Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 //-*-mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
2 /* Copyright 2013
3  * Authors: Sergey Yashchenko and Tadeas Bilka
4  *
5  * This is an interface to General Broken Lines
6  *
7  * Version: 5 (Tadeas)
8  * - several bug-fixes:
9  * - Scatterers at bad points
10  * - Jacobians at a point before they should be (code reorganized)
11  * - Change of sign of residuals
12  * Version: 4 (Tadeas)
13  * Fixed calculation of equvivalent scatterers (solution by C. Kleinwort)
14  * Now a scatterer is inserted at each measurement (except last) and between each two measurements.
15  * TrueHits/Clusters. Ghost (1D) hits ignored. With or without magnetic field.
16  * Version: 3 (Tadeas)
17  * This version now supports both TrueHits and Clusters for VXD.
18  * It can be used for arbitrary material distribution between
19  * measurements. Moments of scattering distribution are computed
20  * and translated into two equivalent thin GBL scatterers placed
21  * at computed positions between measurement points.
22  * Version: 2 ... never published (Tadeas)
23  * Scatterer at each boundary (tooo many scatterers). TrueHits/Clusters. Without global der.&MP2 output.
24  * Version: 1 (Sergey & Tadeas)
25  * Scatterers at measurement planes. TrueHits
26  * Version 0: (Sergey)
27  * Without scatterers. Genfit 1.
28  *
29  * This file is part of GENFIT.
30  *
31  * GENFIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
32  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
33  * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
34  * (at your option) any later version.
35  *
36  * GENFIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
37  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
39  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
40  *
41  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
42  * along with GENFIT. If not, see <>.
43  */
45 #include "GFGbl.h"
46 #include "GblTrajectory.h"
47 #include "GblPoint.h"
48 #include "MyDebugTools.h"
50 #include "AbsMeasurement.h"
51 #include "PlanarMeasurement.h"
52 #include "KalmanFitterInfo.h"
54 #include "Track.h"
55 #include <TFile.h>
56 #include <TH1F.h>
57 #include <TTree.h>
58 #include <string>
59 #include <list>
60 #include <FieldManager.h>
61 #include <HMatrixU.h>
62 #include <HMatrixV.h>
63 #include <Math/SMatrix.h>
64 #include <TMatrixD.h>
65 #include <TVectorDfwd.h>
66 #include <TMatrixT.h>
68 #include <TVector3.h>
70 //#define DEBUG
71 //#define OUTPUT
74 #ifdef DEBUG
75 //ofstream debug("gbl.debug");
76 #endif
78 #ifdef OUTPUT
80 std::string rootFileName = "gbl.root";
83 TFile* diag;
84 TH1F* resHistosU[12];
85 TH1F* resHistosV[12];
86 TH1F* mhistosU[12];
87 TH1F* mhistosV[12];
88 TH1F* ghistosU[12];
89 TH1F* ghistosV[12];
90 TH1F* downWeightsHistosU[12];
91 TH1F* downWeightsHistosV[12];
92 TH1F* localPar1[12];
93 TH1F* localPar2[12];
94 TH1F* localPar3[12];
95 TH1F* localPar4[12];
96 TH1F* localPar5[12];
97 TH1F* localCov1[12];
98 TH1F* localCov2[12];
99 TH1F* localCov3[12];
100 TH1F* localCov4[12];
101 TH1F* localCov5[12];
102 TH1F* localCov12[12];
103 TH1F* localCov13[12];
104 TH1F* localCov14[12];
105 TH1F* localCov15[12];
106 TH1F* localCov23[12];
107 TH1F* localCov24[12];
108 TH1F* localCov25[12];
109 TH1F* localCov34[12];
110 TH1F* localCov35[12];
111 TH1F* localCov45[12];
112 TH1I* fitResHisto;
113 TH1I* ndfHisto;
114 TH1F* chi2OndfHisto;
115 TH1F* pValueHisto;
116 TH1I* stats;
120 bool writeHistoDataForLabel(double label, TVectorD res, TVectorD measErr, TVectorD resErr, TVectorD downWeights, TVectorD localPar, TMatrixDSym localCov)
121 {
122  if (label < 1.) return false;
124  unsigned int id = floor(label);
125  // skip segment (5 bits)
126  id = id >> 5;
127  unsigned int sensor = id & 7;
128  id = id >> 3;
129  unsigned int ladder = id & 31;
130  id = id >> 5;
131  unsigned int layer = id & 7;
132  if (layer == 7 && ladder == 2) {
133  label = sensor;
134  } else if (layer == 7 && ladder == 3) {
135  label = sensor + 9 - 3;
136  } else {
137  label = layer + 3;
138  }
140  if (label > 12.) return false;
142  int i = int(label);
144  #ifdef OUTPUT
145  resHistosU[i - 1]->Fill(res[0]);
146  resHistosV[i - 1]->Fill(res[1]);
147  mhistosU[i - 1]->Fill(res[0] / measErr[0]);
148  mhistosV[i - 1]->Fill(res[1] / measErr[1]);
149  ghistosU[i - 1]->Fill(res[0] / resErr[0]);
150  ghistosV[i - 1]->Fill(res[1] / resErr[1]);
151  downWeightsHistosU[i - 1]->Fill(downWeights[0]);
152  downWeightsHistosV[i - 1]->Fill(downWeights[1]);
153  localPar1[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(0));
154  localPar2[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(1));
155  localPar3[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(2));
156  localPar4[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(3));
157  localPar5[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(4));
158  #endif
161  return true;
162 }
163 #endif
165 // Millepede Binary File for output of GBL trajectories for alignment
166 gbl::MilleBinary* milleFile;
167 // Minimum scattering sigma (will be squared and inverted...)
