Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
12 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
14 #include <trg/grl/GRLNeuro.h>
15 #include <trg/grl/dataobjects/GRLMLPData.h>
17 #include <TH1D.h>
19 namespace Belle2 {
29  class GRLNeuroTrainerModule : public Module {
30  public:
40  virtual void initialize() override;
45  virtual void event() override;
48  virtual void terminate() override;
52  void updateRelevantID(unsigned isector);
55  void train(unsigned isector);
61  void saveTraindata(const std::string& filename, const std::string& arrayname = "trainSets");
68  bool loadTraindata(const std::string& filename, const std::string& arrayname = "trainSets");
70  protected:
71  //module parameters
73  std::string m_TrgECLClusterName;
77  std::string m_GRLCollectionName;
79  std::string m_filename;
81  std::string m_trainFilename;
83  std::string m_logFilename;
85  std::string m_arrayname;
87  std::string m_trainArrayname;
91  bool m_load;
95  double m_nTrainMin;
97  double m_nTrainMax;
101  int m_nValid;
103  int m_nTest;
105  double m_wMax;
120  std::vector<GRLMLPData> m_trainSets;
122  //..ECL look up tables
123  std::vector<int> TCThetaID;
124  std::vector<float> TCPhiLab;
125  std::vector<float> TCcotThetaLab;
126  std::vector<float> TCPhiCOM;
127  std::vector<float> TCThetaCOM;
128  std::vector<float> TC1GeV;
130  double radtodeg = 0;
133  int n_cdc_sector = 0;
135  int n_ecl_sector = 0;
137  int n_sector = 0;
140  std::vector<TH1D*> h_cdc2d_phi_sig;
141  std::vector<TH1D*> h_cdc2d_pt_sig;
142  std::vector<TH1D*> h_selE_sig;
143  std::vector<TH1D*> h_selPhi_sig;
144  std::vector<TH1D*> h_selTheta_sig;
145  std::vector<TH1D*> h_result_sig;
146  std::vector<TH1D*> h_cdc2d_phi_bg;
147  std::vector<TH1D*> h_cdc2d_pt_bg;
148  std::vector<TH1D*> h_selE_bg;
149  std::vector<TH1D*> h_selPhi_bg;
150  std::vector<TH1D*> h_selTheta_bg;
151  std::vector<TH1D*> h_result_bg;
152  std::vector<TH1D*> h_ncdc_sig;
153  std::vector<TH1D*> h_ncdcf_sig;
154  std::vector<TH1D*> h_ncdcs_sig;
155  std::vector<TH1D*> h_ncdci_sig;
156  std::vector<TH1D*> h_necl_sig;
157  std::vector<TH1D*> h_ncdc_bg;
158  std::vector<TH1D*> h_ncdcf_bg;
159  std::vector<TH1D*> h_ncdcs_bg;
160  std::vector<TH1D*> h_ncdci_bg;
161  std::vector<TH1D*> h_necl_bg;
164  std::vector<int> scale_bg;
166  };
168 }
170 #endif
The trainer module for the neural networks of the CDC trigger.
bool loadTraindata(const std::string &filename, const std::string &arrayname="trainSets")
Load saved training samples.
int m_maxEpochs
Maximal number of training epochs.
Constructor, for setting module description and parameters.
int m_nValid
Number of validation samples.
bool m_load
Switch to load saved parameters from a previous run.
double radtodeg
convert radian to degree
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
std::string m_TrgECLClusterName
Name of the StoreArray containing the ECL clusters.
int m_checkInterval
Training is stopped if validation error is higher than checkInterval epochs ago, i....
GRLNeuro m_GRLNeuro
Instance of the NeuroTrigger.
virtual void event() override
Called once for each event.
int n_cdc_sector
Number of CDC sectors.
GRLNeuro::Parameters m_parameters
Parameters for the NeuroTrigger.
void updateRelevantID(unsigned isector)
calculate and set the relevant id range for given sector based on hit counters of the track segments.
double m_wMax
Limit for weights.
std::string m_arrayname
Name of the TObjArray holding the networks.
virtual void terminate() override
Do the training for all sectors.
bool m_multiplyNTrain
Switch to multiply number of samples with number of weights.
int m_nThreads
Number of threads for training.
int m_nTest
Number of test samples.
std::string m_GRLCollectionName
Name of the StoreObj containing the input GRL.
std::string m_logFilename
Name of file where training log is stored.
std::string m_trainFilename
Name of file where training samples are stored.
void train(unsigned isector)
Train a single MLP.
std::string m_2DfinderCollectionName
Name of the StoreArray containing the input 2D tracks.
int n_ecl_sector
Number of ECL sectors.
std::vector< TH1D * > h_cdc2d_phi_sig
Histograms for monitoring.
double m_nTrainMin
Minimal number of training samples.
virtual ~GRLNeuroTrainerModule()
std::string m_filename
Name of file where network weights etc.
std::vector< GRLMLPData > m_trainSets
Sets of training data for all sectors.
void saveTraindata(const std::string &filename, const std::string &arrayname="trainSets")
Save all training samples.
std::vector< int > scale_bg
BG scale factor for training.
double m_nTrainMax
Maximal number of training samples.
bool m_saveDebug
If true, save training curve and parameter distribution of training data.
std::string m_trainArrayname
Name of the TObjArray holding the training samples.
int n_sector
Number of Total sectors.
int m_repeatTrain
Number of training runs with different random start weights.
Class to represent the GRL Neuro.
Definition: GRLNeuro.h:35
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Struct to keep neurotrigger parameters.
Definition: GRLNeuro.h:41