  if (fatalError) {
62  B2FATAL("Number of layer must be from 1 to the maximal number of "
63  "detector layers in the " << sectionName[section - 1] << " section ("
64  << m_MaximalDetectorLayerNumber[section - 1] << ").");
65  }
66  return false;
67  }
68  return true;
69 }
71 bool EKLMElementNumbers::checkSector(int sector, bool fatalError) const
72 {
73  if (sector <= 0 || sector > m_MaximalSectorNumber) {
74  if (fatalError) {
75  B2FATAL("Number of sector must be from 1 to " << m_MaximalSectorNumber <<
76  ".");
77  }
78  return false;
79  }
80  return true;
81 }
83 bool EKLMElementNumbers::checkPlane(int plane, bool fatalError) const
84 {
85  if (plane <= 0 || plane > m_MaximalPlaneNumber) {
86  if (fatalError) {
87  B2FATAL("Number of plane must be from 1 to " << m_MaximalPlaneNumber <<
88  ".");
89  }
90  return false;
91  }
92  return true;
93 }
95 bool EKLMElementNumbers::checkSegment(int segment, bool fatalError) const
96 {
97  if (segment <= 0 || segment > m_MaximalSegmentNumber) {
98  if (fatalError) {
99  B2FATAL("Number of segment must be from 1 to " <<
100  m_MaximalSegmentNumber << ".");
101  }
102  return false;
103  }
104  return true;
105 }
107 bool EKLMElementNumbers::checkStrip(int strip, bool fatalError) const
108 {
109  if (strip <= 0 || strip > m_MaximalStripNumber) {
110  if (fatalError) {
111  B2FATAL("Number of strip must be from 1 to " << m_MaximalStripNumber <<
112  ".");
113  }
114  return false;
115  }
116  return true;
117 }
119 int EKLMElementNumbers::detectorLayerNumber(int section, int layer) const
120 {
121  checkSection(section);
122  checkDetectorLayer(section, layer);
123  if (section == 1)
124  return layer;
125  return m_MaximalDetectorLayerNumber[0] + layer;
126 }
129  int layerGlobal, int* section, int* layer) const
130 {
131  static int maxLayer = getMaximalLayerGlobalNumber();
132  if (layerGlobal <= 0 || layerGlobal > maxLayer)
133  B2FATAL("Number of segment must be from 1 to " << maxLayer << ".");
134  if (layerGlobal <= m_MaximalDetectorLayerNumber[0]) {
135  *section = 1;
136  *layer = layerGlobal;
137  } else {
138  *section = 2;
139  *layer = layerGlobal - m_MaximalDetectorLayerNumber[0];
140  }
141 }
143 int EKLMElementNumbers::sectorNumber(int section, int layer, int sector) const
144 {
145  checkSector(sector);
146  return m_MaximalSectorNumber * (detectorLayerNumber(section, layer) - 1) +
147  sector;
148 }
150 int EKLMElementNumbers::sectorNumberKLMOrder(int section, int sector) const
151 {
152  checkSection(section);
153  checkSector(sector);
154  return m_MaximalSectorNumber * (section - 1) + sector;
155 }
158  int sectorGlobal, int* section, int* layer, int* sector) const
159 {
160  static int maxSector = getMaximalSectorGlobalNumber();
161  int layerGlobal;
162  if (sectorGlobal <= 0 || sectorGlobal > maxSector)
163  B2FATAL("Number of segment must be from 1 to " << maxSector << ".");
164  *sector = (sectorGlobal - 1) % m_MaximalSectorNumber + 1;
165  layerGlobal = (sectorGlobal - 1) / m_MaximalSectorNumber + 1;
166  layerNumberToElementNumbers(layerGlobal, section, layer);
167 }
169 int EKLMElementNumbers::planeNumber(int section, int layer, int sector,
170  int plane) const
171 {
172  checkPlane(plane);
173  return m_MaximalPlaneNumber * (sectorNumber(section, layer, sector) - 1) +
174  plane;
175 }
178  int planeGlobal, int* section, int* layer, int* sector, int* plane) const
179 {
180  static int maxPlane = getMaximalPlaneGlobalNumber();
181  int sectorGlobal;
182  if (planeGlobal <= 0 || planeGlobal > maxPlane)
183  B2FATAL("Number of segment must be from 1 to " << maxPlane << ".");
184  *plane = (planeGlobal - 1) % m_MaximalPlaneNumber + 1;
185  sectorGlobal = (planeGlobal - 1) / m_MaximalPlaneNumber + 1;
186  sectorNumberToElementNumbers(sectorGlobal, section, layer, sector);
187 }
189 int EKLMElementNumbers::segmentNumber(int section, int layer, int sector,
190  int plane, int segment) const
191 {
192  checkSegment(segment);
193  return m_MaximalSegmentNumber * (planeNumber(section, layer, sector, plane) -
194  1) + segment;
195 }
198  int segmentGlobal, int* section, int* layer, int* sector, int* plane,
199  int* segment) const
200 {
201  static int maxSegment = getMaximalSegmentGlobalNumber();
202  int planeGlobal;
203  if (segmentGlobal <= 0 || segmentGlobal > maxSegment)
204  B2FATAL("Number of segment must be from 1 to " << maxSegment << ".");
205  *segment = (segmentGlobal - 1) % m_MaximalSegmentNumber + 1;
206  planeGlobal = (segmentGlobal - 1) / m_MaximalSegmentNumber + 1;
207  planeNumberToElementNumbers(planeGlobal, section, layer, sector, plane);
208 }
210 int EKLMElementNumbers::stripNumber(int section, int layer, int sector,
211  int plane, int strip) const
212 {
213  checkStrip(strip);
214  return m_MaximalStripNumber * (planeNumber(section, layer, sector, plane) - 1)
215  + strip;
216 }
219  int stripGlobal, int* section, int* layer, int* sector, int* plane,
220  int* strip) const
221 {
222  static int maxStrip = getMaximalStripGlobalNumber();
223  int planeGlobal;
224  if (stripGlobal <= 0 || stripGlobal > maxStrip)
225  B2FATAL("Number of strip must be from 1 to " << maxStrip << ".");
