void setFraction(double fraction)
set fraction of the component from the full materials
void setIselement(bool isElement)
set true if the component is a chemical element, false if it is a composite material
GeoMaterialComponent(const std::string &name, bool isElement, double fraction)
full constructor
default constructor
const std::string & getName() const
get name of the component
void setName(const std::string &name)
set name of the component
double getFraction() const
get fraction of the component from the full materials
bool m_isElement
true if the component is a chemical element, false if it is a composite material
double m_fraction
fraction of the component from the full materials
bool getIselement() const
get true if the component is a chemical element, false if it is a composite material
std::string m_name
name of the component
ClassDef(GeoMaterialComponent, 1)
Add ROOT reflection info.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.