Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 // Own header.
10 #include <analysis/variables/FlightInfoVariables.h>
12 // include VariableManager
13 #include <analysis/VariableManager/Manager.h>
15 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
16 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
18 #include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
19 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
20 #include <mdst/dbobjects/BeamSpot.h>
22 #include <TMatrixFSym.h>
24 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
26 namespace Belle2 {
32  namespace Variable {
34  //Function to check if a beam constrained rave fit has been performed
35  bool hasRAVEBeamConstrainedProductionVertex(const Particle* particle)
36  {
37  bool hasRAVEProdVertex = true;
38  std::vector<std::string> directions = {"x", "y", "z"};
39  for (auto ielement : directions) {
40  std::string prodVertPositionElement = boost::str(boost::format("prodVert%s") % boost::to_upper_copy(ielement));
41  hasRAVEProdVertex &= particle -> hasExtraInfo(prodVertPositionElement);
42  for (auto jelement : directions) {
43  std::string prodVertCovarianceElement = boost::str(boost::format("prodVertS%s%s") % ielement % jelement);
44  hasRAVEProdVertex &= particle -> hasExtraInfo(prodVertCovarianceElement);
45  }
46  }
47  return hasRAVEProdVertex;
48  }
50  // Helper function for flight distance and its uncertainty (provided as it is)
51  inline double getFlightInfoBtw(const Particle* particle, const Particle* daughter, double& outErr, const std::string& mode,
52  const bool motherToGranddaughter = false)
53  {
54  if (!particle || !daughter) {
55  outErr = Const::doubleNaN;
56  return Const::doubleNaN;
57  }
58  // check if the particle source is a composite particle or a V0
59  if ((particle->getParticleSource() != Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_Composite and
60  particle->getParticleSource() != Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_V0) or
61  (daughter->getParticleSource() != Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_Composite and
62  daughter->getParticleSource() != Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_V0)) {
63  B2WARNING("Attempting to calculate flight " << mode << " for neither composite particle nor V0");
64  outErr = Const::doubleNaN;
65  return Const::doubleNaN;
66  }
67  if (!(mode == "distance") && !(mode == "time")) {
68  B2WARNING("FlightInfo helper function called with mode '" << mode
69  << "'. Only 'distance' and 'time' are available.");
70  outErr = Const::doubleNaN;
71  return Const::doubleNaN;
72  }
73  // get TreeFitter values if they exist.
74  // Bypass this in case the variables are requested for the granddaughter with respect to the mother as
75  // TreeFitter will return the values of the granddaughter with respect to the daughter
76  if (!motherToGranddaughter) {
77  if (mode == "distance" &&
78  daughter->hasExtraInfo("decayLength") &&
79  daughter->hasExtraInfo("decayLengthErr")) {
80  outErr = daughter -> getExtraInfo("decayLengthErr");
81  return daughter -> getExtraInfo("decayLength");
82  }
83  if (mode == "time" &&
84  daughter->hasExtraInfo("lifeTime") &&
85  daughter->hasExtraInfo("lifeTimeErr")) {
86  outErr = daughter -> getExtraInfo("lifeTimeErr");
87  return daughter -> getExtraInfo("lifeTime");
88  }
89  }
92  double mumvtxX = particle->getX();
93  double mumvtxY = particle->getY();
94  double mumvtxZ = particle->getZ();
95  if (particle == daughter) {
96  if (hasRAVEBeamConstrainedProductionVertex(particle)) {
97  mumvtxX = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertX");
98  mumvtxY = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertY");
99  mumvtxZ = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertZ");
100  } else {
101  //if no production vertex assume the particle originated at the ip
102  static DBObjPtr<BeamSpot> beamSpotDB;
103  mumvtxX = (beamSpotDB->getIPPosition()).X();
104  mumvtxY = (beamSpotDB->getIPPosition()).Y();
105  mumvtxZ = (beamSpotDB->getIPPosition()).Z();
106  }
107  }
108  //daughter vertex
109  double vtxX = daughter->getX();
110  double vtxY = daughter->getY();
111  double vtxZ = daughter->getZ();
112  // daughter MOMENTUM
113  double p = daughter->getP();
114  double pX = daughter->getPx();
115  double pY = daughter->getPy();
116  double pZ = daughter->getPz();
118  //versor of the daughter momentum
119  double nX = pX / p;
