Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <mva/methods/FastBDT.h>
11 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
12 #include <sstream>
13 #include <vector>
15 // Template specialization to fix NAN sort bug of FastBDT in up to Version 3.2
17 namespace FastBDT {
18  template<>
19  bool compareIncludingNaN(float i, float j)
20  {
21  if (std::isnan(i)) {
22  if (std::isnan(j)) {
23  // If both are NAN i is NOT smaller
24  return false;
25  } else {
26  // In all other cases i is smaller
27  return true;
28  }
29  }
30  // If j is NaN the following line will return false,
31  // which is fine in our case.
32  return i < j;
33  }
34 }
35 #endif
37 namespace Belle2 {
42  namespace MVA {
43  bool isValidSignal(const std::vector<bool>& Signals)
44  {
45  const auto first = Signals.front();
46  for (const auto& value : Signals) {
47  if (value != first)
48  return true;
49  }
50  return false;
51  }
53  void FastBDTOptions::load(const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt)
54  {
55  int version = pt.get<int>("FastBDT_version");
56 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
57  if (version != 1 and version != 2) {
58  B2ERROR("Unknown weightfile version " << std::to_string(version));
59  throw std::runtime_error("Unknown weightfile version " + std::to_string(version));
60  }
61 #else
62  if (version != 1) {
63  B2ERROR("Unknown weightfile version " << std::to_string(version));
64  throw std::runtime_error("Unknown weightfile version " + std::to_string(version));
65  }
66 #endif
67  m_nTrees = pt.get<int>("FastBDT_nTrees");
68  m_nCuts = pt.get<int>("FastBDT_nCuts");
69  m_nLevels = pt.get<int>("FastBDT_nLevels");
70  m_shrinkage = pt.get<double>("FastBDT_shrinkage");
71  m_randRatio = pt.get<double>("FastBDT_randRatio");
73 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
74  if (version > 1) {
76  m_flatnessLoss = pt.get<double>("FastBDT_flatnessLoss");
77  m_sPlot = pt.get<bool>("FastBDT_sPlot");
79  unsigned int numberOfIndividualNCuts = pt.get<unsigned int>("FastBDT_number_individual_nCuts", 0);
80  m_individual_nCuts.resize(numberOfIndividualNCuts);
81  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfIndividualNCuts; ++i) {
82  m_individual_nCuts[i] = pt.get<unsigned int>(std::string("FastBDT_individual_nCuts") + std::to_string(i));
83  }
85  m_purityTransformation = pt.get<bool>("FastBDT_purityTransformation");
86  unsigned int numberOfIndividualPurityTransformation = pt.get<unsigned int>("FastBDT_number_individualPurityTransformation", 0);
87  m_individualPurityTransformation.resize(numberOfIndividualPurityTransformation);
88  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfIndividualPurityTransformation; ++i) {
89  m_individualPurityTransformation[i] = pt.get<bool>(std::string("FastBDT_individualPurityTransformation") + std::to_string(i));
90  }
92  } else {
93  m_flatnessLoss = -1.0;
94  m_sPlot = false;
95  }
96 #endif
97  }
99  void FastBDTOptions::save(boost::property_tree::ptree& pt) const
100  {
101 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
102  pt.put("FastBDT_version", 2);
103 #else
104  pt.put("FastBDT_version", 1);
105 #endif
106  pt.put("FastBDT_nTrees", m_nTrees);
107  pt.put("FastBDT_nCuts", m_nCuts);
108  pt.put("FastBDT_nLevels", m_nLevels);
109  pt.put("FastBDT_shrinkage", m_shrinkage);
110  pt.put("FastBDT_randRatio", m_randRatio);
111 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
112  pt.put("FastBDT_flatnessLoss", m_flatnessLoss);
113  pt.put("FastBDT_sPlot", m_sPlot);
114  pt.put("FastBDT_number_individual_nCuts", m_individual_nCuts.size());
115  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_individual_nCuts.size(); ++i) {
116  pt.put(std::string("FastBDT_individual_nCuts") + std::to_string(i), m_individual_nCuts[i]);
117  }
118  pt.put("FastBDT_purityTransformation", m_purityTransformation);
119  pt.put("FastBDT_number_individualPurityTransformation", m_individualPurityTransformation.size());
120  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_individualPurityTransformation.size(); ++i) {
121  pt.put(std::string("FastBDT_individualPurityTransformation") + std::to_string(i), m_individualPurityTransformation[i]);
122  }
123 #endif
124  }
126  po::options_description FastBDTOptions::getDescription()
127  {
128  po::options_description description("FastBDT options");
129  description.add_options()
130  ("nTrees", po::value<unsigned int>(&m_nTrees), "Number of trees in the forest. Reasonable values are between 10 and 1000")
131  ("nLevels", po::value<unsigned int>(&m_nLevels)->notifier(check_bounds<unsigned int>(0, 20, "nLevels")),
132  "Depth d of trees. The last layer of the tree will contain 2^d bins. Maximum is 20. Reasonable values are 2 and 6.")
