8 #include <mdst/dataobjects/EventLevelTriggerTimeInfo.h>
10 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
11 #include <framework/dbobjects/HardwareClockSettings.h>
12 #include <mdst/dbobjects/TTDOffsets.h>
41 delay =
m_isHER ? m_ttdOffsets->getInjectionDelayHER() : m_ttdOffsets->getInjectionDelayLER();
"Payload 'TTDOffsets' not found. To get the (uncorrected) information from TTD, use 'getTimeSinceLastInjection() or 'getTimeSinceLastInjectionInMicroSeconds()'.");
65 offset =
m_isHER ? m_ttdOffsets->getTriggeredBunchOffsetHER() : m_ttdOffsets->getTriggeredBunchOffsetLER();
"Payload 'TTDOffsets' not found. To get the (uncorrected) information from TTD, use 'getBunchNumber()'.");
bool isValid() const
Check whether a valid object was obtained from the database.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
bool m_isHER
Injection is in HER/LER.
int getTriggeredBunchNumberGlobal() const
get the actual (=global) number of the triggered bunch
int getTimeSinceInjectedBunch() const
get time since the injected bunch passed the detector in clock ticks (FTSW clock)
unsigned int m_timeSincePrevTrigger
Time since the previous trigger in clock ticks (127MHz=RF/4 clock)
unsigned int m_bunchNumber
Number of triggered bunch, ranging from 0-1279 (in 127MHz clock ticks) Note: There are a maximum of 5...
unsigned int m_timeSinceLastInjection
Time since the last injection in clock ticks (127MHz=RF/4 clock) Note: A value of 0x7FFFFFFF (see c_f...
double getTimeSincePrevTriggerInMicroSeconds() const
get time since the previous trigger in microseconds
double getTimeSinceInjectedBunchInMicroSeconds() const
get time since the injected bunch passed the detector in microseconds
double getTimeSinceLastInjectionInMicroSeconds() const
get time since the last injection (i.e. the injection-pre-kick signal) in microseconds
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.