120  double nY = pY / p;
121  double nZ = pZ / p;
122  //mother vertex
123  double lX = vtxX - mumvtxX;
124  double lY = vtxY - mumvtxY;
125  double lZ = vtxZ - mumvtxZ;
127  //flight distance
128  double fD = lX * nX + lY * nY + lZ * nZ;
129  //flight time
130  double fT = daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * fD / p;
132  //covariance matrix of momentum and vertex for the Dz
133  //ORDER = px,py,pz,E,x,y,z
134  TMatrixFSym dauCov = daughter->getMomentumVertexErrorMatrix();
135  TMatrixFSym mumCov = particle->getVertexErrorMatrix(); //order: x,y,z
136  if (particle == daughter) {
137  if (hasRAVEBeamConstrainedProductionVertex(particle)) {
138  std::vector<std::string> directions = {"x", "y", "z"};
139  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < directions.size(); i++) {
140  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < directions.size(); j++) {
141  mumCov[i][j] = particle->getExtraInfo(boost::str(boost::format("prodVertS%s%s") % directions[i] % directions[j]));
142  }
143  }
144  } else {
145  static DBObjPtr<BeamSpot> beamSpotDB;
146  mumCov = beamSpotDB->getCovVertex();
147  }
148  }
149  //compute total covariance matrix
150  //ORDER = px dau, py dau, pz dau, E dau, x dau, y dau, z dau, x mum, y mum, z mum
152  TMatrixFSym Cov(10);
153  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
154  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
155  if (i < 7 && j < 7)
156  Cov[i][j] = dauCov[i][j];
157  else if (i > 6 && j > 6)
158  Cov[i][j] = mumCov[i - 7][j - 7];
159  else
160  Cov[i][j] = 0;
162  if (mode == "distance") {
163  TMatrixF deriv(10, 1);
164  deriv[0][0] = (lX - nX * fD) / p; //px Daughter
165  deriv[1][0] = (lY - nY * fD) / p; //py Daughter
166  deriv[2][0] = (lZ - nZ * fD) / p; //pz Daughter
167  deriv[3][0] = 0; //E Daughter
168  deriv[4][0] = nX; //vtxX Daughter
169  deriv[5][0] = nY; //vtxY Daughter
170  deriv[6][0] = nZ; //vtxZ Daughter
171  deriv[7][0] = - nX; //vtxX Mother
172  deriv[8][0] = - nY; //vtxY Mother
173  deriv[9][0] = - nZ; //vtxZ Mother
176  TMatrixF tmp(10, 1);
177  tmp.Mult(Cov, deriv);
179  TMatrixF result(1, 1);
180  result.Mult(deriv.T(), tmp);
182  outErr = sqrt(result[0][0]);
183  return fD;
184  }
185  if (mode == "time") {
186  TMatrixF deriv(10, 1);
187  deriv[0][0] = (daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * lX - 2 * pX * fT) / p / p; //px Daughter
188  deriv[1][0] = (daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * lY - 2 * pY * fT) / p / p; //py Daughter
189  deriv[2][0] = (daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * lZ - 2 * pZ * fT) / p / p; //pz Daughter
190  deriv[3][0] = 0; //E Daughter
191  deriv[4][0] = daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * pX / p / p; //vtxX Daughter
192  deriv[5][0] = daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * pY / p / p; //vtxY Daughter
193  deriv[6][0] = daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * pZ / p / p; //vtxZ Daughter
194  deriv[7][0] = - daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * pX / p / p; //vtxX Mother
195  deriv[8][0] = - daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * pY / p / p; //vtxY Mother
196  deriv[9][0] = - daughter->getPDGMass() / Const::speedOfLight * pZ / p / p; //vtxZ Mother
199  TMatrixF tmp(10, 1);
200  tmp.Mult(Cov, deriv);
202  TMatrixF result(1, 1);
203  result.Mult(deriv.T(), tmp);
204  outErr = sqrt(result[0][0]);
205  return fT;
206  }
207  outErr = Const::doubleNaN;
208  return Const::doubleNaN;
209  }
211  // Helper function for MC flight time and distance
212  inline double getMCFlightInfoBtw(const MCParticle* mcparticle, const std::string& mode)
213  {
215  if (mcparticle == nullptr)
216  return Const::doubleNaN;
219  if (mode == "distance") {
220  ROOT::Math::XYZVector deltaVtx = mcparticle->getDecayVertex() - mcparticle->getProductionVertex();
221  double distance = deltaVtx.R();
222  if (distance < 0)
223  B2WARNING("Negative true flight distance, it's forbidden -> something went wrong.");
225  return distance;
226  }
228  if (mode == "time") {
229  double lifetime = mcparticle->getLifetime();
230  double mass = mcparticle->getMass();
231  double time = Const::doubleNaN;
232  if (mass == 0)
233  B2WARNING("you are asking for the proper time of a massless particle which is not allowed, returning -99.");
234  else {
235  double energy = mcparticle->getEnergy();
236  time = lifetime / energy * mass;
237  }