133  ("shrinkage", po::value<double>(&m_shrinkage)->notifier(check_bounds<double>(0.0, 1.0, "shrinkage")),
134  "Shrinkage of the boosting algorithm. Reasonable values are between 0.01 and 1.0.")
135  ("nCutLevels", po::value<unsigned int>(&m_nCuts)->notifier(check_bounds<unsigned int>(0, 20, "nCutLevels")),
136  "Number of cut levels N per feature. 2^N Bins will be used per feature. Reasonable values are between 6 and 12.")
137 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
138  ("individualNCutLevels", po::value<std::vector<unsigned int>>(&m_individual_nCuts)->multitoken()->notifier(
139  check_bounds_vector<unsigned int>(0, 20, "individualNCutLevels")),
140  "Number of cut levels N per feature. 2^N Bins will be used per feature. Reasonable values are between 6 and 12. One value per feature (including spectators) should be provided, if parameter is not set the global value specified by nCutLevels is used for all features.")
141  ("sPlot", po::value<bool>(&m_sPlot),
142  "Since in sPlot each event enters twice, this option modifies the sampling algorithm so that the matching signal and background events are selected together.")
143  ("flatnessLoss", po::value<double>(&m_flatnessLoss),
144  "Activate Flatness Loss, all spectator variables are assumed to be variables in which the signal and background efficiency should be flat. negative values deactivates flatness loss.")
145  ("purityTransformation", po::value<bool>(&m_purityTransformation),
146  "Activates purity transformation on all features: Add the purity transformed of all features in addition to the training. This will double the number of features and slow down the inference considerably")
147  ("individualPurityTransformation", po::value<std::vector<bool>>(&m_individualPurityTransformation)->multitoken(),
148  "Activates purity transformation for each feature: Vector of boolean values which decide if the purity transformed of the feature should be added in addition to this training.")
149 #endif
150  ("randRatio", po::value<double>(&m_randRatio)->notifier(check_bounds<double>(0.0, 1.0001, "randRatio")),
151  "Fraction of the data sampled each training iteration. Reasonable values are between 0.1 and 1.0.");
152  return description;
153  }
157  const FastBDTOptions& specific_options) : Teacher(general_options),
158  m_specific_options(specific_options) { }
161  {
163  unsigned int numberOfFeatures = training_data.getNumberOfFeatures();
164 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4
165  unsigned int numberOfSpectators = training_data.getNumberOfSpectators();
166 #else
167  // Deactivate support for spectators below version 4!