226  *strip = (stripGlobal - 1) % m_MaximalStripNumber + 1;
227  planeGlobal = (stripGlobal - 1) / m_MaximalStripNumber + 1;
228  planeNumberToElementNumbers(planeGlobal, section, layer, sector, plane);
229 }
232 {
233  int section, layer, sector, plane, strip;
234  stripNumberToElementNumbers(stripGlobal,
235  &section, &layer, &sector, &plane, &strip);
236  return section;
237 }
240 {
241  int section, layer, sector, plane, strip;
242  stripNumberToElementNumbers(stripGlobal,
243  &section, &layer, &sector, &plane, &strip);
244  return layer;
245 }
248 {
249  int section, layer, sector, plane, strip;
250  stripNumberToElementNumbers(stripGlobal,
251  &section, &layer, &sector, &plane, &strip);
252  return sector;
253 }
256 {
257  int section, layer, sector, plane, strip;
258  stripNumberToElementNumbers(stripGlobal,
259  &section, &layer, &sector, &plane, &strip);
260  return plane;
261 }
264 {
265  static int maxStrip = getMaximalStripGlobalNumber();
266  if (stripGlobal <= 0 || stripGlobal > maxStrip)
267  B2FATAL("Number of strip must be from 1 to " << maxStrip << ".");
268  return (stripGlobal - 1) % m_MaximalStripNumber + 1;
269 }
271 std::string EKLMElementNumbers::getHSLBName(int copper, int slot)
272 {
273  char hslb = 'a' + slot - 1;
274  return "800" + std::to_string(copper - EKLM_ID) + hslb;
275 }
278 {
279  checkSection(section);
280  return m_MaximalDetectorLayerNumber[section - 1];
281 }
EKLM element numbers.
static constexpr int m_MaximalStripNumber
Maximal strip number.
bool checkLayer(int layer, bool fatalError=true) const
Check if layer number is correct.
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerGlobalNumber()
Get maximal detector layer global number.
void planeNumberToElementNumbers(int planeGlobal, int *section, int *layer, int *sector, int *plane) const
Get element numbers by plane global number.
int getMaximalDetectorLayerNumber(int section) const
Get maximal detector layer number.
static const EKLMElementNumbers & Instance()
int sectorNumber(int section, int layer, int sector) const
Get sector number.
void sectorNumberToElementNumbers(int sectorGlobal, int *section, int *layer, int *sector) const
Get element numbers by sector global number.
static constexpr int m_MaximalPlaneNumber
Maximal plane number.
static constexpr int m_MaximalSectionNumber
Maximal section number.
static constexpr int m_MaximalDetectorLayerNumber[2]
Maximal detector layer number.
int getPlaneByGlobalStrip(int stripGlobal)
Get plane number by global strip number.
bool checkPlane(int plane, bool fatalError=true) const
Check if plane number is correct (fatal error if not).
bool checkDetectorLayer(int section, int layer, bool fatalError=true) const
Check if detector layer number is correct (fatal error if not).
int getStripByGlobalStrip(int stripGlobal)
Get strip number by global strip number.
int getSectorByGlobalStrip(int stripGlobal)
Get sector number by global strip number.
bool checkStrip(int strip, bool fatalError=true) const
Check if strip number is correct (fatal error if not).
void layerNumberToElementNumbers(int layerGlobal, int *section, int *layer) const
Get element numbers by detector layer global number.
int detectorLayerNumber(int section, int layer) const
Get detector layer number.
bool checkSegment(int segment, bool fatalError=true) const
Check if segment number is correct (fatal error if not).
int stripNumber(int section, int layer, int sector, int plane, int strip) const
Get strip number.
int sectorNumberKLMOrder(int section, int sector) const
Get sector number (KLM order of elements: section, sector, layer).
void stripNumberToElementNumbers(int stripGlobal, int *section, int *layer, int *sector, int *plane, int *strip) const
Get element numbers by strip global number.
static constexpr int getMaximalPlaneGlobalNumber()
Get maximal plane global number.
bool checkSector(int sector, bool fatalError=true) const
Check if sector number is correct (fatal error if not).
static constexpr int getMaximalStripGlobalNumber()
Get maximal strip global number.
static std::string getHSLBName(int copper, int slot)
Get HSLB name.
static constexpr int m_MaximalSectorNumber
Maximal sector number.
static constexpr int getMaximalSegmentGlobalNumber()
Get maximal segment global number.
int getSectionByGlobalStrip(int stripGlobal)
Get section number by global strip number.
int segmentNumber(int section, int layer, int sector, int plane, int segment) const
Get segment number.
static constexpr int m_MaximalLayerNumber
Maximal layer number.
int getLayerByGlobalStrip(int stripGlobal)
Get layer number by global strip number.
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorGlobalNumber()
Get maximal sector global number.
bool checkSection(int section, bool fatalError=true) const
Check if section number is correct.
int planeNumber(int section, int layer, int sector, int plane) const
Get plane number.
static constexpr int m_MaximalSegmentNumber
Maximal segment number.
void segmentNumberToElementNumbers(int segmentGlobal, int *section, int *layer, int *sector, int *plane, int *segment) const
Get element numbers by segment global number.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.