239  if (time < 0)
240  B2WARNING("Negative true proper time, it's forbidden -> something went wrong.");
242  return time;
244  }
245  B2WARNING("MCFlightInfo helper function called with mode '" << mode
246  << "'. Only 'distance' and 'time' are available.");
247  return Const::doubleNaN;
249  }
251  double flightDistance(const Particle* part)
252  {
253  double flightDistanceError = Const::doubleNaN;
254  return getFlightInfoBtw(part, part, flightDistanceError, "distance");
255  }
257  double flightTime(const Particle* part)
258  {
259  double flightTimeError = Const::doubleNaN;
260  return getFlightInfoBtw(part, part, flightTimeError, "time");
261  }
263  double flightDistanceErr(const Particle* part)
264  {
265  double flightDistanceError = Const::doubleNaN;
266  getFlightInfoBtw(part, part, flightDistanceError, "distance");
267  return flightDistanceError;
268  }
270  double flightTimeErr(const Particle* part)
271  {
272  double flightTimeError = Const::doubleNaN;
273  getFlightInfoBtw(part, part, flightTimeError, "time");
274  return flightTimeError;
275  }
277  inline double getVertexDistance(const Particle* particle, const Particle* daughter, double& vertexDistanceErr,
278  bool prodVertIsIP = false)
279  {
280  if (!particle || !daughter) {
281  vertexDistanceErr = Const::doubleNaN;
282  return Const::doubleNaN;
283  }
285  // production vertex
286  double prodVtxX = particle->getX();
287  double prodVtxY = particle->getY();
288  double prodVtxZ = particle->getZ();
289  if (particle == daughter || prodVertIsIP) {
290  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertX")) prodVtxX = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertX");
291  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertY")) prodVtxY = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertY");
292  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertZ")) prodVtxZ = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertZ");
293  }
295  // decay vertex
296  double vtxX = daughter->getX();
297  double vtxY = daughter->getY();
298  double vtxZ = daughter->getZ();
300  // difference between vertices
301  double lX = vtxX - prodVtxX;
302  double lY = vtxY - prodVtxY;
303  double lZ = vtxZ - prodVtxZ;
305  // vertex distance
306  double lD = sqrt(lX * lX + lY * lY + lZ * lZ);
308  // covariance matrix of both vertices
309  TMatrixFSym decCov = daughter->getVertexErrorMatrix();
310  TMatrixFSym prodCov = particle->getVertexErrorMatrix();
311  if (particle == daughter || prodVertIsIP) {
312  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSxx")) prodCov[0][0] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSxx");
313  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSxy")) prodCov[0][1] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSxy");
314  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSxz")) prodCov[0][2] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSxz");
315  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSyx")) prodCov[1][0] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSyx");
316  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSyy")) prodCov[1][1] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSyy");
317  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSyz")) prodCov[1][2] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSyz");
318  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSzx")) prodCov[2][0] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSzx");
319  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSzy")) prodCov[2][1] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSzy");
320  if (particle->hasExtraInfo("prodVertSzz")) prodCov[2][2] = particle->getExtraInfo("prodVertSzz");
321  }
323  // compute total covariance matrix
324  // ORDER = prod x, prod y, prod z, decay x, decay y, decay z
326  TMatrixFSym Cov(6);
327  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
328  for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
329  if (i < 3 && j < 3)
330  Cov[i][j] = prodCov[i][j];
331  else if (i > 2 && j > 2)
332  Cov[i][j] = decCov[i - 3][j - 3];
333  else
334  Cov[i][j] = 0;
336  TMatrixF deriv(6, 1);
337  deriv[0][0] = - lX / lD; // prodVtxX
338  deriv[1][0] = - lY / lD; // prodVtxY
339  deriv[2][0] = - lZ / lD; // prodVtxZ
340  deriv[3][0] = lX / lD; // vtxX
341  deriv[4][0] = lY / lD; // vtxY
342  deriv[5][0] = lZ / lD; // vtxZ
345  TMatrixF tmp(6, 1);
346  tmp.Mult(Cov, deriv);
