48 #include "MyDebugTools.h"
50 #include "AbsMeasurement.h"
51 #include "PlanarMeasurement.h"
52 #include "KalmanFitterInfo.h"
60 #include <FieldManager.h>
63 #include <Math/SMatrix.h>
65 #include <TVectorDfwd.h>
80 std::string rootFileName =
90 TH1F* downWeightsHistosU[12];
91 TH1F* downWeightsHistosV[12];
102 TH1F* localCov12[12];
103 TH1F* localCov13[12];
104 TH1F* localCov14[12];
105 TH1F* localCov15[12];
106 TH1F* localCov23[12];
107 TH1F* localCov24[12];
108 TH1F* localCov25[12];
109 TH1F* localCov34[12];
110 TH1F* localCov35[12];
111 TH1F* localCov45[12];
120 bool writeHistoDataForLabel(
double label, TVectorD res, TVectorD measErr, TVectorD resErr, TVectorD downWeights, TVectorD localPar, TMatrixDSym localCov)
122 if (label < 1.)
return false;
124 unsigned int id = floor(label);
127 unsigned int sensor =
id & 7;
129 unsigned int ladder =
id & 31;
131 unsigned int layer =
id & 7;
132 if (layer == 7 && ladder == 2) {
134 }
else if (layer == 7 && ladder == 3) {
135 label = sensor + 9 - 3;
140 if (label > 12.)
return false;
145 resHistosU[i - 1]->Fill(res[0]);
146 resHistosV[i - 1]->Fill(res[1]);
147 mhistosU[i - 1]->Fill(res[0] / measErr[0]);
148 mhistosV[i - 1]->Fill(res[1] / measErr[1]);
149 ghistosU[i - 1]->Fill(res[0] / resErr[0]);
150 ghistosV[i - 1]->Fill(res[1] / resErr[1]);
151 downWeightsHistosU[i - 1]->Fill(downWeights[0]);
152 downWeightsHistosV[i - 1]->Fill(downWeights[1]);
153 localPar1[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(0));
154 localPar2[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(1));
155 localPar3[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(2));
156 localPar4[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(3));
157 localPar5[i - 1]->Fill(localPar(4));
168 const double scatEpsilon = 1.e-8;
176 AbsFitter(), m_milleFileName(
"millefile.dat"), m_gblInternalIterations(
"THC"), m_pValueCut(0.), m_minNdf(1),
178 m_enableScatterers(true),
179 m_enableIntermediateScatterer(true)
189 diag =
new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(),
192 for (
int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
193 sprintf(name,
"res_u_%i", i + 1);
194 resHistosU[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
195 sprintf(name,
"res_v_%i", i + 1);
196 resHistosV[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Residual (V)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
197 sprintf(name,
"meas_pull_u_%i", i + 1);
198 mhistosU[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Res/Meas.Err. (U)", 1000, -20., 20.);
199 sprintf(name,
"meas_pull_v_%i", i + 1);
200 mhistosV[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Res/Meas.Err. (V)", 1000, -20., 20.);
201 sprintf(name,
"pull_u_%i", i + 1);
202 ghistosU[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Res/Res.Err. (U)", 1000, -20., 20.);
203 sprintf(name,
"pull_v_%i", i + 1);
204 ghistosV[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Res/Res.Err. (V)", 1000, -20., 20.);
205 sprintf(name,
"downWeights_u_%i", i + 1);
206 downWeightsHistosU[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Down-weights (U)", 1000, 0., 1.);
207 sprintf(name,
"downWeights_v_%i", i + 1);
208 downWeightsHistosV[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Down-weights (V)", 1000, 0., 1.);
209 sprintf(name,
"localPar1_%i", i + 1);
211 localPar1[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