168 const double scatEpsilon = 1.e-8;
171 using namespace gbl;
172 using namespace std;
173 using namespace genfit;
175 GFGbl::GFGbl() :
176 AbsFitter(), m_milleFileName("millefile.dat"), m_gblInternalIterations("THC"), m_pValueCut(0.), m_minNdf(1),
177 m_chi2Cut(0.),
178 m_enableScatterers(true),
179 m_enableIntermediateScatterer(true)
180 {
182 }
185 {
186  milleFile = new MilleBinary(m_milleFileName);
188  #ifdef OUTPUT
189  diag = new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
190  char name[20];
192  for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
193  sprintf(name, "res_u_%i", i + 1);
194  resHistosU[i] = new TH1F(name, "Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
195  sprintf(name, "res_v_%i", i + 1);
196  resHistosV[i] = new TH1F(name, "Residual (V)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
197  sprintf(name, "meas_pull_u_%i", i + 1);
198  mhistosU[i] = new TH1F(name, "Res/Meas.Err. (U)", 1000, -20., 20.);
199  sprintf(name, "meas_pull_v_%i", i + 1);
200  mhistosV[i] = new TH1F(name, "Res/Meas.Err. (V)", 1000, -20., 20.);
201  sprintf(name, "pull_u_%i", i + 1);
202  ghistosU[i] = new TH1F(name, "Res/Res.Err. (U)", 1000, -20., 20.);
203  sprintf(name, "pull_v_%i", i + 1);
204  ghistosV[i] = new TH1F(name, "Res/Res.Err. (V)", 1000, -20., 20.);
205  sprintf(name, "downWeights_u_%i", i + 1);
206  downWeightsHistosU[i] = new TH1F(name, "Down-weights (U)", 1000, 0., 1.);
207  sprintf(name, "downWeights_v_%i", i + 1);
208  downWeightsHistosV[i] = new TH1F(name, "Down-weights (V)", 1000, 0., 1.);
209  sprintf(name, "localPar1_%i", i + 1);
211  localPar1[i] = new TH1F(name, "Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
212  sprintf(name, "localPar2_%i", i + 1);
213  localPar2[i] = new TH1F(name, "Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
214  sprintf(name, "localPar3_%i", i + 1);
215  localPar3[i] = new TH1F(name, "Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
216  sprintf(name, "localPar4_%i", i + 1);
217  localPar4[i] = new TH1F(name, "Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
218  sprintf(name, "localPar5_%i", i + 1);
219  localPar5[i] = new TH1F(name, "Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
220  }
221  fitResHisto = new TH1I("fit_result", "GBL Fit Result", 21, -1, 20);
222  ndfHisto = new TH1I("ndf", "GBL Track NDF", 41, -1, 40);
223  chi2OndfHisto = new TH1F("chi2_ndf", "Track Chi2/NDF", 100, 0., 10.);
224  pValueHisto = new TH1F("p_value", "Track P-value", 100, 0., 1.);
226  stats = new TH1I("stats", "0: NDF>0 | 1: fTel&VXD | 2: all | 3: VXD | 4: SVD | 5: all - PXD | 6: fTel&SVD | 7: bTel", 10, 0, 10);
228  #endif
229 }
232 {
233  #ifdef OUTPUT
234  diag->cd();
235  diag->Write();
236  diag->Close();
237  #endif
238  // This is needed to close the file before alignment starts
239  if (milleFile)
240  delete milleFile;
241 }
263 void getScattererFromMatList(double& length, double& theta, double& s, double& ds, const double p, const double mass, const double charge, const std::vector<MatStep>& steps)
264 {
265  theta = 0.; s = 0.; ds = 0.;
266  if (steps.empty()) return;
268  // sum of step lengths
269  double len = 0.;
270  // normalization
271  double sumxx = 0.;
272  // first moment (non-normalized)
273  double sumx2x2 = 0.;
274  // (part of) second moment / variance (non-normalized)
275  double sumx3x3 = 0.;
277  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
278  double xmin = 0.;
279  double xmax = 0.;
281  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) {
282  const MatStep step =;
283  // inverse of material radiation length ... (in 1/cm) ... "density of scattering"
284  double rho = 1. / step.material_.radiationLength;
285  len += fabs(step.stepSize_);
286  xmin = xmax;
287  xmax = xmin + fabs(step.stepSize_);
288  // Compute integrals
290  // integral of rho(x)
291  sumxx += rho * (xmax - xmin);
292  // integral of x*rho(x)
293  sumx2x2 += rho * (xmax * xmax - xmin * xmin) / 2.;
294  // integral of x*x*rho(x)
295  sumx3x3 += rho * (xmax * xmax * xmax - xmin * xmin * xmin) / 3.;
296  }
297  // This ensures PDG formula still gives positive results (but sumxx should be > 1e-4 for it to hold)
298  if (sumxx < 1.0e-10) return;
299  // Calculate theta from total sum of radiation length
300  // instead of summimg squares of individual deflection angle variances
301  // PDG formula:
302  double beta = p / sqrt(p * p + mass * mass);
303  theta = (0.0136 / p / beta) * fabs(charge) * sqrt(sumxx) * (1. + 0.038 * log(sumxx));
304  //theta = (0.015 / p / beta) * fabs(charge) * sqrt(sumxx);
306  // track length
307  length = len;
308  // Normalization factor
309  double N = 1. / sumxx;
310  // First moment
311  s = N * sumx2x2;
312  // Square of second moment (variance)
313  // integral of (x - s)*(x - s)*rho(x)
314  double ds_2 = N * (sumx3x3 - 2. * sumx2x2 * s + sumxx * s * s);
315  ds = sqrt(ds_2);
317  #ifdef DEBUG
318  //cout << "Thick scatterer parameters:" << endl;
319  //cout << "Variance of theta: " << theta << endl;
320  //cout << "Mean s : " << s << endl;
321  //cout << "Variance of s : " << ds << endl;
323  #endif
324 }
327 void GFGbl::processTrackWithRep(Track* trk, const AbsTrackRep* rep, bool /*resortHits*/)
328 {
329  // Flag used to mark error in raw measurement combination
330  // measurement won't be considered, but scattering yes
331  bool skipMeasurement = false;
332  // Chi2 of Reference Track
333  double trkChi2 = 0.;
334  // This flag enables/disables fitting of q/p parameter in GBL
335  // It is switched off automatically if no B-field at (0,0,0) is detected.