348  TMatrixF result(1, 1);
349  result.Mult(deriv.T(), tmp);
351  vertexDistanceErr = sqrt(result[0][0]);
352  return lD;
353  }
355  double vertexDistance(const Particle* part)
356  {
357  double vertexDistanceError = Const::doubleNaN;
358  if (!part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertX") || !part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertY") || !part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertZ")) {
359  return Const::doubleNaN;
360  }
361  return getVertexDistance(part, part, vertexDistanceError);
362  }
364  double vertexDistanceErr(const Particle* part)
365  {
366  double vertexDistanceError = Const::doubleNaN;
367  if (!part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertX") || !part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertY") || !part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertZ")) {
368  return Const::doubleNaN;
369  }
370  getVertexDistance(part, part, vertexDistanceError);
371  return vertexDistanceError;
372  }
374  double vertexDistanceSignificance(const Particle* part)
375  {
376  double vertexDistanceError = Const::doubleNaN;
377  if (!part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertX") || !part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertY") || !part->hasExtraInfo("prodVertZ")) {
378  return Const::doubleNaN;
379  }
380  return getVertexDistance(part, part, vertexDistanceError) / vertexDistanceError;
381  }
383  double flightTimeOfDaughter(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& daughters)
384  {
385  if (!particle)
386  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
388  long daughterNumber = -1;
389  if (daughters.size() > 0) {
390  daughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[0]);
391  } else {
392  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to flightTimeOfDaughter!");
393  return Const::doubleNaN;
394  }
395  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
396  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
397  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to flightTimeOfDaughter is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
398  return Const::doubleNaN;
399  }
401  long grandDaughterNumber = -1;
402  if (daughters.size() == 2) {
403  grandDaughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[1]);
404  }
406  const Particle* daughter = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
407  double flightTimeError;
408  if (grandDaughterNumber > -1) {
409  if (grandDaughterNumber < (int)daughter->getNDaughters()) {
410  return getFlightInfoBtw(particle, daughter->getDaughter(grandDaughterNumber), flightTimeError, "time", true);
411  } else {
412  B2ERROR("The granddaughter index provided to flightTimeOfDaughter is too large!");
413  return Const::doubleNaN;
414  }
415  } else {
416  return getFlightInfoBtw(particle, daughter, flightTimeError, "time");
417  }
418  }
420  // Flight time uncertainty
421  double flightTimeOfDaughterErr(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& daughters)
422  {
423  if (!particle)
424  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
426  long daughterNumber = -1;
427  if (daughters.size() > 0) {
428  daughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[0]);
429  } else {
430  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to flightTimeOfDaughterErr!");
431  return Const::doubleNaN;
432  }
433  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
434  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
435  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to flightTimeOfDaughterErr is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
436  return Const::doubleNaN;
437  }
439  long grandDaughterNumber = -1;
440  if (daughters.size() == 2) {
441  grandDaughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[1]);
442  }
444  const Particle* daughter = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
445  double flightTimeError = Const::doubleNaN;;
446  if (grandDaughterNumber > -1) {
447  if (grandDaughterNumber < (int)daughter->getNDaughters()) {
448  getFlightInfoBtw(particle, daughter->getDaughter(grandDaughterNumber), flightTimeError, "time", true);
449  } else {
450  B2ERROR("The granddaughter index provided to flightTimeOfDaughterErr is too large!");
451  }
452  } else {
453  getFlightInfoBtw(particle, daughter, flightTimeError, "time");
454  }
455  return flightTimeError;
456  }