212 sprintf(name,
"localPar2_%i", i + 1);
213 localPar2[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
214 sprintf(name,
"localPar3_%i", i + 1);
215 localPar3[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
216 sprintf(name,
"localPar4_%i", i + 1);
217 localPar4[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
218 sprintf(name,
"localPar5_%i", i + 1);
219 localPar5[i] =
new TH1F(name,
"Residual (U)", 1000, -0.1, 0.1);
221 fitResHisto =
new TH1I(
"GBL Fit Result", 21, -1, 20);
222 ndfHisto =
new TH1I(
"GBL Track NDF", 41, -1, 40);
223 chi2OndfHisto =
new TH1F(
"Track Chi2/NDF", 100, 0., 10.);
224 pValueHisto =
new TH1F(
"Track P-value", 100, 0., 1.);
226 stats =
new TH1I(
"0: NDF>0 | 1: fTel&VXD | 2: all | 3: VXD | 4: SVD | 5: all - PXD | 6: fTel&SVD | 7: bTel", 10, 0, 10);
263 void getScattererFromMatList(
double& length,
double& theta,
double& s,
double& ds,
const double p,
const double mass,
const double charge,
const std::vector<MatStep>& steps)
265 theta = 0.; s = 0.; ds = 0.;
266 if (steps.empty())
281 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) {
282 const MatStep step = steps.at(i);
284 double rho = 1. / step.material_.radiationLength;
285 len += fabs(step.stepSize_);
287 xmax = xmin + fabs(step.stepSize_);
291 sumxx += rho * (xmax - xmin);
293 sumx2x2 += rho * (xmax * xmax - xmin * xmin) / 2.;
295 sumx3x3 += rho * (xmax * xmax * xmax - xmin * xmin * xmin) / 3.;
298 if (sumxx < 1.0e-10)
302 double beta = p /
sqrt(p * p + mass * mass);
303 theta = (0.0136 / p / beta) * fabs(charge) *
sqrt(sumxx) * (1. + 0.038 * log(sumxx));
309 double N = 1. / sumxx;
314 double ds_2 = N * (sumx3x3 - 2. * sumx2x2 * s + sumxx * s * s);
331 bool skipMeasurement =
336 bool fitQoverP =
350 TVectorD scatResidual(2);
354 int npoints_meas = trk->getNumPointsWithMeasurement();
357 int npoints_all = trk->getNumPoints();
360 cout <<
"WARNING: Hits resorting in GBL interface not supported." << endl;
362 cout <<
"-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
363 cout <<
" GBL processing genfit::Track " << endl;
364 cout <<
"-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
365 cout <<
" # Ref. Track Points : " << npoints_all << endl;
366 cout <<
" # Meas. Points : " << npoints_meas << endl;
370 std::vector<GblPoint> listOfPoints;
372 std::vector<double> listOfLayers;
375 unsigned int seedLabel = 0;
379 TMatrixDSym clSeed(dim);
382 TMatrixD jacPointToPoint(dim, dim);
383 jacPointToPoint.UnitMatrix();
385 int n_gbl_points = 0;
386 int n_gbl_meas_points = 0;
389 double lostWeight = 0.;
392 double trackMomMag = 0.;
394 double particleCharge = 1.;
396 for (
int ipoint_meas = 0; ipoint_meas < npoints_meas; ipoint_meas++) {
397 point_meas = trk->getPointWithMeasurement(ipoint_meas);
399 if (!point_meas->hasFitterInfo(rep)) {
400 cout <<
" ERROR: Measurement point does not have a fitter info. Track will be skipped." << endl;
406 cout <<
" ERROR: KalmanFitterInfo (with reference state) for measurement does not exist. Track will be skipped." << endl;
411 if (!fi->hasReferenceState()) {
412 cout <<
" ERROR: Fitter info does not contain reference state. Track will be skipped." << endl;
418 TVectorD state = reference->getState();
420 TVector3 trackDir = rep->
422 trackMomMag = rep->
424 particleCharge = rep->
426 double particleMass = rep->
429 double trackLen = 0.;