336  bool fitQoverP = true;
337  //TODO: Use clever way to determine zero B-field
338  double Bfield = genfit::FieldManager::getInstance()->getFieldVal(TVector3(0., 0., 0.)).Mag();
339  if (!(Bfield > 0.))
340  fitQoverP = false;
342  // Dimesion of repository/state
343  int dim = rep->getDim();
344  // current measurement point
345  TrackPoint* point_meas;
346  // current raw measurement
347  AbsMeasurement* raw_meas;
349  // We assume no initial kinks, this will be reused several times
350  TVectorD scatResidual(2);
351  scatResidual.Zero();
353  // All measurement points in ref. track
354  int npoints_meas = trk->getNumPointsWithMeasurement();
356  #ifdef DEBUG
357  int npoints_all = trk->getNumPoints();
359  if (resortHits)
360  cout << "WARNING: Hits resorting in GBL interface not supported." << endl;
362  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
363  cout << " GBL processing genfit::Track " << endl;
364  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
365  cout << " # Ref. Track Points : " << npoints_all << endl;
366  cout << " # Meas. Points : " << npoints_meas << endl;
368  #endif
369  // List of prepared GBL points for GBL trajectory construction
370  std::vector<GblPoint> listOfPoints;
372  std::vector<double> listOfLayers;
373  //TODO: Add internal/external seed (from CDC) option in the future
374  // index of point with seed information (0 for none)
375  unsigned int seedLabel = 0;
376  // Seed covariance
377  // TMatrixDSym clCov(dim);
378  // Seed state
379  TMatrixDSym clSeed(dim);
381  // propagation Jacobian to next point from current measurement point
382  TMatrixD jacPointToPoint(dim, dim);
383  jacPointToPoint.UnitMatrix();
385  int n_gbl_points = 0;
386  int n_gbl_meas_points = 0;
387  int Ndf = 0;
388  double Chi2 = 0.;
389  double lostWeight = 0.;
391  // Momentum of track at current plane
392  double trackMomMag = 0.;
393  // Charge of particle at current plane :-)
394  double particleCharge = 1.;
396  for (int ipoint_meas = 0; ipoint_meas < npoints_meas; ipoint_meas++) {
397  point_meas = trk->getPointWithMeasurement(ipoint_meas);
399  if (!point_meas->hasFitterInfo(rep)) {
400  cout << " ERROR: Measurement point does not have a fitter info. Track will be skipped." << endl;
401  return;
402  }
403  // Fitter info which contains Reference state and plane
404  KalmanFitterInfo* fi = dynamic_cast<KalmanFitterInfo*>(point_meas->getFitterInfo(rep));
405  if (!fi) {
406  cout << " ERROR: KalmanFitterInfo (with reference state) for measurement does not exist. Track will be skipped." << endl;
407  return;
408  }
409  // Current detector plane
410  SharedPlanePtr plane = fi->getPlane();
411  if (!fi->hasReferenceState()) {
412  cout << " ERROR: Fitter info does not contain reference state. Track will be skipped." << endl;
413  return;
414  }
415  // Reference StateOnPlane for extrapolation
416  ReferenceStateOnPlane* reference = new ReferenceStateOnPlane(*fi->getReferenceState());//(dynamic_cast<const genfit::ReferenceStateOnPlane&>(*fi->getReferenceState()));
417  // Representation state at plane
418  TVectorD state = reference->getState();
419  // track direction at plane (in global coords)
420  TVector3 trackDir = rep->getDir(*reference);
421  // track momentum vector at plane (in global coords)
422  trackMomMag = rep->getMomMag(*reference);
423  // charge of particle
424  particleCharge = rep->getCharge(*reference);
425  // mass of particle
426  double particleMass = rep->getMass(*reference);
428  // Parameters of a thick scatterer between measurements
429  double trackLen = 0.;
430  double scatTheta = 0.;
431  double scatSMean = 0.;
432  double scatDeltaS = 0.;
433  // Parameters of two equivalent thin scatterers
434  double theta1 = 0.;
435  double theta2 = 0.;
436  double s1 = 0.;
437  double s2 = 0.;
439  TMatrixDSym noise;
440  TVectorD deltaState;
441  // jacobian from s2 to M2
442  TMatrixD jacMeas2Scat(dim, dim);
443  jacMeas2Scat.UnitMatrix();
446  // Now get measurement. First have a look if we need to combine SVD clusters...
447  // Load Jacobian from previous extrapolation
448  // rep->getForwardJacobianAndNoise(jacPointToPoint, noise, deltaState);
449  // Try to get VxdId of current plane
450  int sensorId = 0;
451  PlanarMeasurement* measPlanar = dynamic_cast<PlanarMeasurement*>(point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0));
452  if (measPlanar) sensorId = measPlanar->getPlaneId();
454  //WARNING: Now we only support 2D measurements. If 2 raw measurements are stored at the track
455  // point, these are checked if they correspond to "u" and "v" measurement (for SVD clusters) and these
456  // measurements are combined. SLANTED SENSORS NOT YET SUPPORTED!!!