458  double flightDistanceOfDaughter(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& daughters)
459  {
460  if (!particle)
461  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
463  long daughterNumber = -1;
464  if (daughters.size() > 0) {
465  daughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[0]);
466  } else {
467  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to flightDistanceOfDaughter!");
468  return Const::doubleNaN;
469  }
470  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
471  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
472  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to flightDistanceOfDaughter is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
473  return Const::doubleNaN;
474  }
476  long grandDaughterNumber = -1;
477  if (daughters.size() == 2) {
478  grandDaughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[1]);
479  }
481  const Particle* daughter = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
482  double flightDistanceError;
483  if (grandDaughterNumber > -1) {
484  if (grandDaughterNumber < (int)daughter->getNDaughters()) {
485  return getFlightInfoBtw(particle, daughter->getDaughter(grandDaughterNumber), flightDistanceError, "distance", true);
486  } else {
487  B2ERROR("The granddaughter index provided to flightDistanceOfDaughter is too large!");
488  return Const::doubleNaN;
489  }
490  } else {
491  return getFlightInfoBtw(particle, daughter, flightDistanceError, "distance");
492  }
493  }
495  // Flight distance uncertainty
496  double flightDistanceOfDaughterErr(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& daughters)
497  {
498  if (!particle)
499  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
501  long daughterNumber = -1;
502  if (daughters.size() > 0) {
503  daughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[0]);
504  } else {
505  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to flightDistanceOfDaughterErr!");
506  return Const::doubleNaN;
507  }
508  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
509  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
510  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to flightDistanceOfDaughterErr is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
511  return Const::doubleNaN;
512  }
514  long grandDaughterNumber = -1;
515  if (daughters.size() == 2) {
516  grandDaughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[1]);
517  }
519  const Particle* daughter = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
520  double flightDistanceError = Const::doubleNaN;
521  if (grandDaughterNumber > -1) {
522  if (grandDaughterNumber < (int)daughter->getNDaughters()) {
523  getFlightInfoBtw(particle, daughter->getDaughter(grandDaughterNumber), flightDistanceError, "distance", true);
524  } else {
525  B2ERROR("The granddaughter index provided to flightDistanceOfDaughterErr is too large!");
526  }
527  } else {
528  getFlightInfoBtw(particle, daughter, flightDistanceError, "distance");
529  }
530  return flightDistanceError;
531  }
533  // Distance between mother and daughter vertices
534  double vertexDistanceOfDaughter(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& arguments)
535  {
536  if (!particle)
537  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
538  long daughterNumber = -1;
539  if (arguments.size() > 0) {
540  daughterNumber = std::lround(arguments[0]);
541  } else {
542  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to vertexDistanceOfDaughter!");
543  return Const::doubleNaN;
544  }
545  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
546  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
547  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to vertexDistanceOfDaughter is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
548  return Const::doubleNaN;
549  }
551  bool prodVertIsIP = true;
552  if (arguments.size() == 2) {
553  prodVertIsIP = false;
554  }
556  const Particle* daughter = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
557  double vertexDistanceError;
558  return getVertexDistance(particle, daughter, vertexDistanceError, prodVertIsIP);
559  }
561  // Uncertainty on distance between mother and daughter vertices
562  double vertexDistanceOfDaughterErr(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& arguments)
563  {
564  if (!particle)
565  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
566  long daughterNumber = -1;
