Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /**************************************************************************
10  * *
11  * Description: This module write ECL digi information in a root tuple *
12  * to study amplitude and time info *
13  * *
14  **************************************************************************/
16 /* Own header. */
17 #include <ecl/modules/eclDataAnalysis/EclCovMatrixNtupleModule.h>
19 /* ECL headers. */
20 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLDigit.h>
21 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLDsp.h>
22 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLTrig.h>
23 #include <ecl/geometry/ECLGeometryPar.h>
25 /* ROOT headers. */
26 #include <TFile.h>
27 #include <TTree.h>
29 using namespace std;
30 using namespace Belle2;
31 using namespace ECL;
32 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
33 // Register the Module
34 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
35 REG_MODULE(EclCovMatrixNtuple);
37 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
38 // Implementation
39 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
40 EclCovMatrixNtupleModule::EclCovMatrixNtupleModule() : Module()
41 {
42  //Set module properties
43  setDescription("EclCovMatrixNtuple: write ECL waveform and fitted time and amplitude in a root file");
45  //Parameters definition
46  addParam("outputFileName", m_dataOutFileName,
47  "Output root file name of this module", string("EclCovMatrixNtuple"));
48  addParam("dspArrayName", m_dspArrayName, "name of input ECLDsp Array", string("ECLDsps"));
49  addParam("digiArrayName", m_digiArrayName, "name of input ECLDigit Array", string("ECLDigits"));
50 }
53 {
54  m_eclDspArray.registerInDataStore(m_dspArrayName);
55  m_eclDigiArray.registerInDataStore(m_digiArrayName);
56  B2INFO("[EclCovMatrixNtuple Module]: Starting initialization of EclCovMatrixNtuple Module.");
58  // Initializing the output root file
59  string dataFileName = m_dataOutFileName + ".root";
61  m_rootFile = new TFile(dataFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
62  m_tree = new TTree("m_tree", "EclCovMatrixNtuple tree");
64  m_tree->Branch("energy", &m_energy, "energy/D");
65  m_tree->Branch("nhits", &m_nhits, "nhits/I");
66  m_tree->Branch("cellID", m_cellID, "cellID[nhits]/I");
67  m_tree->Branch("theta", m_theta, "theta[nhits]/I");
68  m_tree->Branch("phi", m_phi, "phi[nhits]/I");
69  m_tree->Branch("hitA", m_DspHit, "hitA[nhits][31]/I");
70  m_tree->Branch("hitT", m_hitTime, "hitT[nhits]/D");
71  m_tree->Branch("deltaT", m_DeltaT, "deltaT[nhits]/D");
73  m_tree->Branch("digiE", m_hitE, "hitE[nhits]/D");
74  m_tree->Branch("digiT", m_DigiTime, "digiT[nhits]/I");
77  B2INFO("[EclCovMatrixNtuple Module]: Finished initialising the Time Information Study in Gamma Reconstruction Module.");
78 }
81 {
82  m_rootFile->cd();
83  m_tree->Write();
84  m_rootFile->Close();
85 }
88 {
91  m_nevt++;
92  m_energy = 0;
96  m_nhits = 0;
98  for (int i = 0; i < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; i++) {
99  m_cellID[i] = 0;
100  m_theta[i] = 0;
101  m_phi[i] = 0;
102  m_hitTime[i] = 0;
103  m_hitE[i] = 0.0;
104  m_hitTime[i] = 0.0;
105  m_DigiTime[i] = 0;
106  m_DeltaT[i] = 0.0;
107  for (int j = 0; j < 31; j++) {
108  m_DspHit[i][j] = 0;
109  }
110  }
113  m_nhits = m_eclDigiArray.getEntries();
115  // There is only 1 ECLTrig per event
116  assert(m_eclTrigArray.getEntries() == 1);
118  for (const auto& adigit : m_eclDigiArray) {
119  size_t cellIndex = static_cast<size_t>(adigit.getCellId() - 1);
120  eclgeo->Mapping(cellIndex);
121  m_theta[cellIndex] = eclgeo->GetThetaID();
122  m_phi[cellIndex] = eclgeo->GetPhiID();
123  /*
124  cout << "cid : " << cellIndex
125  << " theta: " << m_theta[cellIndex]
126  << " phi: " << m_phi[cellIndex]
127  << endl;
128  */
129  m_cellID[cellIndex] = cellIndex;
130  m_hitE[cellIndex] = adigit.getAmp();
131  m_DigiTime[cellIndex] = adigit.getTimeFit();
132  // The following DeltaT IS DIFFERENT DeltaT in igitizer by the last factor 12.!
133  double deltaT = m_eclTrigArray[0]->getTimeTrig() * 508.0 / 12.0;
134  m_DeltaT[cellIndex] = deltaT;
135  m_hitTime[cellIndex] = 1520 - adigit.getTimeFit() - 64 * deltaT * 12.0 * 24.0 / 508.0 / 1536.0;
136  }
138  //The following works only because position of an ECLDigit in the ECLDigiArray
139  //is the same of position of the corresponding ECLDsp in the ECLDspArray
140  //Since the two a tightly related this must be enforced in a safer way
141  //in the ecl data objects model (Guglielmo De Nardo)
142  assert(m_eclDspArray.getEntries() == m_eclDigiArray.getEntries());
143  for (const auto& eclDsp : m_eclDspArray) {
144  size_t cellIndex = static_cast<size_t>(eclDsp.getCellId() - 1);
145  eclDsp.getDspA(m_DspHit[cellIndex]);
146  }
147  m_tree->Fill();
148 }
The Class for ECL Geometry Parameters.
static ECLGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the ECLGeometryPar instance.
void Mapping(int cid)
Mapping theta, phi Id.
int GetThetaID()
Get Theta Id.
StoreArray< ECLDsp > m_eclDspArray
Store array: ECLDsp.
double m_hitTime[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
eclHit Time
int m_theta[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
Crystal Theta ID.
std::string m_dataOutFileName
output root file name (given as Module parameter)
virtual void initialize() override
Initializes the module.
virtual void event() override
Method is called for each event.
double m_hitE[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
eclHit Energy
TFile * m_rootFile
Root file for saving the output.
double m_DeltaT[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
eclTrig Time
virtual void terminate() override
Terminates the module.
std::string m_digiArrayName
eclDigit array name
StoreArray< ECLTrig > m_eclTrigArray
Store array: ECLTrig.
int m_cellID[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
Crystal ID.
int m_DspHit[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals][31]
eclDsp sample Array
std::string m_dspArrayName
eclDSPs array name
int m_phi[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
Crystal Phi ID.
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_eclDigiArray
Store array: ECLDigit.
int m_DigiTime[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
eclDigit Time
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
const int c_NCrystals
Number of crystals.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.