457  if (point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0)->getDim() != 2
458  && trk->getPointWithMeasurement(ipoint_meas)->getNumRawMeasurements() == 2
459  && point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0)->getDim() == 1
460  && point_meas->getRawMeasurement(1)->getDim() == 1) {
461  AbsMeasurement* raw_measU = 0;
462  AbsMeasurement* raw_measV = 0;
464  // cout << " Two 1D Measurements encountered. " << endl;
466  int sensorId2 = -1;
467  PlanarMeasurement* measPlanar2 = dynamic_cast<PlanarMeasurement*>(point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0));
468  if (measPlanar2) sensorId2 = measPlanar->getPlaneId();
470  // We only try to combine if at same sensor id (should be always, but who knows)
471  // otherwise ignore this point
472  if (sensorId != sensorId2) {
473  skipMeasurement = true;
474  cout << " ERROR: Incompatible sensorIDs at measurement point " << ipoint_meas << ". Measurement will be skipped." << endl;
475  }
477  // We have to combine two SVD 1D Clusters at the same plane into one 2D recohit
478  AbsMeasurement* raw_meas1 = point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0);
479  AbsMeasurement* raw_meas2 = point_meas->getRawMeasurement(1);
480  // Decide which cluster is u and which v based on H-matrix
481  if (raw_meas1->constructHMatrix(rep)->isEqual(genfit::HMatrixU())
482  && raw_meas2->constructHMatrix(rep)->isEqual(genfit::HMatrixV())) {
483  // right order U, V
484  raw_measU = raw_meas1;
485  raw_measV = raw_meas2;
486  } else if (raw_meas2->constructHMatrix(rep)->isEqual(genfit::HMatrixU())
487  && raw_meas1->constructHMatrix(rep)->isEqual(genfit::HMatrixV())) {
488  // inversed order V, U
489  raw_measU = raw_meas2;
490  raw_measV = raw_meas1;
491  } else {
492  // Incompatible measurements ... skip track ... I saw this once and just before a segfault ...
493  cout << " ERROR: Incompatible 1D measurements at meas. point " << ipoint_meas << ". Track will be skipped." << endl;
494  return;
495  }
496  // Combine raw measurements
497  TVectorD _raw_coor(2);
498  _raw_coor(0) = raw_measU->getRawHitCoords()(0);
499  _raw_coor(1) = raw_measV->getRawHitCoords()(0);
500  // Combine covariance matrix
501  TMatrixDSym _raw_cov(2);
502  _raw_cov.Zero();
503  _raw_cov(0, 0) = raw_measU->getRawHitCov()(0, 0);
504  _raw_cov(1, 1) = raw_measV->getRawHitCov()(0, 0);
505  // Create new combined measurement
506  raw_meas = new PlanarMeasurement(_raw_coor, _raw_cov, raw_measU->getDetId(), raw_measU->getHitId(), point_meas);
507  } else {
508  // Default behavior
509  raw_meas = point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0);
510  }
511  //TODO: We only support 2D measurements in GBL (ot two 1D combined above)
512  if (raw_meas->getRawHitCoords().GetNoElements() != 2) {
513  skipMeasurement = true;
514  #ifdef DEBUG
515  cout << " WARNING: Measurement " << (ipoint_meas + 1) << " is not 2D. Measurement Will be skipped. " << endl;
516  #endif
517  }
519  // Now we have all necessary information, so lets insert current measurement point
520  // if we don't want to skip it (e.g. ghost SVD hit ... just 1D information)
521  if (!skipMeasurement) {
522  // 2D hit coordinates
523  TVectorD raw_coor = raw_meas->getRawHitCoords();
524  // Covariance matrix of measurement
525  TMatrixDSym raw_cov = raw_meas->getRawHitCov();
526  // Projection matrix from repository state to measurement coords
527  std::unique_ptr<const AbsHMatrix> HitHMatrix(raw_meas->constructHMatrix(rep));
528  // Residual between measured position and reference track position
529  TVectorD residual = -1. * (raw_coor - HitHMatrix->Hv(state));
531  trkChi2 += residual(0) * residual(0) / raw_cov(0, 0) + residual(1) * residual(1) / raw_cov(1, 1);
533  // Measurement point
534  GblPoint measPoint(jacPointToPoint);
535  // Projection from local (state) coordinates to measurement coordinates (inverted)
536  // 2x2 matrix ... last block of H matrix (2 rows x 5 columns)
537  //TMatrixD proL2m = HitHMatrix->getMatrix().GetSub(0, 1, 3, 4);
538  TMatrixD proL2m(2, 2);
539  proL2m.Zero();
540  proL2m(0, 0) = HitHMatrix->getMatrix()(0, 3);
541  proL2m(0, 1) = HitHMatrix->getMatrix()(0, 4);
542  proL2m(1, 1) = HitHMatrix->getMatrix()(1, 4);
543  proL2m(1, 0) = HitHMatrix->getMatrix()(1, 3);
544  proL2m.Invert();
545  //raw_cov *= 100.;
546  //proL2m.Print();
547  measPoint.addMeasurement(proL2m, residual, raw_cov.Invert());
549  //Add global derivatives to the point
551  // sensor label = sensorID * 10, then last digit is label for global derivative for the sensor
552  int label = sensorId * 10;
553  // values for global derivatives
554  //TMatrixD derGlobal(2, 6);
555  TMatrixD derGlobal(2, 12);
557  // labels for global derivatives
558  std::vector<int> labGlobal;
560  // track direction in global coords
561  TVector3 tDir = trackDir;
562  // sensor u direction in global coords
563  TVector3 uDir = plane->getU();
564  // sensor v direction in global coords
565  TVector3 vDir = plane->getV();
566  // sensor normal direction in global coords
567  TVector3 nDir = plane->getNormal();
568  //file << sensorId << endl;
569  //outputVector(uDir, "U");
570  //outputVector(vDir, "V");
571  //outputVector(nDir, "Normal");
572  // track direction in local sensor system
573  TVector3 tLoc = TVector3(uDir.Dot(tDir), vDir.Dot(tDir), nDir.Dot(tDir));
575  // track u-slope in local sensor system
576  double uSlope = tLoc[0] / tLoc[2];
577  // track v-slope in local sensor system
578  double vSlope = tLoc[1] / tLoc[2];
580  // Measured track u-position in local sensor system
581  double uPos = raw_coor[0];
582  // Measured track v-position in local sensor system