567  if (arguments.size() > 0) {
568  daughterNumber = std::lround(arguments[0]);
569  } else {
570  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to vertexDistanceOfDaughterErr!");
571  return Const::doubleNaN;
572  }
573  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
574  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
575  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to vertexDistanceOfDaughterErr is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
576  return Const::doubleNaN;
577  }
579  bool prodVertIsIP = true;
580  if (arguments.size() == 2) {
581  prodVertIsIP = false;
582  }
584  const Particle* daughter = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
585  double vertexDistanceError;
586  getVertexDistance(particle, daughter, vertexDistanceError, prodVertIsIP);
587  return vertexDistanceError;
588  }
590  // Significance of distance between mother and daughter vertices
591  double vertexDistanceOfDaughterSignificance(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& arguments)
592  {
593  if (!particle)
594  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
595  long daughterNumber = -1;
596  if (arguments.size() > 0) {
597  daughterNumber = std::lround(arguments[0]);
598  } else {
599  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to vertexDistanceOfDaughterSignificance!");
600  return Const::doubleNaN;
601  }
602  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
603  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
604  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to vertexDistanceOfDaughterSignificance is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
605  return Const::doubleNaN;
606  }
608  bool prodVertIsIP = true;
609  if (arguments.size() == 2) {
610  prodVertIsIP = false;
611  }
613  const Particle* daughter = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
614  double vertexDistanceError;
615  return getVertexDistance(particle, daughter, vertexDistanceError, prodVertIsIP) / vertexDistanceError;
616  }
618  // MC variables
620  double mcFlightDistance(const Particle* particle)
621  {
622  if (particle == nullptr)
623  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
625  const MCParticle* mcparticle = particle->getMCParticle();
627  if (mcparticle == nullptr)
628  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
630  return getMCFlightInfoBtw(mcparticle, "distance");
631  }
633  double mcFlightTime(const Particle* particle)
634  {
635  if (particle == nullptr)
636  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
638  const MCParticle* mcparticle = particle->getMCParticle();
640  if (mcparticle == nullptr)
641  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
644  return getMCFlightInfoBtw(mcparticle, "time");
645  }
647  double mcFlightDistanceOfDaughter(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& daughters)
648  {
649  if (!particle)
650  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
652  long daughterNumber = -1;
653  if (daughters.size() > 0) {
654  daughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[0]);
655  } else {
656  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to mcFlightDistanceOfDaughter!");
657  return Const::doubleNaN;
658  }
659  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
660  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
661  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to mcFlightDistanceOfDaughter is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
662  return Const::doubleNaN;
663  }
665  long grandDaughterNumber = -1;
666  if (daughters.size() == 2) {
667  grandDaughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[1]);
668  }
670  const Particle* daughterReco = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
671  //get the MC DAUGHTER
672  const MCParticle* daughter = daughterReco->getMCParticle();
674  double flightDistanceMC;
675  if (grandDaughterNumber > -1 && grandDaughterNumber < (int)daughterReco->getNDaughters()) {
676  // Compute value between mother and granddaughter
677  const MCParticle* gdaughter = daughterReco->getDaughter(grandDaughterNumber)->getMCParticle();
678  flightDistanceMC = getMCFlightInfoBtw(gdaughter, "distance");
679  } else {
680  // Compute value between mother and daughter
681  flightDistanceMC = getMCFlightInfoBtw(daughter, "distance");
682  }
683  return flightDistanceMC;
684  }