430 double scatTheta = 0.;
431 double scatSMean = 0.;
432 double scatDeltaS = 0.;
442 TMatrixD jacMeas2Scat(dim, dim);
443 jacMeas2Scat.UnitMatrix();
452 if (measPlanar) sensorId = measPlanar->getPlaneId();
457 if (point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0)->getDim() != 2
458 && trk->getPointWithMeasurement(ipoint_meas)->getNumRawMeasurements() == 2
459 && point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0)->getDim() == 1
460 && point_meas->getRawMeasurement(1)->getDim() == 1) {
468 if (measPlanar2) sensorId2 = measPlanar->getPlaneId();
472 if (sensorId != sensorId2) {
473 skipMeasurement =
474 cout <<
" ERROR: Incompatible sensorIDs at measurement point " << ipoint_meas <<
". Measurement will be skipped." << endl;
484 raw_measU = raw_meas1;
485 raw_measV = raw_meas2;
489 raw_measU = raw_meas2;
490 raw_measV = raw_meas1;
493 cout <<
" ERROR: Incompatible 1D measurements at meas. point " << ipoint_meas <<
". Track will be skipped." << endl;
497 TVectorD _raw_coor(2);
498 _raw_coor(0) = raw_measU->getRawHitCoords()(0);
499 _raw_coor(1) = raw_measV->getRawHitCoords()(0);
501 TMatrixDSym _raw_cov(2);
503 _raw_cov(0, 0) = raw_measU->getRawHitCov()(0, 0);
504 _raw_cov(1, 1) = raw_measV->getRawHitCov()(0, 0);
506 raw_meas =
new PlanarMeasurement(_raw_coor, _raw_cov, raw_measU->getDetId(), raw_measU->getHitId(), point_meas);
509 raw_meas = point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0);
512 if (raw_meas->getRawHitCoords().GetNoElements() != 2) {
513 skipMeasurement =
515 cout <<
" WARNING: Measurement " << (ipoint_meas + 1) <<
" is not 2D. Measurement Will be skipped. " << endl;
521 if (!skipMeasurement) {
523 TVectorD raw_coor = raw_meas->getRawHitCoords();
525 TMatrixDSym raw_cov = raw_meas->getRawHitCov();
527 std::unique_ptr<const AbsHMatrix> HitHMatrix(raw_meas->
529 TVectorD residual = -1. * (raw_coor - HitHMatrix->Hv(state));
531 trkChi2 += residual(0) * residual(0) / raw_cov(0, 0) + residual(1) * residual(1) / raw_cov(1, 1);
534 GblPoint measPoint(jacPointToPoint);
538 TMatrixD proL2m(2, 2);
540 proL2m(0, 0) = HitHMatrix->getMatrix()(0, 3);
541 proL2m(0, 1) = HitHMatrix->getMatrix()(0, 4);
542 proL2m(1, 1) = HitHMatrix->getMatrix()(1, 4);
543 proL2m(1, 0) = HitHMatrix->getMatrix()(1, 3);
552 int label = sensorId * 10;
555 TMatrixD derGlobal(2, 12);
558 std::vector<int> labGlobal;
561 TVector3 tDir = trackDir;
563 TVector3 uDir = plane->getU();
565 TVector3 vDir = plane->getV();
567 TVector3 nDir = plane->getNormal();
573 TVector3 tLoc = TVector3(uDir.Dot(tDir), vDir.Dot(tDir), nDir.Dot(tDir));
576 double uSlope = tLoc[0] / tLoc[2];
578 double vSlope = tLoc[1] / tLoc[2];
581 double uPos = raw_coor[0];
583 double vPos = raw_coor[1];
586 derGlobal(0, 0) = 1.0;
587 derGlobal(0, 1) = 0.0;
588 derGlobal(0, 2) = - uSlope;
589 derGlobal(0, 3) = vPos * uSlope;
590 derGlobal(0, 4) = -uPos * uSlope;
591 derGlobal(0, 5) = vPos;
593 derGlobal(1, 0) = 0.0;
594 derGlobal(1, 1) = 1.0;
595 derGlobal(1, 2) = - vSlope;
596 derGlobal(1, 3) = vPos * vSlope;
597 derGlobal(1, 4) = -uPos * vSlope;
598 derGlobal(1, 5) = -uPos;
600 labGlobal.push_back(label + 1);
601 labGlobal.push_back(label + 2);
602 labGlobal.push_back(label + 3);
603 labGlobal.push_back(label + 4);
604 labGlobal.push_back(label + 5);
605 labGlobal.push_back(label + 6);
611 TVector3 detPos = plane->getO();
