Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <simulation/kernel/ExtMagFieldLimitProcess.h>
10 #include <G4TransportationManager.hh>
11 #include <G4FieldManager.hh>
12 #include <G4Field.hh>
13 #include <G4Track.hh>
14 #include <G4ForceCondition.hh>
16 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
18 using namespace std;
19 using namespace Belle2;
20 using namespace Belle2::Simulation;
22 ExtMagFieldLimitProcess::ExtMagFieldLimitProcess(const G4String& processName) :
23  G4VDiscreteProcess(processName),
24  m_stepLimit(kInfinity) // user may change this with a geant4 UI command
25 {
26  m_field = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager()->GetDetectorField();
27  if (false) {
28  G4Track aTrack;
29  G4Step aStep;
30  G4ForceCondition* condition = nullptr;
31  GetMeanFreePath(aTrack, 0.0, condition);
32  PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
33  PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(aTrack, 0.0, condition);
34  }
36 }
39 {
40 }
42 G4double ExtMagFieldLimitProcess::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track&, G4double, G4ForceCondition*)
43 {
44  return kInfinity;
45 }
48 G4double ExtMagFieldLimitProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(const G4Track& aTrack, G4double, G4ForceCondition* condition)
49 {
50  *condition = NotForced;
51  G4double stepLength = kInfinity;
52  if (m_field != 0) {
53  G4ThreeVector trkPosi = aTrack.GetPosition();
54  G4double pos1[3] = { trkPosi.x(), trkPosi.y(), trkPosi.z() };
55  G4double h1[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
56  m_field->GetFieldValue(pos1, h1);
57  G4ThreeVector BVec(h1[0], h1[1], h1[2]);
58  G4double pmag = aTrack.GetMomentum().mag();
59  G4double BPerpMom = BVec.cross(aTrack.GetMomentum()).mag() / pmag; // LEP
60  if (BPerpMom != 0.0) {
61  stepLength = m_stepLimit * pmag / BPerpMom;
62  }
63  B2DEBUG(300, "ExtMagFieldLimitProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength() stepLength "
64  << stepLength << " B " << BPerpMom << " BVec " << BVec << " pmag " << pmag);
65  }
66  return stepLength;
67 }
69 G4VParticleChange* ExtMagFieldLimitProcess::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& track, const G4Step&)
70 {
71  aParticleChange.Initialize(track);
72  return &aParticleChange;
73 }
const G4Field * m_field
Stores the pointer to the magnetic field class.
G4double GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track &, G4double, G4ForceCondition *)
Returns the mean free path (always infinity!) after each step.
G4double PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(const G4Track &, G4double, G4ForceCondition *)
Returns the step length after each step.
G4VParticleChange * PostStepDoIt(const G4Track &, const G4Step &)
Do nothing special after the particle has stepped.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.