13 #include <geometry/CreatorBase.h>
14 #include <framework/gearbox/GearDir.h>
16 class G4LogicalVolume;
73 G4Material*
const char* aeroname,
double rind,
double trl);
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
The creator for the PXD geometry of the Belle II detector.
std::string m_comment
comment in the runlog
double m_framedx
shift of the frame
int m_aerosupport
Type of aerogel support - not used at the moment.
std::string m_aerogelID
ID of the aerogel configuration setup.
double m_rotation1
rotation angle of the frame
std::string m_runtype
Type of the beamtest run.
std::vector< double > m_agelrefind
vector of aerogel refractive indices
std::string m_comment1
void createBtestGeometry(const GearDir &content, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume)
Creation of the beamtest geometry.
int m_runno
Beamtest Run number.
std::string m_mytype
type of the run
G4Material * createAerogel(const char *aeroname, double rind, double trl)
create aerogel material
double m_ry
y shift of the prototype ARICH frame
std::vector< double > m_ageltrlen
vector of aerogel transmission lengths
virtual ~GeoARICHBtestCreator()
The destructor of the GeoPXDCreator class.
G4LogicalVolume * buildModule(GearDir Module)
Build the module.
double getAvgRINDEX(G4Material *material)
Get the average refractive index if the material.
std::string m_mirrorID
ID of the mirror configuration setup.
virtual void create(const GearDir &content, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume, geometry::GeometryTypes type)
Creates the ROOT Objects for the ARICH Beamtest 2011 geometry.
double m_aerogeldx
shift of the aerogel center
std::string m_datum
datum of the runlog
SensitiveAero * m_sensitiveAero
pointer to the sesnitive aerogel
GeoARICHBtestCreator & operator=(const GeoARICHBtestCreator &)=delete
Operator = (disabled).
std::string m_author
Beamtest runlog record author.
Constructor of the GeoPXDCreator class.
std::string m_daqqa
classification of the run
std::string m_hapdID
ID of the HAPD configuration setup.
std::vector< double > m_agelthickness
vector of aerogel thicknesses
double m_rotation
rotation angle of the setup
GeoARICHBtestCreator(const GeoARICHBtestCreator &)=delete
Copy constructor (disabled).
SensitiveDetector * m_sensitive
pointer to the sensitive detector
double m_rx
x shift of the prototype ARICH frame
int m_neve
Number of event in the beamtest run.
int m_configuration
configuration number of the HAPD
This is optional (temporary) class that provides information on track parameters on aerogel plane,...
The Class for ARICH Sensitive Detector.
Pure virtual base class for all geometry creators.
VXD::SensitiveDetector< PXDSimHit, PXDTrueHit > SensitiveDetector
The PXD Sensitive Detector class.
Flag indiciating the type of geometry to be used.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.