168  unsigned int numberOfSpectators = 0;
169 #endif
171  // FastBDT Version 4 has a simplified interface with a sklearn style Classifier
172 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
173  if (m_specific_options.m_individual_nCuts.size() != 0
174  and m_specific_options.m_individual_nCuts.size() != numberOfFeatures + numberOfSpectators) {
175  B2ERROR("You provided individual nCut values for each feature and spectator, but the total number of provided cuts is not same as as the total number of features and spectators.");
176  }
178  std::vector<bool> individualPurityTransformation = m_specific_options.m_individualPurityTransformation;
179  if (m_specific_options.m_purityTransformation) {
180  if (individualPurityTransformation.size() == 0) {
181  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfFeatures; ++i) {
182  individualPurityTransformation.push_back(true);
183  }
184  }
185  }
187  std::vector<unsigned int> individual_nCuts = m_specific_options.m_individual_nCuts;
188  if (individual_nCuts.size() == 0) {
189  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfFeatures + numberOfSpectators; ++i) {
190  individual_nCuts.push_back(m_specific_options.m_nCuts);
191  }
192  }
194  FastBDT::Classifier classifier(m_specific_options.m_nTrees, m_specific_options.m_nLevels, individual_nCuts,
196  m_specific_options.m_sPlot, m_specific_options.m_flatnessLoss, individualPurityTransformation,
197  numberOfSpectators, true);
199  std::vector<std::vector<float>> X(numberOfFeatures + numberOfSpectators);
200  const auto& y = training_data.getSignals();
201  if (not isValidSignal(y)) {
202  B2FATAL("The training data is not valid. It only contains one class instead of two.");
203  }
204  const auto& w = training_data.getWeights();
205  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfFeatures; ++i) {
206  X[i] = training_data.getFeature(i);
207  }
208  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfSpectators; ++i) {
209  X[i + numberOfFeatures] = training_data.getSpectator(i);
210  }
211, y, w);
212 #else
213  const auto& y = training_data.getSignals();
214  if (not isValidSignal(y)) {
215  B2FATAL("The training data is not valid. It only contains one class instead of two.");
216  }
217  std::vector<FastBDT::FeatureBinning<float>> featureBinnings;
218  std::vector<unsigned int> nBinningLevels;
219  for (unsigned int iFeature = 0; iFeature < numberOfFeatures; ++iFeature) {
220  auto feature = training_data.getFeature(iFeature);
222  unsigned int nCuts = m_specific_options.m_nCuts;
223 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
224  featureBinnings.push_back(FastBDT::FeatureBinning<float>(nCuts, feature));
225 #else
226  featureBinnings.push_back(FastBDT::FeatureBinning<float>(nCuts, feature.begin(), feature.end()));
227 #endif
228  nBinningLevels.push_back(nCuts);
229  }
231  for (unsigned int iSpectator = 0; iSpectator < numberOfSpectators; ++iSpectator) {
232  auto feature = training_data.getSpectator(iSpectator);
234  unsigned int nCuts = m_specific_options.m_nCuts;
235 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
236  featureBinnings.push_back(FastBDT::FeatureBinning<float>(nCuts, feature));
237 #else
238  featureBinnings.push_back(FastBDT::FeatureBinning<float>(nCuts, feature.begin(), feature.end()));
239 #endif
240  nBinningLevels.push_back(nCuts);
241  }
243  unsigned int numberOfEvents = training_data.getNumberOfEvents();
244  if (numberOfEvents > 5e+6) {
245  B2WARNING("Number of events for training exceeds 5 million. FastBDT performance starts getting worse when the number reaches O(10^7).");
246  }
248 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4
249  FastBDT::EventSample eventSample(numberOfEvents, numberOfFeatures, numberOfSpectators, nBinningLevels);
250 #else
251  FastBDT::EventSample eventSample(numberOfEvents, numberOfFeatures, nBinningLevels);
252 #endif
253  std::vector<unsigned int> bins(numberOfFeatures + numberOfSpectators);
254  for (unsigned int iEvent = 0; iEvent < numberOfEvents; ++iEvent) {
255  training_data.loadEvent(iEvent);
256  for (unsigned int iFeature = 0; iFeature < numberOfFeatures + numberOfSpectators; ++iFeature) {
257  bins[iFeature] = featureBinnings[iFeature].ValueToBin(training_data.m_input[iFeature]);
258  }
259  for (unsigned int iSpectator = 0; iSpectator < numberOfSpectators; ++iSpectator) {