583  double vPos = raw_coor[1];
585  //Global derivatives for alignment in sensor local coordinates
586  derGlobal(0, 0) = 1.0;
587  derGlobal(0, 1) = 0.0;
588  derGlobal(0, 2) = - uSlope;
589  derGlobal(0, 3) = vPos * uSlope;
590  derGlobal(0, 4) = -uPos * uSlope;
591  derGlobal(0, 5) = vPos;
593  derGlobal(1, 0) = 0.0;
594  derGlobal(1, 1) = 1.0;
595  derGlobal(1, 2) = - vSlope;
596  derGlobal(1, 3) = vPos * vSlope;
597  derGlobal(1, 4) = -uPos * vSlope;
598  derGlobal(1, 5) = -uPos;
600  labGlobal.push_back(label + 1); // u
601  labGlobal.push_back(label + 2); // v
602  labGlobal.push_back(label + 3); // w
603  labGlobal.push_back(label + 4); // alpha
604  labGlobal.push_back(label + 5); // beta
605  labGlobal.push_back(label + 6); // gamma
607  // Global derivatives for movement of whole detector system in global coordinates
608  //TODO: Usage of this requires Hierarchy Constraints to be provided to MP2
610  // sensor centre position in global system
611  TVector3 detPos = plane->getO();
612  //cout << "detPos" << endl;
613  //detPos.Print();
615  // global prediction from raw measurement
616  TVector3 pred = detPos + uPos * uDir + vPos * vDir;
617  //cout << "pred" << endl;
618  //pred.Print();
620  double xPred = pred[0];
621  double yPred = pred[1];
622  double zPred = pred[2];
624  // scalar product of sensor normal and track direction
625  double tn = tDir.Dot(nDir);
626  //cout << "tn" << endl;
627  //cout << tn << endl;
629  // derivatives of local residuals versus measurements
630  TMatrixD drdm(3, 3);
631  drdm.UnitMatrix();
632  for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
633  for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++)
634  drdm(row, col) -= tDir[row] * nDir[col] / tn;
636  //cout << "drdm" << endl;
637  //drdm.Print();
639  // derivatives of measurements versus global alignment parameters
640  TMatrixD dmdg(3, 6);
641  dmdg.Zero();
642  dmdg(0, 0) = 1.; dmdg(0, 4) = -zPred; dmdg(0, 5) = yPred;
643  dmdg(1, 1) = 1.; dmdg(1, 3) = zPred; dmdg(1, 5) = -xPred;
644  dmdg(2, 2) = 1.; dmdg(2, 3) = -yPred; dmdg(2, 4) = xPred;
646  //cout << "dmdg" << endl;
647  //dmdg.Print();
649  // derivatives of local residuals versus global alignment parameters
650  TMatrixD drldrg(3, 3);
651  drldrg.Zero();
652  drldrg(0, 0) = uDir[0]; drldrg(0, 1) = uDir[1]; drldrg(0, 2) = uDir[2];
653  drldrg(1, 0) = vDir[0]; drldrg(1, 1) = vDir[1]; drldrg(1, 2) = vDir[2];
655  //cout << "drldrg" << endl;
656  //drldrg.Print();
658  //cout << "drdm * dmdg" << endl;
659  //(drdm * dmdg).Print();
661  // derivatives of local residuals versus rigid body parameters
662  TMatrixD drldg(3, 6);
663  drldg = drldrg * (drdm * dmdg);
665  //cout << "drldg" << endl;
666  //drldg.Print();
668  // offset to determine labels for sensor sets or individual layers
669  // 0: PXD, TODO 1: SVD, or individual layers
670  // offset 0 is for alignment of whole setup
671  int offset = 0;
672  //if (sensorId > 16704) offset = 20; // svd, but needs to introduce new 6 constraints: sum rot&shifts of pxd&svd = 0
674  derGlobal(0, 6) = drldg(0, 0); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 1);
675  derGlobal(0, 7) = drldg(0, 1); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 2);
676  derGlobal(0, 8) = drldg(0, 2); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 3);
677  derGlobal(0, 9) = drldg(0, 3); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 4);
678  derGlobal(0, 10) = drldg(0, 4); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 5);
679  derGlobal(0, 11) = drldg(0, 5); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 6);
681  derGlobal(1, 6) = drldg(1, 0);
682  derGlobal(1, 7) = drldg(1, 1);
683  derGlobal(1, 8) = drldg(1, 2);
684  derGlobal(1, 9) = drldg(1, 3);
685  derGlobal(1, 10) = drldg(1, 4);
686  derGlobal(1, 11) = drldg(1, 5);
690  measPoint.addGlobals(labGlobal, derGlobal);
691  listOfPoints.push_back(measPoint);
692  listOfLayers.push_back((unsigned int) sensorId);
693  n_gbl_points++;
694  n_gbl_meas_points++;
695  } else {
696  // Incompatible measurement, store point without measurement
697  GblPoint dummyPoint(jacPointToPoint);
698  listOfPoints.push_back(dummyPoint);
699  listOfLayers.push_back((unsigned int) sensorId);
700  n_gbl_points++;
701  skipMeasurement = false;
702  #ifdef DEBUG
703  cout << " Dummy point inserted. " << endl;
704  #endif
705  }
708  //cout << " Starting extrapolation..." << endl;
709  try {
711  // Extrapolate to next measurement to get material distribution
712  if (ipoint_meas < npoints_meas - 1) {
713  // Check if fitter info is in place
714  if (!trk->getPoint(ipoint_meas + 1)->hasFitterInfo(rep)) {
715  cout << " ERROR: Measurement point does not have a fitter info. Track will be skipped." << endl;
716  return;
717  }
718  // Fitter of next point info which is only used now to get the plane
719  KalmanFitterInfo* fi_i_plus_1 = dynamic_cast<KalmanFitterInfo*>(trk->getPoint(ipoint_meas + 1)->getFitterInfo(rep));
720  if (!fi_i_plus_1) {
721  cout << " ERROR: KalmanFitterInfo (with reference state) for measurement does not exist. Track will be skipped." << endl;
722  return;
723  }
724  StateOnPlane refCopy(*reference);
725  // Extrap to point + 1, do NOT stop at boundary
726  rep->extrapolateToPlane(refCopy, trk->getPoint(ipoint_meas + 1)->getFitterInfo(rep)->getPlane(), false, false);
727  getScattererFromMatList(trackLen,
728  scatTheta,
729  scatSMean,
730  scatDeltaS,
731  trackMomMag,
732  particleMass,
733  particleCharge,
734  rep->getSteps());
735  // Now calculate positions and scattering variance for equivalent scatterers