616 TVector3 pred = detPos + uPos * uDir + vPos * vDir;
620 double xPred = pred[0];
621 double yPred = pred[1];
622 double zPred = pred[2];
625 double tn = tDir.Dot(nDir);
632 for (
int row = 0; row < 3; row++)
633 for (
int col = 0; col < 3; col++)
634 drdm(row, col) -= tDir[row] * nDir[col] / tn;
642 dmdg(0, 0) = 1.; dmdg(0, 4) = -zPred; dmdg(0, 5) = yPred;
643 dmdg(1, 1) = 1.; dmdg(1, 3) = zPred; dmdg(1, 5) = -xPred;
644 dmdg(2, 2) = 1.; dmdg(2, 3) = -yPred; dmdg(2, 4) = xPred;
650 TMatrixD drldrg(3, 3);
652 drldrg(0, 0) = uDir[0]; drldrg(0, 1) = uDir[1]; drldrg(0, 2) = uDir[2];
653 drldrg(1, 0) = vDir[0]; drldrg(1, 1) = vDir[1]; drldrg(1, 2) = vDir[2];
662 TMatrixD drldg(3, 6);
663 drldg = drldrg * (drdm * dmdg);
674 derGlobal(0, 6) = drldg(0, 0); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 1);
675 derGlobal(0, 7) = drldg(0, 1); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 2);
676 derGlobal(0, 8) = drldg(0, 2); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 3);
677 derGlobal(0, 9) = drldg(0, 3); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 4);
678 derGlobal(0, 10) = drldg(0, 4); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 5);
679 derGlobal(0, 11) = drldg(0, 5); labGlobal.push_back(offset + 6);
681 derGlobal(1, 6) = drldg(1, 0);
682 derGlobal(1, 7) = drldg(1, 1);
683 derGlobal(1, 8) = drldg(1, 2);
684 derGlobal(1, 9) = drldg(1, 3);
685 derGlobal(1, 10) = drldg(1, 4);
686 derGlobal(1, 11) = drldg(1, 5);
691 listOfPoints.push_back(measPoint);
692 listOfLayers.push_back((
unsigned int) sensorId);
697 GblPoint dummyPoint(jacPointToPoint);
698 listOfPoints.push_back(dummyPoint);
699 listOfLayers.push_back((
unsigned int) sensorId);
701 skipMeasurement =
703 cout <<
" Dummy point inserted. " << endl;
712 if (ipoint_meas < npoints_meas - 1) {
714 if (!trk->getPoint(ipoint_meas + 1)->hasFitterInfo(rep)) {
715 cout <<
" ERROR: Measurement point does not have a fitter info. Track will be skipped." << endl;
721 cout <<
" ERROR: KalmanFitterInfo (with reference state) for measurement does not exist. Track will be skipped." << endl;
727 getScattererFromMatList(trackLen,
738 s2 = scatSMean + scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS / (scatSMean - s1);
739 theta1 =
sqrt(scatTheta * scatTheta * scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS / (scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS + (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1)));
740 theta2 =
sqrt(scatTheta * scatTheta * (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1) / (scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS + (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1)));
742 if (m_enableScatterers && !m_enableIntermediateScatterer) {
745 }
else if (!m_enableScatterers) {
750 if (s2 < 1.e-4 || s2 >= trackLen - 1.e-4 || s2 <= 1.e-4) {
751 cout <<
" WARNING: GBL points will be too close. GBLTrajectory construction might fail. Let's try it..." << endl;
760 if (ipoint_meas < npoints_meas - 1) {
761 if (theta2 > scatEpsilon) {
771 cout <<
" ERROR: The extrapolation to measurement point " << (ipoint_meas + 2) <<
" stepped back by " << nextStep <<
"cm !!! Track will be skipped." << endl;
786 cout <<
" ERROR: Extrapolation failed. Track will be skipped." << endl;
795 if (ipoint_meas < npoints_meas - 1) {
797 if (theta1 > scatEpsilon) {
