10 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/findlets/base/Findlet.h>
11 #include <tracking/datcon/utilities/DATCONHelpers.h>
26 class ModuleParamList;
49 void apply(
const std::vector<std::pair<
VxdID, std::pair<long, long>>>& hits,
50 std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& tracks)
58 uint layercount = std::count(layer.begin(), layer.end(),
59 return (layercount >= 3 ? layercount : 0);
71 uint xmin, uint xmax, uint ymin, uint ymax, uint currentRecursion);
164 const std::string
m_const_rectColor[8] = {
Findlet for finging intersections of sinosoidal curves in the 2D Hough space by iteratively calling f...
void gnuplotoutput(const std::vector< std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long >>> &hits)
gnuplot output for debugging
std::vector< int > m_SectorArray
vector containing only the 1D representation of active cells to speed up processing
uint m_param_MinimumHSClusterSize
minimum cluster size of sectors belonging to intercepts in the Hough Space
const std::string m_const_rectColor[8]
color definition for the sector debug output
void FindHoughSpaceCluster()
Find Hough Space clusters.
double m_param_maximumX
maximum x value of the Hough Space, defaults to the value for u-side
uint m_clusterSize
size of the current cluster
void initialize() override
Create the store arrays.
std::array< long, 16385 > m_HSYLUT
y values of the Hough Space sector boarders
double m_unitX
HS unit size in x.
std::array< double, 16385 > m_HSXLUT
x values of the Hough Space sector boarders
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > m_trackCandidates
vector containing track candidates, consisting of the found intersection values in the Hough Space
std::string m_param_gnuplotHSRectOutputFileName
gnuplot HS sector output filename
uint m_param_nVerticalSectors
number of sectors of the Hough Space on the vertical axis
bool m_param_isUFinder
Is this the intercept finder for the u-side hits (r-phi) or v-side (r-z)?
long m_param_verticalHoughSpaceSize
vertical size of the Hough Space, defaults to the value for u-side
std::array< long, 16385 > m_HSCosValuesLUT
cosine values of the Hough Space sector boarder coordinates
void DepthFirstSearch(uint lastIndexX, uint lastIndexY)
Perform depth first search recursive algorithm to find clusters in the Hough Space.
double m_unitY
HS unit size in y.
uint m_clusterCount
count the clusters
std::array< long, 16385 > m_HSSinValuesLUT
Look-Up-Tables for values as cache to speed up calculation sine values of the Hough Space sector boar...
std::array< long, 16384 > m_HSCenterCosValuesLUT
cosine values of the Hough Space sector center coordinates
uint m_param_maxRecursionLevel
maximum number of recursive calls of fastInterceptFinder2d
std::ofstream m_rectoutstream
HS sector debug file.
std::ofstream m_cogoutstream
HS CoG debug file.
std::pair< int, int > m_clusterCoG
center of gravity containing describing the current best track parameters in the Hough Space
double m_param_minimumX
minimum x value of the Hough Space, defaults to the value for u-side
uint m_param_nAngleSectors
number of sectors of the Hough Space on the horizontal axis
std::string m_param_gnuplotHSOutputFileName
gnuplot HS output filename
std::vector< std::pair< uint, uint > > m_activeSectorArray
vector containing information for each cell whether it contained enough hits after m_maxRecursionLeve...
void apply(const std::vector< std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long >>> &hits, std::vector< std::pair< double, double >> &tracks) override
Load in the prepared hits and create tracks for extrapolation to PXD.
std::array< long, 16384 > m_HSYCenterLUT
y values of the Hough Space sector centers
uint m_param_MaximumHSClusterSizeX
maximum cluster size in x of sectors belonging to intercepts in the Hough Space
std::string m_param_gnuplotHSCoGOutputFileName
gnuplot HS sector output filename
void fastInterceptFinder2d(const std::vector< std::pair< VxdID, std::pair< long, long >>> &hits, uint xmin, uint xmax, uint ymin, uint ymax, uint currentRecursion)
find intercepts in the 2D Hough Space by recursively calling itself until no hits are assinged to a g...
uint m_param_MaximumHSClusterSize
maximum cluster size of sectors belonging to intercepts in the Hough Space
bool m_param_writeGnuplotOutput
use gnuplot output?
unsigned short layerFilter(std::vector< bool > layer)
Layer filter, checks if at least hits from 3 layers are in a set of hits.
Find intercepts in the 2D Hough space.
uint m_rectcounter
count HS debug rectangles
void exposeParameters(ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) override
Expose the parameters of the sub findlets.
std::array< double, 16384 > m_HSXCenterLUT
x values of the Hough Space sector centers
std::pair< int, int > m_clusterInitialPosition
start cell of the recursive cluster finding in the Hough Space
uint m_param_MaximumHSClusterSizeY
maximum cluster size in y of sectors belonging to intercepts in the Hough Space
std::array< long, 16384 > m_HSCenterSinValuesLUT
sine values of the Hough Space sector center coordinates
The Module parameter list class.
Interface for a minimal algorithm part that wants to expose some parameters to a module.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
long convertFloatToInt(double value, int power)
Convert float or double to long int for more similarity to the FPGA implementation.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.