736  // (Solution from Claus Kleinwort (DESY))
737  s1 = 0.;
738  s2 = scatSMean + scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS / (scatSMean - s1);
739  theta1 = sqrt(scatTheta * scatTheta * scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS / (scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS + (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1)));
740  theta2 = sqrt(scatTheta * scatTheta * (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1) / (scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS + (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1)));
742  if (m_enableScatterers && !m_enableIntermediateScatterer) {
743  theta1 = scatTheta;
744  theta2 = 0;
745  } else if (!m_enableScatterers) {
746  theta1 = 0.;
747  theta2 = 0.;
748  }
750  if (s2 < 1.e-4 || s2 >= trackLen - 1.e-4 || s2 <= 1.e-4) {
751  cout << " WARNING: GBL points will be too close. GBLTrajectory construction might fail. Let's try it..." << endl;
752  }
754  }
755  // Return back to state on current plane
756  delete reference;
757  reference = new ReferenceStateOnPlane(*fi->getReferenceState());
759  // If not last measurement, extrapolate and get jacobians for scattering points between this and next measurement
760  if (ipoint_meas < npoints_meas - 1) {
761  if (theta2 > scatEpsilon) {
762  // First scatterer will be placed at current measurement point (see bellow)
764  // theta2 > 0 ... we want second scatterer:
765  // Extrapolate to s2 (remember we have s1 = 0)
766  rep->extrapolateBy(*reference, s2, false, true);
767  rep->getForwardJacobianAndNoise(jacMeas2Scat, noise, deltaState);
768  // Finish extrapolation to next measurement
769  double nextStep = rep->extrapolateToPlane(*reference, trk->getPoint(ipoint_meas + 1)->getFitterInfo(rep)->getPlane(), false, true);
770  if (0. > nextStep) {
771  cout << " ERROR: The extrapolation to measurement point " << (ipoint_meas + 2) << " stepped back by " << nextStep << "cm !!! Track will be skipped." << endl;
772  return;
773  }
774  rep->getForwardJacobianAndNoise(jacPointToPoint, noise, deltaState);
776  } else {
777  // No scattering: extrapolate whole distance between measurements
778  rep->extrapolateToPlane(*reference, trk->getPoint(ipoint_meas + 1)->getFitterInfo(rep)->getPlane(), false, true);
779  //NOTE: we will load the jacobian from this extrapolation in next loop into measurement point
780  //jacPointToPoint.Print();
781  rep->getForwardJacobianAndNoise(jacPointToPoint, noise, deltaState);
782  //jacPointToPoint.Print();
783  }
784  }
785  } catch (...) {
786  cout << " ERROR: Extrapolation failed. Track will be skipped." << endl;
787  return;
788  }
789  //cout << " Extrapolation finished." << endl;
792  // Now store scatterers if not last measurement and if we decided
793  // there should be scatteres, otherwise the jacobian in measurement
794  // stored above is already correct
795  if (ipoint_meas < npoints_meas - 1) {
797  if (theta1 > scatEpsilon) {
798  // We have to insert first scatterer at measurement point
799  // Therefore (because state is perpendicular to plane, NOT track)
800  // we have non-diaonal matrix of multiple scattering covariance
801  // We have to project scattering into plane coordinates
802  double c1 = trackDir.Dot(plane->getU());
803  double c2 = trackDir.Dot(plane->getV());
804  TMatrixDSym scatCov(2);
805  scatCov(0, 0) = 1. - c2 * c2;
806  scatCov(1, 1) = 1. - c1 * c1;
807  scatCov(0, 1) = c1 * c2;
808  scatCov(1, 0) = c1 * c2;
809  scatCov *= theta1 * theta1 / (1. - c1 * c1 - c2 * c2) / (1. - c1 * c1 - c2 * c2) ;
811  // last point is the just inserted measurement (or dummy point)
812  GblPoint& lastPoint = - 1);
813  lastPoint.addScatterer(scatResidual, scatCov.Invert());
815  }
817  if (theta2 > scatEpsilon) {
818  // second scatterer is somewhere between measurements
819  // TrackRep state is perpendicular to track direction if using extrapolateBy (I asked Johannes Rauch),
820  // therefore scattering covariance is diagonal (and both elements are equal)
821  TMatrixDSym scatCov(2);
822  scatCov.Zero();
823  scatCov(0, 0) = theta2 * theta2;
824  scatCov(1, 1) = theta2 * theta2;
826  GblPoint scatPoint(jacMeas2Scat);
827  scatPoint.addScatterer(scatResidual, scatCov.Invert());
828  listOfPoints.push_back(scatPoint);
829  listOfLayers.push_back(((unsigned int) sensorId) + 0.5);
830  n_gbl_points++;
831  }
834  }
835  // Free memory on the heap
836  delete reference;
837  }
838  // We should have at least two measurement points to fit anything
839  if (n_gbl_meas_points > 1) {
840  int fitRes = -1;
841  double pvalue = 0.;
842  GblTrajectory* traj = 0;
843  try {
844  // Construct the GBL trajectory, seed not used
845  traj = new GblTrajectory(listOfPoints, seedLabel, clSeed, fitQoverP);
846  // Fit the trajectory
847  fitRes = traj->fit(Chi2, Ndf, lostWeight, m_gblInternalIterations);
848  if (fitRes != 0) {
849  //#ifdef DEBUG
850  //traj->printTrajectory(100);
851  //traj->printData();
852  //traj->printPoints(100);
853  //#endif
854  }
855  } catch (...) {
856  // Gbl failed critically (usually GblPoint::getDerivatives ... singular matrix inversion)
857  return;
858  }
860  pvalue = TMath::Prob(Chi2, Ndf);
862  //traj->printTrajectory(100);
863  //traj->printData();
864  //traj->printPoints(100);
866  #ifdef OUTPUT
867  // Fill histogram with fit result
868  fitResHisto->Fill(fitRes);
869  ndfHisto->Fill(Ndf);
870  #endif
872  #ifdef DEBUG
873  cout << " Ref. Track Chi2 : " << trkChi2 << endl;
874  cout << " Ref. end momentum : " << trackMomMag << " GeV/c ";
875  if (abs(trk->getCardinalRep()->getPDG()) == 11) {
876  if (particleCharge < 0.)