802 double c1 = trackDir.Dot(plane->getU());
803 double c2 = trackDir.Dot(plane->getV());
804 TMatrixDSym scatCov(2);
805 scatCov(0, 0) = 1. - c2 * c2;
806 scatCov(1, 1) = 1. - c1 * c1;
807 scatCov(0, 1) = c1 * c2;
808 scatCov(1, 0) = c1 * c2;
809 scatCov *= theta1 * theta1 / (1. - c1 * c1 - c2 * c2) / (1. - c1 * c1 - c2 * c2) ;
812 GblPoint& lastPoint = listOfPoints.at(n_gbl_points - 1);
817 if (theta2 > scatEpsilon) {
821 TMatrixDSym scatCov(2);
823 scatCov(0, 0) = theta2 * theta2;
824 scatCov(1, 1) = theta2 * theta2;
828 listOfPoints.push_back(scatPoint);
829 listOfLayers.push_back(((
unsigned int) sensorId) + 0.5);
839 if (n_gbl_meas_points > 1) {
845 traj =
new GblTrajectory(listOfPoints, seedLabel, clSeed, fitQoverP);
847 fitRes = traj->
fit(Chi2, Ndf, lostWeight, m_gblInternalIterations);
860 pvalue = TMath::Prob(Chi2, Ndf);
868 fitResHisto->Fill(fitRes);
873 cout <<
" Ref. Track Chi2 : " << trkChi2 << endl;
874 cout <<
" Ref. end momentum : " << trackMomMag <<
" GeV/c ";
876 if (particleCharge < 0.)
877 cout <<
879 cout <<
882 cout <<
"------------------ GBL Fit Results --------------------" << endl;
883 cout <<
" Fit q/p parameter : " << ((fitQoverP) ? (
"True") : (
"False")) << endl;
884 cout <<
" Valid trajectory : " << ((traj->
isValid()) ? (
"True") : (
"False")) << endl;
885 cout <<
" Fit result : " << fitRes <<
" (0 for success)" << endl;
886 cout <<
" # GBL meas. points : " << n_gbl_meas_points << endl;
887 cout <<
" # GBL all points : " << n_gbl_points << endl;
888 cout <<
" GBL track NDF : " << Ndf <<
" (-1 for failure)" << endl;
889 cout <<
" GBL track Chi2 : " << Chi2 << endl;
890 cout <<
" GBL track P-value : " << pvalue;
891 if (pvalue < m_pValueCut)
892 cout <<
" < p-value cut " << m_pValueCut;
894 cout <<
"-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
898 bool hittedLayers[12];
899 for (
int hl = 0; hl < 12; hl++) {
900 hittedLayers[hl] =
907 if (traj->
isValid() && pvalue >= m_pValueCut && Ndf >= m_minNdf) {
910 if (!milleFile && m_milleFileName !=
914 for (
unsigned int p = 0; p < listOfPoints.size(); p++) {
915 unsigned int label = p + 1;
917 TVectorD residuals(2);
918 TVectorD measErrors(2);
919 TVectorD resErrors(2);
920 TVectorD downWeights(2);
922 if (!listOfPoints.at(p).hasMeasurement())
928 unsigned int id = listOfLayers.at(p);
931 unsigned int sensor =
id & 7;
933 unsigned int ladder =
id & 31;
935 unsigned int layer =
id & 7;
937 if (layer == 7 && ladder == 2) {
939 }
else if (layer == 7 && ladder == 3) {
945 hittedLayers[l - 1] =
947 TVectorD localPar(5);
948 TMatrixDSym localCov(5);
951 traj->
getMeasResults(label, numRes, residuals, measErrors, resErrors, downWeights);
952 if (m_chi2Cut && (fabs(residuals[0] / resErrors[0]) > m_chi2Cut || fabs(residuals[1] / resErrors[1]) > m_chi2Cut))
956 if (!writeHistoDataForLabel(listOfLayers.at(p), residuals, measErrors, resErrors, downWeights, localPar, localCov))
963 if (milleFile && m_milleFileName !=
"" && pvalue >= m_pValueCut && Ndf >= m_minNdf) {
966 cout <<
" GBL Track written to Millepede II binary file." << endl;
967 cout <<
"-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
973 chi2OndfHisto->Fill(Chi2 / Ndf);
974 pValueHisto->Fill(TMath::Prob(Chi2, Ndf));
GblTrajectory definition.
void addMeasurement(const TMatrixD &aProjection, const TVectorD &aResiduals, const TVectorD &aPrecision, double minPrecision=0.)
