36 void addHit(std::pair<double, std::string> hit) {
m_hits.push_back(hit); }
48 std::vector<std::pair<double, std::string>>*
getHits() {
return &
m_hits; }
82 std::vector<std::pair<double, std::string>>
Bundles information for a single track candidate to be stored by EventInfo (needed for HitExporter,...
void addInfo(const std::string &info)
Adds Info about the tc itself.
std::string m_tcInfo
contains Info about the tc itself.
int getMotherID()
returns index of the mother particle in the simulation
void addHitIDs(const std::vector< int > &ids)
adds IDs of hits for unique identification
void addHit(std::pair< double, std::string > hit)
adds already formatted hit information.
int m_motherID
Index of the mother particle in the simulation.
std::vector< std::pair< double, std::string > > * getHits()
returns the hits added one by one using addHit
std::vector< std::pair< double, std::string > > m_hits
Contains already formatted hit information.
std::string getInfo()
returns info about tc in formatted without having the last piece of the Information
int m_pdgCode
pdgCode of tc in the tc-file. TODO: implement a check which proves that suggested and real fileIndex ...
int getNHits()
returns number of Hits attached to this tc
int getPdgCode()
returns pdgCode of tc in the tc-file
std::vector< int > m_hitIDs
Stores the hitIDs of the hits attached to this TC, can be treated independently of hits themselves.
std::vector< int > * getHitIDs()
returns hitIDs of the hits attached to this TC (in no particular order!)
ExporterTcInfo(int pdg, int motherID)
Standard constructor.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.