877  cout << "(electron)";
878  else
879  cout << "(positron)";
880  }
881  cout << endl;
882  cout << "------------------ GBL Fit Results --------------------" << endl;
883  cout << " Fit q/p parameter : " << ((fitQoverP) ? ("True") : ("False")) << endl;
884  cout << " Valid trajectory : " << ((traj->isValid()) ? ("True") : ("False")) << endl;
885  cout << " Fit result : " << fitRes << " (0 for success)" << endl;
886  cout << " # GBL meas. points : " << n_gbl_meas_points << endl;
887  cout << " # GBL all points : " << n_gbl_points << endl;
888  cout << " GBL track NDF : " << Ndf << " (-1 for failure)" << endl;
889  cout << " GBL track Chi2 : " << Chi2 << endl;
890  cout << " GBL track P-value : " << pvalue;
891  if (pvalue < m_pValueCut)
892  cout << " < p-value cut " << m_pValueCut;
893  cout << endl;
894  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
895  #endif
897  #ifdef OUTPUT
898  bool hittedLayers[12];
899  for (int hl = 0; hl < 12; hl++) {
900  hittedLayers[hl] = false;
901  }
902  #endif
904  // GBL fit succeded if Ndf >= 0, but Ndf = 0 is useless
905  //TODO: Here should be some track quality check
906  // if (Ndf > 0 && fitRes == 0) {
907  if (traj->isValid() && pvalue >= m_pValueCut && Ndf >= m_minNdf) {
909  // In case someone forgot to use beginRun and dind't reset mille file name to ""
910  if (!milleFile && m_milleFileName != "")
911  milleFile = new MilleBinary(m_milleFileName);
913  // Loop over all GBL points
914  for (unsigned int p = 0; p < listOfPoints.size(); p++) {
915  unsigned int label = p + 1;
916  unsigned int numRes;
917  TVectorD residuals(2);
918  TVectorD measErrors(2);
919  TVectorD resErrors(2);
920  TVectorD downWeights(2);
921  //TODO: now we only provide info about measurements, not kinks
922  if (!
923  continue;
925  #ifdef OUTPUT
926  // Decode VxdId and get layer in TB setup
927  unsigned int l = 0;
928  unsigned int id =;
929  // skip segment (5 bits)
930  id = id >> 5;
931  unsigned int sensor = id & 7;
932  id = id >> 3;
933  unsigned int ladder = id & 31;
934  id = id >> 5;
935  unsigned int layer = id & 7;
937  if (layer == 7 && ladder == 2) {
938  l = sensor;
939  } else if (layer == 7 && ladder == 3) {
940  l = sensor + 9 - 3;
941  } else {
942  l = layer + 3;
943  }
945  hittedLayers[l - 1] = true;
946  #endif
947  TVectorD localPar(5);
948  TMatrixDSym localCov(5);
949  traj->getResults(label, localPar, localCov);
950  // Get GBL fit results
951  traj->getMeasResults(label, numRes, residuals, measErrors, resErrors, downWeights);
952  if (m_chi2Cut && (fabs(residuals[0] / resErrors[0]) > m_chi2Cut || fabs(residuals[1] / resErrors[1]) > m_chi2Cut))
953  return;
954  // Write layer-wise data
955  #ifdef OUTPUT
956  if (!writeHistoDataForLabel(, residuals, measErrors, resErrors, downWeights, localPar, localCov))
957  return;
958  #endif
960  } // end for points
962  // Write binary data to mille binary
963  if (milleFile && m_milleFileName != "" && pvalue >= m_pValueCut && Ndf >= m_minNdf) {
964  traj->milleOut(*milleFile);
965  #ifdef DEBUG
966  cout << " GBL Track written to Millepede II binary file." << endl;
967  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
968  #endif
969  }
971  #ifdef OUTPUT
972  // Fill histograms
973  chi2OndfHisto->Fill(Chi2 / Ndf);
974  pValueHisto->Fill(TMath::Prob(Chi2, Ndf));
975  // track counting
976  stats->Fill(0);
977  // hitted sensors statistics
978  if (
979  hittedLayers[0] &&
980  hittedLayers[1] &&
981  hittedLayers[2] &&
982  hittedLayers[3] &&
983  hittedLayers[4] &&
984  hittedLayers[5] &&
985  hittedLayers[6] &&
986  hittedLayers[7] &&
987  hittedLayers[8]
988  ) {
989  // front tel + pxd + svd
990  stats->Fill(1);
991  }
993  if (
994  hittedLayers[0] &&
995  hittedLayers[1] &&
996  hittedLayers[2] &&
997  hittedLayers[3] &&
998  hittedLayers[4] &&
999  hittedLayers[5] &&
1000  hittedLayers[6] &&
1001  hittedLayers[7] &&
1002  hittedLayers[8] &&
1003  hittedLayers[9] &&
1004  hittedLayers[10] &&
1005  hittedLayers[11]
1006  ) {
1007  // all layers
1008  stats->Fill(2);
1009  }
1010  if (
1011  hittedLayers[3] &&
1012  hittedLayers[4] &&
1013  hittedLayers[5] &&
1014  hittedLayers[6] &&
1015  hittedLayers[7] &&
1016  hittedLayers[8]
1017  ) {
1018  // vxd
1019  stats->Fill(3);
1020  }
1021  if (
1022  hittedLayers[5] &&
1023  hittedLayers[6] &&
1024  hittedLayers[7] &&
1025  hittedLayers[8]
1026  ) {
1027  // svd
1028  stats->Fill(4);
1029  }
1030  if (
1031  hittedLayers[0] &&
1032  hittedLayers[1] &&
1033  hittedLayers[2] &&
1035  hittedLayers[5] &&
1036  hittedLayers[6] &&
1037  hittedLayers[7] &&
1038  hittedLayers[8] &&
1039  hittedLayers[9] &&
1040  hittedLayers[10] &&
1041  hittedLayers[11]
1042  ) {
1043  // all except pxd
1044  stats->Fill(5);
1045  }
1046  if (
1047  hittedLayers[0] &&
1048  hittedLayers[1] &&
1049  hittedLayers[2] &&
1051  hittedLayers[5] &&
1052  hittedLayers[6] &&
1053  hittedLayers[7] &&
1054  hittedLayers[8]
1055  ) {
1056  // front tel + svd
1057  stats->Fill(6);
1058  }
1059  if (
1060  hittedLayers[9] &&
1061  hittedLayers[10] &&
1062  hittedLayers[11]
1063  ) {
1064  // backward tel
1065  stats->Fill(7);
1066  }
1067  #endif
1068  }
1070  // Free memory
1071  delete traj;
1072  }
1073 }
GblPoint definition.