686  double mcFlightTimeOfDaughter(const Particle* particle, const std::vector<double>& daughters)
687  {
688  if (!particle)
689  return Const::doubleNaN; // Initial particle is NULL
691  long daughterNumber = -1;
692  if (daughters.size() > 0) {
693  daughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[0]);
694  } else {
695  B2ERROR("At least one integer, the index of the daughter, must be provided to mcFlightTimeOfDaughter!");
696  return Const::doubleNaN;
697  }
698  int nDaughters = static_cast<int>(particle->getNDaughters());
699  if (daughterNumber >= nDaughters) {
700  B2ERROR("The daughter index provided to mcFlightTimeOfDaughter is larger than the number of daughters of this particle!");
701  return Const::doubleNaN;
702  }
704  long grandDaughterNumber = -1;
705  if (daughters.size() == 2) {
706  grandDaughterNumber = std::lround(daughters[1]);
707  }
709  const Particle* daughterReco = particle->getDaughter(daughterNumber);
710  //get the MC DAUGHTER
711  const MCParticle* daughter = daughterReco->getMCParticle();
713  double flightTimeMC;
714  if (grandDaughterNumber > -1 && grandDaughterNumber < (int)daughterReco->getNDaughters()) {
715  // Compute value between mother and granddaughter
716  const MCParticle* gdaughter = daughterReco->getDaughter(grandDaughterNumber)->getMCParticle();
717  flightTimeMC = getMCFlightInfoBtw(gdaughter, "time");
718  } else {
719  flightTimeMC = getMCFlightInfoBtw(daughter, "time");
720  }
721  return flightTimeMC;
722  }
725  VARIABLE_GROUP("Flight Information");
726  REGISTER_VARIABLE("flightTime", flightTime,
727  "Returns the flight time of particle. If a treeFit has been performed the flight time calculated by TreeFitter is returned. Otherwise if a beam constrained rave fit has been performed the production vertex set by rave and the decay vertex are used to calculate the flight time. If neither fit has been performed the i.p. is taken to be the production vertex.\n\n",
728  "ns");
729  REGISTER_VARIABLE("flightDistance", flightDistance,
730  "Returns the flight distance of particle. If a treeFit has been performed the flight distance calculated by TreeFitter is returned. Otherwise if a beam constrained rave fit has been performed the production vertex set by rave and the decay vertex are used to calculate the flight distance. If neither fit has been performed the i.p. is taken to be the production vertex.\n\n",
731  "cm");
732  REGISTER_VARIABLE("flightTimeErr", flightTimeErr,
733  "Returns the flight time error of particle. If a treeFit has been performed the flight time error calculated by TreeFitter is returned. Otherwise if a beam constrained rave fit has been performed the production vertex set by rave and the decay vertex are used to calculate the flight time error. If neither fit has been performed the i.p. is taken to be the production vertex.\n\n",
734  "ns");
735  REGISTER_VARIABLE("flightDistanceErr", flightDistanceErr,
736  "Returns the flight distance error of particle. If a treeFit has been performed the flight distance error calculated by TreeFitter is returned. Otherwise if a beam constrained rave fit has been performed the production vertex set by rave and the decay vertex are used to calculate the flight distance error. If neither fit has been performed the i.p. is taken to be the production vertex.\n\n",
737  "cm");
738  // Daughters
739  REGISTER_VARIABLE("flightTimeOfDaughter(daughterN, gdaughterN = -1)", flightTimeOfDaughter,
740  "Returns the flight time between mother and daughter particle with daughterN index. If a treeFit has been performed the value calculated by treeFitter is returned. Otherwise the value is calculated using the decay vertices of the mother and daughter particle. If a second index granddaughterM is given the value is calculated between the mother and the Mth grandaughter (Mth daughter of Nth daughter).\n\n",
741  "ns");
742  REGISTER_VARIABLE("flightTimeOfDaughterErr(daughterN, gdaughterN = -1)", flightTimeOfDaughterErr,
743  "Returns the flight time error between mother and daughter particle with daughterN index. If a treeFit has been performed the value calculated by treeFitter is returned. Otherwise the value is calculated using the decay vertices of the mother and daughter particle. If a second index granddaughterM is given the value is calculated between the mother and the Mth grandaughter (Mth daughter of Nth daughter).\n\n",
744  "ns");
745  REGISTER_VARIABLE("flightDistanceOfDaughter(daughterN, gdaughterN = -1)", flightDistanceOfDaughter,