260  bins[iSpectator + numberOfFeatures] = featureBinnings[iSpectator + numberOfFeatures].ValueToBin(
261  training_data.m_spectators[iSpectator]);
262  }
263  eventSample.AddEvent(bins, training_data.m_weight, training_data.m_isSignal);
264  }
268 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
269  FastBDT::Forest<float> forest(dt.GetShrinkage(), dt.GetF0(), true);
270 #else
271  FastBDT::Forest forest(dt.GetShrinkage(), dt.GetF0());
272 #endif
273  for (auto t : dt.GetForest()) {
274 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
275  auto tree = FastBDT::removeFeatureBinningTransformationFromTree(t, featureBinnings);
276  forest.AddTree(tree);
277 #else
278  forest.AddTree(t);
279 #endif
280  }
282 #endif
285  Weightfile weightfile;
286  std::string custom_weightfile = weightfile.generateFileName();
287  std::fstream file(custom_weightfile, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
289 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
290  file << classifier << std::endl;
291 #else
292 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
293  file << forest << std::endl;
294 #else
295  file << featureBinnings << std::endl;
296  file << forest << std::endl;
297 #endif
298 #endif
299  file.close();
301  weightfile.addOptions(m_general_options);
302  weightfile.addOptions(m_specific_options);
303  weightfile.addFile("FastBDT_Weightfile", custom_weightfile);
304  weightfile.addSignalFraction(training_data.getSignalFraction());
306  std::map<std::string, float> importance;
307 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
308  for (auto& pair : classifier.GetVariableRanking()) {
309  importance[m_general_options.m_variables[pair.first]] = pair.second;
310  }
311 #else
312  for (auto& pair : forest.GetVariableRanking()) {
313  importance[m_general_options.m_variables[pair.first]] = pair.second;
314  }
315 #endif
316  weightfile.addFeatureImportance(importance);
318  return weightfile;
320  }
322  void FastBDTExpert::load(Weightfile& weightfile)
323  {
325  std::string custom_weightfile = weightfile.generateFileName();
326  weightfile.getFile("FastBDT_Weightfile", custom_weightfile);
327  std::fstream file(custom_weightfile, std::ios_base::in);
329  int version = weightfile.getElement<int>("FastBDT_version", 0);
330  B2DEBUG(100, "FastBDT Weightfile Version " << version);
331  if (version < 2) {
332 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
333  std::stringstream s;
334  {
335  std::string t;
336  std::fstream file2(custom_weightfile, std::ios_base::in);
337  getline(file2, t);
338  s << t;
339  }
340  int dummy;
341  // Try to read to integers, if this is successful we have a old weightfile with a Feature Binning before the Tree.
342  if (!(s >> dummy >> dummy)) {
343  B2DEBUG(100, "FastBDT: I read a new weightfile of FastBDT using the new FastBDT version 3. Everything fine!");
344  // New format since version 3
345  m_expert_forest = FastBDT::readForestFromStream<float>(file);
346  } else {
347  B2INFO("FastBDT: I read an old weightfile of FastBDT using the new FastBDT version 3."
348  "I will convert your FastBDT on-the-fly to the new version."
349  "Retrain the classifier to get rid of this message");
350  // Old format before version 3
351  // We read in first the feature binnings and than rewrite the tree
352  std::vector<FastBDT::FeatureBinning<float>> feature_binnings;
353  file >> feature_binnings;
354  double F0;
355  file >> F0;
356  double shrinkage;
357  file >> shrinkage;
358  // This parameter was not available in the old version
359  bool transform2probability = true;
360  FastBDT::Forest<unsigned int> temp_forest(shrinkage, F0, transform2probability);
361  unsigned int size;
362  file >> size;
363  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
364  temp_forest.AddTree(FastBDT::readTreeFromStream<unsigned int>(file));
365  }
367  FastBDT::Forest<float> cleaned_forest(temp_forest.GetShrinkage(), temp_forest.GetF0(), temp_forest.GetTransform2Probability());
368  for (auto& tree : temp_forest.GetForest()) {
369  cleaned_forest.AddTree(FastBDT::removeFeatureBinningTransformationFromTree(tree, feature_binnings));
370  }
371  m_expert_forest = cleaned_forest;
372  }
373 #else
374  B2INFO("FastBDT: I read an old weightfile of FastBDT using the old FastBDT version."
375  "I try to fix the weightfile first to avoid problems due to NaN and inf values."