Add a measurement to a point.
void addGlobals(const std::vector< int > &aLabels, const TMatrixD &aDerivatives)
Add global derivatives to a point.
void addScatterer(const TVectorD &aResiduals, const TVectorD &aPrecision)
Add a (thin) scatterer to a point.
unsigned int getMeasResults(unsigned int aLabel, unsigned int &numRes, TVectorD &aResiduals, TVectorD &aMeasErrors, TVectorD &aResErrors, TVectorD &aDownWeights)
Get residuals from fit at point for measurement.
unsigned int fit(double &Chi2, int &Ndf, double &lostWeight, std::string optionList="")
Perform fit of (valid) trajectory.
bool isValid() const
Retrieve validity of trajectory.
void milleOut(MilleBinary &aMille)
Write valid trajectory to Millepede-II binary file.
unsigned int getResults(int aSignedLabel, TVectorD &localPar, TMatrixDSym &localCov) const
Get fit results at point.
Millepede-II (binary) record.
Abstract base class for fitters.
Contains the measurement and covariance in raw detector coordinates.
virtual const AbsHMatrix * constructHMatrix(const AbsTrackRep *) const =0
Returns a new AbsHMatrix object.
Abstract base class for a track representation.
virtual unsigned int getDim() const =0
Get the dimension of the state vector used by the track representation.
double getMass(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get tha particle mass in GeV/c^2.
virtual double getMomMag(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
get the magnitude of the momentum in GeV.
virtual double getCharge(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
Get the (fitted) charge of a state.
virtual void getForwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const =0
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation.
virtual double extrapolateBy(StateOnPlane &state, double step, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state by step (cm) and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference,...
virtual double extrapolateToPlane(StateOnPlane &state, const genfit::SharedPlanePtr &plane, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state to plane, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference,...
int getPDG() const
Get the pdg code.
TVector3 getDir(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get the direction vector of a state.
virtual std::vector< genfit::MatStep > getSteps() const =0
Get stepsizes and material properties of crossed materials of the last extrapolation.
TVector3 getFieldVal(const TVector3 &position)
This does NOT use the cache!
static FieldManager * getInstance()
Get singleton instance.
void beginRun()
Creates the mille binary file for output of data for Millepede II alignment, can be set by setMP2Opti...
void endRun()
Required to write and close ROOT file with debug output.
void processTrackWithRep(Track *trk, const AbsTrackRep *rep, bool resortHits=false) override
Performs fit on a Track.
AbsHMatrix implementation for one-dimensional MeasurementOnPlane and RKTrackRep parameterization.
AbsHMatrix implementation for one-dimensional MeasurementOnPlane and RKTrackRep parameterization.
Collects information needed and produced by a AbsKalmanFitter implementations and is specific to one ...
Measurement class implementing a planar hit geometry (1 or 2D).
#StateOnPlane with linearized transport to that #ReferenceStateOnPlane from previous and next #Refere...
A state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane.
Object containing AbsMeasurement and AbsFitterInfo objects.
AbsFitterInfo * getFitterInfo(const AbsTrackRep *rep=nullptr) const
Get fitterInfo for rep. Per default, use cardinal rep.
Collection of TrackPoint objects, AbsTrackRep objects and FitStatus objects.
AbsTrackRep * getCardinalRep() const
Get cardinal track representation.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Namespace for the general broken lines package.
Defines for I/O streams used for error and debug printing.
std::shared_ptr< genfit::DetPlane > SharedPlanePtr
Shared Pointer to a DetPlane.
Simple struct containing MaterialProperties and stepsize in the material.