746  "Returns the flight distance between mother and daughter particle with daughterN index. If a treeFit has been performed the value calculated by treeFitter is returned. Otherwise the value is calculated using the decay vertices of the mother and daughter particle. If a second index granddaughterM is given the value is calculated between the mother and the Mth grandaughter (Mth daughter of Nth daughter).\n\n",
747  "cm");
748  REGISTER_VARIABLE("flightDistanceOfDaughterErr(daughterN, gdaughterN = -1)", flightDistanceOfDaughterErr,
749  "Returns the flight distance error between mother and daughter particle with daughterN index. If a treeFit has been performed the value calculated by treeFitter is returned. Otherwise the value is calculated using the decay vertices of the mother and daughter particle. If a second index granddaughterM is given the value is calculated between the mother and the Mth grandaughter (Mth daughter of Nth daughter).\n\n",
750  "cm");
751  // MC Info
752  REGISTER_VARIABLE("mcFlightDistance", mcFlightDistance,
753  "Returns the MC flight distance of the particle\n\n", "cm");
754  REGISTER_VARIABLE("mcFlightTime", mcFlightTime,
755  "Returns the MC flight time of the particle\n\n", "ns");
756  REGISTER_VARIABLE("mcFlightDistanceOfDaughter(daughterN, gdaughterN = -1)", mcFlightDistanceOfDaughter,
757  "Returns the MC flight distance between mother and daughter particle using generated info\n\n", "cm");
758  REGISTER_VARIABLE("mcFlightTimeOfDaughter(daughterN, gdaughterN = -1)", mcFlightTimeOfDaughter,
759  "Returns the MC flight time between mother and daughter particle using generated info\n\n", "ns");
760  //Vertex Distance
761  REGISTER_VARIABLE("vertexDistance", vertexDistance,
762  "Returns the distance between the production and decay vertex of a particle. Returns NaN if particle has no production or decay vertex.\n\n",
763  "cm");
764  REGISTER_VARIABLE("vertexDistanceErr", vertexDistanceErr,
765  "Returns the uncertainty on the distance between the production and decay vertex of a particle. Returns NaN if particle has no production or decay vertex.\n\n",
766  "cm");
767  REGISTER_VARIABLE("vertexDistanceSignificance", vertexDistanceSignificance,
768  "Returns the distance between the production and decay vertex of a particle in units of the uncertainty on this value, i.e. the significance of the vertex separation.");
769  REGISTER_VARIABLE("vertexDistanceOfDaughter(daughterN[, option])", vertexDistanceOfDaughter,
770  "If any integer is provided as second argument it returns the distance between the decay vertices of the particle and of its daughter with index daughterN.\n"
771  "Otherwise, it is assumed that the particle has a production vertex (typically the IP) which is used to calculate the distance to the daughter's decay vertex.\n"
772  "Returns NaN in case anything goes wrong.\n\n", "cm");
773  REGISTER_VARIABLE("vertexDistanceOfDaughterErr(daughterN[, option])", vertexDistanceOfDaughterErr,
774  "If any integer is provided as second argument it returns the uncertainty on the distance between the decay vertices of the particle and of its daughter with index daughterN.\n"
775  "Otherwise, it is assumed that the particle has a production vertex (typically the IP) with a corresponding covariance matrix to calculate the uncertainty on the distance to the daughter's decay vertex.\n"
776  "Returns NaN in case anything goes wrong.\n\n", "cm");
777  REGISTER_VARIABLE("vertexDistanceOfDaughterSignificance(daughterN[, option)", vertexDistanceOfDaughterSignificance,
778  "If any integer is provided as second argument it returns the distance between the decay vertices of the particle and of its daughter with index daughterN in units of the uncertainty on this value.\n"
779  "Otherwise, it is assumed that the particle has a production vertex (typically the IP) with a corresponding covariance matrix and the significance of the separation to this vertex is calculated.");
780  }
782 } // Belle2 namespace
static const double speedOfLight
Definition: Const.h:686
static const double doubleNaN
Definition: Const.h:694
const MCParticle * getMCParticle() const
Returns the pointer to the MCParticle object that was used to create this Particle (ParticleType == c...
const Particle * getDaughter(unsigned i) const
Returns a pointer to the i-th daughter particle.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.