376  "Consider to switch to the newer version of FastBDT (newer externals)");
377  // Check for nan or inf in file and replace with 0
378  std::stringstream s;
379  std::string t;
380  while (getline(file, t)) {
381  size_t f = 0;
383  while ((f = t.find("inf", f)) != std::string::npos) {
384  t.replace(f, std::string("inf").length(), std::string("0.0"));
385  f += std::string("0.0").length();
386  B2WARNING("Found infinity in FastBDT weightfile, I replace it with 0 to prevent horrible crashes, this is fixed in the newer version");
387  }
388  f = 0;
389  while ((f = t.find("nan", f)) != std::string::npos) {
390  t.replace(f, std::string("nan").length(), std::string("0.0"));
391  f += std::string("0.0").length();
392  B2WARNING("Found nan in FastBDT weightfile, I replace it with 0 to prevent horrible crashes, this is fixed in the newer version");
393  }
394  s << t + '\n';
395  }
397  m_expert_forest = FastBDT::readForestFromStream(s);
398 #endif
399  }
400 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
401  else {
402  m_use_simplified_interface = true;
403  m_classifier = FastBDT::Classifier(file);
404  }
405 #else
406  else {
407  B2ERROR("Unknown Version 2 of Weightfile, please use a more recent FastBDT version");
408  }
409 #endif
410  file.close();
412  weightfile.getOptions(m_specific_options);
413  }
415  std::vector<float> FastBDTExpert::apply(Dataset& test_data) const
416  {
418  std::vector<float> probabilities(test_data.getNumberOfEvents());
419  for (unsigned int iEvent = 0; iEvent < test_data.getNumberOfEvents(); ++iEvent) {
420  test_data.loadEvent(iEvent);
421 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3
422 #if FastBDT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
423  if (m_use_simplified_interface)
424  probabilities[iEvent] = m_classifier.predict(test_data.m_input);
425  else
426  probabilities[iEvent] = m_expert_forest.Analyse(test_data.m_input);
427 #else
428  probabilities[iEvent] = m_expert_forest.Analyse(test_data.m_input);
429 #endif
430 #else
431  std::vector<unsigned int> bins(m_expert_feature_binning.size());
432  for (unsigned int iFeature = 0; iFeature < m_expert_feature_binning.size(); ++iFeature) {
433  bins[iFeature] = m_expert_feature_binning[iFeature].ValueToBin(test_data.m_input[iFeature]);
434  }
435  probabilities[iEvent] = m_expert_forest.Analyse(bins);
436 #endif
437  }
439  return probabilities;
441  }
443  }
445 }
Abstract base class of all Datasets given to the MVA interface The current event can always be access...
Definition: Dataset.h:33
std::vector< FastBDT::FeatureBinning< float > > m_expert_feature_binning
Forest feature binning.
Definition: FastBDT.h:147
virtual std::vector< float > apply(Dataset &test_data) const override
Apply this expert onto a dataset.
FastBDT::Forest m_expert_forest
Forest Expert.
Definition: FastBDT.h:146
virtual void load(Weightfile &weightfile) override
Load the expert from a Weightfile.
FastBDTOptions m_specific_options
Method specific options.
Definition: FastBDT.h:138
Options for the FANN MVA method.
Definition: FastBDT.h:53
virtual po::options_description getDescription() override
Returns a program options description for all available options.
double m_randRatio
Fraction of data to use in the stochastic training.
Definition: FastBDT.h:82
double m_shrinkage
Shrinkage during the boosting step.
Definition: FastBDT.h:81
virtual void load(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt) override
Load mechanism to load Options from a xml tree.
unsigned int m_nLevels
Depth of tree.
Definition: FastBDT.h:80
virtual void save(boost::property_tree::ptree &pt) const override
Save mechanism to store Options in a xml tree.
unsigned int m_nCuts
Number of cut Levels = log_2(Number of Cuts)
Definition: FastBDT.h:79
unsigned int m_nTrees
Number of trees.
Definition: FastBDT.h:78
FastBDTTeacher(const GeneralOptions &general_options, const FastBDTOptions &specific_options)
Constructs a new teacher using the GeneralOptions and specific options of this training.
FastBDTOptions m_specific_options
Method specific options.
Definition: FastBDT.h:115
virtual Weightfile train(Dataset &training_data) const override
Train a mva method using the given dataset returning a Weightfile.
General options which are shared by all MVA trainings.
Definition: Options.h:62
std::vector< std::string > m_variables
Vector of all variables (branch names) used in the training.
Definition: Options.h:86
Abstract base class of all Teachers Each MVA library has its own implementation of this class,...
Definition: Teacher.h:29
GeneralOptions m_general_options
GeneralOptions containing all shared options.
Definition: Teacher.h:49
The Weightfile class serializes all information about a training into an xml tree.
Definition: Weightfile.h:38
T getElement(const std::string &identifier) const
Returns a stored element from the xml tree.
Definition: Weightfile.h:151
void addFile(const std::string &identifier, const std::string &custom_weightfile)
Add a file (mostly a weightfile from a MVA library) to our Weightfile.
void addOptions(const Options &options)
Add an Option object to the xml tree.
void getOptions(Options &options) const
Fills an Option object from the xml tree.
void addSignalFraction(float signal_fraction)
Saves the signal fraction in the xml tree.
void addFeatureImportance(const std::map< std::string, float > &importance)
Add variable importance.
std::string generateFileName(const std::string &suffix="")
Returns a temporary filename with the given suffix.
void getFile(const std::string &identifier, const std::string &custom_weightfile)
Creates a file from our weightfile (mostly this will be a weightfile of an MVA library)
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.