GblTrajectory definition.
Point on trajectory.
Definition: GblPoint.h:68
void addMeasurement(const TMatrixD &aProjection, const TVectorD &aResiduals, const TVectorD &aPrecision, double minPrecision=0.)
Add a measurement to a point.
void addGlobals(const std::vector< int > &aLabels, const TMatrixD &aDerivatives)
Add global derivatives to a point.
void addScatterer(const TVectorD &aResiduals, const TVectorD &aPrecision)
Add a (thin) scatterer to a point.
GBL trajectory.
Definition: GblTrajectory.h:48
unsigned int getMeasResults(unsigned int aLabel, unsigned int &numRes, TVectorD &aResiduals, TVectorD &aMeasErrors, TVectorD &aResErrors, TVectorD &aDownWeights)
Get residuals from fit at point for measurement.
unsigned int fit(double &Chi2, int &Ndf, double &lostWeight, std::string optionList="")
Perform fit of (valid) trajectory.
bool isValid() const
Retrieve validity of trajectory.
void milleOut(MilleBinary &aMille)
Write valid trajectory to Millepede-II binary file.
unsigned int getResults(int aSignedLabel, TVectorD &localPar, TMatrixDSym &localCov) const
Get fit results at point.
Millepede-II (binary) record.
Definition: MilleBinary.h:68
Abstract base class for fitters.
Definition: AbsFitter.h:35
Contains the measurement and covariance in raw detector coordinates.
virtual const AbsHMatrix * constructHMatrix(const AbsTrackRep *) const =0
Returns a new AbsHMatrix object.
Abstract base class for a track representation.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:66
virtual unsigned int getDim() const =0
Get the dimension of the state vector used by the track representation.
double getMass(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get tha particle mass in GeV/c^2.
virtual double getMomMag(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
get the magnitude of the momentum in GeV.
virtual double getCharge(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
Get the (fitted) charge of a state.
virtual void getForwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const =0
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation.
virtual double extrapolateBy(StateOnPlane &state, double step, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state by step (cm) and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference,...
virtual double extrapolateToPlane(StateOnPlane &state, const genfit::SharedPlanePtr &plane, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state to plane, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference,...
int getPDG() const
Get the pdg code.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:272
TVector3 getDir(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get the direction vector of a state.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:246
virtual std::vector< genfit::MatStep > getSteps() const =0
Get stepsizes and material properties of crossed materials of the last extrapolation.
TVector3 getFieldVal(const TVector3 &position)
This does NOT use the cache!
Definition: FieldManager.h:63
static FieldManager * getInstance()
Get singleton instance.
Definition: FieldManager.h:119
void beginRun()
Creates the mille binary file for output of data for Millepede II alignment, can be set by setMP2Opti...
void endRun()
Required to write and close ROOT file with debug output.
void processTrackWithRep(Track *trk, const AbsTrackRep *rep, bool resortHits=false) override
Performs fit on a Track.
AbsHMatrix implementation for one-dimensional MeasurementOnPlane and RKTrackRep parameterization.
Definition: HMatrixU.h:37
AbsHMatrix implementation for one-dimensional MeasurementOnPlane and RKTrackRep parameterization.
Definition: HMatrixV.h:37
Collects information needed and produced by a AbsKalmanFitter implementations and is specific to one ...
Measurement class implementing a planar hit geometry (1 or 2D).
#StateOnPlane with linearized transport to that #ReferenceStateOnPlane from previous and next #Refere...
A state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane.
Definition: StateOnPlane.h:47
Object containing AbsMeasurement and AbsFitterInfo objects.
Definition: TrackPoint.h:46
AbsFitterInfo * getFitterInfo(const AbsTrackRep *rep=nullptr) const
Get fitterInfo for rep. Per default, use cardinal rep.
Collection of TrackPoint objects, AbsTrackRep objects and FitStatus objects.
Definition: Track.h:71
AbsTrackRep * getCardinalRep() const
Get cardinal track representation.
Definition: Track.h:145
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Namespace for the general broken lines package.
Defines for I/O streams used for error and debug printing.
std::shared_ptr< genfit::DetPlane > SharedPlanePtr
Shared Pointer to a DetPlane.
Simple struct containing MaterialProperties and stepsize in the material.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:42